Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/6/2024

In the upcoming general election in the UK, it seems all but certain that the Labour Party under Sir Keir Starmer will become the largest party in Parliament. However, a new poll indicates that Nigel Farage and Reform UK may well displace the Tories as the second-largest party in the country.

In other news, a group of Russian naval ships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, will visit Cuba next week.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, DV, LP, MM, Reader from Chicago, Upananda Brahmachari, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Financial Crisis
» Czech Pension System Faces Urgent Reform as Senior Population Surge Predicted
» ECB Cuts Rates Even as Inflation Fight Goes on
» Newsom Proposes Defunding Police, Prisons, Public Safety as California Faces Massive Deficit
» Overwhelming Majority of Small Business Owners Afraid of Biden’s Economy; New Poll Finds
» The Czech Budget Deficit in May Amounts to 210 Billion Crowns
» Unemployment in Germany Hits Record High
» 21 Attorneys General Demand Revisions to Law School Admissions Standards
» 334 Michiganders Registered to Vote After Their Deaths, Group Tells Court
» Biden Claims to Have Known Putin for ‘Over 40 Years’ Even When He Worked as a KGB Agent
» Biden’s ‘Perpetual State of Confusion’ on Display in Normandy Amid Rising Cognitive Questions
» Biden Says He Has Ruled Out a Pardon for Son
» Breaking: Trump Announces His Campaign Raised $400 Million Post-Conviction
» Breaking: 3 Trump Supporters Arrested Outside NYC Trump Tower After Unfurling Law and Order Flag
» Dem Opponent of Elise Stefanik Suggests Trump Supporters Need ‘Re-Education Camps’ After ‘MAGA Nightmare’
» Fifth Circuit Revives First Amendment Claims by Physicians’ Group Against Fauci Criticism Censorship
» Fired Meta Engineer Sues, Alleges He Was Fired for Pushing Back on Palestinian Content Censorship
» Florida Supreme Court Backs Ron DeSantis on Removal of Soros-Backed Prosecutor
» Fox News Poll: Biden, Trump in a Dead Heat in Virginia
» Gang of Thieves Trapped Inside Tennessee Perfumania by Fed-Up Shoppers Who Blocked Exit, Called Cops
» Hunter Biden’s Baby Mama Lunden Roberts: Joe and Jill Still Haven’t Reached Out to Meet Granddaughter
» Illinois Judge Rules Mid-Election Attempt to Stop Challengers is Unconstitutional
» In First Post-Verdict Poll, Trump Up 5 on Biden in North Carolina
» Jim Jordan Requests Interview With Top Prosecutor From Trump Mar-a-Lago Case Over WH Meetings
» More Than Half of Arizona Voters Prefer Trump Over Biden: Poll
» Number of New Gun Owners Since 2020 Election Surged to Equal Population of Florida: Report
» Political Prisoner: Steve Bannon Ordered to Serve Four Month Sentence for Defying Subpoenas
» Pro-Palestinian Protesters Arrested and Suspended After Barricading Inside Stanford University President’s Office
» Prosecutor Questions ‘Official Story’ for Why Soros-Backed DA Dropped Charges Against Election Software Firm
» Shooter Targeted People Wearing Graduation Gowns in Delco Shooting, Police Say
» Soros DA Wants Man Pardoned for Shooting Armed BLM Rioter Back in Jail
» Surveillance Video Shows Man Randomly Shooting at Passing Cars in California
» Trump Blasts Biden DOJ for Jailing Steve Bannon, Calls for J6 Committee to be Indicted
» Twitter Helped Spread Hoax That #WalkAway Was ‘Russian Influence’
» University of Pennsylvania Issues New Protest Rules, Bans Encampments on Campus
» Virginia Governor Says State Will Abandon California Emissions Standards by the End of the Year
» Witness Testifies on Finding Hunter Biden’s Gun While Rummaging Through Trash
» China Pressuring Canadian Media Execs, Journalists to Manipulate News: NSICOP Report
» Elected Officials “Wittingly” Assisted Foreign State Actors, Notably China and India: Report
» Feds Shield Names of MP Foreign Interference Collaborators
Europe and the EU
» ‘Are We Still in Poland?’ TV Debate Chaos as Polish EP Candidates Asked to Speak in English
» Dutch Pro-Chinese Party Denies CCP Financing
» Dutch EU Election Turnout Hits Highest Point Since 1989, But Fewer Than Half Voted
» Estonia Revises Procurement Plans: Will Acquire More Artillery Shells
» France Arrests Ukraine-Russia National With Explosives on Terror Charges
» German Teachers Warn Against Lowering Voting Age as Youth Shifts Right
» Germany Will Buy Another 20 Eurofighter Fighter Jets
» Largest Military Exercises in the Baltic Sea Begin in Lithuania
» Le Pen Reaffirms Ambition to Create Hard-Right EU ‘Supergroup’
» Macron ‘Weaponising’ Zelensky Ahead of European Elections, French Opposition Claims
» Meta Gets 11 EU Complaints Over Use of Personal Data to Train AI Models
» Netherlands Might Skip Next Year’s Eurovision After Joost Klein Controversy
» Netherlands: Syrian Father Reportedly Confessed to Teen Daughter’s “Honor Killing” in Friesland
» Orban: Could Back Rutte as NATO Leader With Russia Compromise & Apologies for Criticism
» Poland: Thousands Rally in Warsaw for PM Tusk’s Pre-Election Event
» Pro-Censorship EU Official: X Must Comply With Europe’s “Limit of Freedom of Speech”
» Right-Wing Parties in the Baltic States. Who Are They?
» Slovakia’s PM Fico Makes First Public Comments Since Being Wounded in Assassination Attempt
» String of Mysterious Attacks Across Europe Opens New Front in Russia’s War on the West
» Timmermans and Wilders Pleased With EU Election Results; NSC Lost Voters Over PVV Deal
» UK: Death of the Tories? Farage’s Reform Party Surges to Within Two Points of Establishment ‘Conservatives’
» UK: OnlyFans Model Who ‘Milkshaked’ Farage Slammed by Her Own Brother
» Putin Threatens to Supply Long-Range Weapons to Strike Western Targets in Response to NATO Actions
» Russian Warships Steam for Caribbean as Ukraine Tensions Go Global
» Russian Twitch Streamer Sentenced to More Than 5 Years in Prison for Criticizing the Invasion of Ukraine
» Russian Oil Revenues Increased by 50% in May Due to Sanctions Adaptation — Bloomberg
» Ukraine Uses US Weapons to Strike Interior of Russia With Biden Approval: Report
South Asia
» India: To Avert Murder Threat From Parents, Muslim Girl Left Islam to Marry Her Hindu Lover
Far East
» Japan Faces Record Low Birth Rate Alongside Decline in Marriages
» Tokyo City Hall Developing Dating App to Promote Marriage and Childbirth
Australia — Pacific
» Victoria: Councillor Suspension Over Gender Ideology Tweets Sparks Free Speech Uproar
Latin America
» Russian Naval Ships, Including Nuclear-Powered Submarine, to Visit Cuba
» Germany: Scholz Wants to Resume Deportations to Afghanistan and Syria for Those Who Commit Serious Crimes
» Half of Dutch Want Border Controls Between EU Countries; Impossible, Say Border Guards
» Illegal Immigrant Arrested AGAIN After Receiving No Jail Time for Child Sex Crimes Conviction in Baltimore
» Is This America’s Most Hypocritical ‘Sanctuary City’?
» People Smugglers ‘Take Advantage’ of D-Day Anniversary: 80 Migrants Including a Baby Are Rescued From Capsized Dinghy in the Channel as Perilous Crossings Are Launched While World Leaders Attend Historic Events Along French Coast
» Polish Soldier Dies After Being Stabbed by Migrants on Border With Belarus
» Polish Soldier Stabbed at the Belarus Border Dies of His Injuries as Pressure From Migrants Rises
» Portugal Introduces “Solidarity Visa” to Aid Migrants and Boost Affordable Housing
» Quebec: Francois Legault Calls for “Significant Reduction” in “Explosive” Immigration
» Venezuelan Migrant Who Shot Two NYPD Cops Reveals How He Was ‘Recruited’ to America by Violent ‘Moped-Riding Gang
Culture Wars
» Brooklyn Veterinary Hospital Fires Christian-Based PR Firm Over Refusal to Back Pride
» Dem Education Official Refuses to Enforce Washington’s Parents’ Bill of Rights, Claims Students Should be Able to Keep Gender Identity Secret
» Don’t Say “America”: Michigan State Has 140+ Employees Working on 222 DEI Action Items
» Elon Musk Questions UBC’s Job Posting: ‘Is This Even Legal in Canada?’
» Google Sparks Furor for Honoring Lesbian Latina Activist on 80th Anniversary of D-Day: ‘Couldn’t be Bothered’
» SPLC Expands ‘Hate Watch’ to Doctors Who Oppose Child Sex Changes
» Support for LGBTQ Causes on the Decline in Canada, Poll Finds
» Trans School Shooter Audrey Hale Wrote Journal Entry About Her ‘Imaginary Penis, ‘ Wanting to Have Sex With Women

Czech Pension System Faces Urgent Reform as Senior Population Surge Predicted

A newly released report on the Czech Republic’s pension system development presents alarming projections, indicating that the number of seniors in the country will surpass previous estimates by approximately 200,000 by the middle of the century. Labor Minister Marian Jurecka (KDU-CSL) emphasized the need for pension reform, citing the current data that suggests an impending deficit in the pension system.

According to the report, without significant changes, the pension system’s deficit could reach five percent of GDP annually after the middle of the century, equivalent to about 382 billion crowns in today’s values. Jurecka highlighted the necessity of last year’s slowdown in pension valorization and restrictions on early pensions, along with planned reform changes such as raising the retirement age and promoting higher employment, to mitigate this deficit to one percent of GDP.

Jurecka acknowledged the shift in predictions, attributing the higher number of old-age pensioners to increased life expectancy. While recognizing the positive aspect of longer life expectancy, he stressed the substantial increase in the elderly population and the associated financial implications for the pension system.

The report indicates that the number of pensioners will rise significantly starting from the retirement of the strong generation of Husak’s children from the 1970s, with the three-million mark expected to be surpassed by the mid-2040s. Despite projections of a subsequent decline in the number of pensioners after this peak, the decrease is anticipated to be smaller than previously anticipated.

