Time to Take Off the Rose-Colored Glasses

The two videos below discuss the remarks made by a former French intelligence agent, who has sparked a controversy with his statements about the inevitable Islamization of France, and all of Europe.

RAIR Foundation provides this background for the videos:

Former DGSE (General Directorate for External Security) agent Pierre Martinet, who served in a specialized French intelligence agency, delivered a chilling warning about the impending Islamic threat to Europe in an interview on the Les Bâtisseurs podcast.

Martinet, a veteran of the 3rd Marine Infantry Parachute Regiment (3e RPIMa), foresees a terrifying future where Europe faces complete Islamization within the next 50-70 years. The portion of the interview presented below unravels the profound ideological threat posed by Islam, particularly the role of the Muslim Brotherhood, in the unsettling transformation of Europe. Watch the video, which has been translated into English by RAIR Foundation USA, to gain a deep understanding of this alarming prediction and the urgent threat it raises.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translations, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling.

The first video shows excerpts from the TV interview Mr. Martinet:


The second video features a panel discussion on the topic from French television:

Video transcript #1:

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Everyone Must Come Along

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Federal government officially decides: free travel for smugglers in the Mediterranean

On Thursday, the German Bundestag passed Nancy Faeser’s (SPD) repatriation improvement law. The draft law originally also envisaged an expansion of the criminal liability for helping escapees, which would have affected the actions of the so-called “sea rescuers” in the Mediterranean. But this has now been completely deleted. How did that happen?

The Committee on the Interior and Homeland met one day before the vote in Parliament. The draft law was changed and supplemented at short notice. One of these innovations: “Exclusion of sea rescue from the scope of smuggling offenses by reference to land routes.”

Pick them up and then bring them to Europe

On Thursday, the Bundestag adopted the changes with the votes of the SPD, Greens and FDP. The CDU/CSU and AfD factions voted against it. The Bundestag has thus issued a free pass to the so-called “sea rescuers” in the Mediterranean. For years, reports have been circulating about the way the predominantly German organizations such as “Jugend sucht” [another meaning for the word “Sucht/search” is “Sucht/addiction”, and in this case these hateful and traitorous “youth” are addicted to the destruction of their own families and country], “Sea-Watch” and “SOS Humanity” are colluding with human traffickers. The smugglers pick up African migrants in small boats and set them loose from the beaches in Tunisia or Libya; the “sea rescuers” then collect them a few kilometers off the coast and take them to Europe.

The traffic light government originally wanted to tighten Section 96 of the Residence Act in order to be able to take tougher action against smugglers. The judiciary in Germany only assumes smuggling if a monetary advantage is achieved or promised. Volunteers are therefore exempt from prosecution.

Refugee lawyers opposed this [Refugee lawyers? That’s nothing less than the same league as a drug cartel lawyer, a criminal parasite who found a loophole niche for his or her criminal activity. In short, they are ideological and greed driven advocates for white genocide.]

Pressure grew from the ranks of organizations active in the Mediterranean to change the law. After reading the paper, numerous refugee lawyers raised objections: lawyers associated with “SOS Humanity,” a “sea rescue” association that collected €790,000 in tax money last year, accused the coalition of “criminalizing civilian sea rescue.”

The draft will “lead to considerable legal uncertainty and enable the risk of criminal investigations being initiated against civilian sea rescue,” warned law professor Pauline Endres de Oliveira from Berlin’s Humboldt University together with other lawyers in a statement to the Bundestag . “In the opinion of the signatories of this statement, civil sea rescue should not be subjected to criminal prosecution,” it says. [Since they claim to be “sea-rescuers”, then they should follow the international rules of the nearest harbour, now, shouldn’t they? Anything else is human trafficking.]

Afterword from the translator:

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Islam: Abolition of Civilisation

After an extended sabbatical, our Indian correspondent The Kafir returns with an overview of the civilization-destroying ideology that is Islam.

