Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/11/2020

A statue of Confederate President Jefferson Davis was destroyed by Black Lives Matter activists in Richmond. However, two lawsuits have been filed against Governor Ralph “Coonman” Northam to prevent the removal of the statue of General Lee on Monument Avenue. Meanwhile, a state senator from Mr. Coonman’s party is suing the governor over business restrictions imposed during the lockdown. Also, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi demanded the removal of all Confederate statues from the U.S. Capitol.

In other news, former Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has called for the dissolution of the current governing coalition and new general elections for October.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Financial Crisis
» Fed Chairman Committed to “Do Whatever We Can, For as Long as it Takes”
» A&E Cancels “Live PD” Over Protests
» Armed Activists Patrolling 6-Block Seattle “Autonomous Zone, “ Checking IDs, Extorting Businesses
» As Businesses Flee the Violence, Will Major U.S. Cities be Transformed Into Economic Wastelands?
» Biden Demands Facebook Crackdown on “Misinformation” In Time for November Elections
» Bill Gates & Congressman Negotiated “Tracing Deal” Before COVID-19 Panic
» Birmingham Housing Authority, Board of Education Cut Ties With Megachurch Over Pastor’s Social Media “Likes”
» Black Lives Matter Targets “Paw Patrol” For “Good Cops” Message
» BLM Protester Nearly Dies After Confederate Statue Falls on His Head
» Breaking: Seattle Mayor Compares Armed Occupation of Her Own City to a ‘Block Party’
» Breaking: Portland Militants Attempting to Set up New ‘Autonomous Zone’ After Seattle Version Overtaken by ‘Warlord’
» Charleston Police Officials Announce Eight More Arrests in Connection to Downtown Riot
» Chicago Mayor: Will Take “Herculean Effort” To Convince Businesses to Return
» CNN’s Angela Rye Says Washington, Jefferson Statues “Need to Come Down”
» Coronavirus Shows Why We Need Separation of Medicine and State!
» Democratic House Candidate Kim Olson: ‘If People Loot, So What? Burn it to the Ground’
» DOJ Reveals Striking Details of Riot Arrests, Including Helicopter Laser Strikes and Precinct Arson
» Facebook Says Page Celebrating “Dead Cops” Doesn’t Violate Its Community Standards
» Fauci is Back and Already Helping to Drum Up Fear: “it Isn’t Over Yet!”
» Harvard Prof. Charles Lieber Indicted for Secret Work With Wuhan University
» In Georgia Primary, Trump Gets Over 140,000 More Votes Than Biden
» Kansas Republicans Prevent Dem Governor From Using COVID-19 to Require Mail-in Ballots
» Kentucky Megachurch Shuts Down After 18 Members Test Positive for Coronavirus
» L.A. Times Executive Editor Says Outlet’s Reporters Think Term “Looting” Is Racist
» Liberal Billionaire George Soros is Taking Advantage of COVID-19 to Reshape America
» Man Hit by Statue Torn Down by BLM Protesters in Virginia is Now in a Coma
» NASCAR Driver Quits Over Confederate Flag Ban
» National Guard Soldiers Found Glass in Pizza They Ordered While Deployed in DC, Report Says
» New Incoming Bill Will Target Big Tech Censorship
» New York Undercover Nurse Confirms COVID-19 Criminal Hoax
» Pelosi Demands Removal of 11 Confederate Statues From U.S. Capitol
» Police Arrest Tacoma Woman Accused of Setting Five Patrol Cars on Fire During Seattle Protest
» Poll: Clear Majority of Americans Agree With Trump That Vast Majority of Police Are Doing a Good Job
» Romney Predicts Trump 2020 Win
» Sen. Pillion Supports Lawsuits Filed by Democratic Lawmaker Against Gov. Northam
» Shooter Identified in “Ambush” Attack on California Police Station That Left Deputy Wounded, Civilian Dead
» Starbucks to Close 400 Stores, Speed Expansion of Pickup Locations, Curbside and More
» Statue of Confederate President Jefferson Davis Defaced and Destroyed in Richmond
» The Fascists Are After William Jacobson [Updated]
» Trump Admin Sanctioning International Criminal Court Officials Investigating US War Crimes
» Trump to Clueless Dem Governor: ‘Take Seattle Back From Domestic Terrorists or I Will’
» Tucker Carlson: ‘We Were All Played’
» UCLA Prof. Who Refused to Postpone Exams for Black Students is Suspended
» Watch Now: Two Lawsuits Challenge Removal of Lee Statue in Richmond; Northam: ‘Divisive’ Monument ‘Needs to Come Down’
» Greta Thunberg Gets in Trudeau’s Way During Last Stretch of UN Security Council Race
» New Species Provide Missing Links in Evolutionary History of Horned Dinosaurs
Europe and the EU
» Amazon to Face EU Antitrust Charges, Says Report
» ‘British History Matters’: Statue of Falsely-Maligned Scouting Founder Baden-Powell Gets 24-Hour Security
» Claim: French Police Refuse Arrest Over Fears of Being Sacked for Racism