Jurecka reiterated the importance of pension reform in light of these projections, emphasizing the need for decisive action to address the system’s challenges. He highlighted the government’s efforts to reduce the deficit through measures such as slower pension valorization, stricter conditions for early pensions, and ongoing reforms aimed at gradually raising the retirement age and adjusting pension calculations.

Despite these efforts, challenges persist, with the pension insurance system ending last year with a record deficit of 72.8 billion crowns. However, the report offers a more optimistic outlook, predicting a deficit of around three percent of GDP, down from the previously projected five percent, following the implemented changes.

Jurecka also noted the contribution of factors such as high employment and the influx of foreigners, including refugees from Ukraine, in maintaining the system’s deficit at one percent of GDP. However, he underscored the importance of continued reforms to ensure the sustainability of the pension system in the face of demographic and economic challenges.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

ECB Cuts Rates Even as Inflation Fight Goes on

The European Central Bank went ahead with its first interest rate cut since 2019 on Thursday, citing progress in tackling inflation even as it acknowledged the fight was far from over.

In new forecasts released with the widely flagged rate cut, the ECB said it expected inflation to average 2.2 per cent in 2025 — up from a previous estimate of 2.0 per cent.

Inflation in the 20 countries that share the euro has fallen to 2.6 per cent from more than 10 per cent in late 2022, largely thanks to lower fuel costs and an easing of post-pandemic supply snags.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Newsom Proposes Defunding Police, Prisons, Public Safety as California Faces Massive Deficit

Gov. Gavin Newsom, D-Calif., proposed slashing budgets regarding public safety, such as prisons and law enforcement, as the state simultaneously grapples with a crippling deficit and doubles down on climate goals relating to equity.

The California Democrat’s proposed budget, released in May, notes that “difficult decisions” are necessary to address the estimated $27.6 billion deficit, which is projected to continue for years to come. It includes a $97 million cut to trial court operations, $10 million to the Department of Justice’s Division of Law Enforcement and more than $80 million to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Overwhelming Majority of Small Business Owners Afraid of Biden’s Economy; New Poll Finds

Authored by Eric Lundrum via American Greatness

A new survey reveals that over two-thirds of small business owners are terrified of the state of the economy under Joe Biden’s watch, fearing that current conditions and ongoing downward trends will lead to them having to close their businesses.

As reported by the Daily Caller, the poll from the Job Creators Network Foundation (JCNF) shows that 67% of small business owners maintain such fears about the economy as it stands today, marking a 10-point increase from sentiments two years ago. In the same poll, participants’ perceptions of economic conditions for their own businesses fell from 70.2 to 68.1. Perception of national conditions fell even more drastically, from 53.2 to 50.4.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

The Czech Budget Deficit in May Amounts to 210 Billion Crowns

In May, the national budget ended with the third worst result in the country’s history. According to Minister Zbynek Stanjura, June and July should be better thanks to tax collection.

The state budget deficit reached 210.4 billion crowns at the end of May, widening from 153.1 billion crowns in April. The Ministry of Finance informed about it. The deficit for the first five months is the third deepest since the creation of the Czech Republic, last year it was a record 271.4 billion crowns. According to Finance Minister Zbynek Stanjura (ODS), stronger tax revenues and lower expenses in the energy sector contributed to the year-on-year improvement.

Budget revenues reached 721.1 billion crowns by the end of May, an increase of 9.1 percent compared to the same period last year. Expenditure for the first five months amounted to 931.5 billion crowns, which was 0.1 percent lower year-on-year.

“Thanks to stronger tax revenues and lower expenses in the field of energy, this year’s budget deficit at the end of May is 61 billion crowns lower than last year in the same period,” said Stanjura. He drew attention to the fact that June and July are usually surplus due to the quarterly advances of value added tax (VAT) and the payment of taxes by large companies. “Budget options for any other expenses this year beyond the approved budget will be known only after the results of the entire first half of the year,” he added. On the income side of the budget, the collection of personal income tax grew the fastest. In five months, it reached 57.8 billion crowns, 20.9 percent more year-on-year. According to the Ministry of Finance, the increase in wages and the reduction of the threshold for a higher tax rate had a positive effect.

The state’s income from compulsory insurance increased by 8.8 percent to 305.7 billion crowns, according to the ministry, this is due to the re-introduction of health insurance and an increase in the assessment base for self-employed persons. Collection of corporate income tax increased by 15.3 percent year-on-year to 46.8 billion crowns. 61.6 billion crowns were collected in consumption taxes, 9.4 percent more year-on-year. VAT collection increased by 6.2 percent to 150.4 billion crowns, which, according to the ministry, is positively reflected in the revival of household consumption.

On the expenditure side of the budget, social benefits have traditionally been the dominant item. Year-on-year, they increased by 6.2 percent to 378.9 billion crowns, of which 298.6 billion crowns were pension payments. Spending on support provided due to high energy prices decreased by 31.2 billion crowns.

Capital expenditures reached 63.4 billion crowns by the end of May, which was 0.1 percent lower than last year. Irregularly provided subsidies to the State Transport Infrastructure Fund, which fell by 8.3 billion crowns, and to the State Environmental Fund, which fell by 8.1 billion crowns, contributed the most to the decrease. Conversely, investment purchases by the Ministry of Defense increased by CZK 7.1 billion.

This year, the state should manage revenues of 1.94 trillion crowns and expenditures of 2.19 trillion crowns. The planned deficit is 252 billion crowns. Last year, the budget ended with a deficit of 288.5 billion crowns. It was the best result since the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic, but at the same time the fourth deepest deficit in the history of the Czech Republic.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Unemployment in Germany Hits Record High

In May, the number of unemployed individuals in Germany rose by 25,000, compared to economists’ expectations of an increase of only 7,000, reports The Telegraph.

Following an economic downturn at the end of 2023, Germany began its recovery, spurred by mild weather that boosted production, which increased by 0.2% in the first quarter.

“In May, the number of unemployed rose by 25,000, despite previous forecasts being up to 7,000. The unemployment rate in Germany stands at 5.9%. The spring recovery did not actually begin this year,” said agency head Andrea Nales in a statement.

Analysts believe that such growth will continue until the end of the year as consumption rebounds and industries benefit from more sustained demand. Despite economic difficulties, the labor market remains resilient.

Companies are unwilling to lay off skilled workers, so as the economy picks up, they are likely to rely more on existing staff rather than hiring new ones.

The previous indicator from the German Institute for Employment Research fell last month, and researcher Enzo Weber stated that the labor market’s strength during the economically weak winter means that the recovery potential is currently limited.

Analysts expect consumer spending to be a key driver of economic growth. This is due to people’s incomes rising, catching up with inflation in recent years. Real wages reached record levels in the first quarter of the year and are likely to continue growing in the coming months.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

21 Attorneys General Demand Revisions to Law School Admissions Standards

Authored by Chase Smith via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours)

Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti and attorneys general from 20 other states have called for significant revisions to the American Bar Association’s (ABA) Standards and Rules of Procedure for the Approval of Law Schools.

The attorneys general claim in a letter that ABA standards direct law school administrators to violate both the Constitution and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibit employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin.

Their demand comes in response to the Supreme Court’s 2023 decision in Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President & Fellows of Harvard College (SFFA), which ended the use of so-called affirmative action in higher education.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

334 Michiganders Registered to Vote After Their Deaths, Group Tells Court

Authored by Steven Kovac via The Epoch Times

“Whether by mistake or fraud,” 334 deceased Michigan registrants are listed on government records as registering to vote after their date of death, according to a recent filing in the federal Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF).

Nearly four years ago, the PILF discovered 27,000 names of likely deceased registrants on the state’s Qualified Voter File (QV).

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Biden Claims to Have Known Putin for ‘Over 40 Years’ Even When He Worked as a KGB Agent

President Biden on Thursday claimed to have known Vladimir Putin for “over 40 years,” despite the Russian leader having served as a KGB agent dating back to the 1980s.

The flub came during an ABC News interview with anchor David Muir as the president was visiting the Normandy American Cemetery in France to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

“I’ve known him for over 40 years. He’s concerned me for 40 years,” Biden said. “He’s not a decent man. He’s a dictator and he’s struggling to make sure he holds his country together while still keeping his assault going,” referring to Russia’s war in Ukraine.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Biden’s ‘Perpetual State of Confusion’ on Display in Normandy Amid Rising Cognitive Questions

The Republican National Committee (RNC) research division posted several videos on X that appeared to show President Biden in “a perpetual state of confusion” following his speech in Normandy on Thursday to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

The RNC research account, which is managed by former President Trump’s campaign and the RNC, rattled off several posts on X of the president in Normandy, with one video showing Biden bending down at one point, seeming to be uncertain whether it was time to sit down.

“Awkward,” the RNC captioned the video.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Biden Says He Has Ruled Out a Pardon for Son

President Joe Biden said Thursday on ABC’s “World News Tonight” that he would not pardon his son Hunter if he is found guilty in his federal cases during an interview in Normandy, France, where the president is commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

The president’s only surviving son, Hunter, is on trial in Delaware on three felony charges for false statements to obtain a firearm in 2018 while allegedly addicted to drugs, and he is also scheduled to stand trial on federal tax charges in September in California.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Breaking: Trump Announces His Campaign Raised $400 Million Post-Conviction

Speaking at a Turning Point Action event on Thursday evening, 2024 GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump announced that his campaign has raised $400 million since his conviction in New York City in late May.

“I just went through a rigged trial in New York with a highly conflicted, and I mean highly conflicted, judge where there was no crime,” Trump told the audience. “They didn’t want to bring the case. They could have brought the case seven years ago. It’s only when you run for office they bring cases.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Breaking: 3 Trump Supporters Arrested Outside NYC Trump Tower After Unfurling Law and Order Flag

Three Donald Trump supporters were arrested outside Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan Thursday. The group was reportedly told not to go into the street while they unfurled a giant Trump “law and order” flag in the street.

In footage captured by Oliya Scootercaster for, the group was heard chanting “let them go,” as police arrested the three.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Dem Opponent of Elise Stefanik Suggests Trump Supporters Need ‘Re-Education Camps’ After ‘MAGA Nightmare’

A New York Democrat running for Congress suggested in a Zoom townhall meeting that Donald Trump supporters need to be subjected to “re-education camps” for the country to “put it all together again” after “we’ve gone through this MAGA nightmare.”

