Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/7/2024

The presidential campaign of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said that he will gain ballot access in enough states to get more than 270 electoral votes. Meanwhile, hundreds of Michigan residents were registered to vote on dates that were after their deaths.

In other news, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was beaten by a man during a broad-daylight attack in Copenhagen.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Daniel Greenfield, Dean, Henk, LP, MR, Reader from Chicago, Roger, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Financial Crisis
» ‘It’s Over’ — German Economic Policy a ‘Sheer Catastrophe’, Stock Exchange Chief Claims
» Unemployment Rises for 3rd Straight Month, Hits 4% for First Time Since Jan 2022
» Arizona AG to Open Investigation Into Katie Hobbs for Alleged ‘Pay to Play’ Scheme
» Biden’s Handlers Deny Insider Reports of ‘Slipping’ Mental Acuity: ‘He is Sharp, Utterly on His Game’
» Breaking: President Trump Raises $12 Million in One Night at Silicon Valley Fundraiser Hosted by David Sacks
» Breaking: Five Somalis Convicted in Minneapolis for Embezzling Funds Intended to Feed Hungry Children
» Ex-FBI Chief Andrew McCabe: Deep State Agents Are ‘Terrified’ About Being Jailed by Trump
» Five of Seven Defendants Found Guilty of Most Charges in First Feeding Our Future Trial
» ‘For Every Life That Was Saved, 25 People Were Killed’ Phil Kerpen Reveals Pandemic Lockdown’s ‘Catastrophic Impact’
» Google Removes PragerU From App Store Over Alleged ‘Hate Speech’ Violation
» Heritage Foundation Files Lawsuit to Release Audio of Biden’s Special Counsel Interview That Exposed ‘Elderly Man With Poor Memory’
» Hundreds of Michigan Residents Registered to Vote AFTER Their Deaths, Probe Finds
» Hush Money Judge Questions Social Media Post Apparently Teasing Trump Verdict
» InfoWars Host Alex Jones Moves to Liquidate Assets to Pay Sandy Hook Families
» J6 Capitol Police Officers Booed by PA House GOP During Biden Campaign Tour
» Jim Jordan Lashes Out at Fauci for Giving Allegedly ‘False’ Testimony on COVID-19 Cover Up
» Judge Drops Hammer on Child Trafficker With Longest Ever Sentence
» Judge Dismisses Several Charges Against Paul Pelosi Attacker After Claims of Double Jeopardy
» Julian Assange’s Family Welcomes Support From US Politicians
» Kennedy Campaign Says He is Eligible for Over 270 Electoral College Votes
» Kennedy on Florida Presidential Ballot as Reform Party Candidate
» Man Accused of Stabbing Multiple Louisiana Deputies During Arrest; Charged With Attempted Murder
» Mistrial Declared After Jury in Case of Tiki Torch Carrier From 2017 Unite the Right Rally Could Not Reach Verdict
» Multiple New Studies Describe How COVID Shots Cause Cancer
» Portland Safety Commissioner Blasts $7 MILLION Budget for New Syringes, Homeless Tents
» Stanford Arrests 13 Pro-Palestinian Protesters, Asks D.A. to File Felony Burglary Charges
» The View From Mount Olympus
» Trump Gains 6 MILLION TikTok Followers in 1 Week — Biden Campaign Hovers Around 366,000 for Past 4 Months
» Trump Leads Biden by 6% in Post-Conviction Poll When Third-Party Candidates Included: Emerson College
» Tucker Carlson Describes Meeting ‘Elderly Idiot’ Klaus Schwab: ‘Totally Unimpressive’
» US Ambassador Slams Hungary for Relying on Russian Energy, But the US Remains a Huge Buyer of Russian Uranium
» Voters Remain Unimpressed With Biden’s Handling of China: Poll
» Woman Stabbed Her Mom and Mom’s Husband Following a Fight at Trailer Home, Court Documents Say
» Vaccine Injuries Soared 800% Among Canadian Military After COVID Shot Rollout
Europe and the EU
» “There Are No Berlin Walls Between ECR and ID. There is More That Unites US Than Divides Us”: An Interview With Morten Messerschmidt
» Cyprus: Study Finds Country’s ‘Unprecedented’ Deaths Caused by COVID Shots
» Czechs Head to the Polls for European Parliament Elections
» Czechia Goes to Polls for EP Election: Everything You Need to Know
» Denmark’s Prime Minister ‘Beaten’ in Broad-Daylight Attack
» Dutch Nationalist Wilders Makes Big Gains at EU Election, Exit Poll Shows
» EC’s Breton Urges People to Vote in European Elections With Spotify Playlist
» Elections: The End of Belgium?
» EPP and S&D Vote Same Way ‘Almost All the Time’ on Immigration, the Environment and Rule-of-Law
» EU Elections: Populist Surge Expected in Czech Republic
» EU Plans Major Expansion of Mass Surveillance: Indiscriminate Data Collection, Device Monitoring, Encryption Backdoors, and Mandatory Data Sharing
» European People’s Party: “Our Doors Are Open” to Orban’s Opponents
» France: Macron Faces Crushing Defeat in EU Elections
» French President Delays Sending Military Instructors to Ukraine
» German Politicians Call for Knife Ban in Public Places
» Germany: ‘NatCon 2.0’: City of Essen Cancels Venue Contract for AfD Party Conference
» Germany: Greens Laugh During Debate About Mannheim Police Officer Murdered in Islamist Knife Attack
» German Authorities Raid 70 Homes Over ‘Online Hate Posting’
» ‘I Have No Hatred for the Assassin’ — Slovak PM Fico Appears for First Time Since Assassination Attempt, Forgives Shooter and Advocates for Peace in Europe in Powerful New Message
» Ireland: Populists Hoping for Representation in Brussels as Sinn Féin Nosedives
» Is He Hiding in Hungary? Former CEO of Polish Energy Giant Orlen Denies Rumors as Police Search for Him Under Orders From Tusk Government
» Italy: Not With Macron on Ukraine, No to Escalation Says Tajani
» Meloni Backs Creation of ‘Alternative’ Right-Wing EU Coalition
» NATO Chief: Ukraine Needs at Least €40 Billion a Year Until Russia is Defeated
» Netherlands: Many Voters for New-Right Wing Coalition Did Not Vote in European Elections
» Nova24 Chief Blasts Brussels for Ignoring Attacks on Slovenian Media
» Poland: Far-Left NGO Received Over €30,000 for Drafting Plan to Remove Crosses in Warsaw
» Poland 2024 EU Election Polls: Left-Liberal KO Slightly Ahead of Conservative PiS, Right-Wing Confederation Party Gains Ground
» Poll: Reform UK Could Win Parliamentary Seats for the First Time
» Price Gouging: Central Europe Finally Makes Germany Retreat on Gas Transit Fees
» Romanian Nationalist Party Leader Investigated for Forging Campaign Signatures
» Slovak PM: “The Right to a Different Opinion Has Ceased to Exist in the EU”
» Spain: Vox: Establishment Parties Vote Same Way 90% of the Time in Brussels
» Spain: PM Plays Victim, Accuses Judge, Opposition of “Crude Setup” in Open Letter
» Twelve EU Countries Lobby for Starting Accession Talks With Ukraine and Moldova
» UK: Christian Sues Liberal Democrats After Being “Hounded Out”
» UK: GB News Viewers Slam ‘Disgusting’ Just Stop Oil Protesters Who Disrupted Duke of Westminster’s Wedding: ‘Disrespectful!’
» Ukraine EU Accession Talks Okay to Begin, Commission Says
» Polish Ambassador Harassed on Camera in Russia by Polish Citizen With Pro-Russian Sympathies
» ‘The Battle of Kharkiv Has Broken the Red Line That Europeans and Americans Seemed to Have Set for Themselves at the Start of the War’
Australia — Pacific
» Australia’s Opposition Calls for Extended Online Age Verification, Digital ID, to Combat Anonymity
Latin America
» El Salvador President Bukele & Tucker Carlson on How to Save Humanity
» ‘A Soldier Does Not Carry a Weapon to be a Puppet’ — Polish Soldiers Outraged Over Prosecutions From the Tusk Government
» ‘Abolish ICE’: New Yorkers Join With Illegal Immigrants to Protest Biden’s Border Measure
» France: Migrant Minor Who Stabbed Teacher and Burned Down Reception Center Shot by Police, Officer Under Investigation
» Germany: Afghan Man Attacks Police Officers With Long Blade Just Days After Mannheim Terror Attack
» Germany Has Begun Dumping Migrants in Poland
» Irish Immigration Sceptics Predicted to Pick Up Seats in European Parliament
» Meloni’s Albania Migrant Centre Set to Open in August
» Migrant Murders Polish Soldier Protecting Border
» More Than 300 Migrants Crossed the English Channel in Small Boats on D-Day as People Smugglers ‘Take Advantage’ of 80th Anniversary
» Shock Video: Officer Stabbed by Migrant in Austria
» Spain: Vox Cracks Down on Illegal Residence Registrations Amid Rising Crime
» Texas Launches Crackdown on Violent Illegal Alien Criminals
Culture Wars
» Based Teens Arrested After Riding Scooters Over Fresh LGBT Road Mural
» Court Issues Injunction Blocking USDA Disaster Relief Based on Race or Gender
» Google Introduces App Store Censorship Rules, Bans AI Generating Various Types of “Restricted Content, “ Including “Hate Speech”
» Man Crowned ‘Miss Maryland USA’
» WHO Demands Governments Get ‘More Aggressive’ With ‘Anti-Vaxxers’ as Deaths Surge Among Vaxxed

‘It’s Over’ — German Economic Policy a ‘Sheer Catastrophe’, Stock Exchange Chief Claims

Germany’s economic policy is a “sheer catastrophe” as a result of political “fundamentalists” running the country, a senior business leader has warned.