Islam: Abolition of Civilisation

by The Kafir

“Moreover, whatever may be the respective crimes, virtues and deserts of various races, classes and nations, civilized society requires a certain rule and order to hold back from the edge of anarchic savagery where it is always precariously poised. Human beings must have at least a minimum security in life and property, must be able to move through the streets and between the cities, must accept certain common rules in their mutual inter-course, or civilization does not exist. If this necessary order is subverted, the civilization is destroyed, whether the subversion take place from the best or worst of motives, whether or not it is in some supposedly moral sense justified, whether it is carried out by saints or devils. At some point the guardians of a civilization must be prepared to draw the line.” — James Burnham (Suicide of The West, page 227 [Kindle edition])

Human perception is a very strange thing. Man’s mind may have perceived everything needed to visit the moon. But sometimes it may fail to see the most obvious, glaring thing, not for a few moments or days, but for centuries.

What exactly is Islam? A man born in the Arabian city of Mecca around 1400 years ago claimed that he had been contacted by the God who created this world, had been given a book, and had been commanded to preach that man should worship only that God, in formlessness. So far so good.

Each of us believes so many claims by our fellow men. Men are totally free to believe this man also. They are fully entitled to believe that he was a messenger of God, and should worship God the way he said He should be worshipped. There is no problem so far. The world will go about its business, some nations will have good rulers and hence will be rich, others which have not so good rulers will remain poor. There will be aid for the starving.

But that man said something else also. He said that his fellow men had no choice in the matter. They Must either believe that he was a messenger of God, and worship the way he said, or they ‘will have no security in life and property, will not be able to move safely through the streets and between the cities, and his followers are bound by no rules in their mutual intercourse with non-believers.’ (James Burnham paraphrased) That is, he abolished Civilisation. He abolished the moral laws that make Civilisation possible. (Qur’an 8.39, 9.5, 9.29 and hadith Bukhari 1.2.24).

Kafirs have made mistakes in their response to him from the very first day he proclaimed his mission. They did not figure out his true intentions, and they did not even translate his words properly. For example, jihad.

Jihad is variously translated as Holy War, warfare, or just war. But in a war, an army comes, challenges the army of the target country, the two armies fight, and the victorious army gains possession of the country. People start paying taxes to the new government. This is a war. The only way of war between the civilised countries.

Does this happen in jihad? No. From the very first “battle” the Muslims fought, jihad means something else entirely. In jihad, you can attack trade caravans, you can kill non-combatants, you can simply attack a home/village, kill all the men, rape women and sex-enslave them, and enslave children and trade them around like goods; and loot the goods of household. This is sanctioned in the Qur’an, this is sanctioned by the examples of early Muslims, this is sanctioned in hundreds of hadith, and there are whole chapters of sharia manuals devoted to detailing this. The only condition is that you have to share 20% of the looted women, children and goods with the leader of the moment, the Imam/Caliph/Amir.

Does it all sound like a war? This is actually dacoity.

Merriam Webster defines dacoity as “robbery by dacoits — now used in the Indian penal code of robbery by an armed gang of not less than five men” Dacoity is word taken into English from India. The synonym is robbery/loot. The same dictionary defines robbery as “larceny from the person or presence of another by violence or threat.” So the correct translation of jihad is dacoity/robbery. The man made dacoity/robbery lawful against those who did not believe him. He made dacoity/robbery a religious duty.*

And civilisations died. Wherever his followers went, the places they seized, civilisations died. Baghdad or Cordoba are paraded around as examples of Islamic civilisation. That is, Islam is claimed to have established civilisation of its own kind after it has conquered a non-Islamic civilisation. But what are the creations of Baghdad or Cordoba except some translations of Indian/Persian/ Greek texts? Any literature, science, architecture, paintings, roads, canals, dance forms, music, universities? Anything that we take as achievements of a civilisation? In reality, every Muslim kingdom meant only one thing: regular raids on the kafir villages and cities, the killing of men, the looting of women, children and household goods. That is, dacoity.