Paula Collins made the comments this week when discussing how to get past the election in 2024, even if there is a giant blue wave in support of Democrats. Collins is running against GOP House Chairwoman and New York Representative Elise Stefanik, in the Empire State’s 21st congressional district.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Fifth Circuit Revives First Amendment Claims by Physicians’ Group Against Fauci Criticism Censorship

The US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has made what the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Educational Foundation (AAPS) calls a landmark decision in a case — AAPS v. ABIM — seeking the right to proceed with a case alleging censorship.

The case was previously dismissed by the District Court for the Southern District of Texas, but the appellate court took the position that AAPS did manage to support its claims with sufficient allegations.

We obtained a copy of the decision for you here.

AAPS, a professional association, believes that the actions of three other medical associations, and of the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, undermined the First Amendment.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Fired Meta Engineer Sues, Alleges He Was Fired for Pushing Back on Palestinian Content Censorship

Ferras Hamad, formerly an engineer with Meta’s machine learning team, claims he was wrongfully terminated due to his involvement with Palestine-related Instagram content. He alleges that Meta exhibited discriminatory practices and biased treatment against Palestinians.

We obtained a copy of the complaint for you here.

Hamad’s concerns began when he observed alleged irregularities in how Meta restricted content from Palestinian figures on Instagram, hindering their visibility in searches and feeds. A critical incident involved a video by Palestinian photojournalist Motaz Azaiza, depicting a destroyed building in Gaza. The video was mistakenly flagged as pornographic, leading to conflicting instructions about Hamad’s authority to address the issue. Despite being informed in writing that resolving such problems was part of his duties, he was subjected to an investigation a month later.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Florida Supreme Court Backs Ron DeSantis on Removal of Soros-Backed Prosecutor

The Florida Supreme Court ruled in favor of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ decision to remove a Soros-backed prosecutor on Thursday.

DeSantis had suspended State Attorney Monique Worrel in August 2023, accusing her of “dereliction of duty” when it comes to crime. Worrel sued for reinstatement, arguing her removal was an “arbitrary, unsubstantiated exercise of the suspension power.” Thursday’s 6-1 ruling shut down her plans.

“We cannot agree with Worrel that the allegations in the Executive Order are impermissibly vague, nor that they address conduct that falls within the lawful exercise of prosecutorial discretion,” the opinion read.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Fox News Poll: Biden, Trump in a Dead Heat in Virginia

Virginia is not widely considered a battleground state in this election cycle — or perhaps just not yet. After winning the state by more than 10 points four years ago, President Biden finds himself in a tie with former President Donald Trump, according to a new Fox news survey of Virginia registered voters.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Gang of Thieves Trapped Inside Tennessee Perfumania by Fed-Up Shoppers Who Blocked Exit, Called Cops

When a group of bystanders saw a gang of would-be thieves attempting to make off with merchandise from a perfume shop near Nashville, Tennessee on Saturday, they took matters into their own hands, working together to block the front door. The suspects eventually managed to escape via the back door, however in the process they dropped all their loot and left empty-handed.

The hoodie and mask-clad crew are believed to be between 16 and 20 years old. They fled the scene, and no arrests have been made. Though they did not take anything with them, their actions still caused damage to the shop.

According to WSMV, the incident took place around 3 pm at the Perfumaria at the Tanger Outlet Mall in Antioch, a town about 13 miles southeast of downtown Nashville. When bystanders noticed suspicious activity inside the store, they banded together to hold the front door closed from the outside, rendering the exit unusable.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Hunter Biden’s Baby Mama Lunden Roberts: Joe and Jill Still Haven’t Reached Out to Meet Granddaughter

Ex-stripper and Hunter Biden’s ex-lover Lunden Roberts told Piers Morgan in an interview on Thursday that President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden have yet to meet their five-year-old granddaughter.

Roberts, 33, who has a forthcoming book, told Morgan that she had suicidal thoughts after learning she was pregnant with Hunter Biden’s child and called her pregnancy “one of the loneliest times” of her life, as their “months-long” relationship ended when she told him she was pregnant.

“I went through some pretty dark times emotionally and mentally during that time,” Roberts said, adding:

I knew that, as long as I was pregnant, I wasn’t going to do anything to myself, because that would harm my child. So I didn’t think I would do anything to myself while I was pregnant. But I would feel that, after the pregnancy, would it be better for my daughter and for Hunter and everyone else if I wasn’t here? Because it seemed like a scandal, and a burden is what I felt like at those times.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Illinois Judge Rules Mid-Election Attempt to Stop Challengers is Unconstitutional

In a victory for Illinois voter choice, a permanent injunction was issued against a mid-election attempt by state leaders to prevent challengers from getting on the Nov. 5 ballot.

An Illinois circuit judge ruled June 5 a mid-election attempt by Gov. J.B. Pritzker and state lawmakers to stop challengers in 78 legislative districts was unconstitutional.

“The General Assembly can change the rules for elections, but they can’t do it in the middle of the game to keep challengers off the ballot,” said Jeffrey Schwab, senior counsel at the Liberty Justice Center, which worked with Illinois Policy to bring the lawsuit. “We are proud to stand up for these candidates and against yet another scheme to suppress competition in Illinois elections.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

In First Post-Verdict Poll, Trump Up 5 on Biden in North Carolina

In the first sampling of North Carolina voters following a Manhattan jury’s decision on Thursday of last week, former President Donald Trump is a five-point leader over President Joe Biden.

Conducted Friday through Monday, the ECU Poll of 1,332 registered voters had Trump ahead 48%-43% with 4% undecided and 3% saying they would support an independent, minor party or write-in candidate. The credibility interval, similar to a margin of error, is +/-3.1%.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Jim Jordan Requests Interview With Top Prosecutor From Trump Mar-a-Lago Case Over WH Meetings

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan on Thursday requested an interview with Jay Bratt, who is a top prosecutor on former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago classified documents case.

The request is Jordan’s latest focus on investigating people who are prosecuting Trump, and focuses on three White House meetings Bratt has taken since President Joe Biden took office. Jordan has accused Bratt of raising the specter of impropriety by taking the meetings.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

More Than Half of Arizona Voters Prefer Trump Over Biden: Poll

Former President Donald Trump is in the lead in a new Arizona poll published Thursday, which found that more than half of the respondents favored Trump over President Joe Biden in a rematch.

The poll, conducted by Fox News, found that 51% of respondents preferred Trump over Biden, while 46% of respondents preferred Biden. The five-point margin is higher than March’s survey, which found that 49% preferred Trump, and 45% preferred Biden.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Number of New Gun Owners Since 2020 Election Surged to Equal Population of Florida: Report

The number of new gun owners in America exercising their Second Amendment rights has surged — equaling the population of Florida since 2000.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Political Prisoner: Steve Bannon Ordered to Serve Four Month Sentence for Defying Subpoenas

Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon was ordered to report to prison on July 1 to begin a four-month prison sentence for defying subpoenas from the Jan. 6 Committee. Yes, the same committee that concealed key testimony, more than once.

Bannon was found guilty on two counts of contempt of Congress in July of 2022, however his sentence was set aside while an appeal played out. On Thursday, US District Judge Carl J. Nichols, a Trump appointee, unpaused Bannon’s sentence — ruling that the original reasons for postponement no long apply after a DC Court of Appeals ruled unanimously against Bannon.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Pro-Palestinian Protesters Arrested and Suspended After Barricading Inside Stanford University President’s Office

More than a dozen pro-Palestinian protesters at Stanford Universitywere arrested — and some immediately suspended from school — Wednesday after they briefly took over the president’s office, authorities said.

In the latest provocative campus action calling for divestment from Israel in the wake of the country’s war with Hamas, students and alumni entered President Richard Saller’s office about 5:30 a.m. PT, according to the group’s spokesperson.

They vowed to “remain inside the building and are refusing to leave until their demands are met,” the spokesperson said in a statement.

But within three hours, the building appeared to be back in university control after campus police and Santa Clara County Sheriff’s deputies took action, officials said.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Prosecutor Questions ‘Official Story’ for Why Soros-Backed DA Dropped Charges Against Election Software Firm

Days before the 2022 midterm elections, Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon brought criminal charges against an executive of an election software company, saying Konnech Corporation’s election worker management software, PollChief, sent data to China.

But after the action attained praise from Donald Trump and other conservatives, the far-left Gascon dropped the charges, and arranged to pay the executive, Eugene Yu, $5 million. He also placed the deputy prosecutor who spearheaded the probe, Eric Neff, on leave for 18 months, implying that he had bungled the case.

Neff has been gagged from discussing the case while he was on leave — an order which has now been lifted with the closure of the investigation into him. In an interview with The Daily Wire, he said his employer’s claims just don’t add up.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Shooter Targeted People Wearing Graduation Gowns in Delco Shooting, Police Say

Individuals dressed in graduation gowns fled from a car that crashed after it was shot at in an incident that happened in Linwood on Wednesday afternoon, according to police.

Officials with the Lower Chichester Police Department said the incident happened on Wednesday, along the 1500 block of Summit Avenue in Linwood.

Law enforcement officials did not specify a time that this shooting may have occurred, but radio calls referencing this incident came through around 3:45 p.m. on Wednesday.

In that incident, officials said, an individual on the street is believed to have fired into a vehicle near a Family Dollar store on that block.

Police officials said they are still working to determine if anyone in the vehicle fired back.

The vehicle, police officials believe, continued on and was involved in a crash and the occupants of the vehicle hopped out and ran away.

           — Hat tip: DV [Return to headlines]

Soros DA Wants Man Pardoned for Shooting Armed BLM Rioter Back in Jail

A Texas prosecutor backed by left-wing billionaire George Soros announced in a Tuesday press conference he is asking the state’s highest court to rescind a pardon issued to Army veteran Daniel Perry.

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas pardoned Perry, an Uber driver who shot and killed a gun-wielding protester during a July 2020 riot, in May following a recommendation by the state’s Board of Pardons and Paroles. Travis County District Attorney Jose Garza said he was asking the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals to order Abbott to withdraw the pardon during the Tuesday press conference.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Surveillance Video Shows Man Randomly Shooting at Passing Cars in California

SAN JACINTO, Calif. — Surveillance video shows the moments a man armed with a semiautomatic weapon started shooting at passing cars on a busy street in California, killing one person.

Julio Rodarte, 39, was arrested on suspicion of murder, and 10 counts of attempted murder.

“It’s so sad you know, very sad,” said Enrique Tores, who owns E& E Tires, located near the shooting. “In the back there were 5 or 6 people working you know, and I was afraid he would get in my business and start shooting people.”

