Sanitizing the Textbooks for Islam

Below are excerpts from Fjordman’s latest essay at Dhimmi Watch:

I recently wrote an essay regarding how the Council of Europe, in close cooperation with the European Union, the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the Arab League and other Islamic organizations, are working to combat “Islamophobia” in Europe by all means necessary. Now the French blog Galliawatch takes a look at the CoE as well. This should be considered required reading for all those numerous people who still stubbornly dismiss Eurabia as a “conspiracy theory.” The CoE and the EU are implementing policies aimed to rewrite school textbooks throughout the European continent in order to provide a positive and non-threatening view of Islam. They are thus indoctrinating our children to accept Islam.

They are doing this behind our backs, without consulting us, and they can do so because the EU is constructed as a top-down organization where all crucial decisions are taken behind closed doors and imposed on the general public by an unelected oligarchy, who may or may not be bought and paid for by our enemies. Yes, this is a massive betrayal, but we should remember that it is a betrayal that they can commit because we gave them the tools to do so, or at least didn’t object strongly enough when they took these tools, maybe because we didn’t understand the full significance of them. The only way to stop this and prevent similar betrayals from occurring in the future is to take away these tools from the hostile Eurabian oligarchy, which requires dissolving both the EU and the CoE.

Resolution 1605 of the Council of Europe

Council of Europe member states should continue to be vigilant in their work to prevent and combat the phenomenon of Islamophobia.

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One would have thought that a “phenomenon” that was born the day Islam was initiated, and has existed with non-Muslims for some 1400 years, would no longer be deemed a “phenomenon.”

9. In light of the above, the Assembly calls on the member states of the Council of Europe to:

9.1. act strongly against discrimination in all areas;

9.2. condemn and combat Islamophobia;

9.7.6. encouraging the participation of people with an immigrant background in political parties, trade unions and non-governmental organisations;

9.7.7. taking all the necessary measures to eliminate the inequality of opportunity faced by immigrants, including unemployment and inadequate education;

9.7.8. removing unnecessary legal or administrative obstacles to the construction of a sufficient number of appropriate places of worship for the practice of Islam;

9.7.9. ensuring that school textbooks do not portray Islam as a hostile or threatening religion;

Read: ensure that textbooks be dishonest, ignoring the countless injunctions of Islamic hostility found in that religion’s primary texts, and countless historical examples, from day one to now, of how Muslims acted on those hostile teachings.

Go over to Dhimmi Watch for the rest of the essay and the source links.

Hat tip: LS.

5 thoughts on “Sanitizing the Textbooks for Islam

  1. How will they cover obvious instances of Islamic aggression starting with the invasion of Spain. There is no way to paper over the brutalities visited on the West from Muslim attacks conquest. Spain, Battle of Poitier, conquest of Constantinople, conquest of much of SE Europe, the slave ships out of North Africa, and on and on. Islam is a cancer. When will the Eurocrats stop trying to kill their cultures, countries, societies, and people? What kind of sickness is this.

  2. 9. In light of the above, the Assembly calls on the member states of the Council of Europe to:

    9.1. act strongly against discrimination in all areas;

    Well all-righty then. How’s about them starting with the most discriminatory of all areas, like the Muslim no-go zones and what such taurine fecal matter?

    9.7.8. removing unnecessary legal or administrative obstacles to the construction of a sufficient number of appropriate places of worship for the practice of Islam;

    Do these sub-morons not realize that “a sufficient number of appropriate places of worship for the practice of Islam” will only happen when there is a mosque on every city block of this entire world? How do these microencephalic @ssclowns even manage to dress themselves each morning?

  3. What is so alarming is the rapidity with which the Far Left has allied itself to the Islamic Caliphate movement. It strikes me that those of a Far leftwing leaning have a mental condition of which the need to be in control is a major manifestation. How else to explain this alliance with people who despise so much of the cultural ideology that Far Left stands for? Surely the Left understands that the accession to power of the Caliphate will bring an end to so many of their treasured beliefs? It is, as a now deceased gentleman once observed, like watching a nation building its own funeral pyre. From my observations, the group of people for whom life under the Caliphate would change least of all would be Conservative men.
    Because at the present time I’m not prepared to accept that so many millions of people (on the Left) are simply evil, I continue to take the view that they are driven by a mental disorder; a relentless need to control what they see as a chaotic world.

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