Gates of Vienna News Feed 12/13/2011

Gates of Vienna News Feed 12/13/2011Greece has failed to lay off enough state employees to comply with the Troika’s austerity requirements. The IMF, the ECB, and the EU insist that the Greek government must lay off 150,000 additional civil servants. In parallel news, the Fed has decided to leave interest rates unchanged, citing possible contamination from the European debt crisis as one of the potential risks requiring that borrowing costs remain low.

Meanwhile, in the city of Nanterre in France, 350 Muslims gathered to pray in front of the city hall, demanding that the authorities legalize a mosque that has hitherto been operating illegally.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, CSP, Fjordman, Gaia, Insubria, JP, KGS, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

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4 thoughts on “Gates of Vienna News Feed 12/13/2011

  1. and the EU insist that the Greek government must lay off 150,000 additional civil servants.

    The European Union keeps wasting money:

    «The European Union’s Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy, Štefan Füle, announced today a cooperation agreement with the Anna Lindh Foundation in the framework of the EU’s ‘Partnership for Democracy and Prosperity’. The new agreement complements the 7 million Euros of operational financing the EU has already pledged to the Foundation for its next phase, from 2012 to 2014, and will focus on a new 3 year programme aimed at improving the capacity of civil societies and NGOs in the South Mediterranean region to actively participate in democratic transition and process of reform.

    The announcement took place in Brussels at ‘the Meeting of the High Level Advisory Group for a Renewed Strategy of Intercultural Dialogue in the Emerging Mediterranean’, with the participation of 60 experts and civil society leaders from 30 Euro-Mediterranean countries, including Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia. The Meeting also brought together for the first time members of the 2003 ‘Groupe des Sages’ (the forefathers of the Foundation commissioned by then President of the European Commission, Romano Prodi), with members of the Foundation’s Advisory Council and strategic partners, among them the Arab League, the European Parliament, the Council for Europe, UNESCO and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations….»

  2. Greece ( Hellas) and the shores of asia minor had been a breakwater, a bastion against varius forms of tyranny and totalitarianism arriving from the east. Either as Free greek city states and kingdoms or as Byzantium. The medieval western powers ignored that role and assisted the decaying prosess. This inevitably led to 1453 with the loss of Costantinople. The siege of Vienna is a direct result of this loss. Today the desendats of these powers do the same mistake. No other EUrozone state of same size has to support such armed force in order to survive to presure of the new Ottoman Empire that spreds through the Balcans and crowls into northern Europe. If the Western Culture around the planet wish to survine it must support its historical bastion to rise as a bastin again.

  3. Anonymous 12/14/2011 7:53 AM

    dhimmi in greece:

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