Annalena Baerbock Loves the Bad Guys

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from JournalistenWatch:

Baerbock brought Afghans who were on a “bad guys list” to Germany

Although they were on the secret threat lists, the so-called “bad guys” lists, of the Bundeswehr’s counterintelligence service, [Foreign Minister Annalena] Baerbock brought these dangerous Afghan characters to Germany with her admission program for former local staff.

In 2010, the Military Counterintelligence Service (MAD) placed suspected local staff from Afghanistan on a so-called “bad guys list.” The secret documents thus contain the names, personnel numbers and photographs of 97 former local staff who were dismissed without notice “for security reasons.”

However, according to authorities, a number of these Muslim threats from Afghanistan are currently in Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia and Berlin. This is reported by the Bild newspaper (behind paywall). According to the newspaper, a spokesperson for the MAD made the following statement:

“For reasons of data protection and personal rights, we are not allowed to provide any information about the people or their backgrounds.”

“Bad Guys List” irrelevant for assessment under the Residence Act

Nevertheless, the MAD spokesman continued, the “bad guys list” did not serve “the purpose of an assessment under the Residence Act.” In other words, the Green Party’s verbal catastrophe Baerbock imported precisely these Islamic threats to Germany through her dangerous “reception program for former local employees.”

Mannheim killer with negative asylum decision

It is not only on social media that people agree that Baerbock is indirectly responsible for the death of the young police officer in Mannheim through her delusional policies. Perversely, after the murder of the young officer by one of her Afghan guests, the Green Party had nothing better to do than to call on the citizens of this broken country to oppose another horrific Islamic bloodbath through an “open discussion about migration”. Social media also believes that Baerbock and Co. must finally be held accountable for their bloody policies.

Afterword from the translator:

I believe this article makes my point in my comment to the other article from NIUS about the thwarted terror attack by an “Moroccan-German Pole”, doesn’t it? Germany has really become an open-air lunatic asylum that’s being run by the criminally insane with no peaceful end in sight. It makes my stomach turn when I think that I might have to go down there in the next few weeks. I seriously hope that that poison chalice will pass me by and I can sort everything out from the — even though dubious — ‘safety’ of South Africa.

11 thoughts on “Annalena Baerbock Loves the Bad Guys

  1. So our dear Annalena is compromised by a mafia of some type, eh?
    Not delusional. Criminal.
    She’s owned by one Mob or another, part of our inheritance from the Intelligence Community.

    • I don’t want to be sexist to the ladies – I am sure it goes both ways – but the truth could also be that she loves some big strong dude and will do anything for him…

      I have seen enough of this scenario to believe that it is the case – in this case

      It is an inconvenient truth about women – that a woman can fall in love with a total stranger and criminal and betray her own people in the worst possible way – all that for the “new” love of her life.

      Women, if they are in their emotional, female mind, have a switch, like the moon, she’s dark for a season, and then she’s bright…

      In the opposite guard would be Delilah and Samson, I guess – but the difference is – Samson wanted to be strong, as a man, and Delilah got him by “being weak”.

      The girl in her wants to be weak – as being weak is the female sexual imperative.

      The fact that she uses make up means she does think like a woman.

      …and that’s the problem.

      How can such a woman be the head of armed forces is beyond me but I guess it’s all fun and games until the SHTF.

      • There are very level headed women who think unemotionally. Don’t forget Golda Meir and Margaret Thatcher who put country above all else. As a strong against immigration woman, I resent these prejudiced remarks. Like I’ve commented before, it’s right and leftist thinking, not gender.

        • I disagree. Men and women have both their “sexual imperatives” which are mirror opposites in order to fit together. Men are physically strong, women are phyisically weak – it does bear consequences into decision making.

          Take “fear” for example. Most women “fear” a lot.

          Men don’t fear “walking on the street late at night” as much.

          This all has consequences at the elections.. Women vote predominantly “socialist” – not all, but most.

  2. The bad thing is, that if one of our “enrichers” misbehave, it is us normies who pay the price.
    She has bodyguards.

    Sorry, but is she a she/her or did I just misgender her? Because that would be prison and I dont want to be the plaything of a guy namend Bruno, oops, sorry, now its Achmed and his 15 brothers, cousins etc unless I become a muslim.

  3. As a “weak” woman, I want a strong, non woke police force and military as a deterrence and muscle against crime and enemies. To welcome immigrants from the most violent, sexist Muslim culture is sheer madness. I abhor the politically correct emasculation of men who are vitally needed to protect our countries and families. I also admire the Israeli women who train physically and serve with the men in all capacities.

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