Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/26/2023

Sai Varshith Kandula, the white supremacist neo-Nazi suspected of driving his U-Haul into a White House barrier, is not an American citizen. However, according to the Justice Department, he does have a green card.

In other news, Serbia has deployed army units at its border with Kosovo after police in a majority Serb town in northern Kosovo clashed with Serbian protesters.

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Thanks to Dean, LP, Reader from Chicago, Roger, SS, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Piglets on the Wing

Roger Waters is at it again: dressing up in pseudo-Nazi regalia, in Berlin.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Berliner Morgenpost:

Roger Waters: Police investigate because Nazi uniform

Will there be consequences? The Berlin police have opened an investigation into the musician Roger Waters. The accusation: Incitement to hatred [against a group of people].

Berlin. This appearance might have consequences. The musician Roger Waters (79) played two concerts last week in the Mercedes Benz Arena in Berlin (17-18 May). There the co-founder of the band Pink Floyd reportedly appeared in an SS-style uniform with a red armband. He also held a machine gun in his hand and fired fake shots from it. There were also two men beside Waters who wore helmets similar to those of Wehrmacht soldiers. This is shown in a video on Twitter. The Berliner Zeitung first reported it.

Because of this appearance, the Berlin police are now investigating Waters. The accusation: Incitement to hatred [against a group of people]. A police spokeswoman told this editorial staff: “The Police State Security in the Berlin State Police has opened a criminal investigation into the relevant facts based on suspicion of incitement to hatred (Section 140, paragraph 4 State Penal Code). The context in which the clothing worn on stage is consistent with violating the dignity of victims in approving of, glorifying, or justifying the National Socialist violent and arbitrary rule, and therefore, disturbing the public peace.” There have been tips from the public.

The Waters appearance also caused outrage in Israel. The Israeli foreign ministry accused Waters on Wednesday of “defiling the memory of Anne Frank and the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust, in Berlin of all places,” in the past week.

Waters also criticized in Israel

The reason for the excitement was that during the concert, the names of people killed were shown in huge red letters: Next to the name of the Nazi era-murdered Anne Frank (1929-1945) was the name of the Palestinian Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. The reporter was killed in 2022 during an Israeli military operation in the city of Jenin in the occupied West Bank.

Waters (79) is criticized for his closeness to the BDS campaign (Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions) among other things. This calls for a boycott of the Israeli state and its properties because of actions against the Palestinians.

At his concerts Waters released a balloon in the form of a pig with the Star of David. In his past appearances in Germany, there was always a pig — but without the Star of David.

Another Great Prisoner Swap

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from

“A black day for the rule of law”: Iranian opposition denounces Assadi-Vandecasteele exchange

Rik Vanreusel, the lawyer for the Iranian opposition, denounced the exchange of the Iranian diplomat Assadolah Assadi and Olivier Vandecasteele. “ This is a victory for the cynical politics of power. The party can now begin in Iran,” he charged on the airwaves of Radio 1 (VRT).

Even if the Belgian lawyer says he is happy that the humanitarian is on his way home to rejoin his family, he can only denounce the liberation of Assadolah Assadi, sentenced to 20 years in prison by Belgian justice for attempted murder and terrorism. “His dozens of victims also have rights,” he said. Rik Vanreusel also claims that the government did not inform his clients of the exchange of prisoners.

“In Iran, the crowns of flowers are already prepared, the party can begin. It is a victory for the cynical politics of power, but for me, it is a somber day for the rule of law,” he lamented.

As a reminder, Assadolah Assadi was arrested in Belgium for his role in the preparation of a terrorist attack against a meeting of the National Council of the Iranian Resistance (CNRI) in 2018 near Paris.

The Bud Light Moment

It used to be “Get Woke, Go Broke”, but in 2023 a company has its “Bud Light Moment”.

It’s a very recent catchphrase. The Bud Light phenomenon is what? A couple of months old?

But it’s everywhere now. Target, Adidas, North Face, and others I’m forgetting — they’re all having their Bud Light moments.

It’s hard to tell what motivates these self-immolating woke corporations to compete in the race to the bottom of the behavioral sink. But it’s not profit — anyone with half a brain and/or a semester of Basic Marketing classes could have told them that all this stuff is a good way to drive the company into bankruptcy. But they do it anyway.

No, it’s not about money. So what is the motive?

Alessandra Mussolini: The EU Should Be Rescuing the Migrants

Alessandra Mussolini is the granddaughter of Benito Mussolini. She is currently a member of the European Parliament for Forza Italia, Silvio Berlusconi’s party.

