It’s my contention that pushing Senator-elect John Fetterman across the finish line in Pennsylvania was the most important goal the Deep State set for itself in Tuesday’s midterm elections.
A Fetterman victory, even more so than the “election” of Joe Biden in 2020, would demoralize what remains of conservative opposition to the progressive ascendancy in the USA.
Those who accept Mr. Fetterman’s win at face value — which seems to mean a large majority of voters — are forced into the realization that most of their compatriots are brainwashed zombies who would vote for a slime mold if it was running as a Democrat. It’s therefore no longer possible for them to view the electorate en masse as a repository of civic virtue.
On the other hand, those who consider it obvious that the election of John Fetterman was fraudulent — and I count myself among them — are placed in an uncomfortable position. President Biden and the media set it up ahead of time so that anyone who questions an electoral result — at least one that ends in a Democrat victory — is a “danger to democracy” and quite possibly a domestic insurrectionist. If you hold elective office, or are a government employee, or are even just trying to keep your job with a major corporation, you’ll be well-advised to keep your mouth shut and pretend you believe the election was on the up-and-up. You therefore become a forced participant in the Big Lie. It’s humiliating and degrading, and it helps to further atomize any political opposition to progressive rule.
I’m OK — I’m old and insignificant, and I don’t have an employer. I can say what I like. But there are plenty of people who don’t have that luxury. They have mortgages and families to support. They have to face the possibility that their kids may be taken away by CPS. As a result, they do triage when considering their potential actions. For public consumption they’re going to have to smile and accept the election result as legitimate, whether they believe it or not. And that really sucks.
When traditional totalitarian states hold “elections”, the dictator and his party customarily receive 99% of the vote. The puppeteers in the Modern Multicultural West, however, are more shrewd and savvy about such matters. They realize that their selected candidate only needs 51% of the vote to win.
And pushing him through at that level means that the lumpenvoters will believe the result is real. In the Soviet Union everyone knew the election result was a lie. They had to pretend to believe it, but they knew it was a lie.
But in the USA most people believe that the progressive apparatchik who wins an election with 51% of the vote really did win it, and they will tend to disregard any accusations of large-scale systematic election fraud.
It becomes even more demoralizing when you realize that even without all the fraud, Mr. Fetterman would still have come close to winning the election. Even without all the dead people voting, without the bused-in winos voting several times in multiple precincts, without all those conveniently discovered boxes of mail-in ballots, the brain-damaged Democrat candidate would probably have gotten — what? maybe 47%, 48% of the vote?
The fraud was only necessary at the margin, to push him over the top. Media propaganda, indoctrination in the schools, and the ubiquitous bubble bath of progressive ideology on social media did the rest.
And Pennsylvania is not an outlier. This country is well and truly screwed.
Contemplating all this stuff is depressing. It makes me reach for the bottle and pour myself another glass of wine.
Note: The title of this post is a reference that people under the age of sixty may not get. When I was a kid in elementary school, “special class” was the class where retarded and emotionally disturbed children were segregated and taught by teachers who had the relevant training. I don’t know what they call it now. They probably don’t even have a 21st-century equivalent, because it would be “discrimination” against such children, who need to be distributed among the normal kids. Whatever that means these days.
“special education”
Along with “short bus”, “window-lickers”, and memories of playing “smear the queer” during recess.
The past truly is a foreign country.
The Moon: We called it “Kill the Carrier,” which was more inclusive. Anyone carrying the ball was fair game.
Gifted is good, special is bad.
Very depressing to watch from Australia. Signals there is probably no hope and get out before the apocalypse because at the end of the day a country or anything else can only be run effectively if normal rules apply. Continuing to ignore normal rules like functioning govt and functioning business and being productive can only be ignored or so long. Eventually, the system will grind to a halt and no longer function and also it will be overtaken by a system which operates in the real world. For example the military. If soldiers no longer spend their time training and instead are in hospital getting free sex changes and prancing around in high heels eventually they can be beaten by any army in the world. It won’t need to be well equipped or trained.
Airlines – diversity hires who can’t maintain aircraft or operate the ticketing system means no flights.
The competent baby boomers retiring will bring this to a head. Chaos and disorder will increase. Every system has a propensity for disorder, second law of thermodynamics and effort is required to bring order back. When no effort is applied, disorder increases. I see that as where we are.
This statement should be read by everyone with a brain. My country is beyond redemption.
For the record here in California, my wife teaches special needs children and they have their own classrooms. As for Proposition 1, the measure passed with a legal 2/3 majority. Navin Gruesome was also re-elected by a similar majority. They are talking about him for 2024 presidency. The general consensus around here is that God unless it is yourself, of course, is a myth and fairy tale that was used to browbeat the citizenry into submission. For them, and I have family that holds this position, creation is a made-up fairy tale, and since we have evolved, we have every right to rid the population of the inferior and less developed humans wherever they might be.