Theodor Weimer, CEO of the German stock exchange (Deutsche Börse), has slammed the economic conditions in his country, blaming it on the country’s left-liberal “traffic light” government.

In a speech at an April 17 meeting of the Bavarian Economic Advisory Council, Weimer said that the economic policies of the current administration are “a sheer catastrophe”.

The speech — which had initially went under the radar — has now gone viral on social media, with one user describing it on June 6 as “the speech of the year”.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Unemployment Rises for 3rd Straight Month, Hits 4% for First Time Since Jan 2022

The unemployment rate has risen yet again for the third consecutive month in a row, hitting four percent across the US. This marks the first time that unemployment reached that point since January 2022 in the second year of Joe Biden’s presidency.

According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in the month of May, the unemployment rate rose again from 3.9 to four percent across the US. This is despite a jobs report indicating that 272,000 jobs were added to the economy in the month of May. Interest rates are still holding and there is no sign of them being cut.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Arizona AG to Open Investigation Into Katie Hobbs for Alleged ‘Pay to Play’ Scheme

The Arizona State Attorney General’s office said it will be opening an investigation into Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs for an alleged “pay to play” scheme. The investigation comes after a report revealed a government-funded children’s group home company donated $100,000 to Hobbs. The group home was then given more funding from the Arizona government, after being denied the increase previously.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Biden’s Handlers Deny Insider Reports of ‘Slipping’ Mental Acuity: ‘He is Sharp, Utterly on His Game’

Democrat President Joe Biden’s handlers are pushing back against reports showing insiders are raising serious concerns about the commander-in-chief’s declining mental acuity.

As Slay News reported earlier, an alarming Wall Street Journal article portrays Biden as mentally “slipping.”

The WSJ report, which was published Tuesday, included examples of gaffes and instances of low energy.

It also included several statements from congressional leaders and insiders who complained that Biden struggles with mental decline during private meetings.

Reports have since emerged that Biden’s White House has been pressuring those who provided statements to call the WSJ and walk back the “false” comments.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Breaking: President Trump Raises $12 Million in One Night at Silicon Valley Fundraiser Hosted by David Sacks

An unprecedented Silicon Valley fundraiser for presidential frontrunner Donald Trump raised $12 million on Thursday night. The fundraiser, co-hosted by tech entrepreneur David Sacks, with tickets per couple going for $500,000 a piece. Per person tickets were $300,000 a piece. The event was sold out.

Attorney and RNC Committeewoman for California Harmeet Dhillon shared the news on X, saying that the Trump was “relaxed, happy, and cracking jokes about AI.” He was introduced by Senator JD Vance and then by David Sacks.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Breaking: Five Somalis Convicted in Minneapolis for Embezzling Funds Intended to Feed Hungry Children

Five Somalis were convicted in Minnesota for stealing money from a COVID fund intended to feed hungry children. This comes after a juror in the case was dismissed following a bribery attempt by those affiliated with the defendants. Two individuals were acquitted in the case involving dozens of people.

The five convicted were charged with wire fraud, federal programs bribery and money laundering. The individuals had been charged with stealing over $40 million from Feeding Our Future, funded by federal food-aid programs. Instead of using the fund to feed children, the five used those funds to enhance their own wealth, buying cryptocurrency, luxury goods, and properties.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Ex-FBI Chief Andrew McCabe: Deep State Agents Are ‘Terrified’ About Being Jailed by Trump

Former FBI Director Andrew McCabe has revealed that deep state operatives are panicking that President Donald Trump is going to lock them up when he returns to the White House.

McCabe told CNN that members of the deep state are “worried” about being thrown in jail if Trump wins the presidential election.

He revealed that the prospect is so “terrifying” that some are thinking about fleeing the United States.

“It’s terrifying, it’s frightening,” McCabe said.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Five of Seven Defendants Found Guilty of Most Charges in First Feeding Our Future Trial

Five of the seven defendants in the first Feeding Our Future fraud trial were found guilty of most, but not all, of the charges they faced by a federal jury Friday. Two others were acquitted of all charges.

The jury returned its verdict Friday afternoon after about four days of deliberations that began with two of the jurors being dismissed following an attempted bribe.

“The verdict confirms what we’ve known all along, which is that defendants falsified documents, they lied, and they fraudulently claimed to be feeding millions of meals to children in Minnesota during COVID,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Thompson said during a press conference after the verdict was read.

“The defendants took advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to defraud the state of Minnesota and to steal tens of millions of dollars. This conduct was not just criminal, it was depraved and brazen.”

Abdiaziz Shafii Farah, Mohamed Jama Ismail, Abdimajid Mohamed Nur, Mukhtar Mohamed Shariff, and Hayat Mohamed Nur were each found guilty of the majority of the charges they faced, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said in a press release. Said Shafii Farah and Abdiwahab Maalim Aftin were each acquitted on all counts, according to KARE 11 reporter Lou Raguse.

In total, nearly 70 Minnesotans (18 of whom have pleaded guilty) have been accused of defrauding the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Child Nutrition Program of at least $250 million meant to feed hungry children.

           — Hat tip: MR [Return to headlines]

‘For Every Life That Was Saved, 25 People Were Killed’ Phil Kerpen Reveals Pandemic Lockdown’s ‘Catastrophic Impact’

“For every life that was saved in the lockdown, 25 people were killed,” US columnist Phil Kerpen has claimed.

This comes after US infectious disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci faced a fierce grilling from Republican lawmakers in his first public appearance before Congress since leaving his White House advisory role in 2022.

During the pandemic, Dr Fauci, who is now retired, became the face of the US Covid-19 response and has been the subject of both praise and criticism.

Speaking to GBN America about the questioning, Kerpen said: “Fauci would walk into the White House task force meetings and say people aren’t scared enough. We need to frighten them. We need to scare them.

“When government does that, you create enormous additional problems as well as whatever problems the virus itself is causing. We found that lockdowns at best saved up to 16,000 lives, but they killed about 400,000 people.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Google Removes PragerU From App Store Over Alleged ‘Hate Speech’ Violation

Google removed Prager University (PragerU) from its app store on Friday, claiming the nonprofit had violated its hate speech policies after it released a short documentary that warns about the dangers of “radical Islam.”

PragerU, which was founded by the conservative commentator Dennis Prager in 2009, previously sued Google and YouTube in 2016 for censoring more than 200 videos, which included videos on the Ten Commandments. The organization said the videos were placed on a “restricted” mode, which limits who can find it, without justification.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Heritage Foundation Files Lawsuit to Release Audio of Biden’s Special Counsel Interview That Exposed ‘Elderly Man With Poor Memory’

The Biden administration has been desperately trying to keep the audio recordings from the Democrat president’s interviews with a special counsel hidden from the public.

However, audio of Biden’s testimony to Special Counsel Robert Hur could be made public if the Heritage Foundation is successful in its lawsuit, the Washington Examiner reported.

The conservative organization joined forces with CNN and Judicial Watch in a legal bid to release the audio of the interview.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Hundreds of Michigan Residents Registered to Vote AFTER Their Deaths, Probe Finds

A new investigation has found that hundreds of Michigan residents were registered to vote on dates that were after their deaths.

The discovery was revealed in a recent filing in the federal Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF).

According to the PILF, 334 deceased Michigan registrants are listed on government records as registering to vote after their date of death.

The organization launched a probe into the state’s voter records nearly four years ago.

The PILF discovered 27,000 names of likely deceased registrants on the state’s Qualified Voter File (QVF).

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Hush Money Judge Questions Social Media Post Apparently Teasing Trump Verdict

New York judge Juan Merchan on Friday questioned attorneys in the case about a social media post that allegedly came from a family member of one of the jurors, which predicted former President Donald Trump’s guilty verdict.

