More Rocks for Vox

Last Friday I posted about violent Antifa attacks against leaders of the anti-immigration Vox Party during a rally in Vallecas, a district of Madrid. Vallecas is described as an “underprivileged” neighborhood, which means its residents tend to vote for socialists, which is why Vox is not permitted to campaign there.

The video below was taken at the same event in Vallecas. It includes extensive footage of the violent behavior of the anti-Vox rioters. The first minute of the video shows police attempting to deal with young hoodlums who continuously pelt them with rocks and bricks.

There was a time not too many decades ago — within my lifetime; I can remember it — when this level of ultra-violence during a riot would be answered with the judicious use of live ammunition by riot police. This was true even in “advanced” countries, but the rules of engagement have changed throughout the West in the intervening years. Lethal force may never be used against violent rioters, even when their own actions may be potentially lethal for their victims.

Antifa “activists” are bold with their violence because they are confident that they incur almost no physical risk by doing so. And if they happen to be arrested — which is statistically unlikely — in most jurisdictions they will earn at most a slap on the wrist, and be out on the streets again prying up paving stones within 36 hours.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:01   The complete sequence of the disturbances — during the Vox rally in Vallecas
01:34   But once again, we will show how only Vox
01:38   has to conduct an electoral campaign under these conditions,
01:43   with the throwing of rocks and objects like those
01:47   they are throwing at this moment. And we will step down from this lectern,
01:51   and we will walk in order to count the steps,
01:55   the [unintelligible] meters that separate us from those who are committing an electoral crime.
03:09   Not one step back.

5 thoughts on “More Rocks for Vox

  1. I encountered Antifa a few years ago in Nashville while I was in a parade of pro-Trump deplorables. They were on a hill shouting at us and we were down below on the sidewalk near the Tennessee State Capital Building. We ignored them, kept marching and soon, like little kids, they got on their bicycles and rode away without a word.

    We laughed our butts off at them.

  2. “Lethal force may never be used against ? Well I respectfully disagree police are super quick to use lethal force with impunity if the cops are killing unarmed white Trump supporters see January 6, 2021 Stop the Steal protest.

  3. Yes, I should have been more specific, and said: “Lethal force will never be used against leftists, anarchists, and people of color, no matter how violently they riot.”

    • Until the regular folks say enough is enough and do it themselves, and we are about there, then the fun really begins.

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