The Gilt-Edged Twilight of the Abendlandes

As inflation kicks into overdrive in Europe (and the rest of the West), events are proceeding in their usual fashion: the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer, just at an accelerated rate.

Below are three German news stories, all translated by Hellequin GB. Although not directly related to one another, they seem to me to be emblematic of the collapse of the West.

First, a brief report on recent salary increases for elite members of the German government. As inflation rages, they get a nice monthly increase to offset the rise in the cost of living.

From Bild. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Big Salary Increase for Our Politicians

More than €30,000 for Scholz

Beginning Friday, the diets of the members of the Bundestag will increase by €310.40 to €14,906.68! The members of the federal government can also look forward to the windfall, as many of them have a seat in the Bundestag in addition to their office.

  • This is how the Chancellor breaks through the €30,000 per month mark for the first time: Olaf Scholz (64, SPD) will receive €30,139.81 in the future! The government responded to the AfD request.
  • Vice-Chancellor and Economics Minister Robert Habeck (52, Greens) will in turn receive €25,573.08 in the future. Just like many other ministers, including Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (41, Greens) and Finance Minister Christian Lindner (43, FDP ).
  • Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht (57, SPD), on the other hand, has to be content with “only” €20,425.57 a month. Reason: The Social Democrat has no seat in the Bundestag.

Afterword from the translator:

It must give them such a warm feeling inside with a salary increase of over €300 in these hard times, so that their favourite single malt or champagne is more secure than ever, and especially in a country were some pensioners and low income earners do not even have this sum to live on to get through the month. This also affects many full-time employees with regular earnings, who are suffering from rising fuel prices, energy and food costs, and have less and less money at their disposal. Some have to go to work again after eight hours of work so that they can feed their families. It’s definitely the “Best Germany of all times” for those who are at the feeding-frenzy trough.

In a real democracy the salary increase of over €300 could be granted to those who serve and act for the benefit of the German people and, according to their oath of office, do their job. Be that as it may, it boils down to the simple fact that in socialism everyone is equal… While others are simply more equal.

To see how the other half lives, here’s a report on the rapid increase in the number of German citizens whose income puts them below the poverty level. Unlike their exalted masters in Berlin, they aren’t guaranteed to receive automatic cost-of-living increases.

From Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Report of the Parity Welfare Association

Germans are being impoverished rapidly


The proportion of poor people in Germany has reached a new high. This was announced by the Parity Welfare Association. According to the current poverty report, 13.8 million people live on less than 60% of the average income. In the past two years alone, 600,000 people have joined.

The general manager of the joint general association, Ulrich Schneider, was dismayed. “Never before has a higher number been measured on the basis of the official microcensus, and never before has poverty spread so rapidly as during the pandemic.” In view of the prevailing inflation, the situation will worsen, estimates Schneider.

The self-employed, pensioners and children are the losers

The proportion of those falling under the official poverty definition is now a record 16.6% of the total population. The impoverishment in the group of self-employed people, who suffered particularly from the lockdown measures, is dramatic. Here, the proportion of people with precarious income rose from 9% to 13.8%.

But pensioners (17.9%) and children (20%) are now much more likely to be affected by poverty. The official definition of poverty does not include the actual economic situation of those affected, such as loss of purchasing power or rising rents. It is purely a ratio that determines the proportion of people in the lower income segment.

Afterword from the translator:

And anyone still thinks that this will only be for a short time, is sadly mistaken… nope, that’s it. It would take decades to absorb or rebuild all of this, and the spirit to do so will no longer be there. At some point the old world will only be a memory in many minds. It will find a little place next to all the toxic ideologies that prevailed there and have caused it all. I despise this society deeply; it has destroyed everything we loved and held dear. I’m not sad, but angry, level 11/10, with nothing left to lose.

On the hilt of one of my renaissance daggers is an inscription that states: “FIAT JUSTITIA ET PEREAT MUNDUS” (Let justice be done — though the world perish).

Finally, on somewhat of a tangent, a story about the increasing numbers of Syrian culture-enrichers who are becoming naturalized German citizens. I assume their lavish government-paid housing and living allowances are being upwardly adjusted as the cost of living rises.

From Der Spiegel. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

“More than average motivation”

Experts assume that many Syrian refugees will soon be naturalized

Refugees have the right to naturalization after six to eight years. As early as 2021, 19,100 Syrians became Germans — almost three times as many as in 2020. The number could soon continue to rise.

In recent years, many people from Syria have sought protection from the terror of the Islamic State and the Assad regime in Germany. Experts estimate that a large proportion of the refugees will receive German citizenship in the coming years. [Experts on what? Cultural genocide?]

“We are observing a far above-average motivation for naturalization among the group of refugees from Syria,” said Jan Schneider, head of the scientific staff of the Advisory Council on Integration and Migration (SVR). [I’m not surprised by that at all. Their incentive for doing absolutely NOTHING gains them more than a German pensioner gets after more than forty years’ hard work and paying into the system.] Schneider presented a forecast for the naturalization of refugees. The expected rush may possibly even lead to administrative bottlenecks.

For the period from 2022 to 2024, according to the committee, a very conservative estimate is that 39,000 people who fled Syria will be naturalized. “If the current momentum were to be maintained, it could even be 157,000 in the same period — provided the authorities can process such a large number of applications without massive delays,” said Schneider. The possible naturalizations forecast by the SVR would come in addition to the usual volume of around 110,000 naturalizations per year in recent years.

Well above forecasts

The naturalization figures for 2021 published a few days ago were significantly higher than the previous SVR forecasts, said Schneider. One reason for this is probably that around three out of ten Syrians were naturalized after just six years in Germany due to good progress in integration. [Are they now able to demand more money and housing in “fluent” German?] A large number of children and young people have also been “naturalised”, so to speak. [And I’m pretty sure that they can’t speak a word of comprehensible German, either.] In addition, there were probably catch-up effects because the capacities of the authorities in 2020 were lower than usual due to the Corona pandemic.

In Germany, 20 percent more people were naturalized last year than in the previous year — most of them came from Syria. According to the Federal Statistical Office, a total of 131,600 foreigners were naturalized in 2021. Among them were 19,100 Syrian nationals, almost three times the number in 2020. Naturalization is open to people who have maintained a habitual and legal residence in Germany for eight years. This period may be reduced to seven years after successful completion of an integration course, or to six years in the case of special integration achievements. Another requirement is that you can secure your own livelihood. [Now that they can manage easily, as we have seen through “Job Center”.]

Afterword from the translator:

Well, the journey through umpteen safe third countries to the desired destination country was worth it, and we’re only talking about Syrian people here.

Are there also Syrians who were able to prove their true identity when they entered the country, or with the self-disclosure and the lost/false passports, who are now given German citizenship as a gift?

Schäuble said back in September 2018: “Don’t raise too much hope that we can send the majority of these people back” […] “We should rather use all our strength to integrate them into our society.”

There is no “our society” any longer when a country, or even just a small village, becomes multicultural. Any cohesion of that society is irretrievably lost, and all will end in blood and tears. One has only to look to South Africa to see the NONE future of such a Society. But I guess that this is exactly what these Global Feudal Lords want from the puppeticians they’ve installed around the world.

3 thoughts on “The Gilt-Edged Twilight of the Abendlandes

  1. I’m sure most from Syria are either ISIS or sympathizers. Germany is done.

  2. Merkel&CO started this horrific mess , and all this freaking disgusting dumb parties like SPD. , Greens, FDP . will finished this dirty job !! How sad for generations to come , ..

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