Trump was convicted on all 34 counts in his hush money trial last week, after the jury unanimously agreed that he had falsified business records to hide a payment to a former porn star. The case has been under scrutiny however, over the reputation of the star witness and confusing jury instructions given by Merchan.

Merchan claimed in a letter to attorneys on both sides that a social media post claimed to come from the cousin of a juror, and said he was told Trump would be convicted. The post was a comment on the court’s routine notice, which was not related to Trump. The comment was a week old, and the notice was posted May 29.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

InfoWars Host Alex Jones Moves to Liquidate Assets to Pay Sandy Hook Families

Rightwing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones moved to liquidate his personal assets, a move that would end his ownership of InfoWars and allow him to begin paying off the $1.5 billion in legal damages he owes the families of those killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre.

Jones on Thursday requested to convert his personal bankruptcy filing into a Chapter 7 liquidation, telling a judge that “there is no reasonable prospect of a successful reorganization” of his debts, according to court filings obtained by CNN. Liquidation means the Texas-based internet personality would have to sell most of his assets, including his company, with the proceeds going directly to his creditors.

The request marks a large pivot for the InfoWars host and founder, who has mostly resisted mounting legal pressure from the Sandy Hook families. They’ve not yet received a cent from Jones despite two separate juries finding him liable for defamation and emotional distress in 2022.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

J6 Capitol Police Officers Booed by PA House GOP During Biden Campaign Tour

Two officers who were at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 were booed by lawmakers in the Pennsylvania House on Wednesday. The officers made the stop at the Pennsylvania State House as part of their tour across the state to talk about insist that a second Trump term poses a threat to democracy.

“All Democrats stood and applauded the officers, while a majority of Republicans either remained seated — while not applauding — began booing or left the floor,” said Democrat Majority Caucus Chair Mike Schlossberg, according to NBC News. “I do want to be clear, there were absolutely Republican members who did applaud and stand. But a majority did not.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Jim Jordan Lashes Out at Fauci for Giving Allegedly ‘False’ Testimony on COVID-19 Cover Up

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan lashed out on Friday at former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Anthony Fauci, for allegedly lying to Congress during his testimony earlier this week.

Fauci testified about the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic in front of a House panel on Monday, where he said that he kept an “open mind” about the pandemic’s origins, despite appearing to shut down theories that the virus could have been man-made. Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Robert Redfield previously testified that Fauci sidelined him from investigating the man-made theory, according to the New York Post. Fauci favored the theory that the virus originated on an animal and was transferred to humans.

Jordan asked Fauci if he agreed there was a “push to downplay the lab leak theory,” to which Fauci responded that there was no push on his end. Jordan claimed the response was “false,” because he was part of President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 Response Team, which pressured social media companies to censor critics of COVID lockdowns and the lab leak theory in 2021.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Judge Drops Hammer on Child Trafficker With Longest Ever Sentence

A judge in Denver has just thrown the book at a convicted child trafficker by handing out what may be the longest sentence ever given for human trafficking.

On Thursday, pedophile Robert Hawkins was sentenced to 448 years in prison after being convicted by a jury on a series of charges.

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), it appears to be the longest sentence ever given to a human trafficker in the history of the U.S.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Judge Dismisses Several Charges Against Paul Pelosi Attacker After Claims of Double Jeopardy

California judge dismissed several state level charges against Paul Pelosi’s attacker David DePape on Thursday, after the defense claimed the charges amounted to double jeopardy, because DePape had already been sentenced for them in federal court.

DePape was sentenced to 30 years in federal prison last month after he attacked former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul in October of 2022. DePape had hit Paul Pelosi with a hammer in San Francisco, but had intended to kidnap Nancy Pelosi.

State prosecutors attempted to continue the state case against DePape, despite the conviction on the federal level, which led to the defense claiming there was double jeopardy because it stemmed from the same attack. But the California judge only dismissed the the state charges of attempted murder, elder abuse and assault with a deadly weapon, according to Politico.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Julian Assange’s Family Welcomes Support From US Politicians

The family of Julian Assange has welcomed more support from US politicians for an end to the extradition of the WikiLeaks founder.

The Australian remains in Belmarsh prison in London as he continues his campaign not to be sent to the US, where he fears spending the rest of his life in jail.

Democrat congresswoman Pramila Jayapal has signed a resolution calling for all charges against Assange to be dropped.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Kennedy Campaign Says He is Eligible for Over 270 Electoral College Votes

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign claimed Friday that their candidate has submitted the necessary signatures to gain ballot access in enough states that he could get more than 270 electoral votes in November.

Kennedy, who is running as an Independent, has filed signature collections in 19 states total, and will officially appear on the ballots in nine of them so far. The other 10 are still in the process of counting the signatures. Kennedy is still hoping to appear on the ballot in all 50 states.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Kennedy on Florida Presidential Ballot as Reform Party Candidate

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will appear on Florida ballots as the Reform Party candidate after the Florida Division of Elections recertified its party status on Friday.

“We’re thrilled to give Floridians an independent option this November,” said Reform Party of Florida Chairwoman Jenniffer Desatoff in a release. “We’ve been eagerly waiting to collaborate with the Kennedy campaign here in Florida and make history together.”

The party’s national committee nominated Kennedy and his running mate Nicole Shanahan two weeks ago to be their candidates.

More importantly, the move allows the third-party candidate to raise more money.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Man Accused of Stabbing Multiple Louisiana Deputies During Arrest; Charged With Attempted Murder

RICHLAND PARISH (KTVE/KARD) — On Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 6:26 PM deputies of the Richland Parish Sheriff’s Office responded to a disturbance and learned that 23-year-old Colby Bazan allegedly threatened to harm his family members.

Upon arrival, deputies could not locate Bazan at the residence. According to authorities, they secured an arrest warrant on Bazan for Simple Assault and Criminal Trespass.

Deputies were able to make contact with Bazan via telephone and he agreed to come to the Sheriff’s Office to speak with officials. He arrived at the Sheriff’s Office at approximately 11:00 PM and he was informed that he was under arrest.

Bazan then allegedly fled the scene on foot. Deputies were able to gain control of Bazan and a struggle ensued. During the struggle, Bazan produced a knife and allegedly stabbed two deputies multiple times. The deputies were able to disarm Bazan and take him into custody.

The deputies were transported to Richardson Medical Center where they were treated and later released. Bazan was transported to the Richland Parish Detention Center where he was booked for Simple Assault, Criminal Trespass, and three counts of Attempted First-Degree Murder on a Police Officer.

His bond was set at $1,000,000.

           — Hat tip: LP [Return to headlines]

Mistrial Declared After Jury in Case of Tiki Torch Carrier From 2017 Unite the Right Rally Could Not Reach Verdict

A mistrial has been declared in a Charlottesville, Virg. trial after a jury couldn’t reach a verdict to convict a Unite the Right attendee for carrying a tiki torch at the 2017 far-right rally.

Prosecutors accused Jacob Joseph Dix of committing a state felony by burning the tiki torch, which intimidated others. Three jurors voted guilty, eight said not guilty, and one did not make a decision after almost 12 hours of deliberating.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Multiple New Studies Describe How COVID Shots Cause Cancer

Two new studies describe various mechanisms of cancer creation that the Covid vaccines trigger.

One study described how mRNA Covid injections interfere with the immune system, leading to cancer.

“…it has been discovered that the mRNA vaccines inhibit essential immunological pathways, thus impairing early interferon signaling. Within the framework of COVID-19 vaccination, this inhibition ensures an appropriate spike protein synthesis and a reduced immune activation,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section. “Evidence is provided that adding 100 % of N1-methyl-pseudouridine to the mRNA vaccine in a melanoma model stimulated cancer growth and metastasis, while non-modified mRNA vaccines induced opposite results, thus suggesting that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines could aid cancer development.”

The second study discussed how the Covid spike protein elicits gene interrupting activity which in turn inhibits a crucial protein that is used for tumor suppression.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Portland Safety Commissioner Blasts $7 MILLION Budget for New Syringes, Homeless Tents

Portland’s Public Safety Commissioner slammed Multnomah County’s proposed budget of $4 billion because of its allocation of more than $5 million for syringes and nearly $2 million for tents.

Rene Gonzalez wrote a letter to the Multnomah County Chair and Board of Commissioners, requesting them to rethink these two budget items before approving the 2025 budget, per KATU. Gonzalez noted that not only are taxpayers funding the tents and syringes, but they’re also paying for the city’s cleanup of the mess, which is a never-ending vicious cycle all at the cost of taxpayers.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Stanford Arrests 13 Pro-Palestinian Protesters, Asks D.A. to File Felony Burglary Charges

Stanford University campus police arrested a group of pro-Palestinian protesters,who barricaded themselves inside the president’s office, on suspicion of felony burglary charges.

The 13 individuals were arrested shortly after 8 a.m. on Wednesday morning after briefly occupying President Richard Saller’s office in an act of protest. The campus newspaper, the Daily Stanford, reported that one of the individuals arrested is a student journalist.

