Taking the Big Risk

EDL demo, Leicester

Since the launch of the English Defence League in the summer of 2009, many people in the Counterjihad have been watching it with anticipation, waiting for it to move beyond street demonstrations to form a real political resistance to Islamization.

A reader in England sent us an email this morning about the upcoming Peterborough demo. He is generally supportive of the EDL, but made the following observation:

The EDL video doesn’t help. The news is nine years old. Singing “We’re coming, we’re coming” with lots of braggadocio explains nothing, and the matter of EDL dress and hair has been well-discussed here before.

The video he referred to is the promotional spot for this Saturday’s demo. Although I can sympathize with his concerns, my assessment of the situation is quite different. I sent him this response:

I disagree about the video — it actually does help. The English working class is perhaps the most demoralized and disenfranchised group in Europe. What is needed first of all is to create a sense of solidarity and pride in simply being English, and that is what the EDL is building. They are attempting to reinvent England, from the bottom up.

I agree that it would be better if they lost the “skinhead” look, and took on more of a middle-class appearance to broaden their appeal. But the engine for the reclamation of England will not be the middle class. The middle class is even more fragmented than the working class, and has been corrupted by the all-powerful bureaucratic welfare state.

So the EDL does what it can. Considering that up until a year and a half ago, the only alternative to the Labour-Tory-LibDem oligarchs was the BNP, I think those “football hooligans” have really achieved something.

If you only look at the surface of the EDL — and focus on being repelled by its working-class appearance — you miss what’s going on here: the EDL is a genuine grassroots movement that spontaneously arose to resist the Islamization of England. It doesn’t have government backing. No political party or commercial interest or church is bankrolling it. It appeared out of nowhere when conditions were right, like mist forming in a meadow on a cold morning.

I, too, wish it were more middle-class. Yes, it would be nice if it had a respectable intellectual aura about it. But if its members had taken my advice — or that of our emailer — then the EDL would never have come into existence in the first place.

The underlying conditions behind the formation of the EDL required that it be working-class in style, taste, and outward appearance, because the English middle class is not yet prepared to risk what the “hooligans” of the EDL are risking in an attempt to save the country. The middle class is fragmented and atomized, and is deeply entwined with the enormous corrupt authoritarian welfare state that controls Britain today.

All that may change in the next few years, as the UK and the entire Western world harvest the bitter fruits of the financial crisis. The more people there are with nothing left to lose, the greater the numbers that will take to the streets. The spoiled-brat “students” who riot in London over the rise in tuition fees are just a tiny foretaste of what is to come.

The members of the EDL may well have less to lose than the comfortable burghers with their polite vowels, their nice cars, and their safe neighborhoods. But that doesn’t mean that they are losing nothing by openly resisting the multicultural juggernaut.

  • They have been arrested, tried, convicted, and fined.
  • They have been beaten up by Muslim gangs, UAF, and the police.
  • Their homes have been raided.
  • Their wives and children have been frightened and intimidated.
  • Their computers and office equipment have been repeatedly seized.
  • Their bank accounts have been frozen.
  • In an attempt to make them more compliant, they have been quietly threatened with false charges by corrupt police officials.

As much as I would like the English Defence League to be somewhat different, it has my complete support and my admiration. I doubt I would have the grit to do what those EDL boys are doing this weekend.

Moreover, they are the only game in town. So we’ll just have to let the EDL be what it is. When the time is right, its scope will expand to include other sectors of English society — all of which face the same deadly threat, whether they realize it or not.

In the meantime, raise a foaming glass to the “skinheads” and “hooligans” who are taking to the streets on behalf of the rest of England. They remember what England once was, and what it could be again. And they’re willing to risk everything they have for it.

They’re real heroes.

18 thoughts on “Taking the Big Risk

  1. Quote:
    They have been arrested, tried, convicted, and fined.

    They have been beaten up by Muslim gangs, UAF, and the police.

    Their homes have been raided.

    Their wives and children have been frightened and intimidated.

    Their computers and office equipment have been repeatedly seized.