He says he heard close to 30 shots during the incident.

The incident happened on State Street, north of W. 7th Street just after 7 a.m. Monday. The video was obtained by ABC’s Los Angeles affiliate KABC.

Rodarte apparently first stopped at a market in the area and attempted to buy a shot of liquor, but didn’t have enough money. He left and moments later allegedly pulled out the gun and opened fire.

First he ditched the clip, then the gun. Then, Tores said, he took off all his clothes.

“He was completely naked, and he just kept walking. And that’s when they called the cops.”

Police soon arrived and took him into custody. Multiple cars were damaged, one man was killed and another was injured.

           — Hat tip: LP [Return to headlines]

Trump Blasts Biden DOJ for Jailing Steve Bannon, Calls for J6 Committee to be Indicted

Donald Trump blasted Joe Biden’s Department of Justice in response to the Steve Bannon getting ordered to report to jail on July 1 to serve time on a contempt of Congress sentence and called for the J6 Committee to be indicted.

Trump posted on Truth Social, “It is a Total and Complete American Tragedy that the Crooked Joe Biden Department of Injustice is so desperate to jail Steve Bannon, and every other Republican, for that matter, for not SUBMITTING to the Unselect Committee of Political Thugs, made up of all Democrats, and two CRAZED FORMER REPUBLICAN LUNATICS, Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger, and Liz “Out of Her Mind” Cheney.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Twitter Helped Spread Hoax That #WalkAway Was ‘Russian Influence’

New Twitter Files documents released by journalist Matt Taibbi on Thursday revealed that then-Twitter knew that the coverage branding the #WalkAway movement were false but did nothing to correct the record.

Actor Brandon Straka launched the #WalkAway Facebook group on May 26, 2018, releasing a video stating that he was leaving the Democrat Party and urging others to leave as well. On January 8, 2021, over 500,000 accounts associated with the movement were deleted by Facebook. The group had been labeled as being Russian influence.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

University of Pennsylvania Issues New Protest Rules, Bans Encampments on Campus

The University of Pennsylvania (Penn) issued new temporary rules around protesting, including banning encampments after having to arrest more than 30 people on its campus.

The new rules ban encampments and overnight demonstrations “in any University location, regardless of space (indoor or outdoor). Unauthorized overnight activities will be considered trespassing and addressed.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Virginia Governor Says State Will Abandon California Emissions Standards by the End of the Year

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Gov. Glenn Youngkin announced Wednesday that Virginia will abandon California’s stringent vehicle emissions rules aimed at reducing carbon pollution at the end of the year when that state’s current regulations expire, citing an attorney general opinion.

In response to a request from Youngkin and Senate Republican Leader Ryan McDougle, Attorney General Jason Miyares’ opinion issued Tuesday states that Virginia isn’t required to comply with new mandates adopted by the California Air Resources Board set to take effect on Jan. 1.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Witness Testifies on Finding Hunter Biden’s Gun While Rummaging Through Trash

An 80-year-old witness in first son Hunter Biden’s gun trial testified Thursday that he found Biden’s gun while rummaging through the trash.

Several witnesses testified on Thursday, including Hallie Biden who dated Hunter Biden after her husband Beau Biden died. Hallie Biden told the court that she had thrown away the gun, which Hunter Biden had allegedly purchased illegally by not disclosing that he was a drug addict.

Other witnesses included police officer Josh Marley, the 80-year-old man named Edward Banner, and former Delaware state trooper Millard Greer.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

China Pressuring Canadian Media Execs, Journalists to Manipulate News: NSICOP Report

China was paying select Canadian media executives and journalists to act as conduits for its foreign election interference operations.

The media manipulation scheme was alleged in a section of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians report tabled in the House of Commons on Monday.

According to the redacted section, China’s regime was “interfering with Canadian media content via direct engagement with Canadian media executives and journalists.”

Specific examples included six sentences that were redacted. The report notes that the redacted portion described “examples of (China) paying to publish media articles without attribution, sponsoring media travel to the (People’s Republic of China), pressuring journalists to withdraw articles and creating false accounts on social media to spread disinformation.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Elected Officials “Wittingly” Assisted Foreign State Actors, Notably China and India: Report

A shocking new parliamentary report warned that some elected Canadian officials are knowingly assisting foreign state actors engaging in political interference, most notably working on behalf of China and India.

A report from the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians was tabled in the House of Commons on Monday. Despite the report being filled with redactions, it revealed that some elected officials are “wittingly” assisting foreign governments with meddling in Canadian politics.

The report said that the integrity of Canada’s parliamentary and democratic process, along with resulting public trust, has been undermined by the federal government.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Feds Shield Names of MP Foreign Interference Collaborators

The Liberal government refused to reveal the names of MPs who knowingly collaborated in foreign interference operations with nations like China and India.

A national security committee found that a select group of parliamentarians “wittingly” assisted foreign state actors with interfering in Canadian democracy.

In one case, an unnamed MP was accused of giving classified information to a known foreign intelligence officer.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

‘Are We Still in Poland?’ TV Debate Chaos as Polish EP Candidates Asked to Speak in English

A Polish State TV EU election debate ended with a spat over language after presenters asked the candidates to answer the programme’s final question in English.

The move was apparently designed to test the English skills of the MEP candidates taking part, with the presenters justifying the move by saying that the language was commonly spoken within EU institutions.

Things initially went smoothly, with Borys Budka, representing Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s Civic Coalition (KO) party, being happy to respond in English.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Dutch Pro-Chinese Party Denies CCP Financing

A pro-China political party operating in the Netherlands has denied it is being funded by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Investigative journalists claim a new Dutch Party called Nederland met een Plan (NL Plan/The Netherlands with a Plan) has ties to Beijing, with the group alleged to be receiving funding from organisations tied to Beijing.

NL Plan, which is taking part in the European Parliament elections on June 6-9 and has strong pro-Chinese viewpoints, is directly supported by the Chinese government, journalists from RTL and Follow the Money claimed on June 4.

According to the journalists, NL Plan “has strong links to individuals and organisations that are part of an international influence network of the Chinese Communist Party, known as the United Front”.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Dutch EU Election Turnout Hits Highest Point Since 1989, But Fewer Than Half Voted

An estimated 46.8 percent of eligible voters in the Netherlands cast a ballot in the 2024 European Parliament elections, according to an exit poll from Ipsos I&O and NOS. Once verified, that will be the highest figure since the 1989 election, when 47.48 percent voted.

In the last European election in 2019, about 41.93 percent of the Dutch electorate voted. The total was even lower five years earlier, at 37.32 percent, and in 2009 the turnout was at 36.75 percent.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Estonia Revises Procurement Plans: Will Acquire More Artillery Shells

The Estonian Ministry of Defense has adjusted its planned military expenditures, deciding to purchase more artillery and artillery ammunition by reducing other expenses, ERR reports.

The Ministry decided to increase spending on artillery systems, ammunition, and equipment for situational awareness, reconnaissance, and targeting. This increase will be funded by postponing the procurement of vehicles, communication equipment, and reducing costs for maintenance and overseas missions of Estonian troops.

“The main focus of the development program now approved is on ammunition. This is even more than in the previous plan — a total of over €1.5 billion. This is an exceptionally large amount. Secondly, the strengthening of artillery. We will receive two battalions of self-propelled artillery systems, and under the new development program, there will be a third one. The third priority area is situational awareness… The starting point for decisions was what would have the greatest effect,” explained Tiina Uudeberg, Deputy Secretary General for Defense Planning.

The Ministry of Defense’s development program sets out defense spending plans for the next four years and is updated annually. The current program provides for expenditures of €5.3 billion, which Uudeberg noted is €176 million less than previously planned.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

France Arrests Ukraine-Russia National With Explosives on Terror Charges

French police have arrested a 26-year-old Ukrainian-Russian man after he blew himself up with explosive materials in a hotel room north of Paris, a source at the French PNAT anti-terrorism prosecutors office said on Wednesday.

The man was treated by fire-fighters after he “suffered significant burns following an explosion,” on Monday, the source said.

A subsequent search of his room led to the discovery of products and materials intended for the manufacture of explosive devices, the source added.

The source said the PNAT office, working with France’s domestic spy agency, has opened an investigation into the man, who is suspected of participation in a terrorist conspiracy and bomb plot.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

German Teachers Warn Against Lowering Voting Age as Youth Shifts Right

A German teachers’ union has warned against lowering the voting age to 16 for national elections, shortly after polling data showed that the youth in the country are shifting to the Right.

Senior officials within the German Teachers’ Association claimed many teenagers are not yet mature enough to vote, despite Germany having opted in 2022 to lower the voting age to 16 for the upcoming European Parliament elections.

“Taking responsibility for the bigger picture beyond one’s own person is something that has to mature,” association president Stefan Düll told the country’s media.

“A large proportion of them are not at all interested in politics with its many facets.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Germany Will Buy Another 20 Eurofighter Fighter Jets

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced the purchase of another 20 Eurofighter fighter jets as part of the country’s armed forces strengthening program, Bloomberg reported this.

The strengthening of the Bundeswehr is part of the so-called “turning point” in German defense and security policy that Scholz proclaimed immediately after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Speaking on Wednesday at the ILA aerospace fair in Berlin, Scholz stated that European and German defense sectors capable of providing a sufficient amount of weapons and ammunition are more important than ever.

“I am firmly committed to maintaining and expanding production capacities. That is why we will order another 20 Eurofighters during this legislative period,” noted the German Chancellor.

Scholz added that this purchase is in addition to the order for 38 aircraft, which is still in the process of preparation. The agency, citing sources, reports that the cost of the aircraft will be 4 billion euros, including logistics and technical maintenance.

According to agency sources, the Ministry of Defense will appeal to the parliamentary budget committee to approve this project next year before the elections.

In his speech, Scholz confirmed his commitment to achieving the NATO target of defense spending at 2% of GDP in the long term.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Largest Military Exercises in the Baltic Sea Begin in Lithuania

The largest military exercises, BALTOPS 24, in the Baltic Sea are commencing in the Lithuanian city of Klaipeda on Wednesday, as reported by Delfi.

As part of the preparations for the exercises, 30 NATO ally warships with a combined personnel of over four thousand military personnel arrived at the port of Klaipeda on Tuesday. Representatives from the ships, which arrived in the port city, will participate in a sea coordination conference as part of the BALTOPS 24 exercises starting Wednesday. This marks the second time the exercises are being conducted in Lithuania.

