Gaddafi: Africans Not Capable of Democracy

That racist Muammar Gaddafi:

Libya: Gaddafi Urges Africa To Say ‘No’ To False Western Aid

KAMPALA, MARCH 18 — Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi urged all African governments yesterday to reject all Western aid which came with conditions, and deemed the democratic standards that the world powers want to impose as incompatible for the world’s poorest continent.

Gaddafi is visiting Uganda to address an Afro-Arab conference of 5,000 youths from Arab and African states, and to formally open a huge new mosque in the capital Kampala.

“They colonised us and now they’re coming with their aid. Any aid with conditions should be rejected,” the Libyan leader told cheering crowds through an interpreter. “They give you their aid and dictate that one should adopt electoral democracy, that one must adopt multiparty systems. All these work in the West, but not in Africa,” Gaddafi said. (ANSAmed).

Hat tip: insubria.

[Nothing follows]

10 thoughts on “Gaddafi: Africans Not Capable of Democracy

  1. Well, Gadhaffi is right and I can not see him as a “racist” once he has sponsored the idea of an United Africa since…

    But I didn’t come here to talk about Gadhaffi, I have fresh news that you should not ignore Baron.

    I mean, real jihad in the very heart of Europe. This shall not be unnoticed!

    Problems really aroused in Macedonia in Southern Balkans. That country’s History is complicated but I will briefly simplify it. It was the Home of Alexander the Great. It has been Greek ever since. Then, Slavic peoples entered the Balkans and Thracian peoples moved around as well.
    During the XII century the muslim Turks conquered it and that people had been fought a Jihad and have been literally dihmis ever since, untill the XIX century.
    There was a trouble because all the Christians (Greeks, Serbians and Bulgarians) had some claims over the territorry.
    It became Yugoslav and Communist.
    Then, it split off Yugoslavia and the Albanese muslims invaded it.

    THERE ARE 2 MILLION people in the country of which 20 TO 25 PERCENT (HALF A MILLION) ARE MUSLIM INVADERS (ALBANO-TURKS) (ALBANIA HAS THREE MILLIONS PEOPLE READY AND TURKEY SEVENTY MILLION). They are in government and rule the westernmost part of the country just like thay have done in Kosovo.

    The muslims have their own ethnic-religious party and they are in government. The country has also problems with Greece, because Greece rightfully does not accept the name of Macedonia to be used by foreigners. Greece claims that the Macedonian land is its own and that a considerable part of the Macedonians are Greeks. The Bulgarians say the same.

    Now the real news:

  2. Well, the European Macedonians want to join NATO but Greece, a member, says that Macedonia shall stop proclaiming itself as Macedonya, once it is offensive to the Greek heritage and the Greek people.

    The muslims want to join Nato as well but they also want the Europeans to recognise Kosovo.

    The European Macedonians know that if they do recognise such a Nation, a new Kosovo will emerge in the West of their own country.
    So they refuse to recognise it.

    Knowing very well the problems between Macedonia and Greece, the will to join Nato, and the proximity of the NATo reunion that will adress the question, the muslims (in the government) have made the government to fall and problems have started in the majority muslim West.

    The muslims have made an European government to fall in the XXI century!!! Literally! And some “can not see how the muslims see the world as a great miracle of Ala”.

    Greece did indeed rejected Macedonia joining NATO (THANK YOU GREECE!)

    The Macedonian government is a coalition of two parties:

    The Revolutionary Organization of Inner Macedonia and
    The Democratic Party of the Albanian People

    with the “move” of the Albanians, the government can not stand.

    The Albanians abandoned the government because:

    1) Macedonia did not recognise Kosovo
    2)The Macedonians do not extend recognition over the Albanian flag and language in their own territory!!! They do only in the West!

    This is REAL JIHAD!
    My ancestors fought Jihad generations ago, I can only stand with those who have to face the same enemies now.

    The news has been delivered. Now, spread the word!

  3. “Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi urged all African governments yesterday to reject all Western aid which came with conditions, and deemed the democratic standards that the world powers want to impose as incompatible for the world’s poorest continent.”

    This is why China is becoming so popular in the dark continent and the world. No strings attached.

  4. “Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi urged all African governments yesterday to reject all Western aid which came with conditions”

    This would be a good time to make all western aid come with conditions.

  5. It appears that democracy may not work well anywhere that tribal loyalties remain the organizing principle of a culture or country.

    In Africa, regardless of what a party’s name is, there is a tribe or tribes undergirding it. When a party gets into power, then that tribe is rewarded with government positions and contracts.

    I wondered what it was about Africa that made it impossible to get anyone but thugs into power and the x variable is tribalism. Even the worst leader such as Mugabe is kept in power by his tribal loyalists who don’t want to give up their goodies.

    There is a similar situation with North American Native tribes. Their chiefs do the same thing, distribute government largesse to family and supporters.

    Arabic states are organized on a tribal basis as well. In their case, elections merely eventually bring about the rule of Islam and sharia law, a totalitarian dictorship with sham elections if any.

    In all cases, the common people (members of the loser tribes) are left in dire circumstances, up to and including starvation, while the winner tribes hog the state’s resources.

    Democracy alone cannot cure the primitive chancre of tribalism without massive re-education.

    This is the money pit that billions have washed down without raising the average standard of living significantly. Africa has received as much as Europe did to rebuild after WWII and the different result is totally due to tribalism and enriching the few at the expense of the many. North American natives on reservations have also been lavished with billions that are nowhere to be seen after their chiefs handle the money.

    Gad-daffy duck knows that the tender-hearted West cannot stop its aid and watch millions starve (even though African leaders like himself don’t give a fig) so he suggests they get the aid with no conditions by holding a knife to their own peoples’ throat, like a mugger hauling his own family member about as a hostage while negotiating with the police.

  6. Once that the Cold War is so alive that nobody cares about what happening in Macedonia, I will adress Laine’s comment.

    It is absoluteley right. Europe too is tribal. The difference is that in Europe there are ethnic clean Nations so that inter ethnic or inter tribal conflicts are rare.

    In Africa and some parts of Asia, the countries are multicultural and is rare the African country that has a major tribe so, all the tribes fight viciously for power.

    Democracy is impossible this way.

    I would say that “different tribes” were one of the biggest problem in America through times. The difference is that in America there was a “strong tribe”, in Africa there was a big fight for power.

    Laine, I agree completeley.

  7. “It appears that democracy may not work well anywhere that tribal loyalties remain the organizing principle of a culture or country.”

    Works fine, I’d say best of all, when there is one democracy per tribe. Part of Africa’s problem is the way the borders were drawn imo.

  8. blogagog: This would be a good time to make all western aid come with conditions.


    Gaddafi: Africans Not Capable of Democracy

    Ten silver dimes for the first one that guesses exactly who Gaddafi regards as most suited to lead a newly united African continent.

    Hint: It ain’t Nelson Mandela.

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