Arrest records from the Stanford University Department of Public Safety confirmed the arrests were made on suspicion of felony burglary. But the Santa Clara County district attorney’s office have not received the case as of Friday afternoon and has not made a decision on what charges will be filed, D.A. spokesperson Sean Webby said.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

The View From Mount Olympus

The view from Mount Olympus is said to be spectacular, but few have ever seen it. Head up past the former homes of long dead movie stars and you can look down from the Hollywood Hills on WeHo’s gay nightlife and Russian restaurants, along with much of the rest of L.A.

With names like Hercules Dr, Zeus Dr, Apollo Dr, Jupiter Dr, and, of course, Mt. Olympus Dr, it’s truly a hangout for any gods with twenty million to spare. Reported celebrity residents and owners of the gated community with 24/7 security include Leonardo DiCaprio, Katy Perry, and Harrison Ford, but even more importantly here is the Ross House, a 13,000 square foot modernist monster, where Hollywood studios hold intimate receptions, screenings and award parties for the small club of those who are famous or can help make them even more famous.

The Ross House of Mt. Olympus is usually a brief entry in industry publications, but it embodies the vast gulf between how people down in L.A. live and how those who decide their fates do.

While Los Angeles has become a crime-ridden hellhole, Mt. Olympus, like many well-off neighborhoods in the area, enjoys private security patrols so that someone is always watching. The celebrities who come and go from private parties at exclusive locations like the Ross House have their own security and studios provide security for their events. In Greek myth, Mt. Olympus may have been difficult for mortals to reach, but the Los Angeles development has a regular commuter class of illegal alien maids, cleaners and gardeners, as well as security.

“The wealthy elite of Mount Olympus are some of the wealthiest and most influential people in all of Los Angeles,” one real estate agent gushes and that may be overstating it, but the 400 or so homes and the 800 or so residents of this Hollywood Hills enclave do live apart from the rest.

As do many of the immortals of the Hollywood Hills where crime is rare and junkies don’t sleep on the streets. And when crime does happen, even the most pro-crime prosecutors are much more responsive to the needs of those on high than to the troubles of those down below.

           — Hat tip: Daniel Greenfield [Return to headlines]

Trump Gains 6 MILLION TikTok Followers in 1 Week — Biden Campaign Hovers Around 366,000 for Past 4 Months

Trump launched his TikTok account on Saturday night while attending UFC 302 and has gained nearly 6 million followers in the six days the account has been active. Biden’s campaign, on the other hand, has seen dismal numbers in comparison since the launch of the account in February.

As of Friday evening, Trump’s account has over 5.89 million followers. The Biden campaign on the other hand, has just over 366,000. One X account started a live stream early in the week tracking the followers each account has received, noting the discrepancy between the two accounts.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Trump Leads Biden by 6% in Post-Conviction Poll When Third-Party Candidates Included: Emerson College

A new poll from Emerson College has revealed that Trump leads Biden among voters nationwide by one point in a head-to-head matchup, with Biden’s support increasing by one point since May while Trump’s remained the same.

When undecided voters were included in the totals and asked to choose who they would lean toward in November, Trump and Biden were tied at 50 percent.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Tucker Carlson Describes Meeting ‘Elderly Idiot’ Klaus Schwab: ‘Totally Unimpressive’

Tucker Carlson has blasted World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab as an “elderly idiot” while describing meeting “weak” globalist “elites,” whom he asserts are actually “buffoons.”

Carlson said he met Schwab “this winter” during an event.

However, Carlson described Schwab as “totally unimpressive,” revealing that the WEF leader “doesn’t have [any] idea what he’s talking about at all.”

During a new interview with former Navy SEAL and CIA contractor Shawn Ryan on “The Shawn Ryan Show,” Carlson explains that he believes “primitive” envy and an inability to cause change are the motivators behind the world’s power-hungry globalist “elites.”

“I was with Klaus Schwab this Winter,” Carlson told Ryan.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

US Ambassador Slams Hungary for Relying on Russian Energy, But the US Remains a Huge Buyer of Russian Uranium

Taking his cue from Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjartó’s recent visit to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, U.S. Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman used the occasion to launch yet another attack on Hungary’s conservative government.

“Hungary’s foreign minister makes his 8th trip to Russia since Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Hungary’s government says it is the ‘party of peace’ while continuing to stand with Putin’s party of war. Hungary’s addiction to Russian energy is dangerous and unnecessary,” Pressman wrote in a Facebook post on Thursday.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Voters Remain Unimpressed With Biden’s Handling of China: Poll

A plurality of likely United States voters are not impressed with how President Joe Biden handles the U.S.’s relationship with China, according to a new poll released Friday.

The Rasmussen poll found that 45% of respondents said the president is doing a “poor job” at dealing with issues related to China, while 33% said Biden is doing a “good” or “excellent” job at dealing with the foreign superpower. The numbers are slightly worse than November’s poll, when 35% gave Biden an “excellent” or “good” rating, and 45% said he was doing a poor job.

Most voters also viewed China as an enemy of the United States, according to Rasmussen.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Woman Stabbed Her Mom and Mom’s Husband Following a Fight at Trailer Home, Court Documents Say

A woman stabbed her mother in the head 10 times and killed her mother’s husband following a fight at a mobile home in the West Hills neighborhood, court records say.

Police arrested Kelly Hyde, 34, on suspicion of second-degree murder and first-degree assault Wednesday night after the Spokane Fire Department responded to a home on the 5300 block of West Sunset Boulevard for a “medical alert.”

When they arrived, they found a woman at the front door with multiple stab wounds and a dead man inside, according to a press release from the Spokane Police Department.

Hyde told detectives she is autistic and her parents’ behavior was violent, so she doesn’t “handle it well,” court records say. Before the stabbing, Hyde got into a physical altercation with her mother’s husband where he wrestled her to the floor of the trailer and covered her mouth so she couldn’t breathe. That’s when she started stabbing him, court records say.

“I just panicked, I couldn’t breathe,” she told police.

She indicated her mother came into the kitchen and attempted to intervene. Hyde’s mother sustained 10 stab wounds to her head and more to her hands, court records say, and she was transported to a local hospital. The Spokane County Medical Examiner identified the deceased victim as 61-year-old David Johnson, who died by homicide as a result from his stab wounds.

While her mother cried over the body of her husband, Hyde changed her clothing, walked to another home in the area, tossed the knife out the window and hid behind a couch until law enforcement found her, according to court documents.

She is being held at the Spokane County Jail on a $500,000 bond.

           — Hat tip: Roger [Return to headlines]

Vaccine Injuries Soared 800% Among Canadian Military After COVID Shot Rollout

Vaccine injuries soared by a whopping 800% among members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) after the government rolled out Covid mRNA shots, leaked documents have revealed.

The documents, which were obtained by media outlet LifeSiteNews, show only 14 Canadian military members experienced a vaccine injury in 2020.

However, during the first year of the Covid injection rollout, 2021, 128 military personnel were injured by vaccines.

In 2022, the number of those injured by the shots soared to 223.

Notably, the CAF rate of vaccine injuries is higher than the general population of Canada.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

“There Are No Berlin Walls Between ECR and ID. There is More That Unites US Than Divides Us”: An Interview With Morten Messerschmidt

Morten Messerschmidt holds a law degree from the University of Copenhagen. Since 2022, he has been the chairman of the Danish People’s Party (Dansk Folkeparti). A member of the Danish Parliament from 2005 to 2009, he was elected MEP in 2009 and remained in the European Parliament until 2019. In June of that year, he was again elected to the Danish Parliament.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Cyprus: Study Finds Country’s ‘Unprecedented’ Deaths Caused by COVID Shots

Yet another damning study has confirmed that Covid mRNA shots are the “unambiguous” cause of an “unprecedented” surge in excess deaths.

Top British and American scientists from the University of Liverpool and Harvard University teamed up with researchers in Cyprus to analyze the island nation’s “substantial, statistically significant,” increase in mortality from all causes in late 2021 and early 2022.

The peer-reviewed study was published in the renowned Journal of Community Medicine & Public Health.

Cyprus suffered a huge spike in excess deaths following the full public rollout of the Covid mRNA injections in early 2021.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Czechs Head to the Polls for European Parliament Elections

As the European Parliament elections unfold, it is now the turn of Czech citizens to cast their votes.

The Czech Republic stands out as one of the two European Union nations conducting the ballot over two days. Polling stations will remain open until 10pm on June 7 and will reopen on June 8 from 8am until 2pm.

Czech voters have a choice among 30 political parties fighting for 21 seats in the European Parliament.

This year turnout is anticipated to be notably low, reflecting the trend from the 2019 EP elections.

In those, fewer than a third of eligible Czech voters participated.

