Palestinian Demo Thwarted in Berlin

After Palestinians in Berlin engaged in a frenzy of Jew-hatred at a “demonstration” last weekend, Berlin police banned a repeat of the event scheduled to take place this weekend. An appeal by the organizers of the demo has been denied by the Berlin Administrative Court.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the Berliner Morgenpost:

After emergency application: Pro-Palestinian demonstration remains banned

The Administrative Court has rejected an emergency application from the organizer. Nevertheless, the Berlin police are in large scale deployment

by Julian Wuerzer
April 29, 2022

Berlin. The pro-Palestinian demonstration announced for Friday in Kreuzberg remains banned for the time being. The Administrative Court of Berlin rejected an emergency application against the police ban on Friday, according to a court spokesperson. Initially, it was not clear whether the organizer would appeal to the Higher Administrative Court. “I welcome the fact that the position of the Assembly Authority has been confirmed. Anti-Semitism has no place in our city,” stated interior senator Iris Spranger (SPD).

After anti-Semitic outbursts at a pro-Palestinian demonstration last weekend, the Berlin police banned an announced demonstration for this Friday with a similar orientation. There is the danger that hateful and anti-Semitic speech, calls for violence, intimidation, and violence may occur, it is said. On Thursday evening, the police stated that the examination by the Assembly Authority “is based on experiences in the recent past.”

In addition, substitute events are banned up to and including May 1.

The organizer of the demonstration complained about the police ban. The Administrative Court in Berlin received an equivalent emergency request, said a court spokeswoman on Friday. The court ruled the same day. The demonstration was reported as a “protest demonstration against the Israeli aggression in Jerusalem”. The march would begin on Orianienplatz and proceed along Oranienstrasse and Kotbusserdam to Hermannplatz.

6 thoughts on “Palestinian Demo Thwarted in Berlin


    Paludan comes to Sweden this weekend –
    will burn “a lot” of Korans

    Published 29 April 2022 at 17.26

    Yesterday, the police rejected Rasmus Paludan’s applications for a permit to hold election rallies for his party Stram Kurs Sweden this weekend. Rasmus Paludan had applied for permits for public gatherings in Stockholm, Uppsala and Örebro, among other places.

    But now Paludan announces that he will come to Sweden this weekend anyway.

    – I will be in Sweden on Saturday anyway. And there I will burn a lot of Korans at various mosques around Sweden. And it will be great fun, says Paludan in a statement that he posted on Instagram.

    No election rallies or other public gatherings will be arranged, Paludan says. However, the plans to burn Korans have been set in stone.

    Burning Korans is, according to the prosecutor’s decision, not illegal and no permission from the police is required to do so.

    Paludan plans to burn Korans in Örebro on Saturday and in Stockholm and Uppsala on Sunday.

    • I love how this guy keeps pushing the 3rd world savages buttons, and like clockwork, they go right to riot on cue. The more the merrier I say. I especially love the looks on the effeminate and feminaxi Swedes as the city burns. Get these Swedes mad enough so they actually start to take their country back.

  2. I did some research on the topic “Palestine”. I did not find anything but the word, no such entity or people ever existed. It is a historic scam staged by the KGB. Even a book by a historian and ” islam- scientist” titled The History of Palestine” did not show that such a people ever existed. Population and domination in this part of the world is extremely complicated.
    Just one example: the few 100K inhabitants of that area were chronically overdebted and hardscrabble peasant folk working fields the size of bath towels, and fled after 1918, not the Jews but their creditors. Then, the jewish settlers invited workforce from Egypt in. Those claim to be Palestinians, being muslim crybabies.

    • Palestine was the name that Hadrian the Great gave to Israel so the world would forget the name Israel.

      It had absolutely NOTHING to do with the KGB.

      • I thought it was the Emperor Titus, following the Romans’ defeat of the second (of three) Jewish rebellions in the early 70s AD; the third was in 135 when Hadrian was Emperor. Titus’ Arch, by the Coliseum, has a relief of Roman soldiers carrying off a minorah.

        No matter; “Palestine” was the Romans’ approximation of “Philistine”, humiliating the surviving Jews (the ones who avoided the deportation of the survivors of the siege of Jerusalem to central Europe, the origin of the Ashkenazis) by naming the province (previously “Judea and Samaria”) after their ancestral enemies.

        That name persisted for many centuries and several occupations, but fell out of use before the Ottoman conquest; ironically it was revived by European and American Christians in the 19th century, under the mistaken belief that it had been called “Palestine” in Jesus’ time, a a belief which still persists.

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