Muslim Sends Doctor to the Hospital for Touching His Wife

Nizhnevartovsk is a city in Western Siberia. The following video shows what happened to a doctor in Nizhnevartovsk who dared to touch a Muslim man’s wife when he examined her.

Many thanks to our long-term commenter Elena for the reference, and to Vlad Tepes for uploading the video:

Below is Elena’s explanation of what happened at the clinic in Nizhnevartovsk:

In Nizhnevartovsk, a man beat a doctor for examining his Muslim wife

An unpleasant incident ended with another patient’s appointment with a dermatologist in Nizhnevartovsk. Her husband beat the doctor.

A woman in a hijab came to see a dermatologist. The doctor proceeded to his usual actions — examined the hands, legs and abdomen of the patient. Fifteen minutes later, a man burst into the doctor’s office. He almost immediately started beating the doctor.

The patient’s husband broke the doctor’s nose; the doctor had to call an ambulance. The police arrived at the scene.

The doctor himself was shocked by what happened. According to him, he had previously had to examine women in hijab, but this was the first time he encountered such a reaction from her husband. Now the law enforcement agencies will decide the issue of bringing the man who attacked the doctor to responsibility, established by the laws of the Russian Federation.


8 thoughts on “Muslim Sends Doctor to the Hospital for Touching His Wife

    • 100% approval!

      If something muslim burns – Firefighters should have engine problems.
      If muslim clans fight against each other – Police should take their time, till the muslims are finished with killing each other.
      If muslims need an ambulance – Sorry, there was an emergency and all ambulances were in use. Please wait 35 minutes till the ambulance of the next district arrives. Oops, they have a flat tire. And the axle has a dent. Must be checked out in a repair shop.

  1. I want to clarify a little. This clinic is not a state one (where you need to make an appointment for a long time), but a private one. The Muslim woman most likely came to the doctor’s office to get a medical certificate of health for employment. In Russia, such certificates are required to apply for work in childcare facilities, grocery stores and catering establishments.

    There is another video with a doctor, where he says that he is obliged to carefully examine patients so that later he does not answer before the prosecutor.

    They also write on social networks that a Muslim, when beating a doctor, shouted: Do you like looking at women’s bellies?

  2. and I trust the russian penitentiary system. The place sounds like Siberia to me – I do not look at a map- and this raises my spirits.

  3. This is something new in Russia. Although Muslims have constituted a sizable minority in Russia since, at least, the late 16th century, they have never been known for attacking doctors who treated their womenfolk.

    I think this furious husband must be a recent arrival in Russia from some radically Muslim area like the Ferghana valley in Uzbekistan or from some Tajik backwater if not straight from Afghanistan or ISIS-controlled part of Syria or Iraq. Alternatively, he may be a Russian national radicalised by extremist propaganda.

    In any case, this is a harbinger of things to come. In recent years, there have been a sudden rise in migrant flows to Russia from Central Asia due to the policy of Russian authorities. In Moscow and, probably, in other places the authorities unofficially pressure businesses into hiring more Central Asian taxi-drivers, salesmen (and saleswomen), builders, etc. A native Russian finds it increasingly difficult to get such a job. Population replacement has become an obvious reality and a real threat to social and political stability in the country.

    Ethnic Russians are used to live side by side with Tartars and Bashkirs who are relatively well integrated in Russian society and most of whom are not very different from Russians culturally. Muslims of the northern Caucasus are more troublesome, but still they are Russian nationals and made for themselves a quite comfortable niche in Russian society.

    The new masses of Tajiks, Uzbeks and Kirghizes – not to speak of Afghans who can infiltrate Russia via Tajikistan – are a very different cup of tea. They are mostly destitute, uneducated and young. They have been brought up not in the Soviet Union, but in post-Soviet “stans”, so Russian culture is alien to most of them. They are much more observant Muslims than their parents, they often speak very little or almost no Russian and back at home they have been subjected to a lot of anti-Russian propaganda. Many have been influenced by extreme brands of Islam.

    So these new migrants are much more difficult for Russia to absorb. Being alien to Russia and Russians, they depend very much on their diasporas and have very little wish to conform to the country’s cultural norms. They also have many more children than Russians and other ethnic groups native to Russia (Tartars, for example).

  4. As it turned out, the Muslim who beat the doctor is a Tajik who received Russian citizenship 8 years ago.

    Now he comes up with all sorts of excuses to whiten himself.

    The 29-year-old man is sure (there is no evidence) that the doctor, during the examination, forced his wife to undress, and then complimented her. However, the doctor insists: everything was according to the rules, the patient was in pants at the reception and raised her hijab just a few centimeters.

    Look at this handsome doctor – how can he be tempted by a Tajik animal in a hijab?

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