So…’s the worship of the State at the altar of political choice and burning incense to the “elected officials.” Seig Heil Mein Herr.
Gott en Himmel
Wine helps, but the harder stuff helps faster.
I have a plan to head for the exits, and a destination where I already speak the language and have family through marriage. Unfortunately commitments here mean I can’t depart for good for several more years. I don’t think we have that much time remaining but there’s little I can do about it. Back in 2009 I never imagined the elites would be able to keep the Ponzi scheme going for another 10+ years. And the time is fast approaching when Americans will be persona non grata just about everywhere. Contemplating the deteriorating situation makes me want to have another shot…
If I am forced into staying and fighting I certainly intend to enter Valhalla with an honor guard that would make my ancestors proud.
I live in a region that is extremely red, and all the evil things which I read about and hear about are happening outside of. This is certainly not a target rich environment should a civil war kick off; for all intents and purposes it is flyover country. The areas which are the incubators of the disease infecting our nation are far away, and might as well be another country. The people who do these evil things, make the policies and laws that are forced upon us, the ones stealing the elections, stealing our wealth through inflation and taxation, and trying to gaslight us through all forms of media to believe we are the crazy ones, they are so distant as to be untouchable. It would take a massive effort to go after these people and put an end to their evil and perhaps that’s what they are counting upon; that and the belief that we’ll never fight back. Perhaps a lone wolf or someone on a one-way mission might be able to get close enough to one of the key players and blot them out, but by and large to really have a permanent effect would require laying siege to entire cities and starving them to death, or surrounding and razing Martha’s Vinyard, Silicon Valley, everything around Mordor on the Potomac, etc, etc. And a lot of the supporters and enablers of the ones doing this to us will be eliminated by such methods but the real powers that are behind all of this here and around the world will have already disappeared to their New Zealand bolt holes well before the consequences can catch up to them.
Fetterman is just a symptom. His voters and fraudsters are another symptom. The stupidity behind the vast amount of fools who voted for him is by design, and those responsible for that design have been very careful to put themselves beyond the reach of anyone who isn’t fooled by their dumbing down of the electorate. And that is truly disheartening depressing and reason for another stiff drink.
As usual your post is substantive. However, even though these are incedibly depressing times, I seriously want you to watch this 16 minute video by Neil Oliver. I think it’s important viewing and provides some solace for this catastrophe.
Transfer your assets to a few of the smaller banks in Switzerland, that sets you up for a Swiss passport.
Festerman probably got very few votes. The sheer epic scale of the Democrat fraud machine was on display when it manufactured 81 million votes for a senile pervert who regularly took showers with his young daughter. That’s 12 million MORE than the previous landslide won by Obama.
Excellent essay, one that I will share with all my groups.
The mere fact that the DemonRats EVER put up the execrable, vile miscreant, Fetterman, for ANY political office shows the contempt they have for the American people.
One of my adult children lives in PA with her husband and family and it breaks my heart that they are lib Dems. It breaks my heart to think that my own flesh and blood could be so stupid that they most likely voted for the Orc.
I live in a Red county of NY and worked very hard for Zeldin and the Repubs. The cheating in this state was massive and is now baked into our system of voting. Sadly this is now true all over the USA.
I am beginning to think that the Scamdemic was nothing but a plot to force mail in ballots on our country. Whoever thought up that one was pretty damn smart.
Until the electoral system is fixed, it will be nearly impossible for Republicans to get elected to higher office. If nothing is done and we keep going like this, it’s the end of the USA as a constitutional Republic.
As it is, I don’t know if we will survive until 2024. It’s gonna be a long, cold winter in the Northeast.
Thank you liberal/Commie/Marxist/ Demonrats.
Seneca: Fixing the election system will require an almost complete elimination of mail-in ballots (except for verifiable cases of absence or incapacity to vote in person), as well as reverting to analog voting systems, so as to reduce the possibility of digital hacking or digital funny business with networks. Plus, upon death, deceased voter names must be irrevocalbly eliminated from voter rolls. Then, there’s the matter of voters relocating to different places, illegal immigrants, etc.
Such changes would require removal from office of the politicians who create and propagate the voting problems, and the wholesale re-purposing of the armies of bureacrats who populate and run the the electoral clown show.
We need the voting equivalent of a Manhattan Project.
