Malmö Update: School Closing

A reader from Scandinavia sent us the email below.

MalmöJust thought I’d bring this little update.

Some time ago, there was a mildly semi-heated debate on this blog regarding the state of affairs in Malmö, and I argued in length against the Swedish “journalist” who proclaimed that my statements were wildly exaggerated etc., etc.

He in turn offered the prospective student a guided tour to some of the hotspots I pointed out, to show him how calm everything really was.

Turns out he is kind of right 🙂 If he tours one of the schools I mentioned it will indeed be very very calm. Actually, it will be completly empty. The school has had so much trouble, violence and crime (etc, etc), that the city now is closing down the entire school(!).

I will not translate the entire articles, but for the sake of documenting it, they are Dagens Nyheter and Bergstrand – Krönika.

Basically, although one is more apologetic then the other, violence and crime were indeed, as I said, rampant.

It should be noted that the school had 95% of its students being “immigrants” (guess who…).

On a side-note, there were officially in 2005 more rapes in Malmö and its county Skane alone then the entire country of Denmark(!).

11 thoughts on “Malmö Update: School Closing

  1. Sounds like the immigrant school in Germany where teachers are begging for closure due to “discipline problems”.

    Funny how they all involve the same religious group.

  2. That’s an evil, Islamophobic lie! There are no problems with Muslim immigrants in Malmø, it was all made up by Fjordman, the right-wing nutcase. Just ask Mr. Anders.

  3. European appeasement has become celebrated across the blogosphere, with David’s Medienkritik translation of Henryk Broder’s recent article in Welt am Sonntag titled “Europe Your Family Name is Appeasement.”

    The suicidal elites in Europe cannot possibly represent the majority of Europeans. Their appeasement policies are so universally inept and self-destructive as to cause one to question their sanity.

    All that one can do presently is to continue to shine a spotlight on the problem and its cause, and hope Europeans wake up soon.

  4. Funny, considering Scania was once part of denmark…

    I have a suspicion. I suspect that Skåne alone is suffereng these problems far more than the rest of Sweden. When I was in Kalmar I didn’t see a single non-white face… well apart from that korean family, and the one black guy in a leather jacket but they were the obvious exceptions. By swedish standards Kalmar is a fairly large town. No mosques either. Plenty of churches and a couple of synagogues but no mosques.

    I further suspect this is why most people in Sweden don’t seem able to grasp the idea of a large problem in Malmö. Unlike, say, the UK or France, where there’s a large and widely spread immigrant population, Sweden is mostly homogenous. Stockholm is, as the BBC once arrogantly put it, “hideously white”. Even the airport had but a few non-white faces, and Stockholm-Arlanda is an international hub that serves most of northern europe.

    And this is where I get weird, now, because I tend to view things in a spiritual as well as physical and cultural dimension. Skåne, as I said, used to be part of denmark. The entire country is still considered to be “outsider” to the rest of Sweden; its inhabitants are the scandanavian equivalent of the irish or the canadians. Not quite right in the head, funny accent, bit slow eh? Anyway the point is, Islam is attempting to occupy denmark and scania, “spiritually”, and culturally, is part of that realm, so it would make sense that they’d try and occupy it too. At least it would if you’re strange like me. 🙂

  5. Archonix

    It sure helps to have context for the cultural ethos of the area under discussion.

    Thanks for the background. Except the Irish aren’t funny in the head, just unlikely to be sober…makes me wonder: what’s the Muslim immigration rate in Ireland?

    And fjordman: it must be nice to br so fluent in another tongue that you can even be sarcastic in it.


  6. What answer is there but a (hopefully) temporary swerve to the “right,” to antidote this invasion/infection.
    See the thing is, the individual viruses don’t know they are part of a global infection.
    Their clerics feed them only just enough to keep them on the straight and narrow.
    Yeah, they believe that islam is the “natural Inheritor” of dar al Harb, but the finer points mean little more to them than the invasion of islamic particles means to the average Joe White European citizen. They just suck up on the same feeding tubes we are all given. The average islamic resident in Europe just does not know that they are part of a subsuming cultural war.
    It will be pitiful should they ever have to face the impact of a turn-about in the hosts attitude to their continued presence.
    They just won’t understand that they were not invited to the party afterall.

  7. Dymphna, everything I learned about the Irish I got from my mother, who is a Ryan. I also got my liver from her. 🙂

    Anyway, glad I could shine a light on it. A lot of people tend to lump scandanavia in to one big homogenous mass, which is a mistake. It does people well to remember that the place had a history before the Atheniens had started writing their first poetry.

    And as fjordman demonstrates, despite the current crop of social “democrats” running the various nations up there, the norse spirit still lives on.

  8. Archonix,

    The damage to Scania that the Swedes are ready to accept (and has always been rady to accept) has no bounds. They have never, in spite of their boisterous, martial and pathetic attempts to declare the land “a natural part of Sweden”, accepted this Danish area, so different to their own country and people. So the Swedish claim to openness and integration is based on the fact that they have this, a foreign southern area, on which they will impose the other foreigners they so magnamiously welcome.
    The population of Scania, Halland, and Bleking is about 1,7 million in all today, it includes numerous foreigners. Had the Swedes not had their way with the land since the 17th century, it would probably have been 2,5 million, all but a few being Danes.
    I just can’t understand the Danish indifference to this tragedy.

    With regards,
    Kristoffer Mogensen

  9. Well I wouldn’t go that far. My wife and her family are from Skåne, and currently living in kalmar, but they don’t seem particularly rejected by their neighbours. To some extent Skåne has to shoulder the responsibility for any rejection and, seeing as it was “won” quite a long time ago it’s no surprise that denmark doesn’t worry too much. Skåne and Friesland changed hands so many times in the nordic wars it’s surprising they have any original character left.

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