Backwards Biden Sucks Up to Muslim Brotherhood

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Backwards Biden Sucks Up to Muslim Brotherhood

by Clare M. Lopez

Even as Israel’s war for survival against the Iranian regime-backed HAMAS jihad terror group moves into its ninth month, the Biden administration and key figures within it and the Democrat Party increasingly seem to be moving in directions diametrically opposed to support for the U.S.’s one and only liberal democratic friend and ally in the Middle East: Israel. There is no disguising the obvious affinity and sympathy of these officials for Muslim Brotherhood front groups operating unhindered inside the U.S. — and especially on our university campuses. HAMAS, of course, is the Brotherhood’s Gaza branch.

Jihad Joe” by Katie Pavlich at Townhall, May 10, 2024

“Meet the Jihadi Inside the White House” by Stephen Green at PJ Media, May 13, 2024 — about Maher Bitar, key Biden appointee inside the National Security Council

Biden Regime’s Betrayal of Israel is Not Just to Get Votes” by Robert Spencer at Front Page Magazine, May 13, 2024

  • Key advisors inside the Biden administration have Muslim Brotherhood links.

“With These People In the Administration, It’s A Wonder That Biden Didn’t Betray Israel Sooner” by Robert Spencer at the Geller Report, May 26, 2024 — background on both Maher Bitar and Hady Amr, Biden’s special representative for “Palestinian affairs”.

“Joe Biden gave 50 MILLION to pro-Hamas group disguised as a climate change organization” at The Right Scoop, May 26, 2024

“A Pakistani Government Official Was One of Biden’s Largest Donors” by Daniel Greenfield at Front Page Magazine, May 27, 2024

“U.S. Government Gave Over $1.5 Million To Nonprofit With Ties To Palestinian Pro-Terror Universities” by Naomi Grant at The Federalist, May 21, 2024

“Deadly Gaza fire likely sparked by hidden terrorist weapons, says IDF” at World Israel News, May 28, 2024

FBI Director Met With Hamas Supporters Asking Him to Lock Up Jews” by Rich Swier, May 30, 2024 — Top DOJ and FBI officials continue to meet with known Muslim Brotherhood front groups.

“Obama State Dept blocked FBI from arresting supporters of Iran nuclear program in US: Emails” by Brooke Singman at Fox News, May 22, 2024

“Congressional Republicans Find Evidence Biden’s Iran Envoy Downloaded and Shared Classified Docs” by Jennifer Van Laar at Red State, May 30, 2024 — more and more revealed about why Biden’s Iran envoy, Rob Malley, has been suspended from the State Department.

“Dem Rep. Tlaib Paid $435,000 to Anti-Israel Firm” by Sam Barron at Newsmax, May 21, 2024

Rep. Tlaib Addresses Conference Endorsed by Founding Member of Palestinian Terrorist Group” by Robert Schmad at The Daily Signal, May 28, 2024

“Rashida Tlaib attends conference honoring terrorists, hosting terrorist speaker” by Michael Starr, May 26, 2024

“Biden regime EPA sent $50,000,000 to Climate Justice Alliance, which glorifies Oct. 7 massacre” by Robert Spencer, May 25, 2024

“Top Federal Government Partner ANERA Is a Hive of Jew-Hate and Hamas-Support” by Sam Westrop at Focus on Western Islamism, May 22, 2024

  • ANERA is a US-taxpayer-funded organization that is a major partner for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

U.S. removes Cuba from list of countries ‘not cooperating fully’ with anti-terrorism efforts” by Nora Gamez Torres at the Miami Herald, May 16, 2024

  • Biden administration is attempting to ease pressure on Cuba, even as both China and Hizballah operate bases on the island

Biden Regime Investigates Columbia’s Treatment of PALESTINIAN Students” by Robert Spencer at Front Page Magazine, May 6, 2024

  • If everything this administration does seems backwards and upside-down, that’s because it is.

For previous essays by Clare Lopez at Sharia TipSheet, see the Clare Lopez Archives.

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