I am so sorry to hear about that PA. kid – emblematic of the issue, where they steal the hearts and minds of the young. I know, as I taught on the post-secondary level for years, and am certified to teach in Ontario, Alberta, BC and Illinois. I watched the subversion of the education system first hand. My undergrad was U of Illinois, Urbana (and one of my grad degrees) where the director of education for this major university – I kid you not – was this late 50s “groovster” who had long hair, and – as one TA related to me – she went to a professors’ party, and took off all his clothes and was dancing naked.
Yes, really. This was circa 1976. Dept head when I was at Univ. of Alberta/Alberta Vocational was an avowed communist.
But today we have a merger of the COUSINS of communism and fascism (where, of course, Nazi, or NSDAP, stand for National SOCIALIST German Workers’ Party) We are now dealing with a merger of fascism and Marxism, what I call fasco-Marxism. In a nutshell, fascism, as defined by its originator Benito Mussolini, and enumerated in his 1932 The Doctrine of Fascism, downloadable here defines fascism as the merger of the socialist state with co-opted, crony big biz. Can you say Google? Amazon? Pfizer? (in Hitler’s Germany, it was IG Farber, Bayer, etc. Same diff). In contrast, Marxism has the state directly own the means of production. Fascism also has nationalism as a hallmark, Marxism internationalism. Otherwise, both are socialist COUSINS.
If a formal architect of fascism can be identified, it is Benito Mussolini, the onetime Marxist editor who, caught up in nationalist fervor, broke with the left as World War I approached and became Italy’s leader in 1922. Mussolini distinguished fascism from liberal capitalism in his 1928 autobiography: “The citizen in the Fascist State is no longer a selfish individual who has the anti-social right of rebelling against any law of the Collectivity. The Fascist State with its corporative conception puts men and their possibilities into productive work and interprets for them the duties they have to fulfill.” (p. 280) “Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” – Benito Mussolini. Verify the quote by reading The Doctrine of Fascism here
Similarly, Adolf Hitler, whose National Socialist (Nazi) Party adapted fascism to Germany beginning in 1933, said: “The state should retain supervision and each property owner should consider himself appointed by the state. It is his duty not to use his property against the interests of others among his own people. This is the crucial matter. The Third Reich will always retain its right to control the owners of property.” (Barkai 1990, pp. 26–27)
Then why did Hitler invade Russia people ask? I.e, why did the National Socialists (Nazi) invade the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics? Fascism and Marxism are cousins, and just like the Hatfields and McCoys, (e.g., both mostly fought for the Confederates; Roseanna McCoy had a relationship with “Devil” Anse’s sone Johnson, etc.) or the Montague’s and Capulets in Romeo and Juliet. Answer me this: Why did the USSR have a major war, the Ussuri River war, starting in 1969 with China (see for more), with a hundreds killed? Both were communist!! And shortly after this border war, Brezhnev went to Nixon and asked if he nuked Mao, would the US get involved. Nixon said yes, so that was off. BUT BOTH WERE COMMUNIST. Why? Similarly, after the US Vietnam war, Communist China TWICE invaded Communist Vietnam starting in the late 1970s. Why? They were both communist. Later, Communist Vietnam invaded Communist Cambodia. Why? As noted, internecine conflicts are the worst of all.
Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” – Benito Mussolini. Verify the quote by reading The Doctrine of Fascism here Briefly, fascism is the merger of the socialist state with co-opted, crony big biz (can you say Google? Amazon? Pfizer? Microsoft? ** precisely as defined by Mussolini). Of course, the somnolent wokesters have ZERO clue that Nazi stand for National SOCIALIST German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) which adopted explicitly socialist planks – and I do this from memory – Feb. 10, 1920 at its first convention, Munich. *******Fascism and Marxism are cousins********* the former being nationalist/racist, the latter internationalist; the former uses Big Biz as a tool for the socialist state, the latter the gov’t owns the means of production directly. Otherwise, meme chose… la misma…. or if you don’t like French of Spanish, samma sak på Svenska (same thing) This isn’t my opinion, but the stated view of the FOUNDER of fascism. This means that Antifa will be changing their name to Protifa soon… and expect us, Orwell like, to forget the first name existed. Heck, Antifa even functions just like Hitler’s Brownshirts, or Mussolini’s Blackshirts, even wearing blackshirst, a flag that is a bit similar to the fascists, and Antifa even breaks windows just like Hitler’s Brownshirts did during Kristallnacht (Night of the Broken Windows, 1938 where they broke windows of Jewish businesses, starting the holocaust).
