Supporting Geert Wilders

This is a follow-up to yesterday’s post, “A Letter to Canadian Government Officials”. A reader in Canada (whom I will call J.) suggested that readers should take action to help Geert Wilders, who faces possible arrest and extradition to Jordan on charges brought against him for making the movie Fitna.

After reading the comments to that post, J. asked me to add the following on her behalf:

Many comments are focused on the terminology that I used in my letter. While the remarks are interesting and have merit — my primary purpose in requesting this post was an attempt (which has failed thus far) to garner support and action on behalf of Geert Wilders. I hoped that readers would be angry enough about Jordan’s Court decision to write to their politicians in an effort to have the Court Order quashed. The individual who made the comments regarding diplomatic immunity has made some excellent points, and I will include those ideas in other letters.

Many people were excited about the release of Fitna. Wilders was viewed as courageous because he was not afraid to take on Islam. When the web site that originally hosted Fitna had to temporarily remove the film for security reasons, a number of comments were made at various blogs that people “stood beside Wilders”, while simultaneously blasting the server for being weak. Yet, as of this moment, other than the Baron, Dymphna and a few individuals — Wilders stands alone. Frankly I am both surprised and disappointed by this fact. What is happening to Wilders could be our fate in the not too distant future. We must find ways to unite and make our voices heard — otherwise we don’t have a hope in hell of winning the war that has been imposed upon us.

The Jordanian Court decision sets a dangerous precedent. If they manage to have Wilders extradited and tried in Jordan for offending Islam, the repercussions will be felt throughout the entire west. Wilders is a test case for them, and is an easy target because he is flamboyant. People will be able to rationalize this obscene Court order with excuses such as he went too far, and brought these problems on himself. Perhaps they will view it as a one time case to rein in a “mouthy” politician who was looking for trouble. But I assure you it won’t stop with Wilders. It could very easily be you or I simply because we write comments on various blogs that criticize Islam. They won’t give a damn if we use Islam/Islamists/Muslims/fundamentalist Islamic fascists or any other terminology. What will concern them is that we dare to criticize their religion.

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The recent UN decision regarding religion, in conjunction with Jordan’s Court Order against Wilders are just two examples in a very long list that Islamists are actively working to crush our voices. There are countless situations where people are experiencing serious problems because they criticized Islam. Frankly, it is quite frightening how rapidly they are managing to destroy the freedoms that we cherish in the west. They are picking up the pace because we have empowered them with our weakness and tolerance.

Many of our elected officials are either fearful of them, or owe them favors. There is also truth in the remarks made about the left (include the right too) and Islam using each other to destroy the west. All western governments continually appease Islam to the detriment of their countries, their citizens and the future for the next generation. I have no expectations that any politician will stand by other victims should more orders be given. There are countless examples that prove Islam gets its way above and beyond what is moral and right. If soldiers can be ordered to ignore perverts using young children as sex toys, our governments will hardly go to bat for someone who has been critical of Islam. Tragically the entire west, not just the UK & Europe, has become Islam’s useful servant. Our sense of national pride has been destroyed by Marxist ideologies. For countless reasons our politicians have chosen not to protect their countries. It is risky for individuals to be courageous and speak out when the governments that are supposed to be taking care of these problems ignore the issues. We live in very troubling times.

While I have no expectations that our politicians will do anything to stop Jordan’s Court order, I think it is imperative that we make an effort. If we are complacent or lose hope and stop trying, then we have already lost the war. Since the signing of the Lisbon Treaty, individuals in the anti-Jihad movement in Europe are greatly concerned about being sent to Muslim countries for trial. I seem to recall Fjordman discussing this issue in one of his articles. What is occurring in Europe foreshadows our fate. Every day there are efforts on the part of CAIR and others to silence criticism of Islam in the U.S. We know what is occurring in Canada with Levant and Steyn. Similar efforts are occurring in Australia. So folks while I genuinely understand your interest in terminology, I sincerely hope that you get angry enough to write to your politicians. Even if the effort is futile, for everyone’s sake we need to try and get Jordan’s Court order against Wilders quashed. If we are going to go down, we should not do so without a fight.

One final statement that I wish to direct solely towards the individual who can’t wait for Wilders to be arrested — one day they will come for you too.

— J.

7 thoughts on “Supporting Geert Wilders

  1. Do any readers live in areas with a Jordanian embassy or consulate? Perhaps protests could be organised-if nothing else, it might help to get word out to people passing by…

    (By the way, I’m currently in New York.)

