The Unthinkable Has Already Been Thought

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this essay from The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Nuclear War? Only the southern hemisphere will survive

by Peter Haisenko

The effects of atomic bombing are mostly misjudged. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are not nuclear deserts. They quickly became thriving cities again. But what will be the effects if hundreds, even thousands, of atomic bombs are used?

Atomic bombs are detonated about 300 meters above the target. In this way, the explosive power has a greater range. The pressure and heat wave can have an effect over many kilometers. If the ignition took place on the ground, it would quickly be shielded by buildings or natural elevations. The radius of action would be severely limited, but the nuclear contamination would be many times greater in the center. If it were ignited at a height of 300 meters, hardly any of the dangerous radioactive particles would reach the ground. Why is that?

The pictures of “atomic mushrooms” show it: The development of enormous heat creates a very small but enormously powerful low-pressure area. The air, which is forced to move upwards with all the radioactive particles, rises to heights of ten to sixty kilometers and thus sucks all the particles off the ground. The sixty kilometers were observed in the detonation of the Soviet “Tsar Bomba”, the most powerful hydrogen bomb ever detonated. It was so terrible that Moscow decided never to build another bomb like this. The pilot who dropped and witnessed this ultimate weapon said it changed his life and never flew a bomber again.

This bomb would have leveled the whole of Paris, including all the suburbs, in one fell swoop. The pressure wave from the explosion measurably circled the globe three times. What is interesting, however, is that even the island in the Arctic Sea, Novaya Zemlya, where the ignition took place in 1961, was hardly affected by radioactive fallout. Also noteworthy is that the explosive power of this infernal machine was intentionally reduced to about half of what was possible. You can find out more about this here.

The difference between atomic bombs and nuclear power plants

So the point is that when an atomic bomb is used, the destruction below the point of detonation, i.e. at the so-called “ground zero”, is catastrophic, but the radioactive contamination is minor. This is because the radioactive particles are sucked off the ground by the enormous updraft generated by the explosion and transported into the upper atmosphere. There they are blown over the whole earth by the high winds and come down widely distributed everywhere. But wait, all over the world? Exactly not. Fallout is limited to one hemisphere. Why else do you think the US and France conducted their surface nuclear tests in the South Pacific? A total of 688 above-ground atomic bombs were detonated by the end of the 1960s, when it was agreed that these should only be carried out underground. The aim was to stop producing radioactive fallout during these tests.

In this sense, I will briefly address Chernobyl, the accident which is said to have contaminated Europe. This is sheer nonsense. This accident released only a fraction of what each surface explosion threw into the atmosphere. But the point is, before Chernobyl, no one thought of testing fungi or wild animals for radioactive contamination. These results were attributed to the Chernobyl accident and this is incorrect.

Almost all of the radioactive particles that have contaminated the ground came from above-ground atomic bomb tests. But of course you don’t want to admit that, because then you would have to take responsibility for it. Chernobyl would have to be reassessed and the discussions about nuclear power would also have to be conducted on a new basis. However, a meltdown in a nuclear power plant is different from a bomb explosion. The radioactive particles are not ejected into the upper atmosphere, but in the absence of extraction, they fall in an explosion in the immediate vicinity of the accident. At Chernobyl within a radius of about 30 kilometers.

10,000 nuclear bombs will trigger a nuclear winter

There are more than 10,000 nuclear warheads in the arsenals of the nuclear powers. All of these are intended for use in the event of a nuclear exchange. We now know how the 688 above-ground ignitions have already contaminated the Earth. About half of these were detonated in the southern hemisphere. Incidentally, this is the real reason for the increased incidence of skin cancer in Australia, not the so-called “ozone hole”. So on the subject of the atom, we are being shamelessly lied to, kept in ignorance.

But now to the subject of what would happen if there was a nuclear war. All nuclear weapons are located in the northern hemisphere of the earth. The intended targets as well. Apart from the direct devastation, the radioactive fallout would be distributed almost evenly over the entire northern hemisphere. However, every meteorologist learns in the first semester that there is practically no exchange of air masses between the northern and southern hemispheres. At the equator, in the zones of the trade winds, the air currents are separated. There are practically no north or south winds there. They always run in an east-west direction. It follows that even if all 10,000 nuclear bombs were used, almost none of the deadly fallout would reach the southern hemisphere. So what would be the consequences of a nuclear war?

Will Africa welcome refugees from Europe?