You forget one very important thing about antifa, they were and are communists thus the brownshirts were formed and eliminated most if not all of those of antifa. If antifa tried the same nonsense here in the Midwest, they would disappear by however many bodies it took to get our point across, so no, the fascist are not the same as the communist no matter how much you tried to twist it to fit a narrative. If ole Hitler and Mussolini kept their fascism inside their borders like Franco, Pinochet, and a bunch of others did, they probably would still be around to this day and the too timing Brits and their silly games of brinkmanship would have never happened.
The Trojans lost the war after getting drunk 🙂
I am just saying, because I believe that this is a kind of Trojan War, and the Horse is already inside the gates.
The four steps of Ideological Subversion of a Nation according to Yuri Bezmenov: I am putting them here because I believe that we are in the final fase of the Demoralisation stage, and probably will enter the “crisis” stage this winter.
I am currently of the opinion, that the “Reds” expected election fraud, so “they” got one.
The “Crisis” stage has to be started up, somehow…
1 – Demoralization. For this step in the process, 15 – 20 years are needed. That is the amount of time required to educate a generation. Helping along the way are media and teachers who have become sympathetic (consciously or unconsciously) to the theoretical causes of the subverting nation. Bezmenov claims that the USSR was surprised at how easy this phase was in the US.
2 – Destabilization. Following the earlier phase, this is a two to five year period to change the target country’s foreign relations, defense, and economy.
3 – Crisis. Perhaps six weeks of chaos as a climatic turning point.
4 – Normalization. This stage changes the appreciation of what the status quo looks like. Bezmenov’s description of this phase also includes military take over.
Excellent writing. Thanks
As I wrote above, we are in a situation where they steal the hearts and minds of the young. I know, as I taught on the post-secondary level for years, and am certified to teach in Ontario, Alberta, BC and Illinois. I watched the subversion of the education system first hand. My undergrad was U of Illinois, Urbana (and one of my grad degrees) where the director of education for this major university – I kid you not – was this late 50s “groovster” who had long hair, and – as one TA related to me – she went to a professors’ party, and took off all his clothes and was dancing naked.
Yes, really. This was circa 1976. Dept head when I was at Univ. of Alberta/Alberta Vocational a few years later was an avowed communist.
Fasco-Marxism: Here is Schwab with a bust of Lenin in his office 3 second mark, 1:17 mark to 1:30 and 2 min mark. But Schwab’s father worked for the Nazis as a Swiss national.Schwab’s Escher Wyss company was protected not only by Hitler, but by Switzerland, Britain and America—making Schwab a criminal foreign meddler in every sense. , Escher-Wyss brokered flame throwers built in their Zurich plant and sold to the Nazis. This information comes from the US Archives. This would have been handled by Eugen Schwab with a then about 5-year-old Klaus at his side.
Oh yeah. Trudeau’s brain (my wife’s cousin was, loathsomely enough, his nanny), Chrystia Freeland, saw her grandfather four levels removed from reporting to Hitler. Even the leftist fake news gets it – see the Ottawa Citizen here I don’t blame her for a grandparent being a fascist. But I DO blame HER for being one.
Oh yeah. We’re in the US now (I had to leave two decades ago after I was cancelled, we’re now in the People’s Socialist Republik of Venezuellinois), but were friends, e.g, with a woman who exemplifies everything: what I would call a “former” Christian, an M.D., who worked in Africa, but then came back and went liberal, even so far as joining Trudeau’s cabinet as Health Minister. Only now she was supporting euthanasia, abortion, etc. We were disgusted. Finally she left as even Trudeau’s massive financial scandals got to be too much (WE, SNC Lavalin, etc.)
Today we have a merger of the COUSINS of communism and fascism (where, of course, Nazi, or NSDAP, stand for National SOCIALIST German Workers’ Party) We are now dealing with a merger of fascism and Marxism, what I call fasco-Marxism. In a nutshell, fascism, as defined by its originator Benito Mussolini, and enumerated in his 1932 The Doctrine of Fascism, downloadable here defines fascism as the merger of the socialist state with co-opted, crony big biz. Can you say Google? Amazon? Pfizer? (in Hitler’s Germany, it was IG Farber, Bayer, etc. Same diff). In contrast, Marxism has the state directly own the means of production. Fascism also has nationalism as a hallmark, Marxism internationalism. Otherwise, both are socialist COUSINS.