» Coronavirus: Over One Million People Arrived in UK by Sea Without Quarantine This Year
» Facebook Says Meme Featuring British Band the Cure Causes “Physical Harm”, Censors it
» France: Marion Maréchal: “I Don’t Have to Apologize…i Didn’t Colonize Anyone”
» Germany: Police Raid Left-Wing Extremist Scene in Leipzig
» Ireland: Youth Arrested in Stabbing Charged, Another Released (Video)
» Italy: Salvini Calls for October Elections
» Jimmie Åkesson: Left’s Mismanagement of Coronavirus Resulted in a “Massacre”
» Swedish Black Lives Matter Protesters Demand Abolition of Police
» Tommy Robinson and British Patriots to Defend Monuments From Far-Left Thugs This Weekend
» UK Govt Publishes Contracts Granting Amazon, Microsoft, Google and AI Firms Access to COVID-19 Health Data
» UK Govt: We Will Not Seek Extension to Brexit Transition
» UK Police Investigate Museum Curator for Suggesting Rioters Destroy ‘Racist’ Statues With Chemicals
» UK: Contractors Refuse to Remove Statue of Scout Founder After Locals Rally to Protect It
» UK: Cultural Revolution: All 130 Labour Party Councils Plan to Review ‘Racist’ Statues
» UK: Conservative Minister: Statues to Slave Traders Should be Removed ‘Democratically’
» UK: London: White Police Officer Attacked Stone’s Throw Away From George Floyd ‘Take a Knee’ Event
» UK: Nigel Farage Taken Off Air After Calling BLM a ‘Far-Left Marxist Organization’
» UK: Toppled Colston Statue Lifted From Harbour, Will be Sent to Museum
» UK: Video: BLM Protesters Demand Removal of Statue They Know Nothing About
» UK: Watch: Violence Against Cops Caught on Tape in London
Middle East
» New Poll Reveals 73% of Turks Want Hagia Sophia to Become a Mosque
» Moscow Warns Russia-NATO Ties Will Become More Complicated if US Moves Troops From Germany to Poland
» US Will Send Ukraine Another $250m in Weapons, Gear and Other Aid
Far East
» Apple Censors for China Again. This Time Removing Two Popular Podcasting Apps
» China’s Communists Aim to Rewrite the Bible to ‘Create a New Version of Christianity’
» Twitter Takes Down at Least Some of China’s Propaganda Artists and Bots
Australia — Pacific
» Australia Has Had Just 307 Flu Cases Compared to 20,000 Last Year — Despite Reports Influenza Could Combine With COVID-19 and Overload Our Hospitals
» Black Lives Matter Protester Tests Positive for Coronavirus After Going to Rally Attended by 10,000 People — Raising Fears of a Second Wave of COVID-19
» Mum, 28, of One of Four Teenagers Killed in Horror Crash That Was Survived by Their Mate ‘Who Was Driving’ Is Freed From Prison to Arrange Her 13-Year-Old Son’s Funeral
» Pauline Hanson Sparks Controversy by Calling George Floyd ‘A Criminal and Dangerous Thug’ As She Rails Against Black Lives Matter Protests in Parliament
» Police Say They Will Fine and Arrest Black Lives Matter Protesters After Demonstrator Tested Positive for Coronavirus — as Two More Rallies Are Scheduled for This Weekend
» Tony Abbott Slams the Looting of Statues Across the World and Claims Protesters Are ‘Ignorant of the Real History’
» ‘What is Wrong With You People?’ Jacqui Lambie Chokes Back Tears as She Slams ‘UN-Australian’ Black Lives Matter Protesters — as Scott Morrison Warns There Could be Coronavirus Outbreaks in Seven Days
Sub-Saharan Africa
» Ghana Invites African Americans to Resettle in Africa if They Feel ‘Unwanted’ In USA
» Another 44 Migrants Are Caught Crossing the English Channel One Day After Four Tried to Get to UK Using Windsurf Boards With Shovels as Oars
» EU to Pursue Migrant Quotas Again, But Czech Republic Still Considers Them Unacceptable
» Greece: Illegal Migrants Destroy Olive Grove, More Going to Germany
» Italy Deploys State of the Art Technology to Track Illegal Migration in the Mediterranean
» Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, Who Opposes Trump’s ‘Racist’ Border Wall, Erected Wall Around City Hall
Culture Wars
» CrossFit founder Forced to Retire After Mob Judges Him Insufficiently Woke. Could You be Next?
» Facebook Shuts Down ‘500 Mom Strong’ Group That Advocated Against Drag Queen Story Hour
» Facebook Says Page Celebrating “Dead Cops” Doesn’t Violate Its Community Standards
» Google Proposes Internal Changes, Remove Any Gendered Language and Terms Such as “Blacklist” From Code
» JK Rowling Refuses to Bow Down & Apologize to ‘Woke Mafia’ On Transgender Position
» Lady Antebellum Changes Band Name in Support of Racial Equality
» Liberal Mob Cancel Culture Spirals Out of Control
» Lockdowns Were a Scam! Asymptomatic Carriers Don’t Spread COVID-19
» YouTube Simultaneously Bans Videos About Flouting Social Distancing Rules, Yet Boosts Protest Videos
» YouTube Says Indie Creators Are 20x Less Likely to Top Corona Search Results Than “High Authority Channels”