Northern hemisphere civilizations would cease to exist. There would be endless migration, from the vaunted “Value West”, the current destination for migrants from Africa, towards the southern hemisphere, the remaining uncontaminated earth. It is doubtful whether they will then deal with the immigrants there in the same “liberal” way, or rather insanely, as our do-gooder governments do. There will also be dramatic slumps in the south. Not only will fertilizers from the north be missing, but also all products and spare parts that not only agriculture needs. No, there won’t be enough left in the South either to save their own population from starvation. And anyone who knows Africa knows that there will be little sympathy for migrants from the north.

So, I conclude that in the event of nuclear war there will be no immediate, direct impact on the southern hemisphere, but the secondary damage will also force all life there to reorganize itself. Countries such as Malaysia, right on the equator, which are already producing chips for electronics, will take on a completely new, dominant position. The majority of the remaining people will henceforth be Muslims. So anyone who speaks negligently of the use of nuclear weapons should think about what the consequences will be. [Now it makes even more sense to me why these monsters are kowtowing to Islam.]

The US First Strike Nuclear Doctrine

Let’s not forget that it is the USA — the only country that has already used atomic bombs — which, with its military doctrine, allows itself nuclear first strikes as a legal means. And it should be clear that Russia, Putin, has always said in no uncertain terms that nuclear weapons will only be used in response to foreign nuclear attacks. That’s credible, because the leadership in Moscow doesn’t want to destroy their people. Unfortunately, however, it is the case that one has to fear that the USA, in the English tradition, as before the First World War, will also think: If we cannot rule the world, then we will take everyone else with us. But you shouldn’t forget that in South America it is already true that nobody likes the Americans. Actually, in the entire southern hemisphere, except for Australia and New Zealand. So there will be no welcome to the Southern Hemisphere for Americans and the rest of the Northern Hemisphere… if there is any chance at all to migrate anywhere. The mere thought of nuclear war is galloping madness that only brain amputees can even contemplate. [Don’t worry, those self-same brain-amputees helped create AI, and that is already planning to do away with ALL life on earth. A nuclear war is the least of our worries.]

Afterword from the translator:

And as always, our mortal enemies are not necessarily screaming barbarians, such as Muslims shouting Allahu Akhbar. They are smooth-talking creatures such as Klaus Schwab or Bill “Mengele” Gates, in designer outfits, lurking in the shadows, who seek power at the expense of everyone else. They may dress their base ambitions up in the robes of principle, like “The Greater Good”, but there is no evil they would not countenance to achieve their goals, even if it would end in their own destruction.

In any case, no amount of ethical gymnastics will change these elementary facts: that the best minds are not always the best-disposed minds. And we all should remember that one owes NOTHING to those who have proven time and time again to be unworthy of one’s trust.

14 thoughts on “The Unthinkable Has Already Been Thought

  1. Perhaps we should pray for nuclear war.

    The creatures like Schwab, Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, etc will all be vaporized along with almost all of their city-dwelling followers. I don’t think that they would be able to front run a nuclear war since it would happen too fast for them to get out of Dodge, and if they all scurried off to their bunkers in New Zealand it would be a clear signal to everyone else what was about to occur.

    Nuclear war would depopulate the countries where all the orcs come from, since without cheap agricultural products and fertilizer their populations which have exploded like algae blooms on a fetid pond would starve and slaughter themselves back to something approaching carrying capacity for their backwards countries.

    • Why go nukes when we can simply Purge them, big minority cities in the US can burn for all I care, the rest nature will take care of since they cannot do anything without a phone in their hands.

    • May I recommend reading ‘On The Beach’ by Neville Shute, published in the 1950s? This sounds so ‘Now’: It is set in Australia after countries in the Northern Hemisphere start nuking one another, the radiation spreads and kills everyone there. And then, gradually, the radiation is spread by airflow across the Southern Hemisphere… A very frightening book and also an excellent film.

      • I have read it.

        I used to maintain nuclear weapons when I was in the USAF.

        Trust me, I know a lot more about them and their effects than you’d ever want to know.

  2. I expect the possibility of nuclear war started by a West in decline may be why Elon Musk observed the window of opportunity to create a self sustaining colony on Mars may not be open for long.

  3. Any use of weapons that destroys American agriculture is a huge mistake. We supply a substantial portion of the worlds food, and our growing medium – the soil – is relatively free of contaminants (perhaps not so much after a few more train derailments).
    Further, the Great Lakes contain 1/5 of the world’s fresh water. Take that away, and you’ll have massive die-off of plant and animal life. Those who think this will clear the way for a takeover of the USA are nuts. Just disposing of the corpses will take years, and in the meantime, rotting bodies will do what they do and attract vermin, spread disease, and lead to infection spread into nearby bodies of water.