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Islamic Pedagogy in North Rhine-Westphalia

Last night I posted about the Brave New World of German pedagogy, as exemplified by ideological indoctrination in the state schools of Schleswig-Holstein.

Compare and contrast that with a different sort of radical pedagogy that is underway in the schools of North Rhine-Westphalia. This time it’s not state-sponsored, but it’s still a call for ideological indoctrination: the students themselves want to enforce sharia in the schools.

Many thanks to Nash Montana for translating this news video, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

The accompanying article from the Tagesschau program, also translated by Nash:

Students Wanted to Enforce Shariah Law at School

Four Muslim students allegedly demanded the implementation of strict, Islamic law at the school — including segregation of the sexes in class. The police are now investigating. Even North Rhine-Westphalia’s minister of the interior Herbert Reul expressed his opinion about the incident.

Women should cover themselves. Muslims should be allowed to leave school earlier for Friday prayer. The separation of the sexes during swimming lessons should extend to teachers as well. These and many other demands were made by four Muslim students at the High School Nordstadt in Neuss, NRW. Furthermore, the students allegedly pressured and harassed fellow students who in their eyes were “bad Muslims”. In class, the four explicitly declared that they reject democracy. And that women should always be covered, as directed by Shariah law.

No Criminal Offenses

All this and more is documented in the police report, which was able to be viewed by WDR, and has been reported about by the Rheinische Post. According to the police report, there were multiple incidents, and two incidents — March and December of 2023 — were/are investigated. The school’s administration turned to the police about the March incident, but no criminal relevance could be determined. However one incident that took place in December 2023 is still being investigated for suspicion of threats and assaults

According to the police report, the parents of the four students have also been investigated: “No threat to state security has been assessed.” The investigators sent the information to the State Office of Criminal Investigations [BKA, Bundeskriminal Amt], with a request to forward said information to the Ministry of the Inner and the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution [Verfassungsschutz]. The school furthermore reported the incidents to the district government, so that they may forward it to the relevant department of the ministry. All relevant agencies and authorities in North-Rhine Westphalia have been informed about said incidents at the Neuss school.

North Rhine-Westphalia Minister of the Interior Reul: “Take care of it in a timely manner”

NRW Minister of the Interior Herbert Reul expressed his opinion Friday afternoon. This case is serious, he said. He called upon parents, teachers and guidance counselors to practice more vigilance towards Islamist radicalization of young people: “When you notice something: Take care of it in a timely manner.”

Breakaway Program No Success

The school asked for help and advice from the State’s preventive program “Signpost” [Wegweiser] to gather more information and guidance about extremist Islamists, as well as a scientific expert for internal training. At any rate, the program was not a success so far, according to the police report.

Video transcript:

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Justice? Or Lawfare?

Below is MC’s latest report from his vantage point on the border with Gaza.

Justice? Or Lawfare?

by MC

We are all shocked at the barbarity of October 7th, I was there in a small way. But I am more shocked by the collusion of the world in turning the misfortune of a few Joooz into a political toolset.

Remember all those world leaders and other VIPs rushing to Israel, to Be’eri, to Sderot to shed their crocodile tears?

I was cynical at the time, counting down the days until they turned on us. And so they have.

For many years now, Islam has been the moving force in Europe. The endless greed to get our mitts on a small proportion of that Middle Eastern Oil Gelt has meant prostrating ourselves, bums in the air, to get our bit of the Sunni manna.

Jews have always been despised. I was thinking this morning of how William Shakespeare deals with his Shylock character in The Merchant of Venice, and particularly Portia’s lecture to him on the quality of mercy.

Antonio, the hero, is a stupid gambler who lucks out. He has borrowed money from Shylock, and has agreed to Shylock’s brutal ‘collections’ policy, and now Shylock wants to collect his “pound of flesh, closest to Antonio’s heart.”

Shylock is supposed to have mercy, but he also has a business to run. The end result is that Shylock gets shafted and Antonio gets away with defrauding the Jooo.