If a formal architect of fascism can be identified, it is Benito Mussolini, the onetime Marxist editor who, caught up in nationalist fervor, broke with the left as World War I approached and became Italy’s leader in 1922. Mussolini distinguished fascism from liberal capitalism in his 1928 autobiography: “The citizen in the Fascist State is no longer a selfish individual who has the anti-social right of rebelling against any law of the Collectivity. The Fascist State with its corporative conception puts men and their possibilities into productive work and interprets for them the duties they have to fulfill.” (p. 280) “Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” – Benito Mussolini. Verify the quote by reading The Doctrine of Fascism here
Similarly, Adolf Hitler, whose National Socialist (Nazi) Party adapted fascism to Germany beginning in 1933, said: “The state should retain supervision and each property owner should consider himself appointed by the state. It is his duty not to use his property against the interests of others among his own people. This is the crucial matter. The Third Reich will always retain its right to control the owners of property.” (Barkai 1990, pp. 26–27)
Then why did Hitler invade Russia people ask? I.e, why did the National Socialists (Nazi) invade the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics? Fascism and Marxism are cousins, and just like the Hatfields and McCoys, (e.g., both mostly fought for the Confederates; Roseanna McCoy had a relationship with “Devil” Anse’s sone Johnson, etc.) or the Montague’s and Capulets in Romeo and Juliet. Answer me this: Why did the USSR have a major war, the Ussuri River war, starting in 1969 with China (see for more), with a hundreds killed? Both were communist!! And shortly after this border war, Brezhnev went to Nixon and asked if he nuked Mao, would the US get involved. Nixon said yes, so that was off. BUT BOTH WERE COMMUNIST. Why? Similarly, after the US Vietnam war, Communist China TWICE invaded Communist Vietnam starting in the late 1970s. Why? They were both communist. Later, Communist Vietnam invaded Communist Cambodia. Why?
As noted, internecine conflicts are the worst of all.
Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” – Benito Mussolini. Verify the quote by reading The Doctrine of Fascism here Briefly, fascism is the merger of the socialist state with co-opted, crony big biz (can you say Google? Amazon? Pfizer? Microsoft? ** precisely as defined by Mussolini). Of course, the somnolent wokesters have ZERO clue that Nazi stand for National SOCIALIST German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) which adopted explicitly socialist planks – and I do this from memory – Feb. 10, 1920 at its first convention, Munich. *******Fascism and Marxism are cousins********* the former being nationalist/racist, the latter internationalist; the former uses Big Biz as a tool for the socialist state, the latter the gov’t owns the means of production directly. Otherwise, meme chose… la misma…. or if you don’t like French of Spanish, samma sak på Svenska (same thing) This isn’t my opinion, but the stated view of the FOUNDER of fascism. This means that Antifa will be changing their name to Protifa soon… and expect us, Orwell like, to forget the first name existed. Heck, Antifa even functions just like Hitler’s Brownshirts, or Mussolini’s Blackshirts, even wearing blackshirst, a flag that is a bit similar to the fascists, and Antifa even breaks windows just like Hitler’s Brownshirts did during Kristallnacht (Night of the Broken Windows, 1938 where they broke windows of Jewish businesses, starting the holocaust).
Anyhow, the times are evil. But I will **NEVER** give up. It is stories from times like this that live on in history (e.g., Washington in Valley Forge, crossing the Delaware, miracles like that NYC fog, etc.) As Tolkein once wrote, I don’t know from where my help will come, but it WILL come. In the meantime, I cling to Christ my Saviour for help and direction.
WAYNE ROOT: You’ve Been Gaslighted – Democrats Just Stole Another Election.
By Wayne Allyn Root
When something is so obvious, if the outcome makes no sense, if the outcome is literally impossible, then it is what it is. Forget “proof.” You know it. You saw it. You felt it. You experienced it. It happened. It’s real.
The 2022 midterm was just stolen. Just like 2020.
If you disagree, you’re either delusional, or terribly naïve, or brain dead. Or you’re in on the fix.
It’s time to admit we’re all part of a massive experiment in fraud, theft, brainwashing, and gaslighting to a degree never seen in world history.
Think of all the times in just the past few years you’ve been gaslighted. They lied to you about open borders…they lied about Hillary’s 30,000 deleted emails…they lied about spying on Trump…they lied about Russian Collusion…they lied about a perfectly fine Ukrainian phone call…they lied about massive Biden corruption in Ukraine and China… they lied about the Hunter Biden laptop they lied about the origins of Covid…they lied about the need for lockdowns and masks…they lied about the need for Covid vaccines…they lied about the vaccines being “safe and effective”…they lied and covered up all the deaths and injuries from the vaccine…they lied about the success of miracle drugs Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin…they lied about the stolen 2020 election…
You’ve been the victims of nonstop severe gaslighting for a decade now. You’re all part of a human psychology experiment in the limits that government and media can go in propaganda and brainwashing…while you can see they’re lying right in front of your eyes.
And these are the exact same people now telling you Democrats just over-performed, and stopped a GOP red landslide, against all odds, without cheating and stealing the midterm election.