I reported yesterday on the damage that Ukrainian gypsies are doing by exploiting the asylum system in Germany. According to the following report, not only gypsies, but Ukrainian migrants in general, are methodically siphoning off large amounts of German taxpayers’ money.
Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from eXXpress:
Provocative video: Every Ukrainian family gets €3,500 from us
This video is already causing a stir: A Ukrainian explains how refugees in Germany can collect several thousand euros in addition to an apartment and social benefits. The reactions of the viewers are quite clear.
With this post, the creator did a disservice to people who fled Ukraine. In fact, it acts as a guide to rip off the state. Even the amount paid out is proudly presented in the video. But that’s not all: At the end of the clip, the Ukrainian mocks the taxpayers — especially those from Russia. With a kiss she “thanks” them for the money…
In particular, citizens with lower incomes are being driven into a debate of envy, according to some commentators.
[See the linked article for the video.]
Is what is said in the video true?
Specifically, the video is about assistance with the initial furnishing of the apartment. In addition to the most important furniture, this also includes dishes or necessary household appliances.
In fact: The job center in Germany not only pays the Hartz IV or social welfare rate, but also covers the initial furnishing of an apartment, the rent and the heating costs — but not the electricity costs. The office pays the contributions to statutory health insurance as well as participation services for children and young people, such as club fees, lunch costs and travel expenses. There are also additional payments for single parents.
Afterword from the translator:
The German taxpayer is just ripped off some more by those “grateful refugees”; they make fun of them and mock them for it. Bravo. This video should be played around the ears of the “do-gooders” every day 24/7. But I rather doubt it would do any good, because those people are heavily addicted to dopamine and will only ever be satisfied if each and every one, except themselves, dies from an overdose.
Good for them.
German stubbornness and stupidity is getting bested by good old fashioned Slavic opportunism and practicality. If Germans are dumb enough to offer such goodies to all comers then they deserve to get robbed blind by the less scrupulous. Also, they made they weather by continuing to fund and encourage the prolonging of the war so it’s only natural they get soaked by the downpour.
In their understanding, the Germans are to blame for them all around – either because of friendship with Russia, or because of some other historical guilt. Therefore, they must pay. And yes. They give little weapons to Ukraine and are obliged to buy gas that goes exclusively through the Ukrainian pipeline!
@ Moon
Re: “German stubbornness and stupidity is getting bested by good old fashioned Slavic opportunism and practicality. If Germans are dumb enough to offer such goodies to all comers then they deserve to get robbed blind by the less scrupulous.”
Oscar Wilde once said that the only thing worse than not getting what you want – was getting it! The Germans may find out belatedly that inviting all of those new guests to the party was a bad idea, but by then it may be too late to do anything about it.
Which brings to mind another quote, this one by H.L. Mencken, “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
I love that quote from H.L. Mencken.
My grandfather used to often say a variation of it; that people get the governments they deserve.
“The Germans may find out belatedly that inviting all of those new guests to the party was a bad idea….”
I got a sawbuck that sez they’ll never recognize it. The Germans have the unique ability to, as soon as their disabused of one bad idea, immediately double down on the most destructive aspect of said idea. Case in point – forcibly separated from National Socialism they immediately embraced International Socialism, never having acknowledged that Socialism was the evil part. The last ethnic German will be strapped onto the euthanasia table and take pride in the fact that it is all being done efficiently and at public expense.
No they won’t, they will soon be reintroduced to Nationalism on steroids and then let the fun begin. I am looking forward to it for there is going to be one hell of a culling of the herd soon especially the 3rd worlders in their midst and the return of the strongmen.
“Thanks” to the Russians and at the same time speaks Russian, not Ukrainian.