  4. Putin nuke us?
    I don’t care.
    I got my face diaper.

    Someone is apparently trying to make us think of the unthinkable — as vividly as possible.

    I maintain that the “nuke” fearmongering is just another psyop with the idea that only a world government (UN) will be able to handle such a serious global threat.

    Its psychological power stems from the fantasy of inescapable annihilation and destruction. Merely hearing about it renders one to feel helpless, hold one’s hands in the air, give up and follow orders.

    In reality the theater called the “Ukraine war” is so contained geographically that the warring parties use mostly outdated weaponry, or if modern ones (like drones) they do it in a WW1 fashion. And even if “they” are planning “escalation” in Europe, that will also be contained and planned, in my opinion. (Which does not mean it cannot be devastating and bloody.)

    It is a script — just like all the future rounds of artifical “crisis” that nudge and weaken the populace of the world to accept the slavery of Agenda 2030. By the way, Russia is also in on it — against its own population.

    The WEF’s declared game plan is the “multipolar world order” and exactly that is being shaped because that is another word for the One World Government.

    The desired “multipolar world order” is just another commie lie that means its opposite, and thus it can be translated as “no nation state (including and mainly the US) should have the power any more to rule the world or even resist the global / US Deep State’s Unipolar World Order”.

    In other words the “multipolar world order” is a divide & rule strategy against the nation states and individual liberty — and in order to execute that, ALL the parties are playing a part in a Kabuki theater they brand as WW3.

    And if you dare not to be afraid of the Saint Nuke, you are a warmongerer that does not want to do anything against that grave danger by following orders.

    In that sense the “nuke threat” is another psy doctrine of the “invisible enemy”, just like “the virus”. These kinds of commie bogeymen can also be called “theoretical enemies”, as they are in reality non-existent imaginary outcomes of imaginary events.

    These imaginary outcomes must be as dreadful as they can possibly be depicted, and therefore they are actually totalitarian narratives that determine not only the “dreadful outcome” but also the steps that lead to it or help avoid it for a certain group of people.

    In essence it is emotional blackmail with the simple mafia imperative of “do what we say, or else”. The aforementioned “group of people” — which is the actual target group of the tyranny — shows the scope of the war. As “the nuke threat” is being depicted as something that would destroy the whole globe or at least the northern hemisphere, it goes to show that the target group is the whole of humanity and / or the Northern (white) Civilization, respectively (the West).

    In the meantime the REAL war is Agenda 2030. The real destruction that is taking place in the name of the “nuke threat” and other psyops indicate the real battlefield. That real, new kind of (5 generational) war is in fact vertical, total and totalitarian and targets the individual — while making the same individual believe that the war is traditional, horizontal, and mainly the kinetic tribal fight everyone expects.

    To reinforce that false belief, the PTB are pushing the concept of a third, kinetic “world war” on humanity, and the “nuke threat” is part of the “world-war” narrative. One must notice that the concept of a kinetic WW1 and WW2 are just that: a concept, and a Hollywoodish one at that.

    While there indeed is a world war going on, it is very different from the two previous ones the reflections of which have actually been turned into the WW3 psyop that is the bogeyman described aboved.

    • Can you please explain, in a few words, what the f… your post was about?

    • agree on many things, the nuke threat is a psyop. mostly the nuclear bomb was never really used for real in combat, and also on japan it was simply another test or theater: during ww2 they also did worse than atomic bombing by mass killing people in greater number with flight carpet bombing of cities; and more there are still many contaminated zones by simpler fighting than nuclear war (like zone rouge in france as result of ww1). also nuclear bombs were no used by soviet union in afghanistan and they lost. the same happend for usa. nobody ever won a war by simply collecting a great arsenal and stockpiling bombs for whatever devasting their power may be, weapons need to be used in a productive way for the scope (which is not total self annihilation), otherwise they are useless.

      finally i believe they already have many agreeing points from russia to usa and so many oligarchs are transnational, like abramovich, rothschild, goldmansachs, they are all of the same tribal elite and are simply redefining their private sphere of influences by founding different sides of the conflict.

  5. › questions › 92245

    How long would the southern hemisphere survive after a nuclear war that …

    This could mean the southern hemisphere is either spared entirely, or has a grace period, before it too becomes uninhabitable. I’m working on something set in the second scenario, based around the idea that the survivors would be building space station arcs, and vying for inclusion.

    +++ › blogs › map-shows-need-go-survive-nuclear-war

    Map that shows where you need to go to survive a nuclear war

    If a map developed by Statista has got it right, then you will have better chances of survival in Greenland (Denmark) and the Southern hemisphere of the earth rather

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