The German government has decided to soften its stance on the Taliban, for reasons of state.
Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the Epoch Times:
Federal government eases criminal prosecution of Taliban
The federal government has softened the prosecution against the Taliban and created political leeway. Since December 1, supporters of the terrorist organization can only be prosecuted in individual cases by authorization from the Ministry of Justice, reports Die Welt. As a spokeswoman for the newspaper announced, the “general authorization to prosecute past and future acts” was changed by the old government.
The new regulation that has now been adopted applies to all acts since the Taliban came to power in August. The criminal lawyer Mark A. Zöller from LMU [Ludwig Maximilian University] Munich said: “With the new version, the Federal Ministry of Justice is swiveling in the same direction as with the PKK [Kurdistan Workers Party]: membership of the Taliban would continue to be prosecuted according to Section 129b of the Criminal Code.”
But: In the case of mere support, the ministry will now decide on a case-by-case basis — possibly for political reasons. Experts see the danger that foreign policy interests such as the relationship with certain rulers might influence the judiciary.
According to the federal government, there is still no talk of normalization in dealing with the Taliban: The Taliban are still classified as a terrorist organization. This makes negotiations difficult and limits direct political support. The Foreign Office clearly states that “no financial aid is being paid to the Taliban.”
However, Germany provides humanitarian aid through international partner organizations. According to the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), state development cooperation with Afghanistan is currently on hold. “The de facto Taliban government is neither inclusive nor has respect for human rights guaranteed in the country.”
Andrea Lindholz (CSU), vice chairman of the parliamentary group of the Union, said: “I expect the new foreign minister to take a clear position on dealing with the Taliban and the situation in Afghanistan,” but at the same time provide help onsite and continue to support local staff.
A severe famine can only be prevented “by negotiating with the Taliban,” said Lindholz. Bijan Djir-Sarai, foreign policy spokesman for the FDP parliamentary group, said in general: “My basic stance on the Taliban is that they are not and cannot be serious partners.” However, there will have to be selective cooperation, especially in the context of humanitarian measures.
Afterword from the translator:
When I look at the draconian measures the German Government has been implementing against people who are suicide-hesitant and abstain from imbibing the Mengele-juice in copious amounts according to government “decree” — right now only coercion — it’s obvious where their priorities lie when it comes to governmental “humanitarianism”. As far as I know, the people who lost everything in the Aar Valley flood are still waiting for government help. It’s their taxes, after all, but seemingly not.
That picture of those three girls just makes my blood boil.
Putrid [epithets].
Germany has been done for a long long time. The only thing different recently is that more people recognize the situation.
My view on the Taliban needing funds to combat a “famine” is that they can sell some of the 83Billion dollars worth of military hardware [epithet] JOE BIDEN left there.
Noone should be giving them any funding. Therefore the only reason for sending funds is again to strip taxpayers of (insert country)their wealth.
The new German government is a long way to the left of anything sensible and will give their hardworking taxpayers money to islamic entities like Aafghanistan, Palestine, Turkey, Morocco etc with uncontrolled abandon. As for those taxpayers themselves, as Mad Merkel once said, “Let them grit their teeth.”
Well, this picture has been used many times before by the Baron and with mostly new captions from his creative lab.
As for dealing with Taliban: the seats in the newly elected Bundestag had to be rearranged because no party wanted to be seated next to the AfD, let alone treat them with some due respect as freely elected lawmakers deserve. Ok, dealing with a governement that cuts hands, hangs gay people or has adulteresses stoned is a different story, part of their culture.