Have Knife, Will Travel

Those killer knives are migrating all over the place. One of the recent knife incidents occurred at the border between Poland and Belarus, where a young Polish soldier lost his life at the hands of a culture-enricher.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this German-language article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

EU external border

Poland: Soldier dies after knife attack by migrant

In Poland, too, a knife murder shocked the people: During a storm on the border, an illegal migrant killed a young soldier. The government reacted with dismay — and the border crisis appears to be getting worse. [Stop being squeamish. If you’d only hose them down with 7.62, I’m pretty sure that this would be an effective deterrent.]


An unknown illegal migrant stabbed a Polish soldier to death on the border with Belarus. The victim, 21-year-old Mateusz Sitek, died of his injuries in a Warsaw military hospital on Thursday afternoon, the General Command of the Polish Armed Forces said.

The attack took place at the end of May, when a group of 50 migrants tried to storm the border facilities. “While an official of the Polish border guards was providing first aid, the foreigners attacked the wounded man and the official,” said a spokeswoman. The migrants threw stones and branches at the border guards, which is why several cars circled the scene.

Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk expressed his condolences to the relatives of the murdered man. “A young soldier gave his life to protect the border of the Republic. The fatherland and his compatriots will never forget his sacrifice,” wrote the politician from the centrist Civic Platform (PO) on the short message service X. That same evening, his Christian Democratic deputy and Minister of Defense, Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, had all flags in the military units lowered to half-mast. Passers-by laid flowers and lit candles in front of the hospital where Sitek had last been treated. [Wait a moment: wasn’t Donald Tusk one of the EUSSR apparatchiks that wanted even more “migrants” to invade Europe?]

Donald Tusk tweet

Visegrád 24 tweet

The situation in Poland has been worsening since April

Since the summer of 2021, illegal immigrants have increasingly used the route via Belarus to enter the EU. In Poland alone, the border protection authority registered more than 96,600 attempts to violate the EU’s external border. With around 10,500 of these from April to mid-May, the situation had worsened significantly compared to the beginning of the year. Most of the intercepted migrants come from the Middle East and East Africa. In Lithuania and Latvia, the authorities also recorded tens of thousands of unauthorized entry attempts.

From the beginning, Warsaw accused Belarusian ruler Alexander Lukashenko of using migration movements to wage a hybrid war against Poland. His pro-Russian government was promoting migrants by making visas easier to obtain and offering discounted travel tickets. “If you want to go west, we won’t arrest you, we won’t strangle you or beat you. Go through,” Lukashenko told hundreds of illegal immigrants in the autumn of 2021. In the run-up to the border crisis, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia supported the pro-Western opposition in Belarus.

After Sitek’s murder, Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski demanded that Minsk identify the perpetrator and hand him over to the Polish justice system. He also submitted a protest note to the Belarusian embassy. “I want you to know that it is neither a coincidence nor an individual decision of these criminals who attacked our soldiers. They are being trained for this by the Belarusian side,” he said.

Tusk revises stance on migration

Meanwhile, the opposition Law and Justice (PiS) party called for the resignation of the entire government. Its leader Jarosław Kaczyński spoke of a “sad day” and called for more support for the Polish security forces. “If this is not stopped, there will certainly be more deaths.”

Over the past few years, Tusk and his PO have noticeably revised their stance on migration. When the national conservative PiS government announced the construction of a border wall and declared a state of emergency in the affected areas, the PO voted against it. In the subsequent parliamentary election campaign in 2023, Tusk accused the PiS of not taking sufficiently consistent action against illegal migration. As Prime Minister, he is continuing the policies of his predecessors. As soon as the knife attack became known, he announced that he would reintroduce a restricted zone on the border in agreement with the affected municipalities. [So in other words, just more meaningless political hogwash.]

Afterword from the translator:

I’m actually surprised that this hasn’t happened sooner — we all have seen the videos of attacks on the eastern borders by these so called “migrants” or “refugees” — but i seriously doubt that this will stop the EUSSR’s apparatchiks from importing more of the same.

After all, every time we’ve seen that when something happened and innocent people died, after their lip-service about change nothing is being done and it’s business as usual.

One just has to look at the live-streamed attack on Michael Stürzenberger last Friday in which a policeman lost his life due to an illegal migrant.

there the lip-service didn’t even last long enough to stop demonstrations against the “right”, which are so evil that they want to deport these criminal migrants, and we can’t have that, now, can we?

To me these people, these ideological retards, are on the side of utter evil, of terror, of this so called “political” Islam, which in my opinion is just dialectic to confuse the useful idiots.

And there will be more to come if this isn’t stopped radically.

Given the power of the greenies in politics, administration, education and the media, the chances of this happening are poor, very poor in the political arena.

The “migration pressure” is immeasurable and will continue to increase if nothing is being done, and by that I don’t mean just politically.

