The General Manager of the World’s Pandemics

Deplorable Americans such as myself are accustomed to the idea that the World Health Organization and the NIH are in effect wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The following article outlines a similar situation in Germany, detailing the various groups and activities funded by the Gates Foundation.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Boris Reitschuster’s website. Note: the acronym RKI stands for the Robert Koch-Institut, the German equivalent of the CDC:

$500,000 “donation” from the Gates Foundation to the RKI in November

Joint simulation games reveal years of collaboration

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation of the now divorced Gates couple is financially the strongest private foundation in the world. With deposits of nearly $50 billion in December 2020, it is way ahead of other large foundations. The second-largest foundation is currently the Wellcome Trust with around half of the deposits. Another important foundation that has great global influence is the Rockefeller Foundation, with nearly five billion dollars in endowment. The fields of activity of the foundations are similar.

Areas of activity of the Gates Foundation

The Gates Foundation operates on many levels. People like to support friendly mainstream media such as Der Spiegel in order to generate awareness (“Public Awareness”) for the topic of “Global Health”. This already clearly shows that the area of “global health” is of particular importance. This goes hand in hand with a strong commitment to vaccine development.

On the other hand, it would be malicious to assume that journalists are being bribed here for PR purposes, and are then supposed to report benevolently on certain topics. In total, the Gates Foundation has already distributed almost $320 million directly to media companies.

Furthermore, the Foundation operates in the field of agricultural development (“is Agricultural Development”). As one of the largest shareholders in the Bayer subsidiary Monsanto, the Gates Foundation is trying to promote the use of genetically modified — and thus patented — seeds. Therefore, in December 2021, 40 million dollars were donated to the “Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa”. An alliance that is gladly given a lot of support.

But Gates also seems to have taken a career as a farmer personally. Because nobody in the USA owns as much farmland as he does. He is now allowed to call almost 100,000 hectares of land in the USA his own.

But projects in the areas of women’s rights, family planning, education, nutrition and gender equality also regularly receive foundation funds.

It is redundant to point out again that all financed projects serve the good of humanity. The Gates Foundation is therefore a charitable organization, as evidenced by its entry on Wikipedia.

The approach of spicing up one’s own image with the help of a philanthropic activity was previously used by John D. Rockefeller. Even before the Rockefeller Foundation was established (1913), he was the first oligarch to donate $600,000 in 1890 (2021: $18.3 million) to found the University of Chicago.

Due to their charitable purpose, foundations receive extensive tax exemptions, which allow them to protect private assets from the tax authorities by transferring them to the foundation. For example, the Gates Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) organization and is therefore exempt from income tax.

Fresh money for the Robert Koch Institute and the German Toilet Organization

While mostly German research institutions and universities in the health sector are supported with funds, the RKI will once again receive direct funds from the foundation after November 2019. The donation this time is $500,000.

When it comes to donations, the Gates Foundation always states which department the funds come from and what they are to be used for. The stated purposes are broad and leave the recipients leeway to use the funds.

Now the RKI is receiving $500,000 from the Global Development department for “Research and Learning Opportunities”. In 2019, the $250,000 donation from the Global Health department was earmarked for vaccine development.

In 2021, a total of 14 donations went to Germany. Not only the RKI and Der Spiegel received funds; the German Toilet Organization also won €1.2 million.

According to its own website, “a non-profit association that works worldwide to improve sanitation to protect the environment, health, education and human dignity.” That certainly sounds good.

But why do websites like these — as well as those linked in the next paragraph — that have been stamped out of the retort — only arouse such an uncomfortable feeling? Is it the charity that gushes out of every pixel that these companies and organizations are so openly promoting?

Further large donations (in US dollars) were made in 2021 to the Society for International Cooperation — GIZ (purpose: agricultural development — just under 5 million), to the Hamburg company Evotec (purpose: family planning — 18 million), to the University Hospital Bonn (purpose : “Discovery and Translation Studies” — almost 1.5 million), the Gesunde Erde Gesunde Menschen gGmbH (purpose: “Global Health and Awareness” — 1.4 million) and the Global Perspectives Initiative gUG (purpose: “Empower Women” — 1.5 million).