According to the latest polls, the centrist ANO movement of former prime minister Andrej Babis is in the lead, ahead of a centre-right coalition led by current Prime Minister Petr Fiala.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Czechia Goes to Polls for EP Election: Everything You Need to Know

Czechs and EU citizens will go to the polls this Friday and Saturday to vote in the European Parliament (EP) election. A total of 21 spots in the 720-member EP are up for grabs for prospective Czech Members of European Parliament (MEPs), which represent different parties across the Czech political spectrum.

The election is a big deal: it involves 373 million people across 27 countries on the continent, with far-reaching legislative effects.

What’s happening?

Voters in Czechia will specify their preference by choosing from a list of Czech political parties and coalitions, represented by politicians standing for the EP.

For the EP election, Czechia uses a preferential voting system, meaning that voters can rank their choices. A party or coalition must gain at least 5 percent of the vote to secure a seat in the EP.

The Spolu (Together) coalition will feature on the ballot, consisting of three incumbent government parties: ODS, Christian Democrats, and TOP 09. The right-wing ANO party, currently in opposition, will stand alone in the EP election, and the right-wing Freedom and Direct Democracy party has joined forces with the Tricolor political movement, which has a similar right-wing, migrant-sceptic ideology.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Denmark’s Prime Minister ‘Beaten’ in Broad-Daylight Attack

Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was “beaten” during a broad-daylight attack in central Copenhagen.

Officials said the PM was left “shocked by the incident” and that a man had been arrested.

One local resident added that Frederiksen managed to walk away following the assault by the man and that she showed no outward signs of harm.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Dutch Nationalist Wilders Makes Big Gains at EU Election, Exit Poll Shows

Dutch nationalist Geert Wilders’ anti-immigration party on Thursday was projected to have made large gains in the Netherlands’ election for the European Parliament, an exit poll published by broadcaster NOS showed.

Wilders’ PVV party, which won the national election last year but secured no seat at the previous EU election, was predicted to have won seven seats, one less than the Labour/Green Left combination.

The exit poll has an error margin of roughly one seat.

Voting in the Netherlands kicked off four days of elections for the EU parliament across the 27 EU member states.

It encapsulated the main internal political challenge facing the union: the rising popularity of nationalist and populist parties that want to dismantle the EU from within.

Wilders, known for his outspoken views on immigration and Islam, said on Thursday a good result for the nationalist parties should encourage them to unite in their bid to change EU regulations and repatriate more powers to national legislatures.

The Labour/Green Left combination dropped one seat from their 2019 result, but remained the largest overall after a campaign in which they constantly warned about the rise of nationalist parties…

           — Hat tip: Henk [Return to headlines]

EC’s Breton Urges People to Vote in European Elections With Spotify Playlist

European Commissioner Thierry Breton launched a Spotify playlist to encourage people, particularly youngsters, to vote in the the ongoing European Elections, which run until June 9.

The two-hour playlist, entitled EU Elections, is composed of 42 songs, the titles of which compose a special message when read all together.

“OK now time to vote, Left Right Left, centre, Liberals and Conservatives, green and blues, the choice is yours,” the playlist reads.

“Beware of false promises. Queen of the populists and king of demagogues, you know what I am talking about do what you want but vote.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Elections: The End of Belgium?

On June 9th, Belgians are having an election bonanza.

Not only will they be heading to the ballot box to elect a new European Parliament, but a federal parliament and regional parliaments as well.

Politically, the country is divided like never before, while apathy towards—if not outright anger with—the establishment political elite mounts with each passing year, as reflected in electoral results.

A study showed that in the nation’s most recent elections in 2019, 1.3 million eligible Belgian voters (17% of the total) either did not cast a ballot or cast an invalid one.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

EPP and S&D Vote Same Way ‘Almost All the Time’ on Immigration, the Environment and Rule-of-Law

The European People’s Party (EPP), the Socialist (S&D) group and the Renew Liberals have almost always voted the same way in the European Parliament on a range of EU legislation, according to a study by Hungary’s Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC).

The study looked at four areas of law: the Immigration and Asylum Pact, the Green Deal, Rule-of-Law resolutions regarding Hungary and Poland, and trade agreements. The analysis period covered the parliamentary legislature from 2019 to 2024.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

EU Elections: Populist Surge Expected in Czech Republic

Czech citizens went to the polls on Friday for the second day of EU elections, with polls suggesting a strong showing for the Eurosceptic Right.

One party expected to do particularly well is the populist ANO of former prime minister Andrej Babis, which has surged in popularity in recent months after adopting a new conservative agenda opposing the EU Green Deal and Migration Pact. Progressives in Brussels have expressed fears that the billionaire politician is breaking from the liberalism that has defined his political career until now.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

EU Plans Major Expansion of Mass Surveillance: Indiscriminate Data Collection, Device Monitoring, Encryption Backdoors, and Mandatory Data Sharing

The European Union (EU) is planning to implement a new set of draconian mass surveillance rules shortly after Sunday’s EU Parliament election, a member of the EP has warned after the plans surfaced on the internet.

The conclusion that radical surveillance measures are in the works proceeds from documents detailing the meetings of working groups, dubbed “high level group(s) on access to data for effective law enforcement.”

The documents originate from the EU Commission, and contain a number of recommendations, including reintroducing indiscriminate retention of communications data in the bloc, creation of encryption backdoors, as well as forcing hardware manufacturers to give access to anything from phones to cars to law enforcement through what is known as “access by design.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

European People’s Party: “Our Doors Are Open” to Orban’s Opponents

The leader of the centre-right-liberal European People’s Party (EPP), Manfred Weber, said he would welcome cooperation with the rising star of the Hungarian opposition, Péter Magyar. “Our doors are open,” Weber told Politico, saying he’s “happy” about Magyar’s interest.

Péter Magyar and his Respect and Freedom party (Tisza) burst into Hungarian politics within a matter of months, attracting large crowds at its rallies. The party has hacked off a large chunk of the opposition’s support: it is projected to finish second in the European elections on June 9th and could get six or seven of the 21 parliamentary seats allocated to Hungary. The ruling conservative party Fidesz will remain the strongest force with 10-11 seats.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

France: Macron Faces Crushing Defeat in EU Elections

President Emmanuel Macron’s party will suffer a historic defeat in the European Union elections on Sunday, Hungarian news portal Origo writes. It is not hard to guess that after this huge defeat, he will take even more refuge in foreign policy. Having failed in his own country, he is trying to achieve unquantifiable and non-existent successes in the international world.

According to Wednesday’s opinion poll by IFOP-Fiducial, Macron’s party has been unable to improve four days before the European Parliament elections, standing unchanged at 15 percent. At the same time, Marine Le Pen’s party is polling at 33 percent. No governing party in France has lost by such a humiliating margin since 1979, the first European Parliament elections on party lists. True, it is also rare for a governing party to win what can be considered a roughly midterm election; the last time this happened was in 2009 when then President Nicolas Sarkozy won the EU parliament election.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

French President Delays Sending Military Instructors to Ukraine

French President Emmanuel Macron has delayed sending military instructors to Ukraine but announced further military aid.

On June 6, he indicated that sending French military instructors to Ukraine was not on “today’s agenda” but added that the question was not “taboo”.

Macron said France supported the plan for a European coalition of military instructors to train Ukrainian troops within Ukraine.

“We are working with our partners,” he said.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

German Politicians Call for Knife Ban in Public Places

The killing of a police officer by an Afghan-born Islamist in Mannheim, southern Germany, has led politicians to call for knives to be banned in public places.

Germans were outraged after a 29-year-old officer succumbed to wounds inflicted by a Muslim extremist who had attempted to murder anti-Islamism activist and journalist Michael Stürzenberger at a public rally on May 31st.

Six people were injured in the Islamist stabbing spree at the rally in Mannheim’s central square, which ironically was about the dangers posed by political Islam to German society. The attacker was a 25-year-old Afghan failed asylum seeker who had been living in Germany since 2014.

That attack was followed by another incident in Mannheim on Tuesday evening when local AfD candidate Heinrich Koch was stabbed by people he identified as left-wing extremists. He was left hospitalised with stab wounds to his abdomen.

In response to the high-profile acts of political violence, politicians from both the left and centre-right have called for stricter controls on the possession of knives in public.

[Comment: Missing the point.]

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Germany: ‘NatCon 2.0’: City of Essen Cancels Venue Contract for AfD Party Conference

The western German city of Essen has terminated a rental agreement with the anti-globalist Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party for an events centre where the party is planning to organise its congress at the end of June. The cancellation bears similarities with attempts to ban the National Conservatism (NatCon) conference in Brussels in April, and is another sign of how liberal elites try to silence their political opponents instead of debating them.

