I’ve reported several times in the past (most recently here) on the violent activities of Ridouan Taghi and his fellow Moroccan criminals in the Netherlands. Mr. Taghi and his alleged co-conspirators in the “Mocro Mob” are now on trial for various murders, and are reportedly planning a violent escape using a helicopter.
Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the Dutch broadcasting service RTL Nieuws:
Escape by helicopter
Army help prevent escape of Marengo suspects at Vught
December 10, 2021
Law enforcement has called in the help of the army to prevent a possible violent escape of suspects in the Marengo trial from the Extra Secure Institution (EBI) in Vught. For example, barricades have reportedly been erected to prevent an escape by helicopter.
That is reported by De Telegraaf. The most important heads in the Marengo-trial are held in the EBI, among them, Ridouan Taghi, Rico “the Chilean” R. and last Tuesday, Said R., Taghi’s most important accomplice, was flown in from Colombia.
Commando Group
The fear of an escape has long been rife in Vught, especially after earlier this year it was reported that Taghi was preparing a break out from the heavily secured prison. He has reportedly set aside millions of euros for a commando group that could free him, perhaps with a helicopter.
According to De Telegraaf, since last week the guards in Vught have been assisted by a special team from the Defense Ministry. According to sources at Justice, some suspects in the Marengo trial reportedly still a plan a violent escape by helicopter.
“Set aside naïveté”
Aside from the barricades against a possible landing, there are more visible and invisible measures taken by the team, but the newspaper is not allowed to report on them for security reasons.
Mayor Roderick van de Mortel of Vught will neither confirm nor deny the extra measures, but he says, “In a general sense, I can say this: That the police and defense are working closely together in this situation is significant. It confirms the enormous danger that comes from a group of serious criminals. We really have to finally set aside naïveté over this. This category of criminals requires a different approach and treatment.”