Shakespeare is manipulating the audience. He makes Antonio a nice guy and Shylock a greedy, malignant bully. The play tells us that it is OK to so twist law so that the hero wins against the nasty despised (but innocent) Jooo.

Antonio defaulted on his loan, and wriggled out of the consequences, leaving Shylock holding the debt and unable to collect. Shylock is depicted as the villain, and thus his rights can be violated at will. This is how oppression works.

Substitute the ‘poor Palestinians’ for Antonio and we get a modern day version of that same scenario. Israel (Shylock) is trying to ensure that Hamas (Antonio) cannot prosper from defaulting on the loan (Oct 7th). But Portia (the global community) supports Hamas and will use any device to ensure that Israel cannot rectify the failure to pay. Hamas is in default but wants to manipulate world opinion to shirk the consequences.

Was this shirking preplanned? I would guess that the Macrons and Bidens of this world don’t care. As puppets, they do and say as their masters dictate. Israel is a state that (sometimes) upholds God’s laws and has a very positive national identity, secure borders and a right-of-centre political view. And is thus despised.

It is only justice when the law is blind. We must like Antonio, but we have been taught to hate Shylock, so when Shylock seeks justice, he is deemed not eligible.

Shakespeare is clever: he entices us to support the unjust because our emotion goes with Antonio as the ‘hurt underdog’. We lose sight of Antonio’s greed, folly and stupidity; of his gambling when he cannot afford to lose; and we transfer our opprobrium to his victim who is ugly, angry and out of pocket…

Nothing much has changed since the Gutmenschen of Kiev took out their rage on their innocent victims at Babi Yar.

Ask yourself: Who are the real occupiers, settlers and crusaders?

Is it those Muslims pouring across open borders bringing their vile animalistic culture/religion with them, and expecting us to kowtow to their demands?

Our political masters want us to be ‘multicultural’ (divided), to be tolerant of religious bestiality in our midst. We are supposed to believe that all cultures are equally valid, and to thus despise our own culture in order to elevate the ‘other’.

It is now obvious that Oct 7th was to be a crusade, and given the evacuation of the Gaza peripheral communities, in some ways it worked. The strike paralyzed the IDF high command for some six to eight hours. During which time the Hamas ‘army’ could have taken some key IDF bases and cut Israel in half.

But the lure of nubile young flesh proved too much, and the looting, kidnapping, rape and murder were just too tempting.

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Kajal Hindustani: “Jihadis Are Putting a Target Mark on Every Hindu”

The following video from India shows a speech by a Hindu nationalist named Kajal Hindustani. RAIR Foundation has posted this background on the speaker:

In a powerful speech in Kalol, Gujarat, on December 23, Kajal Shingala, popularly known as Kajal Hindustani, addressed a crowd of Hindus and emphasized the importance of unity against Muslim jihadis. Her speech resonated with the audience, urging Hindus to stand up for themselves and their country. However, Kajal Hindustani’s journey as a vocal advocate for the rights and well-being of the Hindu community has been fraught with controversy and threats by Muslim jihadis and their left-wing enablers.

Read the full story at RAIR.

Many thanks to the anonymous translator, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Washington Promoting Jihad in Schools

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Washington Promoting Jihad in Schools

by Clare M. Lopez

“Blame Federal Government for Rise of Teen Jihadists” by Carole Hornsby Haynes at World Net Daily, December 8, 2023

  • What is allowed to be taught in GovEd schools across America is influencing impressionable young students to accept and even embrace Islam, sharia, and jihad.

“Pro-Hamas White House Staffers Protest Biden’s Support for Israel in Front of White House” by Kristinn Taylor at Gateway Pundit, December 13, 2023

  • Why were White House staffers allowed to demonstrate on White House grounds against Israel and in support of HAMAS? Did they face any consequences for their actions?

White House condemns CAIR director’s recent comments about Oct. 7 attack” by Alex Gangitano at The Hill, December 8, 2023

  • A follow-up here on the Biden administration distancing itself from Nihad Awad’s despicable post-October 7 comments.