The agreement to rent out the Grugahalle, a multi-purpose indoor arena, was established last January between the AfD and the city of Essen, which is a majority shareholder of the exhibition area that incorporates the Grugahalle.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Germany: Greens Laugh During Debate About Mannheim Police Officer Murdered in Islamist Knife Attack

German Greens politicians in the Berlin state parliament caused an uproar on Thursday after heckling and laughing during a debate on the Islamist knife attack in Mannheim last week that resulted in the murder of a police officer.

Opening the debate, the state’s Interior Senator Iris Spanger (SPD) began by saying, “The terrible death of Mannheim shows us —” to which a member of the German Greens group heckled, “Mannheim is dead?”

The comment was followed by noticeable laughter in the chamber from her party colleagues.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

German Authorities Raid 70 Homes Over ‘Online Hate Posting’

Police have raided more than 70 homes in Germany concerning incidents of so-called “online hate posting”, the country’s justice ministry said.

According to a press release published late on June 6, residences in every German state were raided in the latest attempt to crack down on “hate speech”.

Numerous justifications were given for the action: some residents were suspected of issuing “threats” against politicians, while others were suspected of merely targeting them with “insults”, which is also a crime in Germany.

Other raids regarded posts related to “inflammatory content and propaganda offences” connected to “right-wing” or “foreign” ideologies.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

‘I Have No Hatred for the Assassin’ — Slovak PM Fico Appears for First Time Since Assassination Attempt, Forgives Shooter and Advocates for Peace in Europe in Powerful New Message

Four days ahead of the June 9 European Parliament elections, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico released a 14-minute video message on Wednesday, his first appearance since nearly dying after a 71-year-old-man shot him five times, including his stomach, during a countryside political event last month.

“Dear friends! On May 15, an opposition political activist tried to assassinate me because of my political views. The medical team at the Roosevelt Hospital prevented the worst-case scenario, and now the hospital in Bratislava is doing everything possible for my recovery. If everything goes according to plan, I will be able to return to my official duties at the end of June,” Fico said in the surprise address.

He added: “It’s time for forgiveness. I have no hatred for the assassin, I don’t want to take revenge or seek compensation. I forgive him and leave him to sort out his thoughts.

“It is clear that he was only a messenger of evil political hatred from the failed and frustrated Slovak opposition,” the Slovak prime minister said.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Ireland: Populists Hoping for Representation in Brussels as Sinn Féin Nosedives

When the Republic of Ireland goes to the polls on Friday for both European and local elections, it is seen as the first real litmus test of right-wing populism since the emergence of anti-immigration protests over the past 18 months.

Sinn Féin’s traditional influence in working-class communities appears to be slipping, causing the party to pivot to using migration control rhetoric. And Dublin’s political establishment has yet to come to terms with the unprecedented public mood swing on migration, with the thorny issue plaguing the country’s left-wing Sinn Féin opposition party.

While predictably, tribal legacy media have sounded the alarm about the mainstreaming of anti-migration politics, the Republic has—until now—been without a mainline right-wing populist party. Instead, pundits predict that non-aligned independents will profit from the issue coming to the fore.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Is He Hiding in Hungary? Former CEO of Polish Energy Giant Orlen Denies Rumors as Police Search for Him Under Orders From Tusk Government

Former CEO of Polish energy giant Orlen, Daniel Obajtek, who is standing as a candidate for the former ruling conservative Law and Justice (PiS) in the European parliamentary elections, is playing a game of cat and mouse with Poland’s ruling liberal government, which is actively pursuing him to appear before a parliamentary investigative committee.

He is allegedly living in Hungary, with speculation running wild in Poland about his whereabouts. However, the PiS candidate for MEP has actively posted that he is campaigning in southeastern Poland.

On Wednesday, Obajtek once more did not appear at a parliamentary investigative committee on irregularities in the issuance of labor visas to which he had been summoned.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Italy: Not With Macron on Ukraine, No to Escalation Says Tajani

Italy does not support French President Emmanuel Macron sending military instructors and Mirage jets to Ukraine and is against all forms of escalation of the Russia-Ukraine war, Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said on Italian TV Friday.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Meloni Backs Creation of ‘Alternative’ Right-Wing EU Coalition

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has called for the creation of an “alternative” right-wing alliance in Brussels.

The project — which echoes calls by Marine Le Pen for the creation of a right-wing “supergroup” in the European parliament following the June elections — would reportedly be aimed at marginalizing the political left.

“My goal is to create an alternative majority to the current one in Europe, finally sending leftists of all colours into opposition,” the Italian leader said in an interview with online news outlet Il Secolo d’Italia.

“I assure you that Italy will do its full part so that the next legislature will go down in history as the beginning of the new Century: that of political Europe, of the people.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

NATO Chief: Ukraine Needs at Least €40 Billion a Year Until Russia is Defeated

Kyiv will receive long-term military and financial aid from NATO in its war with Russia, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg assured on Thursday, June 6. On top of that, Stoltenberg is calling for at least €40 billion a year from the West for as long as the war lasts.

NATO’s leader said this aid would be made concrete at the NATO summit in July, but would not include sending allied troops to Ukraine, reports EFE.

“At the NATO summit and in the preparatory discussions for it, we will discuss how to ensure that we support Ukraine for as long as necessary,” Stoltenberg said during his first visit to Finland after the country became a NATO member.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Netherlands: Many Voters for New-Right Wing Coalition Did Not Vote in European Elections

A large proportion of people who voted for the PVV, VVD, BBB, or NSC in last year’s parliamentary elections did not go to the polls for the European Parliament elections on Thursday, according to research by Ipsos I&O for NOS. NSC voters, in particular, stayed home.

More than half, 59 percent, of NSC voters did not go to the polling station yesterday. Only 13 percent voted for the NSC again. Seven percent switched to the CDA. According to the exit poll, the NSC secured one of the 31 seats allocated to the Netherlands. Mathematically, it means NSC has now lost two-thirds of its voters compared to the parliamentary elections.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Nova24 Chief Blasts Brussels for Ignoring Attacks on Slovenian Media

Boris Tomasic, director of Slovenian broadcaster Nova24 whose offices and home were recently raided by police, has blasted the European Commission for ignoring attacks on independent media by the country’s government.

Speaking to Brussels Signal, he claimed the bloc had voiced concerns about media freedoms in Italy but had remained silent over the situation in Slovenia.

He particularly targetted the body’s Vice President and values tsar, Vera Jourova, expressing frustration that she had ignored the ordeal he and his colleagues had been put through.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Poland: Far-Left NGO Received Over €30,000 for Drafting Plan to Remove Crosses in Warsaw

Left-wing NGOs in Poland are making big bucks with anti-Christian policies, with one Warsaw-based foundation earning tens of thousands of euros for drafting the plan to remove religious symbols from public buildings in Warsaw.

The organization, the “Institute for Human Rights Cities,” concocted the proposal to ban religious symbols in the capital’s public offices, which sparked widespread outrage among religious and conservative groups. According to the Ordo Iuris Institute, the circumstances surrounding the selection of the foundation through a competitive process have raised serious concerns.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Poland 2024 EU Election Polls: Left-Liberal KO Slightly Ahead of Conservative PiS, Right-Wing Confederation Party Gains Ground

According to the Ipsos poll for liberal media outlets TOK FM and, the Civic Coalition (KO) is poised to win the upcoming EU parliament elections, garnering the support of 33 percent of respondents. Law and Justice (PiS) follows closely with 29 percent of the votes, while the right-wing Confederation party takes third place with 11 percent.

The Confederation’s performance surpasses that of the Third Way alliance, which attracted 10 percent of respondents. This is yet another survey where the Confederation has maintained its third-place standing. Similarly, Thursday’s poll by the Opinia24 research firm for “Fakty” TVN and TVN24 mirrored these results.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Poll: Reform UK Could Win Parliamentary Seats for the First Time

Days after Nigel Farage took over as leader of Reform UK—a position he pledged to hold for the next five years in order to lead a political “revolt”—both Labour and the Conservatives dropped in the most well-respected polls of voting intentions.

Reform is now just two points behind the Tories and is, for the very first time, predicted to win seats (three or four, depending on who you believe) in Parliament.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Price Gouging: Central Europe Finally Makes Germany Retreat on Gas Transit Fees

Thanks to Central European countries, Germany has been forced to abolish its extra charge on gas transit, economic policy analyst Olivér Hortay said in a video posted on his social networking site.

The head of Szazadvég’s climate and energy policy division recalled that the German government formally introduced the measure in 2022 to ensure that it would be able to fill its storage facilities even during a time when high gas prices were squeezing European countries.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Romanian Nationalist Party Leader Investigated for Forging Campaign Signatures

Romania’s controversial right-wing nationalist AUR party (‘Alliance for the Union of Romanians’) has become the center of a major scandal after sources from the country’s General Prosecutor’s Office revealed to the daily Digi24 that the party leader, George Simion, is being investigated for instigating the falsification of tens of thousands of campaign signatures needed for the launch of a close ally’s independent bid for the EU Parliament.

