German Public TV Circles the Drain of the Behavioral Sink

I don’t have an appropriate photo in my image library to use with the following post, and I’m not willing to look through the photos associated with its depraved content, so people will just have to use their imaginations.

WARNING: Some of the descriptions in the following text are explicit, so sensitive readers may want to skip this piece.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Crystal meth use in youth television

“Funk” contribution to “Chemsex” calls the police into action

On the bedside table is a Wagenfeld lamp, or its replica. You can’t see it that well in the dim light. An elderly man, who calls himself “Wolf”, is lying on his back in bed. He is sexually stimulated. He plays on his cell phone. His younger husband, whose name is Tadzio and who wears a net shirt, black knee-high socks and a collar, bends over him.

Cut! New shot: Tadzio lies on his back, shoves crystal meth up his anus. Two scenes from a film with the awkward title: Chemsex — why some gays have sex on drugs. The “Y Kollectiv” is responsible for the half hour. This in turn belongs to the youth program “Funk” of the public broadcasters ARD and ZDF. The target group is 14- to 29-year-olds. A documentary that raises more than just one question.

CONTENT WARNING: Video [I managed to watch roughly 20 to 25 seconds, and almost lost my supper.]

Police are investigating

“Reporters Nico Schmolke and Philipp Katzer were at a chemsex party all night, from the well-considered preparation to the complete loss of control,” says the film’s description on YouTube. And later in the text: “You accompany Tadzio, who is one of the first men in Germany to give an open insight into his chemsex world with his partner Wolf.” The documentary is from June 2021. So it has been online exactly one year. In front of the camera, the protagonists will use coke, crystal meth and other hard drugs. “These drugs are banned in Germany,” it says from the get-go. So is everything OK? Maybe not.

A year after its publication, the Berlin police are interested in the drug party in front of the camera. “As of now, the local police department in Berlin is checking whether and to what extent the actions shown in the article are based on a criminal offence,” the press office of the Berlin police said when asked by Junge Freiheit. But at the same time he points out that the mere consumption of illegal drugs is not punishable. Possession, according to the Narcotics Act, does. Paragraph 29 provides for a “prison sentence of up to five years” for this, alternatively a fine may also be due. Is it even possible to consume drugs without owning them?

The main actor is no stranger

Tadzio, the main actor in the film, is an ascetic-looking guy, with short hair, a beard and deep nasolabial folds. He lectures on a more climate-friendly world. At panel discussions he wears shirts with slogans such as “Gay left-wing extremist”. A leather strap or, for a change, a metal chain with a lock on which “slave” is engraved is clasped tightly around the neck. Tadzio lives in Berlin. The TV report suggests reporting openly and without taboos on the subject of drugs and sex. But it’s not as taboo as the show claims to be. Tadzio’s full name and exactly what he does, apart from being a “climate activist”, are kept secret.

A search on Google quickly brings clarity. The man who is still lecturing about the alleged advantages of consuming the hardest drugs during sex is called Tadzio Müller and was born in Frankfurt am Main in 1976. According to his own description, he comes from the “upper bourgeoisie”. His father used to be a partner at Baker & McKenzie and he lives in a condo that he bought with his blood money. And: The sex educator and self-proclaimed left-wing extremist was until 2021 a climate justice officer at the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. For the leftist TAZ [newspaper] he is a “climate activist from the very beginning”. [And the long-awaited Messiah, most likely.]

In the sights of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution

The Office for the Protection of the Constitution may see things a little differently. Because Müller helped build the “Ende Gelände” movement. And the security authority classifies it as infiltrated by left-wing extremists. The Interventionist Left is part of the party. The entire Berlin Ende Gelände troop, consisting of 30 men in 2018/19, was classified as left-wing extremist by the Berlin Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

Didn’t the public broadcasters want to burden their young viewers with this information? The commercial for this flick simply sounds lascivious: “The film shows the ecstasy as well as the danger of chemsex. It is an insight into a scene that has never existed in Germany before.”