From June 7 to 20, an active phase of exercises will take place in the Baltic Sea, involving the minesweeper Skalvis and the patrol ship Aukstaitis. The joint unit of naval vessels from the Baltic States, BALTRON, will also participate in the exercises.

During the exercises, tasks such as amphibious landing, fire support, anti-submarine defense, anti-air defense, mine countermeasures, actions of surface and underwater drones, and other operations will be practiced.

The main goal of the exercises is to provide allies with the opportunity to practice crisis response skills and ensure freedom of navigation and security in the Baltic region.

On June 3, a series of defensive military operations of the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) Nordic Warden began, aimed at enhancing the security of critical underwater infrastructure from the North Atlantic to the Baltic Sea. The exercises will last for a month.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Le Pen Reaffirms Ambition to Create Hard-Right EU ‘Supergroup’

Marine Le Pen has reaffirmed her ambition to create a hard-right “supergroup” in the European Parliament following the elections this month.

The de facto leader of the French hard-right National Rally (RN) party seemed optimistic about an alliance between the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), and the Identity and Democracy (ID) group with which it is affiliated.

“If we manage to unite, we can be the second [largest] group in the European Parliament,” Le Pen said on June 5, a day before the EP elections of June 6-9 kicked off.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Macron ‘Weaponising’ Zelensky Ahead of European Elections, French Opposition Claims

The French opposition has accused French President Emanuel Macron of “weaponising” Ukraine’s president to help his European Election campaign.

As part of his visit to France to mark the Second World War D-Day landings, Macron invited Volodymyr Zelensky will address French MPs at the National Assembly on June 7.

Controversially, the speech will take place during the election’s voting period, during which Macron’s political opponents will not be allowed to publicly campaign.

The opposition has now denounced what it called an “unplanned visit”, arguing that the speech is merely a vehicle for the French President’s electoral agenda.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Meta Gets 11 EU Complaints Over Use of Personal Data to Train AI Models

Meta was hit with 11 complaints on Thursday over proposed changes that would see it use personal data to train its artificial intelligence models without asking for consent, which may breach European Union privacy rules.

Advocacy group NOYB (none of your business) urged national privacy watchdogs to act immediately to halt such use, saying recent changes in Meta’s privacy policy, which come into force on June 26, would allow it to use years of personal posts, private images or online tracking data for its AI technology.

NOYB has already filed several complaints against Meta and other Big Tech companies over alleged breaches of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which threatens fines of up to four per cent of a company’s total global turnover for violations.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Netherlands Might Skip Next Year’s Eurovision After Joost Klein Controversy

The broadcaster which manages Dutch participation in the Eurovision Song Contest said the Netherlands might skip the event next year. While AvroTros has not made a final decision, the broadcaster was still angry about how Eurovision and event organizer European Broadcasting Union (EBU) handled a backstage incident involving Dutch performer Joost Klein last month, which led to his disqualification.

“Until AvroTros has confidence that structural adjustments will be made to focus on the artists and their musical message again, we will continue to deliberate over participation in the Eurovision Song Contest,” the broadcaster wrote in a statement on Thursday. “AvroTros believes that a broader, in-depth and truly independent investigation is needed to address structural problems.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Netherlands: Syrian Father Reportedly Confessed to Teen Daughter’s “Honor Killing” in Friesland

Khaled Al N. from Joure allegedly confessed to killing his 18-year-old daughter Ryan in emails sent to the Telegraaf. The Syrian man said he took his daughter’s life and fled to Istanbul. Sources previously told the newspaper that Ryan’s very religious family couldn’t accept her lifestyle choices.

Ryan’s body was found in the water along the Knardijk in Lelystad on May 28. She was last seen alive in Joure on May 22. She had been killed in a crime, the police said.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Orban: Could Back Rutte as NATO Leader With Russia Compromise & Apologies for Criticism

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has signaled the possibility that he could back Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as the next NATO secretary-general. Orban said that if Rutte wants his support, the Dutch leader must agree to a way in which Hungary can remain on the sidelines in Russia’s conflict with Ukraine should NATO get involved. He also called on Rutte to apologize for past statements he made in recent years, the political leader said in an interview with Hungarian news magazine Mardiner.

The current NATO secretary-general, former Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, has already said he plans to step down this year. Rutte and Romanian President Klaus Iohannis are the last two candidates for the job, which requires unanimous support from all NATO members.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Poland: Thousands Rally in Warsaw for PM Tusk’s Pre-Election Event

Thousands of supporters of Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk gathered in Warsaw’s Castle Square for a pre-election rally organized by the Civic Coalition Party. The event, held on June 4th, commemorated the 35th anniversary of Poland’s first partially free elections in 1989, a significant milestone in the country’s transition from Soviet influence.

Participants carried banners proclaiming “We are citizens of the EU,” emphasizing the pro-European stance of Tusk’s Civic Coalition. The rally aimed to mobilize support ahead of the European elections scheduled for June 9th.

Addressing the crowd, Tusk stressed the critical importance of the upcoming elections for both Europe’s future and the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. “I, for one, am very worried about the outcome of these elections. I would personally very much like to be with Europe, and I can’t imagine a different future,” Tusk stated. He underscored the geopolitical stakes, noting that for the Kremlin, political influence in Brussels is as significant as military objectives in Ukraine. “This fight over who will rule in Poland, and now the fight over who will rule in Europe, is also a fight to prevent war from entering our borders,” he added.

The Civic Coalition, Poland’s largest pro-European political group, led by Tusk, aims to secure the most European Parliament seats for Poland in the election. Success in the European elections would reinforce the coalition’s position in Polish politics. Tusk, a former European Council president, succeeded the right-wing nationalist Law and Justice Party (PiS), which had been critical of the EU.

PiS, in response, has accused Tusk of being excessively subservient to Germany and Brussels, highlighting the contentious and polarized political landscape in Poland.

The rally, marking a historic moment in Poland’s democratic journey, also reflected the broader themes of sovereignty, European integration, and the ongoing tensions with Russia, pivotal issues in the forthcoming elections.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Pro-Censorship EU Official: X Must Comply With Europe’s “Limit of Freedom of Speech”

Vera Jourova may not fully comprehend the unease many Europeans feel at having (paying for, really) nothing less than a commissioner “for values and transparency” — yet, that is her current high-ranked job with the European Commission.

And, she is not shy to chastise major social media and their owners as effectively ignorant — if not plain uneducated — about anything from language to law. That is, if and when they try to push back against censorship, or — because Jourova would not call censorship what it is — “Europe’s limit of freedom of speech.”

So much for transparency, not to mention, values.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Right-Wing Parties in the Baltic States. Who Are They?

Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, which simultaneously joined the European Union on May 1, 2004, constitute a trio of small states unequivocally supportive of the EU and NATO. Despite this, conservative and right-wing parties are relatively popular in the countries, which plan to change the political vector of the new convocation of the European Parliament. Voice of Europe reports on electoral trends in the Baltic States.

Moderate radicalism and skepticism

The number of MPs from each country differs because of the difference in population. The Baltic States are among the smallest countries in the European Union, so they are represented by a total of 27 MPs. Lithuania — 11, Latvia — 9, Estonia — 7.

Conservative and right-wing parties, which are expected to succeed in the European Parliament elections, differ in some ways in the Baltic States from their like-minded counterparts in the rest of Europe.

Far-right parties are often skeptical of the EU and, although they criticize the Russian leadership for invading Ukraine, they call for constructive dialogue and economic cooperation with Moscow.

Thus, in the 2023 elections, the far-right Estonian Conservative People’s Party (EKRE) won 17 seats (out of 101) in the country’s parliament. The current leader of the party, Martin Helme, is still remembered for his long-standing controversial statements.

About ten years ago, the politician said: “If you are black, go back to your place.”

“This was not only about black people, but also about Arabs and students of other backgrounds, about those who are virtually illiterate. They don’t know English — how they got into our universities is incomprehensible to me”, back in 2019, Mart Helme explained his son’s statements.

According to him, the Conservative Party is fighting to keep uneducated migrants from Africa and the East in the country.

Going back to the 2024 European Parliament elections, EKRE wants to stay in the EU. In doing so, the party seeks to take back power from Brussels, reduce bureaucracy and significantly reform European institutions.

Estonia’s elections began on Monday, June 3. According to polls, former Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu’s conservative Homeland party has been in the lead for the past six months. This political force opposes green measures and has called for greater control over the construction of the rail network that connects the Baltic States to Poland.

Love for Europe or fear of Russia?

In Lithuania, the flagship of right-wing/skeptical sentiment is the National Unification party, which was founded by philosopher Vytautas Rajvilas and his associates in 2020.

The political force declares that its goal is “the survival of the Lithuanian nation.” In an interview with Euronews, one of the party’s founders Vytautas Sinica said that Lithuania should remain in the European Union. At the same time, according to the National Union, plans for further integration into the EU “are not just harmful, but may even lead to the disintegration of the bloc.”

Sinitsa explains his position. He says independence is becoming increasingly “meaningless,” but criticizes increased centralization, calling it “dangerous.” According to the politician, it could lead to the breakup of the EU, making “the Italians, the French, the Dutch or even the Germans want to leave.” This would cause irreparable damage to Lithuania. The politician recalls the events of 2020.

“We must prepare for the possible collapse of the EU and do everything to prevent it. Ten years ago, people in Lithuania laughed when someone said out loud that the EU might disintegrate. And then ‘Brexit’ happened,” he said.

Sinitsa notes that Lithuania needs a strong European Union, not an exit from it. Strengthening should consist of more freedom for the peoples, not more integration. Therefore, the National Association supports the EU principles, while maintaining a reserved skepticism.

As experts point out, the Baltic states are states where the right-wing cannot use skepticism of the European Union to increase its popularity, as is the case with politicians in “old Europe.” The reason for this is the large support for the EU from the population and fears of a possible future invasion by Russia, which is regularly announced by politicians from both sides.

Although the right-wingers are extremely steadfast in their beliefs, this does not prevent them from gaining support from the electorate.

For example, back in April, a poll conducted by the SKDS center at the request of Latvian TV showed that the right-wing conservative party National Association was in first place ahead of the European Parliament elections. The second place, at that time, was for the Progressive party. The third place was for the New Unity of the country’s Prime Minister Evika Silinia.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Slovakia’s PM Fico Makes First Public Comments Since Being Wounded in Assassination Attempt

Slovakia’s populist Prime Minister Robert Fico posted a speech online on Wednesday, his first appearance since he was seriously wounded in an assassination attempt three weeks ago.

