Blacklisting the Truth

The German government wants to preserve democracy in Germany by compiling a blacklist of right-wing extremist journalists who ask uncomfortable questions of public officials at press conferences.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from

Blacklist — SPD Interior Minister Faeser wants to weed out critical journalists

A free press is part of the essence of a democratic constitutional state. Therefore, Article 5 of the German Basic Law also states: “Freedom of the press and freedom of reporting by radio and film are guaranteed. Censorship does not take place.”

So far, so good, one might think. This means that ideal conditions should prevail for journalists “in the freest state on German soil” — as the FRG is so fondly called by system media and politicians.

Independent, critical journalists undesirable

But if you look at many a federal press conference, you often miss critical questions posed to members of the government. The reason is this: Accreditation is not easy for alternative and independent journalists. And if a critical person does gain access to these sacred halls — such as Boris Reitschuster — then one tries to avoid uncomfortable questions. And in order to be absolutely sure in the future that nonconformist journalists do not have access to ministers and their employees, SPD Interior Minister Nancy Faeser wants to have a central blacklist drawn up.

Inconsistent is “right-wing extremist”

It is said to be list of alleged right-wing extremists who allegedly lack the necessary respect for those in power. This is to protect officials. So about uncomfortable questions. Said list with the names of critical journalists and citizens is then deposited with “security authorities, judiciary and administration”. The “action plan against right-wing extremism” even mentions drying up the financial activities of this group of people, i.e. destroying them economically.

Only uniform opinion desired

And anyone who doesn’t have the “right” opinion on topics such as mass immigration, compulsory vaccination, climate change or gender politics is suspect. Of course, this means that alternative media such as AUF1 and their employees are the focus of the Federal Republic’s guardian state. Greetings from George Orwell!

Afterword from the translator:

It looks like Germany has made a 360° in “Demockeracy”, especially when you look as the starting point, 1933. Didn’t take long, now, did it? It just took a measly 90 years to go back to a time when uncomfortable questions might result in the Gestapo come knocking at your door. Well done, that’s what rampant consumerism and political complacency brings.

One thought on “Blacklisting the Truth

  1. @Hellequin GB: I find your comment specious. Massive censorship is abroad in all countries, never mind their histories. Not much of the Spirit of 1776 in Biden’s censorship Admin., now is there?

    Inasmuch as the Aust correspondent for Ezra Levant’s “Rebel News”,is Avi Yemeni, a Melbourne Jew of Yemeni origin. Ezra is also a Jew. This did not prevent Avi being accosted by Victorian police and barred from a press conference held by the vaxx-tard Premier Andrews, author of the world’s longest lockdown.

    Avi, who had previously often been harassed by police in his work for Rebel News had already shown his press accreditation and was nearing the site of the conference when blocked and escorted out by police.

    However, Australia was leading in various aspects of male and female suffrage (democracy) decades before Imperial Germany. So your point is?

    Who knows what you mean by rampant consumerism and political complacency as causes of current German govt. behaviour, . not to mention that the simultaneous nature of the Scamdemic measures in all countries 2020-2023 implies central planning and coordination by WEF or higher.

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