A Battle for Western Civilization

Paul Weston, the leader of the LibertyGB party in Britain, spoke yesterday at an English Defence League demonstration in Luton. Below is the video of his speech:

Update: I’ve added a transcript of Mr Weston’s remarks below those of Mr. Cameron.

Speaking of traitors, the following is an excerpt from Prime Minister David Cameron’s speech to British Muslims at a Downing Street reception to mark Eid al-Adha:

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Just Don’t Talk About Islam!

As reported here last month, Tommy Robinson, the former leader of the English Defence League, was sent back to prison for 28 days. The ostensible reason for renewing his incarceration was that he had reported via Twitter that there had been death threats against his family. Considering that his original prison sentence had been for “mortgage fraud”, jugging him again on the Twitter pretext to demonstrates the political nature of his prosecution and imprisonment.

Mr. Robinson believes that he was returned to prison to keep him for participating in a debate at the Oxford Union on October 24, at which he had been invited to speak. Now that he is out, he is preparing to take part in this month’s Oxford Union debate, despite the fact that he might be sent back to prison for doing so.

We just received this brief report from a source close to Tommy Robinson:

Tommy Robinson was released from prison (again) on Friday 14th November, and appeared in court on Monday 17th November.

After he was released, we re-arranged Tommy’s debate at the Oxford Union for the 26th November. Tommy was visited by the Probation Services and informed that if he attends this debate, he is not allowed to talk about Islam, Mohammed, or the Koran. If he does he will be recalled to prison.

Tommy is still determined to go and explain why he cannot debate certain subjects, and express his concerns that his freedom of speech is being silenced with the threat of prison when NONE of the above topics relate to his ‘mortgage fraud’. Tommy feels that this is the way they are going to handle things now to try and silence him.

Please help us make as many people as possible aware of the games that the government are playing in an attempt to keep him from speaking out.

I’m looking forward to next Wednesday — the debate at the Union may turn out to be an interesting event.

Contact Info for Tommy Robinson

The latest news on Tommy Robinson, from Facebook:

Just to keep you all updated. Tommy was verbally abused on the wing by Muslims, although they are being referred to as Asians! The Governor and all the Wardens were pre-warned about Tommy being brought to Bedford and the situation that could arise, that’s a joke in itself.

Tommy was escorted to the Food Hall where there was a queue and was immediately met with a torrent of verbal abuse and threats. Whilst waiting in the queue some of the other inmates attacked him, he suffered minor injuries i.e. black eyes and bruising. Tommy was immediately taken to the block and the inmates that attacked him have had no punishment levied against them.

Tommy has not eaten for 3 days, as they will only serve him Halal food.

The address to write to is:

Stephen Lennon
HMP Bedford
St Loyes Street
MK40 1HG

or you can use the email a prisoner service which is cheaper and quicker.

Advice about sending Tommy money, from another source in the UK:

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Tommy Robinson is Back in Prison

Bedford Prison

Address:   St Loyes Street
MK40 1HG
Tel:   01234 373000
Fax:   01234 273568
Governor:   Ian Blakeman

A reminder: Make sure any messages you send to the prison are CALM and POLITE. I can guarantee you that uncivil rants will be discarded instantly by low-level gatekeepers as soon as they read the first sentence or two.

Last Saturday Tommy Robinson, the former leader of the English Defence League, announced via social media that he was to be sent back to prison. The screen cap below (converted to gray scale to make it more readable) shows a message that was posted by him at that time:

Today this announcement came in from a source close to Tommy Robinson:

The following press release has today been sent to all mainstream media. If you wish to help, please contact Bedford Prison asking for reassurance on Tommy’s safety and requesting that he is moved to Winchester. Prison.

– – – – – – – –

As I am sure most of you are aware, Stephen Lennon aka Tommy Robinson has been recalled to prison for responding to a threat on Twitter. This threat was against him and also implied that his mother would be raped. Screenshots of these threats are available if required.

Tommy’s supporters are requesting that this matter be looked into and investigated thoroughly, as we believe that Tommy is being silenced by the authorities for various reasons:

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A Traitor and a Quisling at Number 10

As reported on the LibertyGB website, Paul Weston gave a speech yesterday at Downing Street, at the invitation of the English Defence League.

