Human or Trans-Human?

The following report contains assertions by Dr. Carrie Madej that are controversial, to say the least. Some of the information in the article has been corroborated by other sources, but there are parts I have never seen elsewhere. I haven’t read the Supreme Court decision that she refers to, but a link to the PDF is provided, so I advise readers to check it out and see if it means what she says it means.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from PolitikStube:

Dr. Carrie Madej warns: Non-human gene sequences in humans are the property of the patent holder (Video)

U.S. court order — nonhuman gene sequences in humans are the property of the patent holder. So yes:

The USA decided that vaccinated people WORLDWIDE are patented under USA law; they are no longer human.

With a DNA or RNA GEN-modified vaccination mRNA vaccination, you are owned by the patent holder of the GEN-modified vaccination because you have your own genome and are no longer “human” (no natural people), but “trans-humans” are no longer human and all human rights are lost. It applies WORLDWIDE — the patents are subject to US law.

Since 2013 all GEN-modified, mRNA vaccinated persons are legally trans-human and legally identified as trans-human and receive no human rights or any other rights conferred by a state, and this applies WORLDWIDE, because the patents for the GEN-POISONIC INJECTIONS RESIDE IN THE USA, and thus the jurisdiction and the legislation.


Dr. Carrie Madej joins journalist Alex Newman to discuss the trans-humanist agenda behind the COVID vaccines…

As for SARS-CoV-2, she says, “There is no Freedom of Information Act in the world that has ever produced an actual, bonafide sample of the virus. It literally doesn’t exist. We only have the code and it’s important to know.

“Nobody has the actual virus. Why is that? They never answered that. So they can’t make the normal vaccine. It is a recombinant code with a gene synthesis. That is, they slide different types of genetic material together, slide them together like a Frankenstein puzzle, and then, to fill in the missing gaps, have an artificial intelligence computer program do it for them.”

What she says is that the syringe contains various proteins, some of which are found in the human placenta and sperm, that can trigger an autoimmune response in the tissues that have these proteins.

So far, 18 sub-units of HIV1 have been found in the virus’ genetic code that cause the body to intentionally produce the HIV1 virus. “Could it give you HIV or AIDS? Nobody has the answer to that. Only time will tell; in years we will know. But you should know that there are people who tested positive for HIV after they got these vaccines… in Australia they tested positive. So this is something to be very concerned about.

In addition, SARS-CoV-2 (the mathematical model) contains a replica of human chromosome 8, which means that the WHO PCR test kits should give a positive result in all people tested. More worryingly, chromosome 8 has to do with human intelligence and fertility. That means it could trigger an autoimmune reaction against a chromosome that codes for two of our most valuable human qualities.

Pfizer and Moderna have also incorporated an artificial nucleoside into the vaccine’s RNA, called pseudouridylyl, or “Psi” for short, which is absolutely out of this world. Dr. Madej says, “Nobody knows the effects of this… It can act like a computer hacking program. It can be like a one-way program, always trying to hack your body… they say they suppress our immune checkpoints so they can put the code in and our body doesn’t destroy it…

13 thoughts on “Human or Trans-Human?

  1. Section III on p.22. of the ruling describes what is not covered by the decision. Those items are much more restricted in scope than Dr Madej’s apparent statement that

    “Since 2013 all GEN-modified, mRNA vaccinated persons are legally trans-human and legally identified as trans-human and receive no human rights or any other rights conferred by a state, and this applies WORLDWIDE, because the patents for the GEN-POISONIC INJECTIONS RESIDE IN THE USA, and thus the jurisdiction and the legislation.”

    So I think that if SCOTUS was at pains to write section III, it surely would have passed an opinion on patentable transhumans, no? Does the word “transhuman” appear anywhere in the ruling?

  2. So far, 18 sub-units of HIV1 have been found “in the virus’ genetic code….”
    Surely this is a mistake for “found in the vaccine’s genetic code”.
    There is, after all, no isolated virus.

  3. I wonder how they are planning to tell this to people — say, in Germany.

    — “Knock, knock!!! Guten Morgen Herr Tannenbaum, do you speak English? Sehr gut; according to the attached pdf file, with a DNA or RNA GEN-modified vaccination mRNA vaccination, you are owned by the patent holder of the GEN-modified vaccination because you have your own genome and are no longer “human” (no natural person), but “trans-human” and no longer human — and all your human rights are now lost. It applies WORLDWIDE — and the patents are subject to US law. Now we kindly ask you to get on your knees.”

  4. “More worryingly, chromosome 8 has to do with human intelligence and fertility. That means it could trigger an autoimmune reaction against a chromosome that codes for two of our most valuable human qualities.”

    — What a waste! The intelligent ones do not take the jab, so we only need the function that kills fertility. Moreover, it does not solve the problem that the intelligent still can have children. I demand an urgent philantropic solution!

    • Because they are intelligent they don’t have children. A male would have to be a moron or a masochist to get married in this day and age where laws and courts are extremely biased against men.

  5. Wow.
    That exceeds my most tinfoil hatted conspiracy theory nightmares.

  6. Conspiracy theory=spoiler alert.
    A term coined by the Criminals In Action back in the 1960’s.
    Enjoy official truth and an experimental concoction that alters your DNA.
    It is for the good of the collective, comrade.
    Those who got jabbed are now the property of Big Pharma.

    • so we will spend the rest of our lives working down on the Pharm, correct?
      but what they have in mind is not punny at all.

  7. So you think the idiots in DC want to take over the country based on a technicality of patent law? I don’t mean to belittle this theory, but when the SHTF, I would sure hate to be a patent attorney waving a stack of papers and screaming at a heavily-armed mob.

    It seems much more likely that the injections are meant to sterilize the masses through autoimmune responses. Snuffing-out millions of obese resource-hogs via blood clots and heart failure is just icing on the cake for our modern eugenicists.

  8. Steralize or snuff out seem most likely. You are right, the legaleze regarding patent “owners” is not a significant threat.

  9. If it gets approval I was going to consider the Novavax vaccine. My understanding is no mRNA, at least not injected in you. Spike protein is produced in an insect and harvested. Anyone got any opinion on that. It is more like a traditional vaccine.

  10. Sounds like Monsanto or ADM. Whoever sued the farmers when their corn got cross-pollinated.

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