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Yesterday’s European elections must have sent a shiver of dread through the salons of the globalist oligarchs who rule over us.

“Those right-wing extremists are a threat to democracy! Don’t people know better than to vote for them?”

The Lumpenproletariat obviously cannot be trusted.

Meanwhile, on this side of the Atlantic the Trump juggernaut is gaining momentum. It’s clear that a mere criminal conviction in a kangaroo court is not enough to stop Orange Man. He can’t be permitted to get his hands on the levers of power. Something must be done.

One possible something is H5N1, better known as the Bird Flu. It’s already being hyped bigly by the news media. Fear porn about it is being ginned up.

Like COVID-19, H5N1 appears to be the product of gain-of-function research. Also like COVID-19, “vaccines” for it have been prepared in advance, and are waiting in the wings.

Between now and November we can expect lockdowns, mandatory masking, school closures, work-from-home, needles for everyone, vaccine passports, and…

Universal mail-in voting!

Problem solved.

One thought on “Tweet, Tweet

  1. I wonder if they have the “absent vote forms” are printed up already and 100 million “vaccine shots “wait to go out on time for the selection I mean election for the 2024 Presidential coup in November. I wonder what drug addict ,or scholar ,or dreamer will die fighting the police in some blue American city to spark riots gin up by the Soro,s rent a crowd egging on the free stuff crowd to do their smash ,grab ,burn ,dance in the streets. The democratic bring out the dead man starts on August 19 in Chicago the street performers should put on very interesting shows full of color, noise , maybe very interesting home made fire works ,with the gay mafia bumping with the river to the sea crowd , and the toddler communist college students .

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