WARNING: Mr. Weston’s speech was an impassioned one, so the video below includes some salty language:

For those who find the audio difficult to make out (as I did), a full transcript is below.


Well, first of all, it is an honour and a privilege to be asked by the EDL to come here and speak today. Thank you very much.

Secondly, I’m not going to talk about left wing and right wing here — I’m going to talk about good and evil, civilisation against barbarianism, right against wrong. And when I look at this sea of proud, British, brave patriots, and then I look across there and I see quislings, cowards and traitors … it’s just a shame we’re not a bit closer.

I [want to have a little chat] with David Cameron today, because David Cameron thinks that every single one of you here is ‘sick’, as he calls it. The Left is sick, Islam is sick, but most importantly David Cameron is not just a coward, he is sick and he is a traitor to this country.

David Cameron is on YouTube video saying there are too many Christian faces in the British government. David Cameron is on YouTube video saying he looks forward to the day there are more Muslims in our army, in our police force and in our government. Simon Hughes, the Liberal Democrat MP, looks forward to the day that there’s a Muslim Prime Minister in this country. Well, we don’t and I don’t!

David Cameron is essentially a fully-fledged traitor to his country. He needs to be told this. And David Cameron — when Fusilier Lee Rigby was beheaded — Cameron said, this has nothing to do with Islam — as a Muslim stood over him with a bloody knife quoting the f****** Koran.

When David Haines was beheaded by a British Muslim in Syria, David Cameron said, this has nothing to do with the religion of peace called Islam. Cameron, you’re a liar and you’re a traitor!

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Muslim Paedophile Pakistani Rapists

In his latest video editorial, Paul Weston minces no words about what happened in Rotherham — unlike the media reporters, the pundits, and all major political leaders, who are scared to death of mentioning JIM.

Caveat: Mr. Weston is impassioned about what is happening in Rotherham, and slips into some salty language as a result:

Paul Weston is a British-based writer who focuses on the damage done to Western Civilisation by the hard left’s ongoing cultural revolution, which seeks to destroy the Christian, capitalist and racial base of the West. He is the leader of Liberty GB, his website may be found here, and his political Facebook page here. For links to his previous essays, see the Paul Weston Archives.

Adjourned Until November

As reported here at the time, Tommy Robinson was originally scheduled to appear in court on March 19 on charges related to his speech at an EDL demo in Tower Hamlets last September. However, he was in prison at the time, and simply refused to make the trip to court, since it would have meant being returned to a different and more dangerous prison where he would have been held in solitary confinement. His case was adjourned until today.

Tommy was given an early release from prison last month, and the disposition of the Tower Hamlets case may affect whether he is returned to prison for violating the conditions of his early release. He appeared in court today, where it was decided whether the trial would start today or be postponed due to Tommy’s lack of legal representation.

A source close to Tommy sent the following brief report on what happened:

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British Values — Then And Now

Our British correspondent JP sends a selection of comments from The Telegraph, and includes this note about the material he has chosen:

This is a batch of comments from two Telegraph blog entries, one about imposition of British values on the recently arrived, and the other about the Trojan Horse controversy. There are some thoughtful and highly Islamo-critical comments, including a couple discussing Tommy Robinson’s recent release and the conditions attached.

What is interesting about some of the comments is that they are not immediately removed by zealous, sharia-compliant moderators.

I have added one word [hand] in square brackets to the comment by “lightindesert”. Apart from that, they are all as originally posted.

Perhaps the mood of the ‘meeting’ might be summarised as:

1.   Islam is anathema to our way of life and has to be dealt with at some point.
2.   British values exist, but it is futile to impose them on communities that despise them.
3.   Craven Quisling canting hypocrisy is a value clung to dearly by our leaders.

Don’t ‘teach’ British values — demand them

by Janet Daley

We must insist that ethnic communities change their habits and expectations in order to become active participants in their new homeland

US presidents may address their people as “my fellow Americans”. French national leaders can open their speeches with an appeal to the “men and women of France”. Try to picture a British prime minister saying something of the kind and it will probably make you laugh…

[Reader comment by Mike on 14 June 2014]

Ok what the hell is going on?

