German Apparatchiks Get a Corona Bonus

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from

NRW state parliament decides on Corona premium 1,300 euros for judges and civil servants

North Rhine-Westphalian civil servants and judges will receive a tax and duty-free special Corona payment of €1,300 euros by March 31 at the latest. Such was the decision of the state parliament.

Civil servants and judges receive a Corona bonus of €1,300. The state parliament in North Rhine-Westphalia passed a law to that effect on Wednesday with the votes of all parliamentary groups. Applicants receive half. The payment should be made by March 31, 2022 at the latest. In addition, with the adoption of the three-part legislative package for salary increases, salaries will increase by a total of 2.8 percent as of December 1, 2022.

NRW is thus transferring a wage agreement to its civil servants and judges 1:1 that had already been reached at the end of November for more than a million employees in the public sector in the federal states. “Since the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic, civil servants and judges have also been exposed to considerable additional burdens,” says the state government’s draft law.

The entire legislative package is “a sign of appreciation for our civil servants and judges,” said North Rhine-Westphalia Finance Minister Lutz Lienenkamper (CDU). It also ensures that the state of North Rhine-Westphalia remains an attractive employer.

The opposition factions of the SPD, Greens and AfD agreed to most parts of the legislative package, but still see room for improvement. Above all, they criticized the fact that retirees were left out of the improvements. In addition, from their point of view, the increases in hardship allowances are too small and benefit too few occupational groups. Furthermore, the SPD and the Greens again criticized the unfair initial salary for teachers. FDP deputy faction leader Ralf Witzel countered that the SPD and the Greens had not implemented any of their demands during their own time in government.

Afterword from the translator:

This is so typical, like swine to the trough. Where is there a sign of appreciation for those citizens who work every day and keep the self-service shop running through taxes and levies? But since that is only the WORKING peasant class… who cares?

2 thoughts on “German Apparatchiks Get a Corona Bonus


    I stumbled over “applicant” in para. 3, as if people merely applying for a civil service job receive half the bonus. Because if word got around, every man (= person identifying as male, ie testicle owner, irony: off) and his dog (problematic: dogs are offensive to Islam) would lodge an application.

    But the German says “Anwaerter”, not “Bewerber”, which means applicant, that is, a person who is not already IN the civil service.

    ANWAERTER is a civil service trainee who is already in the civil service and being paid for it but is not yet tenured.

    As of Feb 2020 one of those in the sort of job needing a university degree gets paid 2,300 Euro per month.

    The point is that the German Federal state concerned is bribing with a bonus not only those already doing its murderous bidding in with full job tenure, but also those hoping to be able to do so after they have completed their training.

    Those with tenure are Beamte auf Lebenszeit (for the duration of their lives), the trainees are called Beamte auf Widerruf, which means their status can be revoked.

  2. I knew, I should have studied law and entered service of the state.
    But I have a sneaky suspicion, they would not have accepted me, as I am a german patriot.

    We should all go on strike or loose our jobs and apply for unemployment money.

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