After Digi24 acquired the scoop from an unnamed judicial source, the Prosecutor’s Office confirmed the authenticity of the story on Wednesday, June 5th, but refrained from naming either Simion or AUR in its statement.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Slovak PM: “The Right to a Different Opinion Has Ceased to Exist in the EU”

In his first public comments since the May 15th attempt on his life, Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico lambasted the opposition for cultivating an environment of “hatred and aggressiveness.” The prime minister also blamed Western democracies for not respecting countries such as Slovakia that have a sovereign foreign policy, saying they aim to marginalise states that deviate from US/EU mainstream thinking on issues such as the war on Ukraine.

Robert Fico is recovering at home after being shot at point-blank range three weeks ago by 71-year-old Juraj Cintula, a poet and writer with a history of taking part in anti-Fico demonstrations.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Spain: Vox: Establishment Parties Vote Same Way 90% of the Time in Brussels

In the final TV debate on the eve of European parliamentary elections, the top candidate for Spain’s national conservative VOX party reminded voters that the country’s two main parties vote the same way “90% of the time” in the European Parliament (EP).

Jorge Buxadé pointed out that VOX is the only party that rejects the EU’s Green Deal and the UN’s Agenda 2030—radical decarbonisation plans that critics say will push up prices and extend transnational technocratic control over nation states.

In a fiery debate, Buxadé also accused the governing socialist party (PSOE) of being allied with Hamas terrorists, the Taliban, and Iran, following the government’s anti-Israel policies and decision to recognise Palestinian statehood.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Spain: PM Plays Victim, Accuses Judge, Opposition of “Crude Setup” in Open Letter

According to Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, a judge has intentionally announced the date for a key court appearance for his wife “only five days before” the European elections for political reasons.

In what appears as a desperate attempt at deflecting focus from the latest scandal facing his administration, Sanchez speculates about the ‘real’ reasons for the timing of the announcement that Begoña Gómez, who is facing corruption charges, is set to testify before the judge overseeing the investigation on July 5th. In a press conference, government spokesperson Pilar Alegria repeatedSanchez’s innuendos against the judiciary.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Twelve EU Countries Lobby for Starting Accession Talks With Ukraine and Moldova

A dozen EU member states have submitted a joint letter to the EU Council’s current Belgian presidency, urging their remaining colleagues to kickstart Ukraine and Moldova’s EU membership talks by adopting their respective accession roadmaps before Hungary takes over the revolving presidency next month.

“We jointly call for the adoption of the negotiating frameworks for Ukraine and Moldova by the General Affairs Council in June at the latest,” the letter, dated June 5th and obtained by Euractive, reads, “in order to convene Intergovernmental Conferences with both countries by the end of June 2024.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Christian Sues Liberal Democrats After Being “Hounded Out”

The British Liberal Democrat Party is facing a serious allegation of discrimination on the basis of Christian faith.

Award-winning BBC journalist and practicing Anglican David Campanale, who was last month replaced as a prospective parliamentary candidate for the party, is suing both its local and central branches, calling for a declaration that he has been unlawfully discriminated against because of his faith. He is also seeking compensation.

The lawsuit comes after what was described as “a two-year campaign against him by members of his local party and a number of LGBT activists.” Local Lib Dem officials said there was “the feel of a witch-hunt” against Campanale because of his faith.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: GB News Viewers Slam ‘Disgusting’ Just Stop Oil Protesters Who Disrupted Duke of Westminster’s Wedding: ‘Disrespectful!’

GB News viewers have shared their reaction to Just Stop Oil (JSO) protesters setting off orange fire extinguishers at the Duke and Duchess of Westminster’s wedding today.

Some said it was disrespectful to ruin someone’s wedding day, describing the protest as a “cheap shot.”

As the newlyweds made their way outside the church, they were met with hundreds of well-wishers who gave them three cheers.

But two JSO protesters used fire extinguishers to let off their orange smoke in the path of the newlyweds.

Police quickly led the JSO group away from the wedding party and Cheshire Police have since confirmed that two women were arrested at the scene.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Ukraine EU Accession Talks Okay to Begin, Commission Says

EU accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova are now okay to begin, officials are said to have told the Financial Times.

Both countries are reported to have met the criteria to join the bloc, with the European Commission having allegedly notified the ambassadors of the 27 member states that formal accession negotiations for Ukraine and Moldova’s EU membership can begin.

The Commission wants to start the talks before July when Hungary — which has reservations about Ukraine joining the EU — will take over the presidency of the union.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Polish Ambassador Harassed on Camera in Russia by Polish Citizen With Pro-Russian Sympathies

Krzysztof Krajewski, Poland’s ambassador to Russia, had to be evacuated from a restaurant in Yekaterinburg, Russia, after being pestered with questions by a man who turned up at the restaurant with a cameraman.

Krajewski was accosted by a young man who spoke fluent Polish and fired a series of questions at the ambassador in a Yekaterinburg restaurant. He asked how many Poles have returned in coffins from Ukraine and why Poland was sending its soldiers to the front in Ukraine. He also asked why Poland had forgotten about the Volhynia massacre.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

‘The Battle of Kharkiv Has Broken the Red Line That Europeans and Americans Seemed to Have Set for Themselves at the Start of the War’

Yet another “red line” has been crossed in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Long had the West hesitated to deliver tanks to Kyiv, but no more. On the fence, they wondered if they should equip Ukraine with American F-16 fighters. They’re on their way. While they had previously supplied artillery and medium-range missiles to their Ukrainian ally, it could only use them against Russian forces deployed on its territory, not across the border. No longer.

The battle for Kharkiv has broken the last red line Europeans and Americans seemed to have set themselves at the very start of the war. Since May 10, the Russians have subjected Ukraine’s second-largest city, in the north of the country, to daily bombings. Their targets are residential buildings and civil and political infrastructures. The beautiful Kharkiv is located just a few dozen kilometers from Russia. People here used to have family and work on both sides of the border.

The West used to argue that no direct missile attack should target the territory of the world’s second-largest nuclear power. But Vladimir Putin is using and abusing the threat of nuclear weapons to wage a conventional war. Sheltered by its force of mass destruction, Russia is sanctuarizing its territory and, from there, “conventionally” bombing its Ukrainian neighbors.

They know where the missiles are coming from, they are aware of the Russian logistics chains deployed along the border and they can see their adversary preparing artillery batteries and missile launch pads.

           — Hat tip: Dean [Return to headlines]

Australia’s Opposition Calls for Extended Online Age Verification, Digital ID, to Combat Anonymity

The federal opposition in Australia is giving the government a run for its money when it comes to initiatives that in one form or another restrict online freedom of expression.

In addition to speech implications, the right to remain anonymous on the internet has long been supported by digital and civil rights advocates as fundamental for people’s privacy and security.

But now the age verification digital ID push in Australia is bringing the issue to the fore and has produced a parliamentary motion coming from opposition Liberals aimed at getting the government to implement a mechanism that enables the blocking of anonymous accounts.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

El Salvador President Bukele & Tucker Carlson on How to Save Humanity

Tucker Carlson released an exclusive interview with anti-globalist El Salvador President Nayib Bukele on Wednesday evening.

The controversial leader has been in the news recently for his massive crackdown on violent gangs, investigating his own administration and criticizing New World Order operatives such as George Soros.

In the thrilling discussion with Carlson, Bukele discussed the current spiritual war taking place worldwide, how corrupt governments deceive their citizens, and much more.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

‘A Soldier Does Not Carry a Weapon to be a Puppet’ — Polish Soldiers Outraged Over Prosecutions From the Tusk Government

The Polish military police detained and handcuffed soldiers who fired into the air to stop dozens of illegal migrants armed with weapons and projectiles from crossing the border between Poland and Belarus. The arrested soldiers have now been released but have been charged with unauthorized use of firearms and endangering the lives of the illegal migrants.

Robert Wyrostkiewicz, a journalist and territorial army (WOT) soldier, has published a video on social media, which he admits is illegal since he was not authorized to make it.

“So be it. Ordinary soldiers were held in handcuffs by military police because they dared to fire into the air to deter 50 illegal migrants. Soldiers are not issued with firearms for nothing, they are there to help them guard our borders and stand their ground,” he said, adding: “A soldier does not carry a weapon to be a puppet.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

‘Abolish ICE’: New Yorkers Join With Illegal Immigrants to Protest Biden’s Border Measure

On Thursday, crowds of illegal immigrants and New Yorkers marched through New York City calling on Joe Biden to reverse an executive order he signed earlier this week aimed at tackling the crisis at the southern border. Protestors made their way from Herald Square on 34th and Broadway up to the Roosevelt Hotel on 45th and Madison, carrying signs and chanting, “Abolish ICE!”