“Biden’s ‘Historic’ Muslim Judicial Nominee Served on Board of Anti-Israel, Terrorist-Loving Think Tank” by Chuck Ross at the Free Beacon, December 13, 2023

“Israel’s neighbors could be doing more to help civilians in Gaza” by Shoshana Bryen at the Washington Times, January 3, 2023

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Striking Their Necks

I read a heart-warming story this week in The Farmville Herald about a live nativity scene put on by a Baptist church in Powhatan County, Virginia. Powhatan is a rural county southwest of Richmond, about two hours’ drive from here.

When I saw the photo reproduced at the top of this post, it made me think of the report from earlier this week about the town of Rüsselsheim am Main in Germany, where life-size nativity figures were beheaded by persons unknown, as shown in the photo below:

What happens when the beheaders of Rüsselsheim encounter a live nativity scene?

I assume the perpetrators in Rüsselsheim were Muslims. I also assume that a culture-enricher with a machete would find it far more satisfying to feel his blade cut through muscle, bone, and sinew than through those boring styrofoam figures.

It’s not like Islam has any moral qualms about “striking the necks” of unbelievers. They are, after all, idolaters — mushrikun, polytheists — who deserve to be killed. Decapitation is considered to be a quick, merciful means of dispatching them.

Intuition tells me that there must be numerous cities in Western Europe where the few remaining Christians would even now be reluctant to stage a live nativity production. They can’t talk about such matters, obviously, for fear of being brought up on “hate speech” charges, but they are well aware of what happens to Christians when a significant proportion of the local population is of the Islamic persuasion. People tend to lose their heads.

So public processions and performances related to Christmas, Easter, etc. will gradually be phased out. Christianity will retire within walled spaces, and have no public symbols or signage. Which is the way it’s supposed to be in Islamic countries, where Christians are dhimmis who pay the jizyah meekly and show themselves to be subdued.

Not in Powhatan, not yet. But definitely in Nickelsdorf, Aarhus, Lund, Aberystwyth, and Erquy. If not now, soon.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

A side-note — this is the nativity scene I just set up in the living room here at Schloss Bodissey:

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So-Called ‘Women’s Groups’ Abandon Women to Islam — Silence is Complicity

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

So-Called ‘Women’s Groups’ Abandon Women to Islam — Silence is Complicity

by Clare M. Lopez

This month’s litany of abuses against women living under Islamic Law (sharia) may seem monotonously repetitive — and indeed, unfortunately, it is. The Iranian regime continues its unconscionable assault against women’s rights, indeed, in the larger scope, against basic human rights. Honor killing of women and girls by Muslim men and even other Muslim family members, remains also a horrific constant in places where obedient devotion to Islamic mores remains the rule. Feminist groups worldwide remain notably silent not just on the sexual atrocities HAMAS committed against women and girls during the October 7, 2023 Shabbat Massacre, but on the routine mistreatment of women and girls across the Islamic world. But at least some are beginning to call them out.

“Austria: Syrian man kills wife with 19 stab wounds — His defence lawyer describes the crime as a ‘tragic love story’” at medforth.biz, December 13, 2023

Brother Allegedly Murders Sister in Honor Killing” at khybernews.tv, December 7, 2023

“Suppression of Women’s Rights in Iran Intensifies” at iranwire.com, November 20, 2023

Female soccer fans in Iran allowed into Tehran stadium for men’s game. FIFA head praises progress” at Fox News, December 14, 2023

  • One small step in the right direction!

“Honoring Iranian People’s Struggle, EU Parliament Awards Sakharov Prize to Mahsa Amini’s Family” at ncr-iran.org, 12th December 2023

  • A solemn recognition of the death penalty too many Iranian women and girls suffer for alleged violations of draconian dress codes under the Islamic Republic of Iran’s clerical regime.