Up until about a month ago this sort of article would NEVER have been viewed as acceptable, it smacks of being anti muslim, therefore islamphobic, therefore racist!

But all of a sudden our newly liberated press are extolling the virtues of being British and almost demanding that those who arrive on our shores should integrate, what next, acceptance that we, being British even actually exist?

there seems to be a dramatic change in the air, but is it to do with newly found press freedom, or maybe the fact the telegraph has seen a massive drop in subscriptions, or is it the rise of UKIP?

Forgive my cynicism but having not seen this sort of change and these sorts of articles for so long I am somewhat suspicious!

[Reader comment by rogermurrayclark on 15 June 2014]

EDL leader Tommy Robinson has just been released from prison.

It might be recalled that he was jailed for mortgage “fraud” ie he put up a deposit for a relative and signed an income declaration which exaggerated the relative’s income; pretty heinous stuff obviously — and were this to be applied generally hundreds of thousands would have been prosecuted, And as for Fred Goodwin and the rest, what happened to the criminal prosecutions there?

Anyway he was sentenced to 18 months, so if he had not been released early he would have been incarcerated till July 2015.

But conditions entirely unrelated to the mortgage fraud conviction have been imposed, breach of which means a return to prison eg “NO person(s) who are involved with the EDL may contact him, directly or indirectly”

What’s this to do with mortgage fraud?

So this was a political prosecution and trial from the outset.

How does this accord with the spirit of Magna Carta and “British Values”?

[Reply to rogermurrayclark by jollyjamba on 15 June 2014]

On a BBC political programme that operated a phone in on the issues discussed, 96% of those phoning in supported the statement that the EDL spoke for them.

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Free at Last!

Tommy Robinson, the former leader of the English Defence League, has been given early release from prison, with certain conditions attached.

I just received the following message from a source close to Tommy Robinson:

To all Team Tommy:

Just to let you know — Tommy was released from prison this afternoon, and is now at home. He is spending time with his family, who are overjoyed to have him back.

One of the conditions imposed on Tommy — the violation of which could result in his being returned to prison — is that NO person(s) who are involved with the EDL may contact him, directly or indirectly. So he will not be involved in any EDL-related activities, nor should any EDL people attempt to contact him.

These conditions will apply until the end of the original sentence imposed on him, which would be sometime in June or July of 2015.

Upon learning the news, Vlad Tepes made this brief observation:

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Our British correspondent JP reports that the Dog Jihad has surfaced again in a culturally enriched part of London. But was it really the work of Muslims, or a false flag operation mounted by Islamophobes? I’ll give my own (amateur) opinion at the end of this post.

Dog Jihad in East London
by JP

Readers may remember a couple of dog stories earlier this year — and it is not surprising to find another one surface in London today. Perhaps a sign of the Islamic community’s increasing confidence in doing and saying more or less what it likes while a nervous political class reeling from recent elections wonders what to do about the whole sorry mess? Or is it, as the Labour MP Jim Fitzpatrick questions, the work of agent provocateurs?

A difficult one to call and probably irrelevant, given the febrile atmosphere in the UK with a Muslim community and its leaders on the offensive on multiple fronts while at the same time claiming victim status as a result of what they perceive as witch-hunts whether in regard to Islamic school plots or dubious electoral practices in Tower Hamlets. Add to this a feeling among the wider community of fast-approaching toleration saturation with so little to show for it that probably now is as good a time as any to come to long overdue resipiscence.


Excerpts from an article on the topic published in The Standard:

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Global Mosque Report: April 2014

This is the latest in a series of monthly reports by our British correspondent JP on the progress of worldwide Islamization, as represented by the building of mosques, and activities associated with mosques.

Global Mosque Report (GMR) — April 2014
by JP


New York State

Syracuse Landmark Preservation Board voted to approve a request by an Islamic group called the Northside Learning Center to remove crosses from the Holy Trinity Catholic Church. The group plans to turn the former church into a mosque.


All of Rutherford County’s Circuit Court judges eligible to hear the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro cemetery lawsuit recused themselves, according to court records.


