Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Bild:
Terrible Deed in Neustrelitz
Girl (11) raped in the castle garden
Afghan in custody
Neustrelitz (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania) — An 11-year-old girl was raped by a young man in the castle garden of Neustrelitz. According to Andreas Lins, a spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office, the alleged perpetrator is already in custody. The crime occurred in January. According to Lins, the German girl received medical treatment after the incident, but is no longer in the hospital. The alleged perpetrator is said to be a man from Afghanistan who came to Germany as an unaccompanied minor refugee and last lived in a lodging in Neustrelitz.
The teenager is said to be 16 years old. Whether his age is correct will be checked again, as he could also be older. The alleged perpetrator and the victim were probably loosely acquainted with each other and apparently had an appointment on the day of the terrible act. It is still unclear whether they knew each other through a circle of acquaintances or had met before the incident.
Afterword from the translator:
Well, where are you, you throwers of teddy bears? You lighters of candles?
But for you this is just an individual case, a hiccup on the road to a Multicultural Paradise. And lets face it, it’s only an 11-year-old German girl, that’s not so bad, now, is it?
I’m pretty sure that the Afghan is traumatized, the poor guy. He had to flee for his “life” from the Taliban to Merkelstan, where milk and honey flow for all Muslims and the like. A country where the stupid Michel will soon be allowed to work until 69 years of age to pay the jizya tax for the upkeep of the new Master Race. The country where German politicians protect the well-being of the Master Race — placed there especially by their Global Overlords — and far above the well-being of their own population… and perhaps, where a civil war will soon break out?
Horrific, just horrific what this filthy politicians included Merkel&CO did to this country!!, this naive nation unfortunately believe for all this Lies , “Willkommen Kultur“ or „ Wir schaffen das“ so you have what you deserve, reaping your daughters and wife’s , good luck with this new communist government, …
As a Pole i/m in all my heart with this innocent girl !
I blame German adults for this tragedy..
Country and society unable to protect own children and vonurable doesn’t have a right to exist ! period !
German society and Germans learn nothing from all this War they started..
Like Lunatics cooking next World War..
“naive nation ” ????
Were you born yesterday ?
Eleven year old white girls are just colateral damage on the road to the the coming islamic /socialist European Union of the future comrades !!!
As a Pole i/m in all my heart with this innocent girl !
I blame German adults for this tragedy..
Country and society unable to protect own children and vonurable doesn’t have a right to exist ! period !
German society and Germans learn nothing from all this War they started..
Like Lunatics cooking next World War..
first was wilhelm, next was hitler, now its Klaus Schwab
Very truthful and sober statement !
Common denominator ..Germany again..
Germany was never de-nazified..
All this murderers, killers, thiefs where aloud to govern Germany after the II World War …
If it wasn’t the naxi’s it would be the Kaisers, if it wasn’t the Kaisers it would be a strongman of some sort. What the hell did you think ruled Poland for over a thousand years ? Democracy?! It was Kings with an iron fist that ruled it.
Ole William II was baited by those GD Brits and their Great Game nonsense, plus the bloody Frogs were mad because the Germans marched through Paris as a result of Napoleon’s follies. Had the Germans/Austria won WWI we wouldn’t be in the mess we are today.