Biden’s executive order, which went into effect immediately, prevents those who cross the border illegally from obtaining asylum in the United States when the number of crossings hits an average of 2,500 crossings a day. There are a number of exceptions, however, an over a million illegal immigrants will still be able to cross over per year.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

France: Migrant Minor Who Stabbed Teacher and Burned Down Reception Center Shot by Police, Officer Under Investigation

An unaccompanied minor has been arrested in France after stabbing a teacher multiple times and attempting to burn down the reception center in which he was being accommodated.

The incident occurred on Wednesday in La Tour, a town situated in the Alpes-Maritimes department of southeastern France.

According to information provided by the Bonneville public prosecutor’s office and cited by Le Parisien newspaper, the 17-year-old knife-wielding attacker took two educators at the reception center hostage and barricaded himself in his room.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Germany: Afghan Man Attacks Police Officers With Long Blade Just Days After Mannheim Terror Attack

A 22-year-old Afghan man has been arrested for attacking police with a large kitchen knife on the island of Rügen in the northeast of Germany. The attack comes just days after 29-year-old German police officer Rouven L. lost his life to a radical Islamist Afghan knifeman who stabbed him multiple times in the neck, with the horrific incident sparking yet another debate about mass immigration in Germany.

On Wednesday evening, a bus driver told police arriving on the scene that the Afghan man was kicking his bus and cutting down election posters with a kitchen knife, according to the Stralsund police report. One of the election posters read “Citizens for Conservative Values.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Germany Has Begun Dumping Migrants in Poland

Aleksandra Fedorska who works for independent radio WNET and news outlet Biznes Alert has reported that migrants are being handed over to Polish border guards by German officers and are then transferred to hostels in bordering areas.

According to her, many of the migrants have told staff that they arrived in Germany from the Netherlands, Austria and other countries, rather than via Poland.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Irish Immigration Sceptics Predicted to Pick Up Seats in European Parliament

Ireland’s upstart immigration sceptics looked set to gain a surprise two MEP seats, based on a recent analysis.

Dublin political commentator Keith Mills told Brussels Signal that the populist Independent Ireland (II) party would likely be the European Parliament election’s big winner in the country.

The new group had put out “strong messaging” regarding “protecting rural Ireland from the excesses of climate mitigation, a bit like the Dutch farmers’ movement”, said Mills.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Meloni’s Albania Migrant Centre Set to Open in August

Italian premier Giorgia Meloni visited the Albanian coastal town Shëngjin on Wednesday to firm up a deal that could see the Balkan country host tens of thousands of asylum seekers on behalf of Italy while their claims are being processed.

After touring the facilities where migrants are to be housed, Meloni met with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama. The two countries signed an agreement last November to transfer migrants aiming to arrive in Italy via the Mediterranean Sea to the Balkan country, rather than continue to let them flood the Italian mainland.

Under the terms of the agreement, Albania would house 3,000 migrants for one month each to allow their applications to be decided on. All of the centres will be under Italian jurisdiction and deportations will be fast-tracked for failed applicants.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Migrant Murders Polish Soldier Protecting Border

Poland’s military affairs department is investigating the death of a soldier who was stabbed while protecting his country’s border. Meanwhile, the foreign ministry has summoned the Belarusian envoy in Warsaw to discuss the case.

The incident took place last week, on May 28th, and the soldier has since died of his injuries.

He was stabbed in the chest with a knife while trying to stop a group of migrants who were attempting to force their way across the Belarus-Poland border. The Polish Border Guard said that other officers had been injured earlier the same day while defending the border, including one who was hit with a broken bottle and another who was attacked with a “tool to which a knife was attached.”

Poland has demanded that Belarus locate and hand over the attacker, who has yet to be identified. The incident, which serves as a grim reminder of the significance of border control in the European elections, prompted Prime Minister Donald Tusk to reintroduce an exclusion zone, from which unauthorised people are barred from entering, on the border with Belarus.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

More Than 300 Migrants Crossed the English Channel in Small Boats on D-Day as People Smugglers ‘Take Advantage’ of 80th Anniversary

Hundreds of migrants crossed the channel in small boats yesterday amidst D-Day’s 80th anniversary as the people smugglers ‘take advantage’ of the situation.

Home Office figures show 316 men, women and children were picked up in five dinghies on Thursday with 84 having to be rescued including a baby when their packed inflatable capsized mid Channel.

The smuggling gangs have been taking advantage of the D-Day commemorations by launching the perilous crossings while world leaders attended historic events along the French coast in Normandy.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Shock Video: Officer Stabbed by Migrant in Austria

A police officer narrowly survived a vicious stabbing attack launched by a Middle Eastern migrant hoping to force a ‘suicide by cop’ scenario in Austria, according to reports.

The shocking ambush unfolded in the capital city of Vienna on May 25 but surveillance footage just began circulating on social media this week.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Spain: Vox Cracks Down on Illegal Residence Registrations Amid Rising Crime

Spain has seen a rise in illegal residence registrations.

Municipalities in Castellón, Elche, Burgos, Palma, and Cartagena are jointly verifying registration records to ensure compliance with current laws.

In Cartagena, VOX spokesman Gonzalo Lopez Pretel describes how “[fraudulent residency] registration is used as a tool to regularize [the status of illegal migrants] and capture benefits,” blaming “immigration centers” for incentivising the practice.

In the locality of Castellón, for example, apartments of less than 90 square meters were found to be housing up to 15 residents, with landlords exploiting the situation by subletting rooms.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Texas Launches Crackdown on Violent Illegal Alien Criminals

Violent illegal alien criminals are about to get a rude awakening in the state of Texas.

Republican Governor Greg Abbott has just announced a new initiative to crack down on illegals who commit violent crimes in America.

Abbott’s new scheme seeks to apprehend illegal immigrants in Texas who have been charged with sex crimes and violent offenses.

On Wednesday, Abbott rolled out the “10 Most Wanted Criminal Illegal Immigrants” list.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Based Teens Arrested After Riding Scooters Over Fresh LGBT Road Mural

Three teenagers in Spokane, Wash., were arrested this week after they rode Lime scooters over a freshly-painted LGBT mural at a roadway intersection.

The teen suspects allegedly did donuts on a “trans pride” flag mural that was recently repainted following another vandalism incident.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Court Issues Injunction Blocking USDA Disaster Relief Based on Race or Gender

Department of Agriculture (USDA) to stop discriminating against farmers on the basis of race or sex when awarding disaster relief.

“We just received a NATIONWIDE INJUNCTION in the Strickland v. Vilsack case, which halts the racially discriminatory farmer relief payments being made by the USDA,” the Mountain States Legal Foundation said in a post to X. “The payments will no longer go out while the case proceeds! A proud moment for us & our partners.”

The case was brought by the legal foundation and the Southeastern Legal Foundation (SLF), who also confirmed the news.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Google Introduces App Store Censorship Rules, Bans AI Generating Various Types of “Restricted Content, “ Including “Hate Speech”

Developers of apps for Android will have to adhere to a new set of rules if they wish to publish on the Google Play Store.

The “guidance” is seen by critics as yet another wave of sweeping censorship tied to AI, as Google continues to crack down on what it considers to be hate speech, profanity, bullying, harassment, and other content listed as “restricted.”

One of the types of content developers are now banned from generating refers to sensitive events — and Google’s description is another example of what is likely a deliberately vague definition, so it can be left open to arbitrary interpretation.

Namely, this is content about sensitive events that include things that “capitalize on or are insensitive toward a sensitive event with significant social, cultural, or political impact.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Man Crowned ‘Miss Maryland USA’

The newly crowned “Miss Maryland USA” is actually a man.

Bailey Anne Kennedy was crowned the “winner” of the female-only pageant last Saturday.

Kennedy will now be part of the Los Angeles competition for Miss USA on August 4.

The event is part of the Miss Universe Pageant.

However, Kennedy is a man who claims to be a “transgender woman,” despite it being scientifically impossible to change gender.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

WHO Demands Governments Get ‘More Aggressive’ With ‘Anti-Vaxxers’ as Deaths Surge Among Vaxxed

The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a warning to United Nations (UN) member states that governments must “be more aggressive” in cracking down on “anti-vaxxers.”

The warning was issued by WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus during a talk titled “Celebrating 50 years of immunization progress.”

During his speech, Dr. Tedros said:

“You know the serious challenge that’s posed by anti-vaxxers, and I think we need to strategize to really push back.

“I think it’s time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers,” he declared.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

2 thoughts on “Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/7/2024

  1. I don’t agree with all of Carlson’s conclusions (e.g., Carlson’s—and, in my view, unfounded—belief in a spider web of complex government conspiracies, including “some countries”, that assassinated JFK….well, see Occom’s Razor), but, based on my time inside the Beltway, I think he DOES make some valid points that merit addressing (and correcting). Watch..

    “Tucker Carlson explains why Mike Pompeo is a criminal, and how the US intelligence services intimidate elected officials.” —Liberty Vault

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