Redmond residents concerned over plans for the proposed two-storey, 22,467 square feet Anjuman-e-Burhani Mosque.

Czech Republic

Police raided buildings administered by Prague’s Islamic Foundation and arrested the publisher of a book on Islam. According to the authorities the book disseminated racism and anti-Semitism. Subsequently, Muslim leaders denounced the police raids.


Newly-elected Front national mayor for Mantes-la-Ville, Paris, Cyril Nauth quashed a controversial mosque project. See also No mosques or EU flags: France’s far-right mayors get down to business.


Photo report featuring some of Berlin’s eighty mosques.


An official at the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs criticized a proposal to hold a referendum on the building of a mosque in Athens. The mayor of Athens, Giorgos Kaminis added Athens had an “international obligation” to build a mosque for which the Greek government had earmarked one million euros in a 2011 parliament-approved plan.


Cork Muslim Society advertised for a new imam after the previous incumbent moved to Dublin.

United Kingdom


Abu Haneefa Educational Trust given provisional go-ahead for a development including a school, mosque, health & fitness centre and mortuary in Whittle Parkway, Slough. However, concerned residents have pledged to continue fighting the development.


Charity Commission opened a statutory inquiry into the dissolved charity the Khodam Al Mahdi Organisation. The organisation runs the Al Muhassin Mosque in Fulmer said to be responsible for stirring up conflict between Shia and Sunni Muslims.

Report on Islamic centre nearing completion in Milton Keynes.


Cambridge’s Mawson Road mosque granted retrospective planning permission to hold education classes at weekends despite neighbours claiming they are “at the end of their tether” with parking chaos.

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Case Adjourned Until July

As mentioned here on Wednesday, Tommy Robinson, the former leader of the English Defence League, was summoned to appear in court that day on charges related to his speech at an EDL demo in Tower Hamlets last September. However, Tommy never made it to court — he refused to leave the prison where he is currently held, since it would have meant being returned to a different and more dangerous prison, where he would have been held in solitary confinement.

According to a source in the EDL, Tommy’s case was adjourned in his absence and rescheduled for July 17th. I presume the authorities will drag the process out as much as possible in order to put him through administrative and judicial hell.

But at least we can all be thankful that he didn’t end up in solitary confinement again.

Previous posts about Tommy Robinson, Kevin Carroll, and the Quilliam Foundation:

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Tommy Robinson: I’m Not Leaving HMP Winchester

The latest word is that Tommy Robinson refused to leave prison this morning to attend his court appearance, because it would have meant being returned to a different, more dangerous prison — and in solitary.

The following message just came in from a source in the EDL:

Tommy refused to leave the prison today.

If he left Winchester and appeared in court in London he would have been returned to HMP Wandsworth, and he didn’t want to go there, as it would have meant solitary confinement.

I’ve just spoken to him and he said the case was due to be heard in his absence this afternoon, with afternoon sessions starting at 2pm. He won’t know the outcome until later when he speaks to his solicitor. CPS presented evidence late yesterday, so he doesn’t think it would have been adjourned.

When more news about the case comes in, I’ll post it here.

Previous posts about Tommy Robinson, Kevin Carroll, and the Quilliam Foundation:

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Tommy Robinson: In Court Again Today

Tommy Robinson, the former leader of the English Defence League, will appear in court later today on charges unrelated to those that led to his current imprisonment.

We just received this message from a source in the EDL:

Regarding Tommy: Today (the 19th of March) he is facing court over charges of a public disorder offence. Specifically, he is accused of “inciting illegal public assembly” at an EDL rally in Tower Hamlets on 7 September 2013.

Why was Tommy arrested? His “crime” was to make a speech that was slightly longer than three minutes.

There is a new risk that may result from his court appearance: during the hearing he will be moved to another prison, and it is highly likely that this will be a much more dangerous place than HMP Winchester, where he is at present (Tommy “likes” his current prison; the place is quite friendly for him, with a lot of soldiers) .

Keep your fingers crossed for him today! And, for those so inclined, please say a prayer for him.

Any additional word on today’s events in court will be posted here as soon as it comes in.

Previous posts about Tommy Robinson, Kevin Carroll, and the Quilliam Foundation:

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