Fed Chairman Committed to “Do Whatever We Can, For as Long as it Takes”

Economist slams monetary “Hail Mary”.

[Comment: Translation: “We will continue our attack on the economy of the USA until the USA collapses.”]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

A&E Cancels “Live PD” Over Protests

Just one day after Paramount Networks canceled the popular police series “Cops” due to continuing nationwide protests, A&E has announced it is nixing the network’s highest-rated program, “Live PD.”

“Live PD,” which aired on Friday and Saturday nights, featured live footage of police departments patrolling around the country. In a statement, the network said it would look for a way to “tell the stories” of not just police departments, but of the communities they serve.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Armed Activists Patrolling 6-Block Seattle “Autonomous Zone, “ Checking IDs, Extorting Businesses

The six-square-block area of downtown Seattle which police have abandoned and which has been taken over by far-left activists is being patrolled by people with guns who are checking identification of anyone wishing to enter the area, police saidWednesday, adding that the protesters are also extorting individuals and businesses by demanding a fee to be allowed to operate in the area.

“We have been hearing from community members that they have been subjected to barricades set up by the protesters, with some armed individuals running them as checkpoints into the neighborhood,” Assistant Chief Deanna Nollette told reporters on Wednesday.

“While they have a constitutionally protected right to bear arms, and while Washington is an open carry state, there is no legal right for those arms to be used to intimidate community members,” she added.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

As Businesses Flee the Violence, Will Major U.S. Cities be Transformed Into Economic Wastelands?

Urban communities all over the U.S. are now facing the possibility of a mass exodus of businesses, and many local leaders are freaking out because they realize what such a mass exodus will mean for their cities. In the aftermath of George Floyd’s death, peaceful protests were held in more than 300 cities all across America, and a recent CNN poll found that 84 percent of all Americans supported those peaceful protests. Unfortunately, rioting, looting and violence also erupted in major cities from coast to coast, and very little was done to suppress that violence. As a result, the core areas of many of our largest cities now resemble war zones, and in the months ahead there will be a constant threat that the violence could flare up again at any time.

Needless to say, many businesses that have been torched or looted are going to be extremely hesitant to rebuild and start over in the same location when the same thing could easily happen again.

For example, one manufacturing company that proudly operated in the heart of Minneapolis for a long time has already made the decision to leave the city for good…

[Comment: Democrat run cities.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Biden Demands Facebook Crackdown on “Misinformation” In Time for November Elections

Joe Biden, the presumptive presidential nominee for the Democrats, has penned an open letter to Facebook, urging the social media company to do more to censor “misinformation.”

Facebook replied immediately and effectively said they can’t keep being pulled to implement opposing features by Democrats and Republicans.

