The Kobold of Corona

Karl Lauterbach is a member of the German Bundestag for the Social Democrats. He is also a professor of epidemiology (among other things) at the University of Cologne. That office, plus his socialist credentials, provide him with impeccable standing as an expert talking head on the Wuhan Coronavirus.

Hellequin GB, who translated the following piece, provides an alternate gloss on Prof. Lauterbach:

The Original: Klabautermann

A Klabautermann is a water kobold that assists sailors and fishermen in their duties on the Baltic and North Seas. It is a merry and diligent creature, with an expert understanding of most watercraft, and an irrepressible musical talent. It is believed to rescue sailors washed overboard.

The New Variant: Klabauterbach

Klabauterbach is an evil vaccine kobold that assists governments and global elites in Germany in their drive to kill and control humanity. It’s a horrible but diligent creature with an expert understanding of how to create fear and doom. It’s believed to sing and dance on the graves of the murdered. This nasty creature can be held at bay with SALT.

The translated article from Politically Incorrect:

Book about Karl Lauterbach: Protocol of a burned-out emergency phone

Karl Lauterbach is THE face of alarmism in this Corona crisis: A pandemic, which probably never was, was exaggerated by figures like him into an almost eternal catastrophe right after it was declared by the WHO — and is still exaggerated to this day.

Thanks to Corona, the SPD “health expert” Karl Lauterbach, previously a kind of eccentric backbencher at best, almost blossomed — and became a permanent guest on public-service talk formats, where he reported his daily Corona water level reports and threw his questionable scientific authority on the scales to give Germans one fright after another. Through his talk show appearances, the obvious madness grew and continues to this day like a red thread.

Hardly anyone has been so wrong with his assessments, prognoses and warnings so often as he has. His reputation — especially among the government factions and the top representatives of the Spahn-Merkel Corona regime — surprisingly sustained no damage through the considerable series of his false alarms: Lauterbach can still spread his bizarre, hysterical visions of disaster unhindered even if they are far removed from the perceived and actual situation. With him there is simply never an all-clear. One wave chases the next. And if it were no longer the case at some point, he would be robbed of his public platforms — he would probably lapse into the most severe depression.

By the way: Before Corona, Lauterbach, who has never worked as a doctor (and in 25 years as an SPD political apparatchik, could not have found the time to look beyond the superficial aspects of the studies he cited and to acquire the scientific authority with which he appears as an “epidemiologist” and “virologist”) had a completely different hobbyhorse in terms of health — and even then an irrational, pathological fear came to light in him: SALT. At every opportunity, Lauterbach warned of the dangers of too much table salt in his food, revealed how he himself prepared pasta and potatoes without salt and that the widespread disease high blood pressure could only be kept under control with a strict low-salt diet.

He was unable to bring this doctrine to the people — otherwise today we would probably have seven-day incidences of salt consumption and lots of salt deaths. As is well known, it was instead a virus from the group of coronaviruses that put Lauterbach under its spell; a virus that we probably would not have heard about had the pandemic not been declared, and whose victims we would have noticed just as little as those from previous, ever-present seasonal colds.

The blog Journalistenwatch has reported regularly on the unfortunate and harmful activities of the false panic-prophet Lauterbach from the first day of this so-called pandemic. For this book, the most important contributions by Lauterbach during the Corona period since March 2020 have been summarized in chronological order. The result is a contemporary document, a record of the ongoing madness that will not lose any of its topicality anytime soon — because Karl Lauterbach still never tires of forcing his very personal artificial state of emergency on Germans and forcing the Corona crisis into endless prolongation.

Order option:

The Lauterbach Apocalypse — The minutes of a burned-out emergency phone, €9.95 — order here!

4 thoughts on “The Kobold of Corona

  1. Yes, it is generally true that despicable creatures have taken the lead in the global Corona-psyop.

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