A Little Bird Told Me

The mid-term elections are out of the way. The new all-Democrat Congress is about to be sworn in to do the job the American people sent them there to do etc blah yak. Now it’s time to give amnesty to all the illegal aliens, institute homosexual marriage, bring our boys home, and…

Oh, yes: and start running for President in 2008.

Hillary is finally coming out into the open about her plans — as if any American with a functioning frontal cortex didn’t know that Hillary has been running for president since 2000, if not earlier.

A little bird told me…But the word is also out that there are certain elements of the Democrat party — including some big fundraisers and old-line establishment people — who are alarmed by the prospect of a Hillary Clinton candidacy, because they don’t think she’s electable. They’re looking for an alternative.

And the alternative seems to be Golden Boy Obama, whose campaign was launched on the cover of the Democrat Party Trade Journal Time Magazine. This is the well-spoken young man with the clean-cut good looks who is being groomed as the Not-Hillary, the man who can take back the White House and finally undo the shame of Republican governance. How could anybody resist him?

I have word from one of my contacts inside the DC political scene who says the “Draft Obama” movement has its eye on an ideal running mate for the ticket. Given the tenor of the times, the kingmakers want someone from an ethnic minority with a proven track record of multicultural outreach. They’re looking for a candidate who has the confidence of Islamic groups in America, who can help cement the growing strategic alliance between the Democrats and Muslim interest groups.

They think they’ve found their man, a prominent congressman from the Midwest.

Consider this ticket for the Democrats in 2008:

President   Barack Hussein Obama
Vice President   Keith Hakim X. Ellison-Muhammad

Is that a presidential ticket made in heaven, or what?

14 thoughts on “A Little Bird Told Me

  1. Baron;

    “And the alternative seems to be Golden Boy Obama, whose campaign was launched on the cover of the Democrat Party Trade Journal Time Magazine.”

    Ahhh, t’was launched before THAT.

    According to my parrot, who reads the Sunday WaPo before using it for a toilet,(and sometimes after), their editorial “Outlook” section bannered the headline:

    “Too Racist for Obama?
    Too Sexist for Hillary?”

    It might have been the other way around, since, understandably, the parrot wasn’t feeling too well.

    I thought it interesting that the “deep thinkurs” at WaPo couldn’t have saved themselves some ink by posting one picture of Condaleeza while bannering:

    “Too Racist AND Sexist for Condi?”

    The parrot observed however, that that might not exactly be whom they were trying to “frame the debate” in favor of.

    BTW…you DID know that that’s what sailors keep parrots FOR, right?

    You really don’t expect us to READ the fish-wrap, do ya?


  2. I couldn’t even begin to imagine a muslim, Prime Minister over here, and we’ve had lefties in charge for quite a while. There’d be a national outrage.

    Much as I might be tempted to gripe and whinge, and harp at how you’re having so many troubles (having been on the receiving end of similar sentiments quite regularly), I actually doubt their man Obama will get anywhere near the presidency either. The democrats will end up picking an old white male. They always do.

  3. vol-in-law:

    Webb is basically a pro-choice Buchananite/Dobbsian isolationist, with all the anti-Semitic baggage that comes with it.

    He ran a blatantly anti-Semitic ad against his Jewish opponent in the Democratic primary.

    If Webb were President, I’d seriously consider moving to Australia.

  4. Baron

    Being from Illinois I have been wondering who is sponsoring Sen, Obama and why

    He served a term in the Illinois legislature. His election was more an anointing than a vote. In office, he was liked by every one, considered a moderate democrat, and had one of the most left oriented voting records.

    He became a Senator when both his primary and general elections candidates became mired in scandal. Again, he is liked by every one, considered a moderate democrat, and has one of the most left oriented voting records. Reported to the left of Durban?!

    He has never run in a serious statewide election. His one election campaign against serious opposition was a flop. He has never been the principle sponsor of a bill let alone see it through to law. He has never held an executive position larger than his own campaign staff.

    Except for having a charismatic touch and being photogenic he does not have the basic experience qualifications to be a presidential candidate.

    For more. The author is one of the sharpest political commentators in the Chicago area. I’d call him a Paleo-conservative except he rejects the title, probably because when he was younger the Paleos were the Neo-conservatives.

    The Barack Obama Phenomenon: If the Democrats Were Smart, They’d Nominate Him. If Voters Were Smart, They’d Defeat Him.

    If he develops a good track record (from a left point of view) he could be a viable canidate 2012 or 2016 – but in 2008 he is yes man, but form whom?

  5. I call Bulljive. Nominating 2 inexperienced, Black Muslims from the Midwest? Yeah right. No regional balance, no qualifications, nothing to run on other than race/color? I yield to nobody in hatred for the left, cynicism, etc., but I can’t see this idea honestly being supported by anybody other than a gathering of stoned students at the local university.

    Unless it’s yet another example of Rove’s evil genius, tricking the Dems into this to allow….whomever… to steal yet another election.

  6. Hank F M:

    “Except for having a charismatic touch and being photogenic he does not have the basic experience qualifications to be a presidential candidate.”

    Parrot says that Obama reminds him of JFK in the House and Senate.

    Definitely photogenic, definitely glib, but lightweight in the legislation.

    (Parrot’s been around for awhile).

    “Being from Illinois I have been wondering who is sponsoring Sen, Obama and why”

    One wonders if it isn’t the Kennedy Machine.

    Obama paid some dues up at Harvard, and it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to suppose that the inheritors of old “Bootlegger Joe” recruited him for the organization.

    We know that the Kennedys have always had a “Most Favored Nation” relationship with Chicago and Illinois.


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