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Don’t Lose Your Head

Rüsselsheim am Main is a city in the German state of Hesse. During this year’s festive, culture-enriching winter holiday season, Rüsselsheim experienced a spot of bother when the life-sized figurines in a nativity scene were decapitated by persons unknown. The major figures in the display are now headless, but it’s not clear what happened to the Baby Jesus.

There’s no indication of the possible ethnicity of the beheaders. However, given that the act involved the decapitation of revered Christian symbols, I wouldn’t bet any money that the perpetrators were named Hans or Dietrich or Wilhelm.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this post from Instagram:

Tragic “headless night” for our Christmas nativity scene

Rüsselsheim, December 17, 2023

In an unfortunate turn of events, the festive atmosphere surrounding our human-sized nativity scene figures was disrupted on the night of December 17th. Unknown perpetrators apparently indulged in a macabre joke and cut off the figures’ heads.

Despite the unfortunate incident, we would like to try to approach this situation with humor and use the Christmas story as an analogy for solidarity and cohesion. Similar to the Holy Night, which was marked by unexpected twists and challenges, we see this “Headless Night” as an opportunity to stand together and bring light into the darkness together.

The Rüsselsheim 1888 e.V. Trade Association calls on the community, like the wise men from the East, to demand that the perpetrators to make amends for their actions. We invite you to make your contribution to the reconstruction of our Christmas nativity scene and thus carry out a symbolic act of reconciliation. In the Christmas story we learn that community and compassion are stronger than any darkness.

We would be happy to provide you with further information or tips on the perpetrators.

Happy third Advent everyone.
With Christmas greetings
The board of the Rüsselsheim 1888 e.V. Trade Association.

Afterword from the translator:

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Shouting Fire!

Shouting Fire!

by MC

Western Civilization was defined by a ‘context’, but it was a context that our academic elites did not like. That context — the Torah (Ten Commandments) — undermined their authority by placing a God over all. Marxists do not like gods (which they cannot control); they prefer to set up dictators (gods they can control).

So, too, with presidents of Ivy League universities who like to control those contexts (knowledge of good and evil) for themselves within their domains.

Inciting genocide is a bit like shouting ‘FIRE’ in a crowded theatre, but the context is different, and the ‘action’ may be in a small despised country far away, and a time well into the future.

When Stalin genocided the Ukrainians, he justified it by creating a context, that of the kolkhoz (communal farm) from which Ukrainian farmers could be excluded if they did not comply, and thus starved them along with their families. Following in Stalin’s footsteps, the Palestinian context was created by the KGB in the early sixties.

This context claimed that the land which was defined as ‘Jewish’ under international law (in the Mandate for Palestine in 1922) actually belonged to Palestinians by right of occupation and residence, and that the definition of a Palestinian (in 1963) was a non-Jew who had lived in the land for two years in the period since 1922: the UNRWA definition used for Refugees of the 1948 War of Independence.

This construct was accompanied by bucketloads of propaganda, supposedly legitimising the KGB/Palestinian claim and describing Jews as ‘settlers and occupiers’.

The American left fell for it (as they always do for convenient hoaxes).

National Socialism grew out of Socialist Syndicalism, which is the idea that trades unions should control the means of production, and was the more ‘right’ of the three socialist collectivist ideological strains of the interwar years (Marxism, Social Democracy and Syndicalism). That National Socialism became branded as ‘far right’ was a hoax again engineered by Marxists to demonise conservative thought and also to dissociate the occult brutality of Marxism from the then-exposed brutality of National Socialism. It proved to be very effective and the majority of historians upheld the thesis (the alternative was to face ridicule from the leftist establishment).

‘Racism’, as an adjunct to National Socialism, became a huge political red herring. The real fish was the idea of the cultural context in which and by which ‘good and evil’ could be judged. Racism against victim cultures became the new unforgivable sin, and victimhood became a function of skin colour.

White bad, non-white good.