The context for the following video is a debate in the European Parliament about a recent shipwreck off the coast of Calabria, in which a number of migrants were drowned. Ms. Mussolini is proposing that the EU station vessels outside of Italy’s “search and rescue area” and take responsibility for rescuing migrants in the Mediterranean, instead of letting Italy carry the burden alone.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Diversity is Our Strength!

The German government wants corporations to register “diversity” information for their employees.

Now, why in the world would that make you nervous? It sounds completely innocent to me…

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from

Diversity register in companies: Ataman wants to record the origins of employees

1.   On the occasion of the German “Diversity Day”, the anti-discrimination officer Ferda Ataman gave an interview to the Handelsblatt.
2.   In it, she recommends that companies take stock of the diversity of their employees.
3.   In particular, the sexual identity, religion and origin of the employees should be recorded.

Imagine you work in a large company with over 500 employees. Like every morning, you sit at your desk in an open-plan office, go about your tasks with more or less motivation and look into the faces of your numerous colleagues, who are staring intently at a screen. Suddenly, at the end of the room, you see your manager’s personal assistant walking clumsily from table to table. She has an iPad in her hand, into which she repeatedly types a few words.

You continue to watch the young woman and see that she appears to be asking your colleagues a few questions one by one and then jotting down the answers. As the lady comes closer, you can see that the employees being questioned react to the questions with some irritation; some even look angry. Finally the assistant stands in front of you, looks around the room in embarrassment and asks you: “Do you have a diversity background? Any special race, sexual identity or religious affiliation? We need to know that for the company report…”

An inventory of diversity

This absurd situation could soon become reality — at least if Ferda Ataman, the German government’s anti-discrimination officer, has his way. In an interview with the Handelsblatt on Tuesday, they advised German companies to take stock of the diversity of their workforce. According to Ataman, diversity is still far too often equated with the advancement of women — but it is necessary to also take “people with different sexual identity, religion or origin” into account. Ataman justifies their demand with a new EU regulation for companies that came into force in January of this year. The so-called “Corporate Sustainability Responsibility Directive” (CSRD) obliges large companies to publish reports on their corporate policies on environmental protection, social responsibility, human rights, anti-corruption and diversity on their boards. When you look at which categories the EU understands as part of this diversity analysis, it is interesting to note that only age, gender, educational and professional background are explicitly mentioned there.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/25/2023

Earlier today a man crashed his car into the gates in front of No. 10 Downing Street, the residence of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. When he got out of his car he was arrested by police. Although he is white, he is not thought to be a white supremacist neo-Nazi. The Metropolitan Police said that they do not consider the incident to be terror-related.

In other news, the German economy has officially entered recession.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Caroline Glick, Dean, Dora, JW, McN, Reader from Chicago, Roger, SS, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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German Police Told to Go Easy on Culture-Enrichers

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Boris Reitschuster’s website. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Instruction to the police: “Control as few migrants as possible”

Another conspiracy theory come true

Wow, someone said that the police often don’t look too closely at migrants. Or worse — that there are corresponding instructions from above. Anyone who says or writes something like this must expect to be immediately defamed as a “conspiracy ideologue” — the New German word for “heretic”. Or even as “Right”, which, thanks to years of red-green brainwashing, is now considered by many to be a synonym for “Nazi”, which is doubly wrong: Because “Right” is just as legitimate a political direction as “Left”. And because the word “Nazi” is used instead of “National Socialist” primarily to disguise the socialist part of National Socialism.

But back to the police. What used to be political blasphemy can now be read in the country’s largest newspaper: the Bild. However, only behind a paywall, which in addition to the usual function — making money — also has the function of a political chastity belt. Because what can only be read by paying subscribers could actually worry the public. Especially those who continue to look at what is happening in our country through rose-coloured glasses. Or look away in apathy.

Dortmund may soon become German [football] champion. But the city in North Rhine-Westphalia is also record-breaking in other respects. “Violence, brutal attacks on residents — and no help from the police” — this is how the Bild summarizes the complaints of local businessmen from Dortmund’s northern district. The whole thing culminated in August 2022, when the 16-year-old Senegalese Mouhamed D. was shot dead during a police operation.

After a report by Bild about the unbelievable conditions between Borsigplatz and Nordmarkt in Dortmund, frustrated police officers from the responsible “Nord station” reported to the newspaper. What they report is alarming. And it should also be read outside of the paywall.

