Passports For Deviants in the EU

Not to be outdone in wokeness, the European Union is planning to implement a special passport for parents who are fudge-packers, arse-bandits, or rump-rangers. (Did I leave out any offensive epithets? If so, y’all can leave your suggestions in the comments. But please eschew outright obscenities.)

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from eXXpress:

Von der Leyen “very proud”: EU wants its own passport for homosexual parents

It may not be the EU’s most pressing problem at the moment, but now there may be a kind of separate passport for rainbow parents. Commission President Von der Leyen is “very proud of the new rules”. But Hungary and Poland don’t want to play along.

The planned certificate is intended to make life easier for same-sex couples with children within the European Union. Because there are still different rules in the member states. “Without any special procedures” — according to the bill — parenthood from an EU country should apply to all states in order to create legal clarity for lesbian and gay parents with children.

According to the proposal, recognition of parenthood should apply to all families “regardless of how the child was conceived or born” and regardless of the type of family or the nationality of family members. This should be documented in the new “passport”. “Proud of the new rules,” tweeted EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, adding a rainbow symbol to her message.

Homosexual associations expect equality with straight parents

Homosexual associations naturally welcome the planned innovation because “rainbow families regularly face significant obstacles in the recognition of parenthood”. While practically the same laws would apply to heterosexual parents across borders, this would be different for homosexual couples if they changed within the EU. “Whether a child continues to have two parents after a move often depends on coincidences,” said the German Lesbian and Gay Association (LSVD). In the past, after the separation of same-sex parents in some countries, one of the partners was no longer recognized as a parent. Custody was withdrawn through the back door. [So to speak.]

Hungary and Poland signaled concerns about rules

However, it seems uncertain whether the planned regulation will actually come in favour of the rainbow parents. Conservative states such as Hungary and Poland have already expressed concerns, and many are expecting a veto from Warsaw and Budapest. However, the certificate for homosexual parents would have to be decided unanimously within the EU in order to be able to come into force.

Afterword from the translator:

Well, didn’t we have had such classifications before? I believe this is called a form of racism, although I’m not yet 100% sure who’ll benefit from this distinction, but I can make and educated guess by what’s being pushed all over. The EU is mutating into an apartheid authority.

15 thoughts on “Passports For Deviants in the EU

  1. Muslims love it. Makes it so much easier to pick them out when their time arrives.

    • I was thinking the same thing.

      Perhaps the passports could be marked with a pink triangle, as there is historical precedence for such identification of those in Germany who preferred arse to quim.

      Another alphabet lobby passport design variant is as one of those “Remove Before Flight” red tags that are on critical pieces of aircraft equipment, but again, they could be made pink so as not to confuse a pervert and probable leftist from something critical to the function of an aircraft. And of course, the tag would be removed by their new muslim masters immediately prior to unpowered flying lessons from the roof of some high-rise building.

      • Why remove the tag? It is more effective to put the remainders on public display for as long as natural decay processes permit, with attached warning signs intact. Historical precedences abound.

      • Interesting, if they were forced to identify themselves publicy there would be a protest. But the fabulously over the top Pride marches are OK ….. one wonders.

    • “Gaylord”

      I haven’t heard that particular epithet used to denigrate an alleged anal jockey since my middle school days!

  2. Did you eave out any offensive epithets?
    – Tail gunner
    – Butt welder
    – Turd burgler

  3. A short time ago I came across an article by a man who said his best friend was gay, then a test showed he had parasites and he had to take Ivermectin. For a few weeks. Under Doctors surveillance.

    The first week whatever left the rear opening was 90% parasites.

    After the Ivermectin weeks he did two things:

    First: He threw out everything gay-related.

    Second: He went to a place where it is legal and “bought time” of a lady.
    He didnt sleep much that night. Neither did the lady.

    And he is dating ladies.

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