Biden says millions of Americans rely on Facebook for news. “But the company continues to amplify misinformation and lets candidates pay to target and confuse voters with lies,” Biden says in the letter.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Bill Gates & Congressman Negotiated “Tracing Deal” Before COVID-19 Panic

Six months before the mainstream media started to tell the public to panic and live in a fear-based stupor over the coronavirus, Bill Gates worked with a congressman in the United States government to get a “tracing deal” done according to investigative journalists. Gates and U.S. Congressman Bobby L. Rush sat down in Rwanda, East Africa in mid-August of 2019 to hash out who would score the windfall from a government contact tracing program

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helped negotiate who would score a $100 Billion government-backed contact tracing contract in August 2019 — six months before the ‘pandemic’ arrived in the United States and four months before it swept through China, according to a report by True Pundit. Nine months after the meetings with the Gates Foundation in Rwanda, Rush, who is a Democrat from Illinois, introduced the $100 BILLION H.R. 6666, the COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, and Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act.

The shocking revelations were unveiled on the Thomas Paine Podcast and the Moore Paine Show on Patreon by the two investigators who blew the whistle on the massive Clinton Foundation tax fraud during a Congressional hearing in 2018. John Moynihan and Larry Doyle testified in Congress, detailing the fraud and schemes utilized by the Clinton’s to avoid paying up to $2.5 BILLION in federal taxes. —True Pundit

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Birmingham Housing Authority, Board of Education Cut Ties With Megachurch Over Pastor’s Social Media “Likes”

The Housing Authority of the Birmingham District and the Birmingham Board of Education announced they were cutting ties with Church of the Highlands after discovering the church’s lead pastor, Chris Hodges, liked social media posts that have been criticized as racially insensitive.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Black Lives Matter Targets “Paw Patrol” For “Good Cops” Message

The Black Lives Matter movement has targeted children’s show “Paw Patrol” over the positive view of police activists say the show promotes.

New York Times’ Amanda Hess pushed back on the show — and other cop shows — in a piece published on Wednesday.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

BLM Protester Nearly Dies After Confederate Statue Falls on His Head

Meanwhile, Seattle anarchists running out of provisions in self-proclaimed autonomous zone.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Breaking: Seattle Mayor Compares Armed Occupation of Her Own City to a ‘Block Party’

Police in Seattle returned to the East Precinct which was abandoned when Antifa-led protestors took over a six-block area of the city earlier this week. On Thursday afternoon, officers entered the precinct and tensions remain high at this hour.

During a joint press conference with Chief of Police Carmen Best and Mayor Jenny Durkan, Durkan blamed Trump and his narrative for everything that’s happening in downtown Seattle. She denied that there are armed militants, even though press has covered it.

Durkan compared the abandoning of the East Precinct and the the so-called Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone to a block party.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Breaking: Portland Militants Attempting to Set up New ‘Autonomous Zone’ After Seattle Version Overtaken by ‘Warlord’

Militant leftists in Seattle are now attempting to set up their own “autonomous zone,” free of police, after the Portland version was overtaken by an armed “warlord” just one day in.

One of the leaders of the Portland version has also already been accused of sexual assault and threatened to commit suicide after admitting that they are a “serial abuser.”

The Portland militants began setting up their “autonomous zone” late Wednesday evening using barbed wire fences. Apparently, walls and fences are no longer racist.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Charleston Police Officials Announce Eight More Arrests in Connection to Downtown Riot

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) — Authorities have announced eight more arrests in connection to the riot in downtown Charleston.

The new arrests comes after the Charleston Police Department announced on Wednesday that they are working with the FBI and other agencies after more than 50 arrest warrants have been issued in connection to the May 30 riot.

In addition to the FBI, the city is working with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the U.S. Attorney’s Office and state and local authorities.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Chicago Mayor: Will Take “Herculean Effort” To Convince Businesses to Return

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot told local aldermen that it would take a “Herculean effort” to convince businesses to come back after being ransacked by looters during the first weekend of riots following the death of George Floyd.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

CNN’s Angela Rye Says Washington, Jefferson Statues “Need to Come Down”

CNN contributor Angela Rye on Thursday called for the removal of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson statues, citing that Washington was a slave owner.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Coronavirus Shows Why We Need Separation of Medicine and State!

In the midst of stay-at-home orders across the country, the same governors and local officials who locked Americans in their homes suddenly came around with their keys and threw open the doors. Suddenly not only was it OK to go out into the street, it was required to go out into the street!