We — as a people and culture — will only survive if we adapt to it physically, technically and mentally and prevent any self-accusation and guilt-ridden consciousness afterwards.

NO SELF-FLAGELLATIONS WILL BE ALLOWED. This is a fight for survival.

7 thoughts on “Have Knife, Will Travel

    • “Why aren’t the military on the borders issued with orders to shoot to kill?”

      “His [PAA’s] instructions to Federal law enforcement agencies? STAND DOWN. In some Border Patrol sectors, agents report that they are not allowed to initiate removal proceedings against criminal aliens who do not have a felony conviction. Aliens convicted of misdemeanors, and those who have pending felony charges, get a free pass. Agents also report that they are not authorized to initiate removal proceedings against adult aliens after apprehension at the border if no detention space is available. This is outrageous. Such aliens are supposedly the Obama administration’s number one priority for removal. And such a policy is a beacon call for foreign nationals to cross our border undetected, including those who would do us harm.” —Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security (Feb 2016)

      “President Obama has sent out a subtle message to Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to STAND DOWN and slack off the enforcement, former border agents told the National Review Online.” —Washington Times (July 2014)

      • The commenter is talking about the Polish military. The article is about a murder on the border between Poland and Belarus.

        • The problem—the normalization of violence by “migrants”, I believe, is due to a combination of weak enforcement of [existing] laws and the hobbling of law enforcement, both of which are global in scope. Just ask the late Brian Terry..

  1. @ john cheshire

    Re: “Why aren’t the military on the borders issued with orders to shoot to kill?”

    That’s a good question: Where is the military?

    We are told, normal citizens across the West, that our military and police forces exist to protect the people and the country. Yet, as Europe suffers under yet another long-hot summer of chaos, violence and jihad in the making, and invasion-by-hegira ~ these forces are largely nowhere to be found, and on those rare occasions when they show up, their presence does not seem to matter.

    Europe is being invaded, not by Russia, but by an army of young males from the Islamic world. NATO – the much-ballyhooed North Atlantic Treaty Organizations – and their forces, seem content to hold parades and polish their tanks and artillery while their respective nations are conquered around them.

    If the police and military can’t or won’t defend Europe, then who will? That is a question more and more Europeans ought to ask themselves and their leaders.

  2. Re: If the police and military can’t or won’t defend Europe, then who will? That is a question more and more Europeans ought to ask themselves and their leaders.”

    Please allow me to expand upon that point…

    De jure, the expensive and large military and police forces of the various European nations as well as those of defense alliances such as NATO, exist to defend the people and nations of Europe.

    NATO – the North Atlantic Treaty Organization – was chartered in 1948, and ended up mirroring the Warsaw Pact, its opposite number in Eastern Europe behind the Iron Curtain. However, unlike the Warsaw Pact, which dissolved following the downfall of the USSR in 1991-1992, NATO persists today even though its original mission does not any longer.

    All of this begs the question: So why does NATO exist, if not to counter the now-extinct threat of Soviet & Warsaw Pact aggression?

    One might answer at first glance that nothing about its mission has changed, that it is still charged with protecting Europe from external threats, but clearly this answer is inadequate since Europe is being subjected to sustained assault by Islamic “refugees” and “migrants” a.k.a. invaders in everything but name.

    A skeptic might also counter that NATO forces cannot deploy themselves absent orders from command authority. Fair-enough, but if that is so, why have the leaders of Europe and the NATO not demanded that NATO forces be deployed to assist the member nations in restoring order and maintaining the integrity of their borders?

    As an aside, one crucial reason the powers-that-be still need the war against Russia is to justify the continued existence and funding of the NATO alliance, which quite obviously is past its sell-by date. In reality, the alliance has devolved into a de facto jobs program and welfare program for the defense contractors – and at that, not even a very good one.

    To return to our original point, with much of western and northern Europe devolving into chaos, violence and Islamic jihad, why have NATO forces remained idle, if indeed their purpose is to defend Europe?

    If NATO and its military components are not to blame, then why have those in command over it remained idle and refused to act?

    Why have such national figures as Macron refused to protect their people, not to mention such leaders as European Union President Ursula von der Leyen?

    A great many excuses and rationalizations have been offered by these and other leaders, but what if the truth is staring us in face? Perhaps the reason Europeans continue to suffer violence and chaos at the hands of the de-facto invaders is because their leaders want things that way.

    Their defenders in the political and diplomatic establishments may protest such a conclusion, but their silence in the face of the onslaught is deafening, and their inaction speaks very loudly indeed.

    As for the people of Europe … in places like France, they have had enough of waiting on the likes of Macron to act, and have delivered a resounding rebuke at the ballot box. If the ruling class in Europe are upset at the rise of populism and populist figures, they ought to look in the mirror for they have no one to blame but themselves. They and no one else are the ones responsible for setting loose the dogs of war.

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