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From Jerusalem to Yerevan

As part of my work here at Gates of Vienna, I routinely have to read large quantities of material. That means I encounter many things I don’t agree with. I make a point of doing exactly that, because if I only read things I already agree with, I never learn anything new.

These days that also means I read a lot of stuff by people who don’t like Jews. Which is OK. I like Jews, but I don’t require that everybody else like them.

However, even though I’m a philo-Semite, that doesn’t mean that I think U.S. foreign policy should be subordinate to Israel’s. Even so, there are a lot of people who do think that, even if most of them never articulate it fully. They believe that the United States has a responsibility to make sure Israel wins its wars.

We don’t. We have a responsibility to take care of America’s interests. Period.

It’s quite possible that many American Jews will be appalled by my assertion. They may consider it an anti- Semitic position. Unfortunately, we live in a time when taking care of national self-interest is deprecated, and basing foreign policy on the loftiest moral principles is elevated to an absolute imperative. The concept of national interest is passé. It’s so 1945. It’s even — gasp! — Bismarckian.

The confusion of moral issues with those of national interest is one of the primary sources of our current political mess. Conducting foreign policy based on moral idealism rather than pragmatic national security is a guaranteed recipe for trouble.

And putting the interests of the state of Israel ahead of — or even on a par with — those of the United States is prima facie evidence of unseemly political influence. Tipping the scales in favor of a sovereign foreign entity can only be accomplished through the liberal application of money as a political lubricant at appropriate points in the machinery of state.

Tracking the various conduits through which mammon flows to corrupt political functionaries, and tracing that flow back to its ultimate source, is a project that would consume several lifetimes of effort, so I won’t attempt to get into it here. It’s just worth keeping the general rule in mind: if you want to learn why a politician acts against the interests of his constituents and his country, follow the money.

One way you can tell that money — rather than moral principles — guides US foreign policy vis-à-vis Israel is to look at a parallel case, that of Armenia.

On a strictly moral basis, Armenia’s case for assistance is every bit as strong as Israel’s. Like the Jews, the Armenians were targeted for genocide in the 20th century, beginning in 1915, with the Turks of the Ottoman Empire as the perpetrators. There are numerous photos of heaps of corpses of Armenian women and children, just as there were of the Jews during the Holocaust.

Like the Jews, Armenians had their property seized by the state. Like the Jews, the Armenians were deported en masse to concentration camps — in their case in the Syrian desert. Women and girls were crucified along the route. Their bodies were left to rot in the blazing sun.

At least a million Armenians were slaughtered or died of disease and starvation. The death toll was roughly half of the Armenian population.

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No Tannenbaum For Hamburg!

Under the reign of Political Correctness, the spirit of “Bah Humbug!” has really taken hold, even in the German city of Hamburg.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Boris Reitschuster’s website. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Christmas tree donor for daycare center faces up to one year in prison

After “Christmas Tree Waiver”: Dispute in Hamburg escalates

There was a time — it must have been before the turn of the millennium — when hardly anything upset the author of these lines more than when someone said: “Everything used to be better!” Now I not only know that that this is true in many cases, but I use this sentence myself more and more often.

Having grown up and been socialized in the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1980s, it was felt that every kindergarten was still under the administrative management of a church that had not yet been infiltrated by the disciples of a climate sect. Visits from Santa Claus there were normal, as were the corresponding decorations in the facilities. The crowning glory, so to speak, was a nativity scene and — of course — the obligatory Christmas tree.

Today, in the “best Germany of all time”, these are only childhood memories that are increasingly in danger of fading (see here and here). Even Christmas markets are often no longer called that, but have to be called “winter markets”. And Bible quotations now seem capable of endangering the public peace.

The report about a completely escalated argument over a Christmas tree in a Hamburg kindergarten fits in with this. The announcement by the management of “Kita Mobi” that this year they would forego a decorated fir tree “in the spirit of religious freedom” left many parents stunned. But what happened next probably finally broke the camel’s back. [I guess they mean by that the religious freedom for the followers of Islam and Marx. Every other religion and its adherents have no rights and must be destroyed.]