In a prerecorded speech on his Facebook ahead of the European Parliament election, Fico said the attack caused serious damage to his health and that “it will be a small miracle if I return to work in several weeks.”

Fico has been recovering from multiple wounds after being shot in the abdomen as he greeted supporters on May 15 in the town of Handlova, about 85 miles northeast of the capital, Bratislava. The assailant was arrested.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

String of Mysterious Attacks Across Europe Opens New Front in Russia’s War on the West

First, a warehouse in east London being used to supply aid to Ukraine burned down. Weeks later, an Ikea in Vilnius, Lithuania, mysteriously caught fire.

Swedish investigators were already looking into the possibility that several railway derailments could have been caused by a state-backed saboteur.

Then an inferno engulfed the largest shopping centre in Warsaw, Poland’s capital. It was Donald Tusk, the Polish prime minister, who began joining the dots to suggest the West was under attack by Russian espionage.

“We are examining the threads — they are quite likely — that the Russian services had something to do with the Marywilska fire,” he said last month.

His claims were further bolstered when a former Russian soldier was arrested north of Paris this week after explosives detonated in his hotel room.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Timmermans and Wilders Pleased With EU Election Results; NSC Lost Voters Over PVV Deal

Frans Timmermans, the leader of left wing political party GroenLinks-PvdA, said he was happy with the eight seats that his merged party appears to have won in the European Parliament elections. Geert Wilders said he was “extremely happy” with the outcome, with Ipsos I&O/NOS exit polling showing his far-right PVV earned seven seats. Meanwhile, the NSC was left wondering why its support has been decimated since the Dutch General Election in November, with party leader Peter Omtzigt wondering if his coalition with the PVV is the reason.

The GroenLinks-PvdA party was projected to be the largest Dutch party in Brussels, even though it will likely lose one of its nine seats. Yet Timmermans, the green social democrat, was deliriously happy on Thursday evening. “We can get started with this.” He hopes to bring solidarity to a safer Europe, and wants to “ensure that there is a Green Deal 2.0.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Death of the Tories? Farage’s Reform Party Surges to Within Two Points of Establishment ‘Conservatives’

Whisper it… Nigel Farage may be on the verge of killing off one of the most successful political parties in the history of the world.

The British press has warned for months of a potential “extinction-level event” for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Conservative Party in the upcoming general election, with Sir Keir Starmer’s left-wing Labour Party long being projected to take control of the Commons. However, there was no real suggestion that the Tories would not even still be seen as the principal opposition party in the aftermath of the election.

Yet, just days after making his shock announcement of a return to frontline politics, reclaiming his position as the leader of the Reform party and throwing his hat in the ring to become the MP for Clacton, a YouGov poll released on Wednesday showed that Nigel Farage catapulted his five-year-old party to within striking distance of toppling the Tories as the second-largest party in the country.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: OnlyFans Model Who ‘Milkshaked’ Farage Slammed by Her Own Brother

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via

The OnlyFans model who threw a milkshake over Nigel Farage was slammed by her own brother, who said he wanted nothing to do with her.

The Reform UK leader was assaulted after he announced he was running for election during a campaign event in Clacton yesterday.

25-year-old Victoria Thomas-Bowen was subsequently arrested for the assault and said she threw the McDonalds drink over Farage because she “just felt like it.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Putin Threatens to Supply Long-Range Weapons to Strike Western Targets in Response to NATO Actions

President Vladimir Putin issued a stern warning on Wednesday, suggesting that Russia could provide long-range weapons to other nations capable of targeting Western countries. This declaration comes as a response to NATO allies allowing Ukraine to use their weaponry against Russian territory.

Putin reiterated Moscow’s willingness to deploy nuclear weapons if its sovereignty is threatened, emphasizing that recent Western actions could severely undermine international security and lead to “very serious problems.” Addressing international journalists, he remarked, “That would mark their direct involvement in the war against the Russian Federation, and we reserve the right to act the same way.”

The United States and Germany have recently granted Ukraine permission to use long-range weapons supplied by them to strike targets on Russian soil. A Western official and a U.S. senator confirmed that Ukraine has begun using American weapons to strike inside Russia under new guidelines approved by President Joe Biden, aimed at defending Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city. Due to the sensitive nature of the matter, the official spoke anonymously.

Putin claimed that the use of Western-supplied weapons involves the military personnel of those countries in controlling the missiles and selecting targets, which he said could prompt Moscow to take “asymmetrical” actions globally. The U.S. military, however, stated that it does not control the missiles it provides to Ukraine or the targets chosen.

“If they consider it possible to deliver such weapons to the combat zone to launch strikes on our territory and create problems for us, why don’t we have the right to supply weapons of the same type to some regions of the world where they can be used to launch strikes on sensitive facilities of the countries that do it to Russia?” Putin questioned, adding, “We will think about it.”

During the annual St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Putin was also asked about the potential use of nuclear arms. He pointed to Russia’s security doctrine, which outlines the conditions under which nuclear weapons could be used. “For some reason, they believe in the West that Russia will never use it,” he said, stressing, “If somebody’s actions threaten our sovereignty and territorial integrity, we consider it possible to use all means at our disposal.”

Putin highlighted that even Russia’s battlefield nuclear weapons are significantly more powerful than the bombs the U.S. used against Japan in World War II.

In a three-hour session with senior news leaders from international agencies Putin discussed various topics, with the ongoing conflict in Ukraine being a central focus. He asserted that the West had missed opportunities to end the fighting, mentioning a letter he supposedly wrote to Biden suggesting that hostilities could cease within months if Washington halted its weapon supplies to Kyiv.

Addressing questions about Russian military losses, Putin refrained from providing specific figures, claiming instead that Ukraine’s casualties are five times greater than Russia’s. He added that Ukraine holds over 1,300 Russian troops in captivity, while Russia detains more than 6,400 Ukrainian soldiers. These claims could not be independently verified, and some Western estimates suggest that Russia’s losses are higher than Ukraine’s.

On the topic of U.S.-Russia relations, Putin expressed doubt that the outcome of the upcoming American presidential election would significantly impact their bilateral relations. “We will work with any president the American people elect,” he stated, adding, “I wouldn’t say that we believe that after the election something will change on the Russian track in American politics. We don’t think so.”

Putin also commented on former President Donald Trump’s recent felony conviction, describing it as “the use of the court system as part of the internal political struggle.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Russian Warships Steam for Caribbean as Ukraine Tensions Go Global

In a show of force perhaps prompted by President Biden’s authorization of Ukrainian strikes inside Russia using US weapons, a group of Russian warships is en route to the Caribbean, a senior US official has told McClatchy and the Miami Herald. White House officials alerted members of Congress to the Russian move on Wednesday.

The deployment signals Russia’s capacity to operate globally while still fully engaged its third year of war in Ukraine. “This is about Russia showing they are still capable of some level of naval power projection,” the official said. “We should expect more of this activity going forward.” In March, Ukraine claimed it had either sunk or disabled a full third of Russia’s ships in the Black Sea.

CBS News reports that long-range Russian bombers will rendezvous with the ships for combined naval and air maneuvers. Such exercises are not without precedent: Russia conducted similar combined-arms Caribbean maneuvers in 2019, and had a streak of sending ships into the Western Hemisphere at least annually from 2013 to 2020. Following the summer exercises, Russia is expected to engage in a worldwide naval exercise this fall, sources tell CBS.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Russian Twitch Streamer Sentenced to More Than 5 Years in Prison for Criticizing the Invasion of Ukraine

Russian streamer Anna Bazhutova, known on Twitch as Yokobovich, has been sentenced to five and a half years in prison for livestreaming witness accounts of alleged atrocities committed by the Russian army during its occupation of the Ukrainian city of Bucha.

French news agency AFP, via the Moscow Times, says Bazhutova was found guilty of spreading false information about the Russian army on her Twitch channel. The live broadcast originally occurred in June 2023, according to the report (although other sources, including Radio Free Europe, say the incident took place in 2022), and included witness accounts of massacres carried out by Russian forces. The government of Ukraine has made similar allegations of mass killings conducted by withdrawing Russian forces that left hundreds dead; Russia has rejected the claims and said evidence of the massacres was “staged” by the West.

At some point after Bazhutova’s stream, Russian bloggers supporting the war filed complaints with police, shortly after which her home was searched and her electronic devices confiscated. She was later arrested and has reportedly been held in pre-trial detention since August 2023.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Russian Oil Revenues Increased by 50% in May Due to Sanctions Adaptation — Bloomberg

In May, revenues from oil sales to the Russian state budget increased by almost 50% compared to last year as oil prices rose and the country adapted to international sanctions, Bloomberg reports.

According to calculations by the agency based on Ministry of Finance data, taxes related to oil rose to 632.5 billion rubles ($7.1 billion) last month. Total revenues from the oil and gas industry increased by 39%, the ministry said.

The sharp increase in revenue is linked to rising oil prices. The Russian Ministry of Finance calculated May taxes based on a price of $74.98 per barrel compared to $58.63 per barrel a year ago. The discount to the global price of Brent crude oil has narrowed, despite price restrictions imposed by the Group of Seven (G7) countries.

G7 measures aim to reduce the inflow of petrodollars — crucial for funding the war against Ukraine — by restricting access to Western transport and insurance services, while keeping Russian oil in the global market. Moscow has adapted to the restrictions, including the EU ban on Russian oil imports, by using a vast fleet of tankers and selling its oil to Asian clients.

In May, according to Bloomberg’s calculations, revenues to the oil and gas budget decreased by more than 35% on a monthly basis. This decline reflects the fact that one of Russia’s key oil taxes — the so-called profit tax — is paid four times a year: in March, April, July, and October.

In recent months, drone attacks on Russian oil refineries have increased. Kyiv has confirmed involvement in some of them. These strikes are likely part of an attempt to reduce fuel supplies to Russian military forces and could also reduce export revenues, which Moscow uses to fund the war.

According to British intelligence, as of March 23, Russia has lost at least 10% of its oil refining capacity due to drone strikes. London believes that these strikes are causing financial losses for Russia, affecting its domestic fuel market.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Ukraine Uses US Weapons to Strike Interior of Russia With Biden Approval: Report

Ukraine struck the interior of Russia after the Biden administration gave the green light to the war-torn country last week. A Ukrainian official confirmed that US-made High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) were used in the strike on Russia’s interior.