    Their bank accounts have been frozen.

    In an attempt to make them more compliant, they have been quietly threatened with false charges by corrupt police officials.

    end quote.

    I expect these conditions to become routine and widespread for those of us who wish to remain non-Muslim and non-Dhimmi in the multiculturalist world.
    If you stand for yourself, understand the conflict between Islam and the West and talk about it, you will not be left alone to speak your peace.
    You will be hounded by the tyrannous majority.
    For the honest, the world will not be a comfortable place at all.

  2. Maybe the middle and upper classes should wake up. If they are so “intellectual”, why is it that they don’t understand the threat is real?

    The skinhead look means nothing. If they grew their hair would the cops leave them alone? Not if the agenda is to make everyone dhimmis and sharia-compliant.

    I am technically an “intellectual.” Just that I’m what the word really means. Someone who is educated and uses his/her intellect…not a snotty, socialist, commie, sharia.jihad-loving elitist.

    When our lives are almost over, do you think we think: “Wow, that person was “intellectual”..or do we remember the people who loved us, our countries and who bravely stood up for what is right.

    G-d Bless the EDL.

  3. One more thing that the EDL needs, in addition to losing the skinhead look, as the Baron mentioned, is deeper and more thorough knowledge of islam for debates, at least on the part of their leaders.

    I watched that wackjob done against Tommy Robison on the al-Beeb on Vlad Tepes and, when he said he knew about sharia from the web, I thought he’d have shut up the mahoundian he debated if he had studied The Reliance of the Traveler and quoted from it. My criticism is that, were Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff as prepared for her trial as Robinson was for that debate, I don’t think she would have any chance of acquittal.

  4. “If there was hope, it must lie in the proles, because only there, in those swarming disregarded masses, eighty-five percent of the population of Oceania, could the force to destroy the Party ever be generated.”

    – George Orwell, 1984

  5. it would be great if every site that counters jihad and islamification can have a page that identifies the core issues with islam and sharia which is incompatible with the west and threatens the west.From hate speech to gender inequalities and rascism.
    And every point evidenced by verses from the book of hate aka koran.
    Then it will be embarrasing for them to meet us in dialogue.
    Also it would be great if all occurances of hate speech by islam can be recorded so we can use the new european arrest rules against them for hate speech and offense. Because frankly when they scream death to the infidel, I am offended and consider it hatespeech!

  6. The middle classes are waking up, but are often paralysed by fear.

    Fear of the government, fear of those who are prepared to fight, and fear of the enemy.

    They are especially frightened to even speak aloud.

    This evening, my girl and I had a brief walk around out neighbourhood looking at the christmas lights. A woman on a pushbike spoke up and said, “I don’t care if the muslims get offended by Christmas, I’m glad people are celebrating it.”

    She was upset after this news item as well as the local swimming pool (Dandenong Oasis) having muslim only sessions.

    She was angry, but alone. What can one person do?

    I gave her my card, and my email, and let her know she’s not alone, and she’s not imagining things, and it’s okay to be angry.

    She may be one person, but so am I, so are the readers here, and so are many, many others who don’t read blogs but still read the signs.

  7. Oh, and speaking of England, a friend of mine is heading back home there for christmas with her parents. They are middle class, and while my friend thinks/thought the EDL were nothing but hooligans, her parents told her that they aren’t.


    I suggested that my friend get in touch with the EDL while she’s there and check them out.

  8. You note that EDL members have been attacked and intimidated in various ways by various state and non-state actors.
    The actions of a few thousand well meaning (and some not so well meaning) people who are without a political ideology, programme or organisational base will let off a bit of steam then fade into the background where it came from.Or it will be smashed to pieces by the forces of the left, Islam and our secret services and the police. This will then leave a rump that could in all probability turn to terrorism thus falsely vindicating the actions of the police etc in the first place.

    The Muslims are above all, organised, cunning, clever and know how to use the system. The EDL are none of these things. Well, they are organised, sort of. They may well be the tip of an iceberg of both lowermiddle class and working class resentment against what has happened/is happening to thier country. That this amorphous entity can save the country from its downward spiral is to enter the realms of fantasy.