Long-term cooperation

However, the beginning of the collaboration between the Gates Foundation and RKI goes back a few years, until at least 2017, because four and a half years ago the two organizations jointly organized a crisis exercise. Also in attendance were the Rockefeller Foundation, WHO, GIZ and the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG).

Coincidentally, during the exercise, the reaction to the spread of a new type of MARS virus (“Mountain Associated Respiratory Virus” — Mars is the Roman god of war) that affects the respiratory system was tested. Recommendations for a global response to health crises and how UN bodies and task forces should deal with the situation should then be drawn up from this.

Robert Kennedy describes the exercise in his book The Real Anthony Fauci (p. 749ff.): “The two moderators of the exercises also worked closely with the Gates Foundation; David Heymann was also the chairman of the UK’s Center on Global Health Security and an epidemiologist at the Gates Foundation-funded London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Heymann is on the board of the Mérieux Foundation USA together with the CEO of Moderna, Stéphane Bancel. BioMérieux is the French company that built the laboratory in Wuhan.”

GIZ and the World Health Organization, which is dependent on Gates’ funds and to which he is the largest donor, were also involved in the exercise. In December, however, only $16 million flowed to the WHO. A comparatively small amount if you look at the otherwise flowing sums.

‘Planning’ simulation games?

These types of simulation games are not uncommon. Kennedy lists 16 pandemic simulation game scenarios in the last chapter of his book.

These include: Kadlec/Johns Hopkins simulation of 1999, TOPOFF (2000), Dark Winter (2001), Atlantic Storm (2003), TOPOFF 2 (2003), Global Mercury (2003), Atlantic Storm (2005), TOPOFF 3 (2005), SCL Simulation (2005), TOPOFF 4 (2007), Lockstep (2010), MARS (2017), SPARS (2017), Clade X (2018), Crimson Contagion (2019), and Event 201 (2019).

It is remarkable that the same actors appear again and again in these simulation games. Which suggests that the architects of the transhumanist biosecurity state have been training leaders of governments, communities, media and corporations for more than twenty years to react as we have witnessed the past two years.

The lockstep scenario published by the Rockefeller Foundation, which was covered by alternative media last year, plays a special role among the simulation games mentioned.

When we consider how uniformly the governments of the world marched in lockstep in one direction only, the words of Peter Schwartz, who wrote the report funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, become even more terrifying:

“Even after the pandemic subsided, authoritarian control and surveillance over citizens and their activities continued and intensified. To protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems — from pandemics and cross-border terrorism to environmental crises and growing poverty — heads of state and government around the world grasped increasingly tightly for power.”

The journalist Paul Schreyer will give a lecture on the simulation games. The video published in December 2020 has already been viewed 2.5 million times 13 months later.

Control of the population as a motive?

Gates gave an indication of the motives for his ventures in a TED Talk from 2010. There he oracles that the global population would have to be decreased drastically in order to avoid a global environmental catastrophe.

It is one of those narratives that has lingered in people’s minds for decades and is adopted unquestioningly by large parts of the population: Humans as the planet’s parasite, whose uncontrolled growth ends in a catastrophe.

A view popularized by the Club of Rome initiated by David Rockefeller. In the 1972 book The Limits to Growth, this narrative was widely implanted in the public consciousness. The book’s predictions, however, were flawed.

The “state-of-the-art” World3 model used for the forecast at that time failed roughly as crashingly as the climate models used today or the Corona model of the Imperial College financed by Gates.

Exemplary of the misanthropic attitude to view humans as the disease of the planet is a quote from Prince Philip, who says: “Human population growth is probably the greatest long-term threat to our survival. If it is not contained, we are in for a major disaster… We have no other choice. If it is not voluntarily controlled, it will involuntarily be controlled by an increase in disease, hunger and war.”

Therefore, the prince, who died in April 2020, also wanted the following: “If I were to be reborn, I would wish to return to earth as a killer virus in order to reduce the population.”

Of course, these are all just vicious conspiracy theories that rolled across the prince’s lips. They will only be considered by people who also believe that the earth is flat.