Criminal charges against Christmas tree donors

In public institutions, especially when children are looked after, donations are of course always appreciated. Really! Not so in Hamburg, at least not in the “Kita Mobi” and even less when the charitable gift consists of a Christmas tree and presents for the children. The owner of a garden center not only took the liberty of setting up a Christmas tree in the daycare center’s garden on the night of St. Nicholas Day, but also placed lovingly wrapped gifts for the children underneath it. For the “Finkenau Kindergarten Foundation” this was clearly too much — they filed a criminal complaint for trespassing!

Days before, the facility had informed the parents via email about their rejection of a Christmas tree as follows: “We as a team decided against it because we should not exclude any child or their faith.” Therefore, celebrating Christian festivals was ruled out. [I’m pretty sure that this is the same kindergarten that had been forcing non Muslim children to “fast” in solidarity with Muslim children during Ramadan.]

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Hamas and the Annihilation of the Jews

Below is MC’s latest update from Sderot, with an extensive preface about the nature and history of Hamas.

‘Hamas, Hamas, all Jews to the gas’

Hamas and the Annihilation of the Jews

by MC

Hamas is a ‘brotherhood’ that seeks solely to kill Jews, as commanded by Islamic scripture: Koran, Hadith and Sunna. Whilst parts of the Koran may condemn murder, these parts are usually from the Mecca period, and thus often quoted to the infidel as a claim to innocence and peaceful intention, but are abrogated in favour of the violence of the Medina period.

Like calling Jews ‘Christ-killers’ (as happened to me just a few years ago), Muslims are very aware that Mohammad was fatally poisoned by one of his captured Jewish sex slaves.

In the Mecca period, the ‘holy land’ was acknowledged as Jewish. In the Medina period the good Muslim was instructed to behead all Jews and Christians.

Abrogation is a device used in Islam to iron out the many contradictions in the Koran, which is an incredibly confusing document and gives rise to at least four schools of interpretation. Sufism is the least violent, and it is this that the Sunni and Shia will use to convey peaceful religious doctrines to the enemy whilst planning his more violent demise.

Islam is not a religion as we in the West understand religion. It is a tyrannical form of theocratic government more akin to a 20th-century dictatorship. Life is not sacred in Islam, and the ends justify the means (amorality). Haj Amin al-Husseini and Hassan al-Banna, the founders of the PLO/Hamas, were indeed acolytes of Adolf Hitler, and later fell into the Marx/Lenin/Stalin camp of the Communist International.

The top leaders of these organisations trained under KGB supervision. They are anti-Israel and anti-American, but will happily accept the American taxpayer’s gold.

Hamas (and Gaza) are entirely financed from outside the country. It has taken 7th October to expose the deep, deep Jew-hatred that motivates states such as Spain, Norway, the UK and Belgium to readily finance the extermination of Jooz. These states say that they do not want to be seen as anti-Jew, but their actions towards the Jewish State of Israel are reprehensible and probably driven by their Globalist/Satanic desire to remove Torah from the scenario.

The US Administration, too, says one thing, but does another. O’Biden supposedly supports Israel’s right to defend itself, but is at the same time making sure that Israel cannot win. He has started three wars on his watch: Ukraine by embargoing Nordstream 2, Israel by donating $6 billion to Iran, and Guyana by removing sanctions from Venezuela.

Only Israel gets loaded with responsibility for ‘civilian casualties’. Collateral damage in the US-led bombing of Zagreb were swept under the carpet. Where are the howls of rage as Hamas fighters violate Jewish women and children, violate the Helsinki accords, and destroy agricultural property?

Hamas uses its citizens (and ours) as human shields. By law this becomes their crime and their responsibility — except when fighting Jooz, it seems. In the Koranic context this is ‘ethical’, and thus in a multicultural society must be given the same credibility as Judeo-Christian values, if not more, because Judeo-Christian value are those of the dreaded white male supremacy context.

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