    Only the BNP has any chance of doing this.

  9. In hoc signo vinces

    The spoiled-brat “students” who riot in London over the rise in tuition fees are just a tiny foretaste of what is to come.

    What went unnoticed was the large contingent of the very young working class – EMAs'(recipients of Education Maintenance Allowance) amongsts the spoiled brat “students”.

    The bottom line is any political movement looking for advantage must show its hand concerning food on the table politics otherwise the advantage will be lost to the left, this ‘children of Thatcher’ elite is about to destroy conservatism in the UK the danger is it will take the counter-jihad movement down with it.

  10. That this amorphous entity can save the country from its downward spiral is to enter the realms of fantasy.

    Only if you assume that they’re going to work within the existing rules of the game. The BNP tried that and failed.

    The EDL are following Sun Tzu’s advice: never let your enemy choose the battlefield. They’re choosing their own battlefield. That’s uncomfortable for people like you and I, who want things to change without really changing anything, but that’s because I, at least, have a lot to lose if things change radically in this country.

    They’ve lost their culture, their livelihoods, their rights and their representation. The EDL is made up of people who have nothing left to lose. Underestimate that at your peril.

  11. imnokuffar
    “That this amorphous entity can save the country from its downward spiral is to enter the realms of fantasy. Only the BNP has any chance of doing this.”

    Sorry mate but if you think the BNP are a beacon of hope then you really are entering the realms of fantasy.

    Not saying the EDL are the answer but BNP most definitely are not. I take it you know what is going on behind the scenes at the BNP and that they probably will cease to exist shortly.

    The UK desperately needs a credible opposition to the liberal elite. There are plenty of people out there with the qualities to take this forward but they are strangely silent (in regards to creating a political entity) for now.

    Anyway Peterborough will be interesting tomorrow!

  12. The other thing that gets lost about the EDL is that they are genuine patriots who know the important parts of their history. I follow them on FB and the outrage yesterday was over the desecration of the Churchill statue and the Cenotaph. They were beside themselves. Unlike the demonstrators, they know and respect who Churchill was, and what the Cenotaph represents. Easy to look down on the working class, but without them there really wouldn’t be an England.

  13. Baron you are right, about the EDL and the economy, first the EDL. For years I have been saying that the ordinary working people of Europe are going to be the ones to save Europe from the Moslems, the worse things become the more people will join the EDL. And many will be from the lower middle class, things are going to get nasty but even so things are looking up on the European political system.

    On the worlds economy, the house bubble is being re-inflated and the mortgage backed securities are appearing again. Based on these and other signs the people who predicted the last crash are saying one will probably happen between now and July.

  14. Richard, the next bubble is sovereign debt and currencies.

    The reason why middle class people don’t do squat is because they have a lot to lose if they’re branded racist. And the easiest way to make people care about being English, is you know, make English mean real English – you know, those that had the empire, not those that got conquered by the real English.

  15. Re-

    They have been arrested, tried, convicted, and fined.

    They have been beaten up by Muslim gangs, UAF, and the police.

    Their homes have been raided.

    Their wives and children have been frightened and intimidated.

    Their computers and office equipment have been repeatedly seized.

    Their bank accounts have been frozen.

    I have had this treatment for 12 long fkn years, I don’t mean now and again, I mean full bore constant every week. In fact I have 2 jumped up charges I have to answer in the Magistrates tomorrow. If you knew the latest story you wouldn’t know if you should laugh or cry. But let me tell you, YOU ARE NEXT IF YOUR EDL OR NOT !
    I am not bullied because I am a member or have an affiliation with any group, my problem is, or rather their problem is that I will never ever ever take establishment corruption and that’s why they hate me.

    Every friend I have ,like my self running a small business is having the same treatment, they are even followed round to check how much they charge for jobs.

    Communist Britain 2010, loving it honest…

    Go on turn your back, because your next , then your family and friends!!

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