One of the officers says: “We have fewer and fewer colleagues; sometimes shifts have been reduced by ten police officers. In the morning and night shift, there are often only two patrol cars for the entire northern part of the city. We actually think Interior Minister Reul is good, he also promises more police officers. We always say he can’t know anything about it, otherwise he would do something and not allow it.” [Dream on.]

Deliberate criminalization

Another officer said: “No matter how we do the job, our leadership at police headquarters is dissatisfied. Everyone just wants to go somewhere else, write requests for reassignment. 41 of 61 colleagues now want to leave. Colleagues have resigned inside their heads. If there are allegations, whether from intensive offenders or left-wing extremists, you will be dropped immediately. We no longer have a presumption of innocence. Rather, there is a deliberate criminalization of colleagues.”

Since the deadly shots last year, the problems have increased considerably, according to an official, as per text: “We were clearly told by the presidium to check as few migrants as possible, the situation would be tense anyway because of the dead Senegalese. But who should we then check in Nordstadt, where almost only migrants live? In addition, the task forces were stamped out; we can no longer monitor hotspots at all; we only rush from one operation to the next.”

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The Trevi Fountain Runs Black

A few days ago a group of screaming eco-protesters poured diluted charcoal into the Trevi Fountain in Rome and made it run black. They had to be removed by police, and several were arrested.

Many thanks to HeHa for translating this video, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Hey, the Bugs Ain’t So Bad

I’ve often recommended an excellent blog called Conservative Tree House. I read the site every day, because Sundance (who does most of the political posting there) is almost invariably right in his predictions on domestic American politics. He has the knack for research and analysis that enables him to forecast the upcoming political trends in this country with uncanny accuracy.

His basic premise is that the national leadership of the Republican Party is thoroughly globalist in outlook, and is interested only in preserving its funding sources. Winning elections is of secondary importance; it’s the money that matters. And, when winning would compromise the continued flow of cash, the party will covertly make common cause with the Democrats to make sure the Republican candidate loses. That’s what happened in 2016 when Donald Trump unexpectedly won the Republican presidential nomination.

The same coalition was at work in 2020, and is currently being mobilized to stop Trump in 2024. Sundance calls it the “R.A.T. alliance” — Republicans Against Trump.

He has provided us with a useful prediction for the upcoming political season. He advises us to watch for the Republicans to start saying, in effect:

“Hey, the bugs ain’t so bad.”

Here’s a sample of what he posted today:

People were confused ten months ago when I said the 2024 DeSantis coalition will be fully laughable once they start saying, “Hey, the bugs ain’t so bad.” However, it’s the natural conclusion to this R.A.T. alliance. Those who were hiding as CONservatives in order to retain their influence and affluence, are merging into the traditional big corporate Republican Party apparatus and reflecting an attitude that says elitism isn’t so bad after all.


Another dynamic that is really interesting to watch is to remember the GOPe establishment Republicans were the support system for the 2016 Trump-Russia nonsense. In 2016, the professional Republicans joined with the leftist Democrats in their Never Trump effort to support Hillary Clinton.

Those Bush establishment Republicans are now in an alignment with the conservative pundits (Team Cruz, now Team Ron) who previously were attacking the fabrication of the Trump-Russia narrative.

This “Russiagate wasn’t so bad,” in combination with the “Bugs might not be too bad,” in combination with the “Big Tech ain’t so bad” Elon love, is buckets of funny. They hate me for pointing it out. Actually, they hate me for everything, but it’s fun to point out how easily the CONservatives compromise themselves for money.

At the end of the day, that’s what all of these alliances are about, MONEY!

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/24/2023

Russia has been accused of staging photos that allegedly show captured US-made military vehicles in Belgorod. Meanwhile, Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of the Wagner Group, warned that there is a risk of a new Russian revolution due to the failure of the war in Ukraine.

In other news, Sai Varshith Kandula, the white supremacist who allegedly crashed a rented U-Haul into White House barriers, is reported to have praised Hitler after he was arrested.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, Fjordman, JW, LP, McN, Reader from Chicago, Roger, SS, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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“Germans” Plot Terror Attack Against Swedish Church

The ripples from Rasmus Paludan’s Koran burnings continue to spread outwards: two Syrian brothers have been arrested in Germany for plotting a suicide bombing against a Swedish church. The bien-pensants of Svenska kyrkan were just as appalled by Mr. Paludan’s actions as were Muslims in Sweden, but that doesn’t matter — the Swedish church must pay for the sins of the notorious Islamophobe.