  2. Forget about the Jordanian embassy. Instead, pay close attention to the Western politicians, bureaucrats, and left-wing operatives who encourage and allow this to occur. Take careful notes.

  3. Do as Trykkefrihedsselskabet did in Denmark recently:
    We are luckily blessed here with some very stubborn and brave women and men who arranged for this event.
    They simply invited the man and thereby made it possible for him to speak to all of us from the very heart of the Danish democracy; Landstingssalen in Christiansborg (The Parliament).
    Use the link and go see the speech (40 minutes or so) he made (Baron has published it before on GoV). Stunning. Well spoken and on-topic.
    What we all need, in my oppinion, and what really would matter is for this man to be allowed to speak in every parliament in the West.

  4. J.: Many comments are focused on the terminology that I used in my letter. While the remarks are interesting and have merit — my primary purpose in requesting this post was an attempt (which has failed thus far) to garner support and action on behalf of Geert Wilders.

    My own purpose, and I think that of others as well, was to make sure that the usual weasle words—as in, Islamist, radical, fanatic, fundamentalist, etc.—were eliminated from the equation.

    They won’t give a damn if we use Islam/Islamists/Muslims/fundamentalist Islamic fascists or any other terminology. What will concern them is that we dare to criticize their religion.

    It still behooves us to keep the spotlight’s glare where it most certainly belongs. The more messages sent that firmly identify Islam—and not its subsets—as the specific problem, the more that Western people will begin to comprehend the issue. This has nothing to do with Islamic sensitivities and the politicians who shamelessly pander to them. It has everything to do with keeping the truth front and center where it belongs. Education is one of the most potent weapons in our arsenal and we’d best use it to maximum effect.

    They are picking up the pace because we have empowered them with our weakness and tolerance.

    This is precisely why it is so vital to drop all pretense that “fundamentalism” or radicalism, or whatever besides Islam itself is to blame. I don’t mean to beat a dead horse but Islam thrives on tedious semantic parsing and the sooner we abandon such useless sparring, the fewer points Muslims will be able to score against us.

    Suze: What can we do?

    As an American, I will urge fellow citizens to contact the Jordanian embassy in Washington D.C.. Here is their email address:

    I advise addressing all correspondence to the ambassador, HRH Prince Zeid Ra’ad.

    Be sure to mention:

    Quashing the warrant for Geert Wilders

    Noting that Wilder’s arrest will be met with immediate demands for:

    Economic sanctions against Jordan including the withdrawal of all foreign aid and military support

    An immediate blockade of all Internet traffic, postal and international shipping to and from Jordan

    A boycott of all Jordanian owned businesses or imported products, goods and services

    A halt to the issuance of any American travel or immigration visas to all Jordanians

    A freeze placed upon all Jordanian assets located within the United States of America

    A travel ban to Jordan and halt to all Jordanian air traffic into or out of the United States

    The immediate expulsion of all non-naturalized people of Jordanian descent residing in or visiting the United States of America

    An immediate demand for the arrest and prosecution of Jordanian citizens who engage in hate-speech against Israel or the West

    Note: Please comment with additions to the above list as you see fit.

  5. In the long term, there’s something really obvious to do:

    Start more ‘Trykkefrihedsselskaber’.

    These genuine societies for freedom of speech will protect our right to say what needs to be said about Islam, and are great organisations for supporting Wilders, Hirsi Ali, Kurt Westergaard and other iconic figures of our time. They are being let down by Eurocrats and idiotic politicians, and we need to take matters in our own hands – in a correct, Rule of Law kind of way.

    A possible subject for a future conference (like the recent in Wien) might be inspiring people all over Europe to start such societies, an intiative Helle Brix, Lars Hedegaard and the other fine people of Trykkefrihedsselskabet will actively support.

    Actually, what is most needed for that is a handful of people willing to take on the task in their own countries. One needs only a handful of idealistic friends to get started, and I’m amazed how much press they’re getting for how little an org it actually is.

  6. contact the Jordanian embassy in Washington D.C.. Here is their email address:

    Thank you.

    Tell these cretins that in addition to reciprocating diplomatic immunity & freezing all foreign aid — all medical and educational visas will be put on hold or recinded. . .in response to a warrant issued for Geert Wilders arrest. Jordanians (and any citizens of any nation validating such a warrant)are welcome to seek all future medical care and advanced education from Egypt or Saudi Arabia or Libya – on their own dime, until further notice.

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