Danica White Hostages Have Been Released

Our Swedish corrspondent LN just sent this report. No word of it yet on the web, as far as I can determmine. If I find a news link, I’ll add it:

At 16:25 today the five Danish sailors onboard the Danica White were released. A French corvette lying next to Danica White has taken them onboard. A release sum has been paid; the Foreign Ministry won’t tell how much.

Just reported on Danish Radio 1800 CEST.

[Nothing follows]

4 thoughts on “Danica White Hostages Have Been Released

  1. A release sum has been paid; the Foreign Ministry won’t tell how much.

    Sigh. I suppose it’s waaaay too much to hope that the “release sum” is just a down payment, with the balance to be delivered by JDAM?

  2. DKr. 8,100,000 = $1,472,000.
    Strange thing is that the crew is being collected by a French frigate, now mooring alongside Danica White ???

  3. Søfolk kunne for længst være frie


    Offentliggjort 22.08.07 kl. 20:36

    3F og Sømændenes Forbund kritiserer nu Udenrigsministeriet og rederiet H. Folmer & Co. for at have trukket gidseltagningen af danske sømænd ombord på Danica White i langdrag.

    De danske søfolk på Danica White kunne være frigivet for adskillige uger siden, hvis Udenrigsministeriet og rederiet H. Folmer & Co. havde taget imod fagforeningen 3F’s eller Sømændenes Forbunds tilbud om at betale løsesummen på i alt 1,5 mio. dollars svarende til 8,3 mio. kr. kort efter kapringen. More from Jyllands Posten

    Here are the first couple of paragraphs…

    The sailors could have been set free a long time ago

    3F(the union) and the sailors association are now criticizing the foreign ministry and the ship owners H. Folmer & Co. because they had let the hostage taking of the danish sailors on board the Danica White drag on too long.

    The Danish Sailors on board the Danica White could have been set free several weeks ago if the foreign ministry and the ship owners H. Folmer & Co. had accepted the union 3F’s or the sailors association’s offer to pay the ransom of a total of 1,5 million dollars which is equal to 8,3 million Danish kr. Shortly after the hijacking.

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