What happened? A cure? A miraculous vaccine? No. The officials who locked Americans up found a cause they felt required Americans in the streets to protest. Police had killed a black man, George Floyd, in their custody in Minneapolis and suddenly the need to protest trumped the need to “stay home, save lives.”

Suddenly the same health “experts” who told us we must not gather in crowds or there will be death in the millions from coronavirus issued statements supporting gathering in crowds. An open letter on the George Floyd protests signed by more than 1,200 doctors and other health professionals clarified that they “do not condemn these gatherings as risky for Covid-19 transmission.” However, they wrote, “this should not be confused with a permissive stance on all gatherings, particularly protests against stay-at-home orders.”

Did the coronavirus develop some kind of superior intelligence enabling it to distinguish between those who were congregating for a “good cause” and those who were congregating for a “bad cause”? Of course not. What has happened from the beginning of this shameful coronavirus episode is the politicization of public health at the hands of authoritarians.

Two prestigious medical journals, The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine, were forced to retract studies they had published concluding that Hydroxychloroquine was harmful to COVID patients. The rush to print the studies looks very much like a political move rather than one based on scientific principles. Once President Trump revealed that he was taking hydroxychloroquine the mainstream media and even “expert” journals began attacking the drug.

This is what happens when medicine merges with the state. We get the worst of both. We get career bureaucrat, Dr. Fauci, telling us we can never shake hands again and that we must stay home until a vaccine is found. Meanwhile, doctors across the globe are reporting that this variation of the coronavirus is disappearing on its own.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Democratic House Candidate Kim Olson: ‘If People Loot, So What? Burn it to the Ground’

A leading Democratic candidate in a closely watched House race brushed off looting and arson that occurred during nationwide unrest during protests about racism and police brutality sparked by the death of George Floyd.

“What the hell you got snipers on the roof for in a peaceful march? Even if people loot, so what? Burn it to the ground, you know, if that’s what it’s going to take to fix our nation,” retired Air Force Col. Kim Olson said during a live digital event on Tuesday, shown in a clip obtained by the Washington Examiner.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

DOJ Reveals Striking Details of Riot Arrests, Including Helicopter Laser Strikes and Precinct Arson

The Justice Department revealed Wednesday it has filed dozens of charges for riot-related federal offenses in the aftermath of George Floyd’s in-custody death — including for aiming a green laser pointer at an FBI aircraft overhead in Milwaukee, torching the Third Precinct police station in Minneapolis, and impersonating a U.S. Marshal in Orlando.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Facebook Says Page Celebrating “Dead Cops” Doesn’t Violate Its Community Standards

Facebook has refused to remove a page celebrating “dead cops,” saying that it does not violate their community standards.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Fauci is Back and Already Helping to Drum Up Fear: “it Isn’t Over Yet!”

Most of us have figured out by now that this was a scam to keep us scared and in hiding while the puppets in government allowed the rollout of the New World Order. But they haven’t achieved their goals just yet, so Dr. Anthony Fauci is back to make sure people stay in fear so they can be easily manipulated.

“In a period of four months, [the scamdemic] has devastated the whole world,” Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said Tuesday during a conference held by the Biotechnology Innovation Organization. Of course, he lied. It isn’t the virus that destroyed the planet, but the response to it.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Harvard Prof. Charles Lieber Indicted for Secret Work With Wuhan University

Former Harvard Professor Charles Lieber was indicted by a grand jury on Tuesday over allegations that he maintained an undisclosed financial relationship with the Chinese government by taking a position as a “Strategic Scientist” at the Wuhan University of Technology.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

In Georgia Primary, Trump Gets Over 140,000 More Votes Than Biden

President Donald Trump has so far received over 140,000 more votes in the Georgia primary than former Vice President Joe Biden.

With 70 percent of the precincts reporting for the GOP, Trump has gained 698,825 votes, compared with 552,253 for Biden, with 63 percent of precincts reporting for the Democrats, according to NBC News data.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Kansas Republicans Prevent Dem Governor From Using COVID-19 to Require Mail-in Ballots

Local Republicans prevent governor’s power grab.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Kentucky Megachurch Shuts Down After 18 Members Test Positive for Coronavirus

Jeff Fugate, pastor of the 2,500-member Clay Mills Baptist Church near Lexington, Kentucky, has announced his church has temporarily suspended in-person worshipafter 18 of its members were recently diagnosed with coronavirus.

