How Toxic is the Vax?

A couple of months ago several intrepid statistical analysts used data from the VAERS database to chart the varying toxicity of different batches of the mRNA “vaccines” used to mitigate the effects of COVID-19. The differences among various batches were stark, and could not possibly have been the result of stochastic processes. They were obviously an artifact, and could only have been intentional.

Determining the motive for these deliberate variations will depend on how paranoid you want to be. Even at the least paranoid level, however, there is no doubt that the mRNA treatments constitute massive malfeasance on a global scale by the pharmaceutical companies, governments, and the media.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the Austrian weekly Der Wochenblick:

Patients as guinea pigs

Batches have different levels of toxicity: the “Russian Roulette” with the gene syringe

It is an indescribable scandal. People are being used as guinea pigs on a large scale — without being aware of it. During the analyses of the American VAERS database (reporting system for suspected adverse effects of vaccines) something terrifying came to light. Individual batches of Corona gene syringes have different levels of toxicity, some even up to 3,000 times. That’s right: 3,000 times as much! Gene-treated people can understand the toxicity of their batch using the reported side effects on “How bad is my batch”. In his new video, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg received the latest findings from the VAERS database and thanks all walkers* for their courage.

The pandemic based on PCR testing is in stark contrast to what most people actually experience. Because they are experiencing another flu this winter, from which many people get sick and some die. What is new, however, are the consequences after a year of using gene therapy syringes, says Dr. Wodarg. At first there were a lot of inconsistencies, but slowly light comes into the darkness. Due to the noticeably high number of deaths in young healthy athletes, as well as diseases such as thrombosis, immune deficiency and also inflammation after the gene applications, there was an obvious need to analyze the VAERS database.

3,000 times the toxicity in batches

Individual batches of all so-called “vaccine manufacturers” show extremely different levels of toxicity. In some batches, the toxicity is even 3,000 times higher. According to Wodarg, it can be ruled out that these fluctuations are due to random impurities. All drugs and vaccines are subject to a control process. It must therefore be guaranteed that the contents are the same in all batches. Due to the telescoped approval process that was used for the approval of the so-called Corona vaccines, the study phases are pushed together and shortened.

Are the control authorities failing?

The control authorities would probably simply wave these funds through as part of the pandemic. By proclaiming the emergency, a lot is possible that would have been unthinkable before. Even the head of Bayer, Stefan Oelrich, spoke of astonishing developments at the World Health Summit in October. People are only ready for gene and cell therapy because of the pandemic panic. He is certain: “Two years ago nobody would have accepted this gene therapy,” said Oelrich in his speech in October 2021.

Experiments on people on a large scale

During the analyses it was also found that the toxic effect was subject to gradations from 3,000-fold toxicity to 2,000-fold up to 1,000-fold toxicity. It could therefore be assumed that the vaccine manufacturers, with their different batches, misuse the vaccinated as guinea pigs to determine the dose. Because normally the dose determination takes place in the phase II study of the four planned study phases in the approval process. It is said in this phase there are only 100 to 300 participants, whereby they voluntarily participate in the study and are informed.

Fear and distress is used

However, it can now be assumed that the entire world population is actually seen as a participant in the study. Are many aware of this? Hardly, because they are driven to the needle with force and threats. Dr. Wodarg is certain that people’s fear and the so-called emergency situation are deliberately used in order to be able to carry out such human experiments. The last human experiments ended, as Wodarg believes, with the Nuremberg trials.

Doctors and pharmacists need to find out more

The possibilities of biotechnology are simply immeasurable. Under the guise of the pandemic, everything may now be tried out that manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies and industry have long wanted to try. It is a crime that is being committed against people here. The corruption of many involved does the rest and there is no stop to the hustle and bustle. Dr. Wodarg calls on all doctors and pharmacists to find out about the batches that have been delivered to them and to inquire about what has been delivered. There is also the new database “How bad is my batch”. Private individuals can also use this page to check their batch of Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen should they decide to have an injection.

Criminals at work!

In the best case, one should refuse the injection entirely if it is not certain that what is written on it is inside. Wodarg: “And even then, dear patients, say no! Because you can’t be sure. There are criminals at work and you don’t have to surrender yourself to these criminals!” It is to be hoped that the judiciary will get back on its feet and finally take action. Wodarg thanks all the walkers for their steadfastness and courage.

On the homepage of Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg you can read his findings and explanations. There he recently announced that YouTube and Vimeo have already deleted his new video. Presumably all in the interests of health!

Afterword from the translator:

Vimeo actually has DELETED ALL of Dr. Wodarg’s videos. I make an educated guess here and assume that the owner of Vimeo has a lot of stock in Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, etc. etc. and doesn’t want his investment to sink. I hope they all go down to the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

*   The reference is to a traditional form of demonstration in Germany, where large numbers of people take to the streets and simply walk around en masse, usually on a Monday. The current walks are taking place in opposition to the “vaccination” mandate.

This report (hat tip Reader from Chicago) was in last night’s news feed:

New Record Set for Monday Walks Against Forced Vaccination

With 1,568 walks and demonstrations, more places in Germany took part in the Monday demonstrations than ever before. A week ago it was around 1,500. And particularly noteworthy: More and more people who have been vaccinated are mingling with the critics of the measure.

An estimated 10,000 people took to the streets in Cologne, it was reported on Telegram. Three weeks ago there was “next to nothing going on,” said one participant. For news outlet Spiegel, who has called the protests a “mental plague”, this was certainly not good news.


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