The public service announcement in the video below is fictional. The clip is from a science fiction television series called Counterpart, and aired in 2018 — two years before the Coronahysteria descended on Germany and the world.
The reader who sent me the link had this to say about it:
Since my mask aversion probably rivals yours, I thought you’d appreciate this. The wife and I just started watching a Starz series on Amazon called Counterpart. It’s from 2018 and set in Berlin, and there’s a scene where a woman is in a movie theater and this fictional PSA rolls before the movie. Doesn’t seem quite so fictional now.
The translation and subtitling were done elsewhere, so I don’t have a transcript for it.
Pure DDR . Propaganda, !!, Germany became communist state , very dangerous and sad for our kids..
Softening up of any remaining national man defences before the main assault. “interesting times”.
It’s always the screenwriters who are way ahead of the pack.