Ukrainian parliament member Yehor Cherniev confirmed that the HIMARS rockets were used to attack a logistics and artillery center in Russia near Ukraine’s northern region of Kharkiv. The Kremlin has been conducting an offense in the region to take more of Ukraine in recent weeks, according to a report from The Hill.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

India: To Avert Murder Threat From Parents, Muslim Girl Left Islam to Marry Her Hindu Lover

Bareilly (UP): ‘Gulfsha’ became the ‘Roshni’ of the ‘Suraj’: When her Muslim mother tried to kill her, she left the house, changed her religion and married her Hindu lover.

Sreejeeta Saxena | HENB | Bareilly | June 5, 2024:: Gulfsha Bano, a girl from a Muslim family of Sitapur, accepted Hindu faith for the sake of her love. Gulfsha will now be known as Roshni Pal. She married her lover Suraj Pal, a resident of Badaun, in the presence of Acharya KK Shankhdhar at the Agastya Muni Ashram in Uttar Pradesh’s Bareilly.

Before marriage, Gulfsha was converted to Hinduism through a Suddhi Havan and other Shastriye Vidhividhan (scriptural rituals).

Friendship turned love

Gulfsha, who studied upto class seven, said that she is a resident of village Sheikhwapur in Talgaon area of Sitapur. She first met Suraj, a resident of Katgaon in Badaun, four years ago in Panipat district of Haryana. Suraj used to work as a tailor in a factory.

Gulfsha used to work as a sweeper in this factory. She belongs to a poor family. Apart from her mother and father, she has four other sisters. While working together, Gulfsha and Suraj first became friends and later fell in love with each other.

Family members tried to kill her

When Gulfsha conveyed about her proposal for marrying a Hindu youth Suraj, her Muslim family members got angry. According to Gulfsha, her mother tried to kill her by pushing her from the roof. Her father said that if she did not stop talking to Suraj, he would kill her and throw her body somewhere.

Gulfsha said that she was an adult and that she was marrying of her own free will and left the house. Both of them came to Bareilly and got married. Apart from Suraj’s family, people associated with Hindu organizations also attended the wedding. Gulfsha said that she is very happy to have married Suraj.

Gulfsha, now known as Roshni, said to HENB, “ I have also been attracted to Sanatan Dharma since my childhood for its greatness, liberal attitude and generosity. I have determined to serve this great religion with my best effort.”

           — Hat tip: Upananda Brahmachari [Return to headlines]

Japan Faces Record Low Birth Rate Alongside Decline in Marriages

Japan’s birth rate has hit a historic low, marking the eighth consecutive year of decline, according to Health Ministry data released on Wednesday. The government, describing the situation as critical, calls for urgent action to reverse this trend, as reported by AP.

This decline highlights Japan’s enduring challenges of an aging and shrinking population, posing significant implications for the economy and national security, particularly amidst China’s escalating presence in the region.

In 2023, Japan’s fertility rate dropped to 1.2, with 727,277 births recorded, down 5.6% from the previous year — the lowest since records began in 1899.

Marriages also saw a decline of 6%, totaling 474,717 unions last year, attributed as a major factor in the falling birth rate. In Japan’s predominantly traditional society, out-of-wedlock births are uncommon as family values are highly esteemed.

The data release coincides with Japan’s parliament approving revisions to laws aimed at bolstering financial support for parents and expanding childcare services. However, experts argue these measures primarily cater to married couples, overlooking the increasing number of young people reluctant to marry.

Younger Japanese are increasingly disinclined to marry or have children due to bleak job prospects, soaring living costs, and a corporate culture biased against women and working mothers.

Japan’s population, projected to decline to 87 million by 2070, with a significant aging demographic, underscores the urgent need for comprehensive policies to address these demographic challenges.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Tokyo City Hall Developing Dating App to Promote Marriage and Childbirth

Tokyo City Hall is launching a new initiative called “Tokyo Futari Story,” aiming to encourage marriage and childbirth in Japan. The effort is designed to help create couples, or “futari,” in a society where being alone, or “hitori,” is becoming increasingly common, as reported by AP.

While a website providing advice and general information for potential couples is already available, a dating app is currently in development. A city official announced on Thursday that they hope to release the app later this year, accessible via phone or web.

Details of the app are still being finalized. City Hall has not commented on Japanese media reports suggesting that the app will require users to verify their identity with documents such as a driver’s license and tax records, as well as a signed form indicating their readiness for marriage.

Marriage rates in Japan are declining, with the country’s birth rate hitting an all-time low, according to health ministry data released Wednesday. Last year saw 474,717 marriages, down from 504,930 in 2022, while births dropped to 727,277 from 770,759.

Reports also speculated that the app might request information about height, job, and education, but the official denied that any specifics had been decided.

On a national level, the Japanese government is addressing a severe labor shortage by offering financial incentives for families with children and supporting childcare facilities. Immigration policies have also been relaxed to encourage more foreign workers.

During the “baby boom” era of the 1970s, Japan saw over 2 million births annually. However, like many young adults worldwide today, fewer Japanese are interested in traditional marriage or having children.

Concerns have been raised that Japanese workplace norms often lead to long working hours, leaving little opportunity to meet people outside of work. Additionally, some argue that raising children is prohibitively expensive.

Tokyo City Hall is also sponsoring events where singles can meet, offering marriage counseling for couples, and creating personalized manga comics or songs about couples’ first meeting stories.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Victoria: Councillor Suspension Over Gender Ideology Tweets Sparks Free Speech Uproar

In Victoria’s Latrobe Valley, a debate over free speech has emerged following the suspension of Councillor Melissa Ferguson for her refusal to apologize for tweets that alleged the harms of gender ideology to women and children. Some of the tweets that Ferguson is being published over, were, in fact, retweets of other’s remarks.

Ferguson’s suspension has ignited a fierce debate.

Rachael Wong, CEO of Women’s Forum Australia, posted on X, “All of the tweets relate to the rights and safety of women and children, and weaponising them against her is harassment, an affront to free speech, and a shameful abuse of power.”

Wong also shared the tweets that Ferguson was challenged for sharing.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Russian Naval Ships, Including Nuclear-Powered Submarine, to Visit Cuba

Havana, Cuba (CNN) — A group of Russian naval ships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, will visit Cuba next week as part of “historically friendly relations,” Cuba’s government said Thursday.

The Russian “frigate Gorshkov, the nuclear-powered submarine Kazan, the fleet oil tanker Pashin, and the rescue tug Nikolai Chiker” will visit the port of Havana between June 12 and 17, according to the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces in a statement published by the Foreign Ministry.

Cuba says none of the ships carry nuclear weapons and insists that their stopover does not represent a threat to the region.

“Visits by naval units from other countries are a historical practice of the revolutionary government with nations that maintain relations of friendship and collaboration,” the statement added.

Moscow has not confirmed the information provided by Cuba. CNN has reached out to the Russian government for comment.

           — Hat tip: Dean [Return to headlines]

Germany: Scholz Wants to Resume Deportations to Afghanistan and Syria for Those Who Commit Serious Crimes

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has expressed support for deporting individuals who commit serious crimes to countries with challenging security situations, such as Afghanistan and Syria, during a speech in the Bundestag, reports Tagesschau.

The German head of government stated that deportation rules will be strengthened “so that tolerating terrorist crimes becomes grounds for deportation.”

“These criminals need to be deported, even if they come from Syria and Afghanistan,” Scholz said, adding that in such cases, Germany’s security interests outweigh the offender’s right to protection.

He mentioned that the Ministry of the Interior is negotiating the practical implementation of these plans with countries neighboring Afghanistan. At the same time, he cautioned against placing the 20 million people with a migrant background under general suspicion.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Half of Dutch Want Border Controls Between EU Countries; Impossible, Say Border Guards

Almost half of Dutch people want border controls between EU countries to be reinstated to reduce immigration, according to the Kieskompas. But completely closing the Dutch borers is not possible, said the Koninklijke Marechaussee, the policing force responsible for border security in the Netherlands.

Over 51,000 people filled out the Kieskompas, a voting guide released before elections to help voters pick the party that best aligns with their beliefs and values. This time, one of the statements was: “To reduce immigration, border controls between EU countries must be reinstated.” Nearly half of the respondents responded “yes” to that statement.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Illegal Immigrant Arrested AGAIN After Receiving No Jail Time for Child Sex Crimes Conviction in Baltimore

An illegal immigrant convicted of child sex crimes in Maryland has been apprehended by Immigration and Customs Enforcement weeks after he was released from custody by a Baltimore County judge. Raul Calderon-Interiano, 25, was sentenced to six years behind bars after being found guilty of a fourth-degree sex offense and second-degree assault involving a minor. However, Judge Jan Marshall Alexander decided to eliminate the prison portion of the punishment.

ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations division had asked the court to hold Calderon-Interiano in custody, however that request was not granted and he was set free. He was re-arrested by ERO agents near his home on May 29, and will remain under the watch of ICE pending his removal from the country.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Is This America’s Most Hypocritical ‘Sanctuary City’?

Liberal metropolis rejects more asylum seekers than any other

It bills itself as a compassionate sanctuary city, but New York City rejects more asylum seeker applications than any other city in the United States.

While the city has a right to shelter law that has housed tens of thousands of migrants over the last year, it is the toughest place to win an asylum claim, as reported by The New York Times.

According to Human Rights First, only five percent of asylum claims were granted in NYC in 2020, compared to the national rate of 28 percent. In 2021, the city granted 7 percent.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

People Smugglers ‘Take Advantage’ of D-Day Anniversary: 80 Migrants Including a Baby Are Rescued From Capsized Dinghy in the Channel as Perilous Crossings Are Launched While World Leaders Attend Historic Events Along French Coast

People smugglers were today accused of taking advantage of D-Day commemorations after launching perilous crossings while world leaders attended historic events along the French coast.

Around 80 migrants including a baby and two other children were rescued this morning after a dinghy capsized in the Channel.

The boat is believed to have set off from Calais, before getting into difficulty and sending out a mayday to the Coastguard.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Polish Soldier Dies After Being Stabbed by Migrants on Border With Belarus

WARSAW (Reuters) — A Polish soldier died on Thursday after he was stabbed on the border with Belarus by migrants trying to cross into the European Union, the army said, while Warsaw said it would demand Belarus hand over the person responsible for his death.