Though state health officials say evidence shows the new infections were likely linked to the church, Fugate said there is “no indication” that is the case.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

L.A. Times Executive Editor Says Outlet’s Reporters Think Term “Looting” Is Racist

In a discussion on Tuesday’s edition of PBS NewsHour, Los Angeles Times Executive Editor Norman Pearlstine shared that many of the black journalists at the publication find the term “looting” to be extremely racist.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Liberal Billionaire George Soros is Taking Advantage of COVID-19 to Reshape America

Billionaire George Soros uses his political-philanthropic private foundations’ global network to induce chaos to change the capitalistic democratic systems that prevailed since the end of WWII. Soros aims to reshape the world according to his purported wily Open Society philosophy, which evolved after the collapse of the Soviet communist system. He tested his ideas in Eastern Europe before moving to the rest of the world and on to his major target, the United States of America.

Soros’s open-borders agenda and his efforts to create a global “open society” have suffered a setback due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, but his ambition to change America from within, and meddling in the domestic affairs of nation-states where his OSF operates, has not ebbed. Rest assured that Soros, who thrives on chaos, takes advantage of the distraction caused by the pandemic to advance his political goals in the U.S. and elsewhere.

Over the last three decades, Soros used the massive spending of his private International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO), to spur political activism in progressive left-leaning/radical organizations, academic institutions, and media outlets, along with large campaign contributions. He combined this formula with his market manipulations to produce fundamental disruptions and changes in the political landscape of many countries, including the U.S., affecting domestic and international markets, policies, and even the presidency.

When Steve Kroft interviewed Soros on 60 Minutes in December 1998, he asked the famous speculator whether he felt any complicity in the financial collapses in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, and Russia. Smiling, Soros responded: “I don’t feel guilty because I am engaged in an amoral activity which is not meant to have anything to do with guilt.” His amoral behavior is not limited to finance. “I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do,” he replied arrogantly.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Man Hit by Statue Torn Down by BLM Protesters in Virginia is Now in a Coma

The man who was hit by a statue torn down by BLM protesters in Portsmouth, Virginia is now in a coma after having his head split open by the falling monument.

Black Lives Matter demonstrators used bolt cutters, hammers, and other objects to smash the Confederate statue, beheading four of the soldiers surrounding the monument last night.

However, when one of the soldiers was torn down, it fell on one of the protesters, who was later named as Chris Greene.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

NASCAR Driver Quits Over Confederate Flag Ban

Following NASCAR’s decision to ban all Confederate flag memorabilia and emblems from its events, one of its Truck Series drivers announced he was quitting the sport.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

National Guard Soldiers Found Glass in Pizza They Ordered While Deployed in DC, Report Says

Two soldiers from South Carolina’s National Guard who were recently deployed to the nation’s capital to quell unrest following the death of George Floyd reportedly found shards of glass baked into a pizza they had ordered there.

The startling discovery was made amid the dough and cheese after the pie arrived at the Marriott Marquis Hotel where the troops had been staying, according to The Post and Courier newspaper, citing a report from the Department of Defense.

The report said the troops did not eat the pizza.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

New Incoming Bill Will Target Big Tech Censorship

The Trump administration has requested Missouri Senator, Josh Hawley work on a bill aimed at the liability protection tech companies enjoy under section 230, an unnamed source told Axios.

The move by the White House arrives a few weeks after the president signed an executive order targeting the same law. The President, other Republican politicians, and conservatives constantly insist that big social media platforms such as Twitter practice online bias.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

New York Undercover Nurse Confirms COVID-19 Criminal Hoax

Learn the truth behind coronavirus.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Pelosi Demands Removal of 11 Confederate Statues From U.S. Capitol

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) demanded the removal of 11 Confederate statues from the Capitol’s National Statuary Hall Collection in Washington, D.C.

n a letter sent Wednesday to the chairs of the Joint Committee on the Library, Pelosi requested that the Architect of the Capitol “immediately take steps” to remove the Confederate statues, claiming they “pay homage to hate, not heritage.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Police Arrest Tacoma Woman Accused of Setting Five Patrol Cars on Fire During Seattle Protest

SEATTLE — A 25-year-old Tacoma woman was arrested Thursday morning on five federal counts of arson after police say she burned five Seattle police vehicles on fire as protests turned violent in downtown Seattle on May 30.