As a matter of interest, the incident has a very low Mohammed Coefficient of 0%.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Aftonbladet:

Bothers arrested for terror plans against Swedish church

by Ebba Torstensson
May 24, 2023

The brothers Anas Kiwan, 28 and Ahmad Kiwan, 24 were arrested in Germany, suspected of planning a terror attack, writes Bild.

The Koran burnings in Sweden earlier this year are reportedly the reason for the terror plans.

“We have been able to establish that the target was a Swedish church, but we cannot go into details as to which church or where it was located in Sweden,” says Chief Prosecutor Oechtering to TT [Swedish news].

The two brothers, who are Syrian citizens, were arrested in Germany a month ago.

Anas Kiwan, 28, was arrested in Hamburg. During the arrest, police found components that can be used to make an explosive device. According to the German newspaper Die Welt, it was a bomb belt that would be used in the crime.

The younger brother, Ahmad Kiwan, 24, was arrested in Kempten in Bavaria. Since the arrest, the suspicions against him have been strengthened. He was first detained Tuesday and is now suspected to have been directly involved in plans to attack a Swedish church. A preliminary investigation is now underway, and it may be some time before an eventual charge is filed.

Visited Sweden for terror planning

The German prosecutor Liddy Oechtering will not go into which Swedish church was the target of the attack. “The investigators have gone through emails and chats between the brothers, and could see that it concerned a Swedish church. But the investigation continues. What I can say is that it appears to have something to do with the Koran burnings that took place in Sweden and which have been well-reported in German media,” says Chief Prosecutor Liddy Oechtering to TT.

The brothers have reportedly lived in Germany for several years and have no reported criminal record. The plans for the terrorist crime may be based on an Islamist motive, but there is no concrete connection to the so-called Islamic State (IS), Welt writes. There is also suspicion against them for terror financing.

Koran burnings in Sweden

The National Center for Terror Threat Assessment reported in its assessment for the entire year on March 8 that Sweden has gone from a legitimate target to a priority target for a terror attack. Säpo [Security Police] will not comment on whether they have had contacts with German authorities. “We won’t go into that. As far as our international cooperation is concerned, we don’t go into what it looks like. That is part of our operational work,” says Säpo’s press spokesperson Gabriel Wernstedt to TT.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/23/2023

A 19-year-old white supremacist neo-Nazi named Sai Varshith Kandula crashed a rented U-Haul truck into a security barrier outside the White House, and was arrested by police. The cargo compartment of the truck was empty except for a Nazi flag. Mr. Kandula has been arrested and charged with threatening to kill President Biden.

In other news, a homeless African migrant attacked a policeman with an iron bar in front of the Cathedral in Naples. The officer responded by shooting the culture-enricher, who is now in the hospital in a non-life-threatening condition.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Daniel Greenfield, Dean, DV, Fjordman, LP, McN, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Still Searching for Maddie

Most readers will remember the case of Madeleine McCann, the little British girl who disappeared in 2007 while on holiday with her parents in Portugal at the age of three. (To refresh your memory on the details of the case, the Wikipedia article is a useful compendium.)

Maddie is back in the news again after the Portuguese police began a new search for her remains at a reservoir, initiated at the request of the German authorities, who think a convicted German sex criminal may be the likely culprit.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Portuguese daily Público:

The Maddie Case

Police with faces covered and divers search for traces of Maddie at the Arade Dam

In Algarve, German police follow the trail of one of their fellow countrymen, arrested for the rape of an elderly woman. The “film” repeats itself 16 years after the child’s disappearance.

By Idalio Revez
May 23, 2023

The scene repeats itself. Judicial Police and German authorities conduct searches at the Arade Dam (Silves) in an effort to investigate what could be the latest clue in solving the Maddie case — the English girl who disappeared from Praia da Luz 16 years ago.

The operation is being carried out under the observation of the English police, but it is the German investigators who are most visible in front of the media circus that is set up around the reservoir, with a water level much lower than would be normal for the time of year.

Christian Bruckner, serving a sentence of seven years in a prison in Oldenburg for raping a 72-year-old woman in Portugal, is the link that led to Judicial Police to reopen this process, at the request of the German authorities. The searches for what may be the biological remains of Maddie are concentrated in a location next to the dam where Bruckner lived in a trailer park.

Dozens of journalists rushed to the location, especially Portuguese television channels, but also Spanish, German, and English, with more than one team to cover the event. “Searching for something,” but for what was not known.

The only certainty is that this is another police attempt to add to an investigation on which millions of euros have been spent — and which remains without any conclusion. In 2008, Attorney Aragão Correia paid investigators out of his pocket to conduct searches at the location. What was found at the time were animal cadavers and garbage.

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