Driving the Infidels out of Finland

This afternoon the Finnish blogger Vera sent us a note with the latest skinny on Finland’s recently-formed Islamic Party:

A few weeks ago you wrote about Finland’s brand-new Islamic party. And guess what — it already turned out that one of the founders of that party, Sauli Ingman, used to post messages on Usenet (under his own name, no less) expressing his wish to go jihadding to Dagestan and Chechnya, and asking for money, military equipment and Islamic training.

Having failed to find a willing Jihad sponsor, the man decided to run in the city elections from the Left party, but willing voters were in short supply, too. When Helsingin Sanomat asked him about it, he said that he was just letting off steam, and wouldn’t have gone there for real.

The the article in Helsingin Sanomat is in Finnish, but fortunately Vera blogs in English, and covers the story in Vera’s log. Here’s the second of Sauli Ingman’s two posted messages


Hello Dear Moslem,

I am Finnish muslim Sauli Ingman. I prayed even today five prayers to Allah!

I want to help Chechnya and Dagestani rebelling Shura. What are their homepages?

How to help them? How to join a war against Russia in Chechnya? Where to get a proper military equipment and who pays cost of my campaign?

How to send a money to Chechnya?

Why islamic countries do not help officially Chechnya, which is now in a desperate situation? Something militarily has to happen and soon!

– – – – – – – –

Let’s drive Russians out of Chechnya and Dagestan!!!!!!!

How many islamic voluntaries are fighting in Caucasia???

Please inform me about homepages and helping facilities and possibilities to drive indifidels out of Caucasia.

Yours sincerely

Sauli Ingman

The Finnish muslim (indeed!!)

There’s more over at Vera’s log. I’ll let her have the last word:

Now, maybe there is an innocent explanation for all of this. A lot of people post stuff they are not proud of when drunk, or maybe the guy just left a session open on one of the university’s computers in a public place, or maybe some evildoers forged the message. But I think it might be at least worth asking about.

3 thoughts on “Driving the Infidels out of Finland

  1. Vera, That’s probably it, Sauli, the good Muslim, who “prayed even today five prayers to Allah!” was probably just drunk and letting off steam when he posted on Usenet seeking equipment and funding for his Jihad.

  2. Actually I wouldn’t be surprised, but I guess this was not in fact the case.

    HS actually asked him. His answer was: “I was just annoyed by Russia then. I wanted to do something myself and to ask whether anything is possible. I surely wouldn’t really have gone there. It was just a way to express my annoyance”.

    The paper version of HS, which has a longer article, mentions that he was also looking for eavesdropping devices.

  3. His claims that he didnt mean it or was “just blowing off steam” reminds me of a scene from “Pee-wee’s big adventure” when he accidentally falls down and says “I meant to do that”.

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