Self Proclaimed “BDSM Whore”

In the course of the report, the impression arises that there must have been controversial discussions in the editorial office about the sense and nonsense of showing this nearly hardcore porn. It appears to have been reworked. So the young “Funk” journalists met up again months later with Tadzio and his husband Wolf. The couple had reportedly split, they say. No more bombastic bed scenes. Great outdoors, cloudy and windy. And now you just want to educate about why it’s important to educate about it. In addition, the psychologist Urs Gamsavar from the “Aids-Hilfe” [AIDS help] is brought on board, who notices that more and more men want advice on chemsex.

Well, the TAZ reported in December 2020, from March 2021, i.e. when his employment at the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation ended, Tadzio planned to earn his living as a “BDSM whore”. BDSM stands for Bondage/Sado-Masochism. In an interview he said that working as a “sex worker” was also “really politically relevant” for him and a break with the normality that was destroying the world. Now he wants to help organize the whore movement. Below the text, the comments are still readable. One reader writes there: “Tadzio Müller is not a sex worker.” Another claims to quote from a tweet by Müller: “Sometimes my husband and I feel like being screwed by someone… Then we book an escort.”

Brave #comingout!

Sometimes my husband @canislupusb & I feel like being screwed by someone who we can tell how it’s supposed to work without us having to feel selfish about it. Then we book an #escort . #IvePaidForSex #ICountFor6

Tadzio Mueller (@MuellerTadzio) August 12, 2020

Strange YouTube appearances

A prostitute writes that she finds hyper-privileged people like Müller incredibly embarrassing. And a reader remarks that Tadzio Müller primarily has a problem with his father and that his subsequent activities are based on that. Müller’s appearance in March at a climate get-together for radical left-wing extremists in Frankfurt caused quite a stir. For two hours he lectured there on his radical theses.

Striking: the posture. Hardly a moment goes by without him gesticulating frantically, touching his hair, jumping from one topic to the next. One of the moderators calls the conspicuous behavior “challenging”. The comments under the YouTube post say, among other things:

The guy is so into crystal meth. Anyone who knows meth-heads will notice it immediately”, “The meth kicks well” or “Oida is the druff, how can you do that talk a lot of s***. [Through the courtesy of the “Best Germany of All Times”.]

Threat of “Green RAF” [Red Army Fraction/ Baader-Meinhof Gang/Terrorists]

Müller has been a driving force behind radical left-wing extremists for years and makes no secret of his affinity for violence. At the end of 2021, he openly threatened with a “green RAF” in Der Spiegel if the federal government did not make a difference when it came to climate protection. Of course, he is also full of praise for the radical climate protectionists from the “Last Generation” who have been trying to paralyze traffic in German cities with blockades, carry out paint attacks or sabotage critical infrastructure such as pipelines for weeks. The young viewers of “Funk” don’t experience any of that.

In general, criticism of the fact that the target group of 14+ is openly confronted with harsh sex practices and the anal insertion of crystal meth is taken with extreme composure. “The drug abuse of the protagonists and the resulting dangers are discussed and always named as such,” said a spokeswoman for “Radio Bremen” when asked by Junge Freiheit. The North German broadcaster is responsible for the “radio” formats within the public broadcaster.

Public broadcasters see no problems

The spokeswoman refers to passages in which attention is drawn to the danger of such drugs: “Due to the discussion of drug use and its classification, the contribution is not harmful to young people. Otherwise it would not have been released by the youth protection officer at Radio Bremen.” Many a parent is likely to be interested in whether 14-year-olds are more likely to listen to an adviser from the Aids organization or to Tadzio Müller, who has an equal say and raves about the “ecstasy”.

“The report offers an authentic and credible look at a socially relevant microcosm. We listen to the protagonists, let them have their say, but don’t let the statements stand without context and classification,” Radio Bremen praised the contribution. “In the best case, this strengthens the awareness of the problem among the viewers.” And in the worst case?

