Och, the Puir Wee ISIS Bairns!

The following article concerns the children of Islamic State terrorists who have returned to Sweden from Syria. Gary Fouse, who translated the piece, says: “Here’s another Hallmark-worthy story from the socialist paradise of Sweden.”

The translated article from Samhällsnytt:

ISIS children back in Sweden — Posed with weapons and severed heads

February 4, 2014

A female ISIS terrorist’s children who returned to Sweden pose with weapons and severed heads in photos taken in Syria. This is reported by SVT.

The now-48-year-old ISIS woman traveled to Syria in 2013 with her five minor children and joined the terror group Islamic State. That same summer her then-husband, according to Bulletin known as “Abu Omar al Kurdi”, was killed in fighting in Syria.

The woman is now back in Sweden and has brought two of her daughters with her, who are now 14 and 3 years old. The daughters have been handed over to social services in accordance with the Care of the Young Act. This comes after a two-week-old judgment from the Administrative Court of Gothenburg, with which Samhällsnytt has been furnished.

According to the judgment, the girls have three brothers who were killed in Syria, and the woman has another two daughters who remain in Idlib in the same country (Syria). Upon arrival in Sweden, the 48-year-old stated that she did not want to come back to Sweden and that she didn’t want to come earlier. “This is in line with the fact that she did not teach her children Swedish, despite the fact that she herself speaks Swedish fluently and has had a Swedish upbringing,” the court writes in its judgment.

The fact that the woman expressed a desire not to return to Sweden, and that two of her daughters are still in Syria, led Swedish authorities to fear that the woman will try to return to Syria and take her two children in Sweden with her if she gets the chance. A circumstance that weighed heavily on the decision to take place the daughters in Sweden into care. “They need to be surrounded by values that are not marked by pro-violence extremism,” the court writes.

According to the judgment, the 14-year-old girl told of “repeated traumatic incidents such as the deaths of her father and three brothers,” in Syria. From a troubling report from police, it is learned that the 14-year-old girl was divorced two years ago when she was only 12 years old. The impression that the child experienced traumatic events is strengthened by private pictures taken of the ISIS-woman’s children in Syria. In the pictures, it is seen how the children posed with weapons and severed heads in the Islamic caliphate.

The 48-year-old woman denies being a pro-violence terrorist. She says she was tricked into going to Syria by her then-husband, and that she was only a housewife who was not allowed to involve herself in the terror group’s activity.

2 thoughts on “Och, the Puir Wee ISIS Bairns!

  1. What a powerless lot the British and the rest of the western EU rope must be to the Muslim leeches.

  2. ” she was only a housewife who was not allowed to involve herself in the terror group’s activity”

    If you believe this then you also believe that cows can iceskate, dogs can throw knives and that you can buy Manhattan Bridge for USD 5,00.

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