The border has been a flashpoint since migrants started flocking there in 2021, after Belarus, a close Russian ally, opened travel agencies in the Middle East offering a new unofficial route into Europe — a move the European Union said was designed to create a crisis.

A soldier of the 1st Armoured Brigade, refered to only by his first name Mateusz, had been stabbed by migrants trying to cross a fence on the border in late May. The army said he died on Thursday.

“Despite the help provided in the area of ??the criminal attack on the border with Belarus and the efforts of doctors, his life could not be saved,” it said in a statement.

In recent weeks there has been an increase in the number of migrants trying to cross illegally and border guards have reported a number of violent incidents.

“We demand that (Belarussian) authorities establish the identity of this murderer and hand him over to Polish authorities,” Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said.

A protest note would be handed to the Belarussian charge d’affaires later on Thursday, he said.

           — Hat tip: MM [Return to headlines]

Polish Soldier Stabbed at the Belarus Border Dies of His Injuries as Pressure From Migrants Rises

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — A Polish soldier who was stabbed last month at the eastern border with Belarus has died, Poland’s military said Thursday. It said earlier the soldier was stabbed in the chest by a migrant who reached through the bars of the border barrier.

The soldier was hospitalized in serious condition in the town of Hajnowka. On Thursday he was taken to a military hospital in Warsaw but died there in the afternoon, the military said.

“A young soldier, Mateusz, gave his life in the defense of Poland’s border,” Prime Minister Donald Tusk wrote on the social platform X.

“The motherland and his compatriots will never forget about this sacrifice. I extend words of deepest sympathy to his family,” Tusk wrote.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Portugal Introduces “Solidarity Visa” to Aid Migrants and Boost Affordable Housing

Portugal is set to revamp its golden visa scheme, allowing wealthy foreigners seeking residency to invest in affordable housing for locals or accommodation for migrants. This initiative, dubbed the “solidarity visa,” was announced by Cabinet Affairs Minister Antonio Leitao Amaro in an interview with Reuters on Tuesday.

The solidarity visa is designed to complement the existing golden visa program, which has been in place since 2012. This program grants non-EU nationals residency rights in exchange for substantial investments in Portugal. Over the years, the golden visa scheme has attracted more than 7.3 billion euros ($7.94 billion) in funds. However, it has faced criticism for exacerbating Portugal’s housing crisis, prompting several revisions in recent years.

Under the new rules, foreigners can no longer secure a visa by purchasing real estate—a previously popular option. Instead, they can invest in funds, donate to cultural or research projects, or create jobs. “We have not changed the existing scheme, but we have created these two types of solidarity visa,” Leitao Amaro stated.

The first type of solidarity visa encourages investors to finance affordable housing that locals can buy or rent. The second type focuses on building accommodation for migrants or funding projects that promote their integration. This initiative comes in response to the growing number of migrants in Portugal, which has nearly doubled to around 800,000 over the past decade. Despite their significant economic contributions, many migrants face precarious employment and lower wages, often struggling to find adequate housing.

High rents and property prices, driven partly by a tourism boom in cities like Lisbon and Porto, have exacerbated these housing issues. Many migrants end up living on the streets or in overcrowded flats.

The current golden visa scheme requires applicants to transfer between 250,000 to 500,000 euros, depending on the type of investment. Leitao Amaro noted that the investment amount for the new solidarity visa is yet to be determined but will be set lower to encourage uptake.

By adapting the golden visa program to include the solidarity visa, Portugal aims to address both the affordable housing shortage and the challenges faced by its growing migrant population, fostering a more inclusive and sustainable community.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Quebec: Francois Legault Calls for “Significant Reduction” in “Explosive” Immigration

Quebec’s social safety net will collapse if hyper-immigration levels aren’t restrained, Premier Francois Legault warns.

Legault said his province can no longer keep up with its social services as a result of the “explosion” of immigration it’s been faced with over the past several years.

While being interviewed on a 98.5 FM radio show, Legault said that Quebec had become strained by the number of migrants it has had to take in and that Montrealers were beginning to feel less safe as a rippling effect of the province’s mass influx of people.

Polls indicating that Montrealers were feeling less safe were partly in response to a supervised injection site operating near a local elementary school.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Venezuelan Migrant Who Shot Two NYPD Cops Reveals How He Was ‘Recruited’ to America by Violent ‘Moped-Riding Gang

The teenage Venezuelan migrant who opened fire on two NYPD cops after they tried to pull him over on his scooter said he was ‘recruited’ to wreak havoc in America by a violent gang.

Bernardo Raul Castro-Mata, 19, was approached by police early Monday morning as he drove the unregistered motorbike the wrong way down a one-way street in Queens.

The migrant responded by opening fire on the officers with an unlicensed gun, striking one cop in the leg while the other sustained a shot to their bulletproof vest. He then fled the scene on foot at around 1.40am, the NYPD said.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Brooklyn Veterinary Hospital Fires Christian-Based PR Firm Over Refusal to Back Pride

A Florida-based public relations firm was fired by a New York emergency veterinary hospital on Tuesday after they advised their client to refrain from issuing a statement opposing or supporting “Pride Month.” The PR firm also asked if the hospital went forward with a statement, that the PR firm not be associated with the its release.

Judge Public Relations, a Christian-based PR and marketing firm, told the Veterinary Emergency Referral Group of Brooklyn (VERG) that it would be in the company’s best interest to avoid controversial topics and refrain from issuing a press release about LGBTQ Pride.

Additionally, James Judge, the owner of the PR agency, requested that VERG not list his company as a contact and instead offer alternative media connections if they were to move forward with a press release, citing his Christian religious convictions.

The request severely angered VERG and they terminated the vendor relationship in an email on Tuesday.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Dem Education Official Refuses to Enforce Washington’s Parents’ Bill of Rights, Claims Students Should be Able to Keep Gender Identity Secret

Washington’s Superintendent of Public Instruction has refused to enforce parts of a Parents’ Bill of Rights that passed the Washington Legislature with bipartisan support in March. The initiative had garnered hundreds of thousands of signatures from Washingtonians. The reason for the refusal is to aid students in keeping gender identity secret from their parents.

Initiative 2081 emphasizes, and in some cases augments, rights already granted to parents under state and federal law but does not change them. The law requires schools to notify parents before medical services are offered to their child, except in emergencies, as well as of medical treatment arranged by the school. The law also gives parents the right to review their child’s medical and counseling records and expands when parents can opt their child out of sex education classes.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Don’t Say “America”: Michigan State Has 140+ Employees Working on 222 DEI Action Items

Authored by MJ Cadman via The College Fix

Michigan State University currently has more than 140 employees working on 222 different “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” agenda items.

The salaries for those employees, some of whom work on DEI full-time, totals more than $18 million dollars according to a College Fix analysis.

One of these goals included an “inclusive language” guide that instructed university employees not to say “America” or use Easter and Christmas imagery.

The Fix pulled the data from the latest “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,” report for the public university in Lansing and used salary information from the school and government watchdog group Open the Books. In a few cases, The Fix estimated the salary for some employees based on the lowest salaries for personnel in comparable positions.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Elon Musk Questions UBC’s Job Posting: ‘Is This Even Legal in Canada?’

A job posting from the University of British Columbia has caught the attention of Elon Musk.

The billionaire took to X, the social media platform he owns, to question a recent job posting for UBC’s faculty of dentistry.

The department is seeking internal applicants for a “Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Oral Cancer Research.”

Eligible candidates must have a PhD, a proven track record in oral cancer research and excellence in teaching. The selection is also restricted to members of these federally designated groups as part of UBC’s commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion.

“In accordance with UBC’s CRC Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan and pursuant to Section 42 of the BC Human Rights Code, the selection will be restricted to members of the following federally designated groups: people with disabilities, Indigenous people, racialized people, women, and people from minoritized gender identity groups,” the posting reads.

A post on X highlighting the restrictions was shared by Concordia professor and occasional National Post contributor Gad Saad, who wrote, in part: “Thank you @UBC for your epistemological courage in fighting against the scourge of White Heterosexual Science.”

“Is this legal in Canada?” Musk then responded.

           — Hat tip: Vlad Tepes [Return to headlines]

Google Sparks Furor for Honoring Lesbian Latina Activist on 80th Anniversary of D-Day: ‘Couldn’t be Bothered’

Google commemorated a Latina LGBTQ+ activist rather than D-Day on Thursday, the 80th anniversary of the allied invasion into Nazi-occupied Europe, sparking outrage.

The commemorative “Doodle” on — an illustration above the iconic Google search bar by which the major tech platform honors famous historical figures, artists or cultural artifacts — was of Latina LGBTQ+ activist Jeanne Córdova on June 6.

“In honor of Pride Month this Doodle celebrates Chicana lesbian activist, feminist, and author Jeanne Córdova,” Google stated in its entry about the figure.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

SPLC Expands ‘Hate Watch’ to Doctors Who Oppose Child Sex Changes

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has released its annual “Year in Hate and Extremism” report, which controversially includes medical professionals who oppose sex change interventions for minors who identify as transgender.

According to the SPLC, the report is intended to provide a comprehensive analysis of the organizational infrastructure supporting white supremacy and other forms of extremism in the US. It includes a list of nearly 600 hate groups and hundreds of anti-government extremist groups.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Support for LGBTQ Causes on the Decline in Canada, Poll Finds

Support for a variety of LGBTQ causes is on the decline in Canada.

An Ipsos poll surveying the attitudes of adults in 26 countries found that support for LGBTQ causes, including the inclusion of LGBTQ characters in TV shows and movies, trans-identifying biological males’ participation in women’s sports, and healthcare coverage for gender transition procedures, has plummeted in Canada.

While 13% of Canadian adults identify as LGBTQ, the poll showed, in the five of the countries polled, Canada consistently ranks in the bottom half in approval measures of LGBTQ causes.

Canada rans 17th out of 23 in support of transgender people using the restroom of the gender that they identify with, as 46% of Canadians in approval to 37% of Canadians who disapprove.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Trans School Shooter Audrey Hale Wrote Journal Entry About Her ‘Imaginary Penis, ‘ Wanting to Have Sex With Women

Trans school shooter Audrey Hale who murdered three children and three staff members at the Covenant School in Nashville, Tenn. left behind a journal in which she discussed her “imaginary penis” and her need to see a “trans doctor.” She also wrote entries commemorating the Columbine Colorado school shooting.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

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