Afterword from the translator:

It’s quite a pity that I had to tone down my initial remarks, but words cannot describe the disgust I’m feeling. Personally I don’t care if someone is gay, as long as they keep it private, with their bedroom door closed, and don’t force it down my throat, as it were. But this CRAP, financed through the forced TV license fees of the German people. Such a society is on a “Thelma and Louise” trip into oblivion if they carry on feeding our children with these piles of donkey manure.

I wonder sometimes what their aim is? Are they suicidal and want to drag every living being with them into the abyss? It definitely looks to me that way, and I’m pretty sure that a Day of Wrath will come and pay these — whatever you call them — their due, all the way to Hell.

6 thoughts on “German Public TV Circles the Drain of the Behavioral Sink

  1. How low can these bloody alphabet people degenerates go? Well either drugs, AIDS or another leftist degenerate will off it.

    • Don’t worry.
      Whenever they hit bottom, they will pull out a shovel and start digging!

  2. I wonder sometimes what their aim is?

    I believe “they” are quite open about it: To destroy the “Patriarchy”, together with God the Father, nuclear family, etc…

    Just look how these LGBT types are created. I guarantee you that none of them comes from a good family with smiling helping mother and a wise father. On the contrary: They see the “traditional family structure” as something totally foreign.

    I often speak about the gypsies here, and just let me tell you that the reason they function successfully for thousands of years is because the gypsies have family first, and everything else second. As a result, they all have a circle of people to fall back on in case of trouble.

    But the Brave New World don’t want such “family oriented people”. They want Soma addicts as slaves who don’t care about anyone else but where to get their next Soma.

    It’s right there, in the book “Brave New World”, and 1984 as well for that matter. They don’t want any good family ties for the people they govern, because good family ties are not good for a totalitarian government.

  3. And I thought “Naked Attraction” was the very bottom. But there are no lover limit now. Our values and mores are in free fall, and the main culprits are the degenerate midwits of the upper middleclass.

  4. That sort of thing is much more dangerous and destructive than Islam. A Muslim nation can, at least, survive for centuries. But a nation of sexual perverts addicted to hard drugs is doomed.

  5. I didn’t watch the video. The description was more than enough. This TV program has no business being shown to anyone under 21. If it were about drug prevention, there’d be montages of what the aftermath of drug overdoses and chronic abuse looks like with interviews of chain-smoking ex-junkies telling how they’ve destroyed their lives accompanied with a voiceover mentioning these “practices” and maybe describing them, if absolutely necessary. Private parts should not appear.

    I’ve heard of crystal meth but didn’t know what it did. The description of drug effects more than explain why Tadzio the Coked-up Crystal Cramming Climate Commando behaves the way he does. The question is why do politicians cave to drug-addled junkies instead of putting them all in rehab?

    (snippets from Wikipedia)

    Mental effects may include an intense feeling of happiness, sexual arousal, loss of contact with reality, or agitation.

    Crystal Meth
    Effects can include euphoria, dysphoria, changes in libido, alertness, apprehension and concentration, decreased sense of fatigue, insomnia or wakefulness, self-confidence, sociability, irritability, restlessness, grandiosity and repetitive and obsessive behaviors. Peculiar to methamphetamine and related stimulants is “punding”, persistent non-goal-directed repetitive activity. Methamphetamine use also has a high association with anxiety, depression, amphetamine psychosis, suicide, and violent behaviors.

    Amphetamine Psychosis
    Stimulant psychosis is a mental disorder characterized by psychotic symptoms (such as hallucinations, paranoid ideation, delusions, disorganized thinking, grossly disorganized behaviour) which involves and typically occurs following an overdose or several day ‘binge’ on psychostimulants.
    The most common causative agents are substituted amphetamines as well as certain dopamine reuptake inhibitors such as cocaine and phenidates.

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