U.S. Attorney Brian T. Moran said in a news release that Margaret Aislinn Channon was taken into custody without incident at her Tacoma home.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Poll: Clear Majority of Americans Agree With Trump That Vast Majority of Police Are Doing a Good Job

Despite weeks of anti-police protests, a clear majority of Americans agree with President Trump that the vast majority of officers are doing a good job.

Respondents were asked by Rasmussen: “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Our police have been letting us live in peace, and we want to make sure we don’t have any bad actors in there. [But] 99% of them are great, great people.”

56% of likely U.S. voters agree with Trump while 30% don’t agree. 14% remain unsure.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Romney Predicts Trump 2020 Win

Republican Sen. Mitt Romney predicted on Wednesday that President Trump will defeat Democratic nominee Joe Biden to win the 2020 presidential election.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Sen. Pillion Supports Lawsuits Filed by Democratic Lawmaker Against Gov. Northam

RICHMOND, Va. — Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (D) is facing legal challenges from a member of his own party, stemming from his business closures and restrictions amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The lawsuits were filed by Virginia State Sen. J. Chapman “Chap” Petersen (D-Fairfax) on behalf of his clients, whose businesses have been suffering during the pandemic.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Shooter Identified in “Ambush” Attack on California Police Station That Left Deputy Wounded, Civilian Dead

Police and sheriff’s deputies in central California have identified the suspect responsible for shooting a deputy in the head and killing a civilian in an ambush attack on a police station.

Mason James Lira, 26, opened fire at the Paso Robles Police Department early Wednesday morning, shooting a responding deputy in the head.

The deputy is in serious condition at the hospital, with the bullet still lodged in his head, according to San Luis Obispo County Sheriff Ian Parkinson.

Lira also killed a man near railroad tracks a few blocks from the police station.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Starbucks to Close 400 Stores, Speed Expansion of Pickup Locations, Curbside and More

Starbucks announced today it will expedite the rollout of its new “Pickup” store concept, powered by mobile ordering, in response to the coronavirus pandemic. It will also expand access to curbside pickup, drive-thru and walk-up counters in less dense, suburban markets, the company said. These changes aren’t going to arrive as new additions to Starbucks’ existing store lineup, however. Instead, the company said it will close up to 400 company-owned stores in the U.S. and Canada over the next 18 months, as it rolls out the new format stores and makes other changes.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Statue of Confederate President Jefferson Davis Defaced and Destroyed in Richmond

A bronze statue of Jefferson Davis, the president of the failed Confederacy, was the latest southern statue to be defaced and destroyed Wednesday.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

The Fascists Are After William Jacobson [Updated]

William Jacobson is the proprietor of Legal Insurrection, an excellent and highly successful web site. He has made major contributions to a number of news stories, focused primarily but not exclusively on legal matters. Jacobson is a clinical law professor at Cornell.

Until now, he has been able to keep his conservative web site separate from the left-wing milieu in which he works. But in the current moment, conservatives are under frenzied attack everywhere. William’s “crime” was criticizing the Black Lives Matter organization, which now, apparently, may not be questioned. He writes:

From Saturday, June 6, through Monday, June 8, over 15 emails from [Cornell Law School] alumni were received by the Dean of the law school, demanding that action be taken against me ranging from an institutional statement denouncing me to firing. …

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Trump Admin Sanctioning International Criminal Court Officials Investigating US War Crimes

Says court has no right to investigate or prosecute US personnel without Washington’s consent.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Trump to Clueless Dem Governor: ‘Take Seattle Back From Domestic Terrorists or I Will’

President Trump issued a demand for Democratic controlled Seattle to be brought back under order immediately, as Antifa anarchists claimed control of a six-block zone and a police station.

“Radical Left Governor [of Washington, Jay Inslee] and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before,” Trump tweeted late on Wednesday.

“Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stooped [sic] IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!’“ he continued.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Tucker Carlson: ‘We Were All Played’

‘Corrupt politicians’ used a public health emergency to subvert democracy.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

UCLA Prof. Who Refused to Postpone Exams for Black Students is Suspended

A UCLA Professor has been placed on leave after he rejected requests to allow black students to take final exams at a later date as a response to the death of George Floyd and black lives matter protests.

Accounting lecturer Gordon Klein responded to the requests by noting “Remember that MLK famously said that people should not be evaluated based on the ‘color of their skin. Do you think that your request would run afoul of MLK’s admonition?”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Watch Now: Two Lawsuits Challenge Removal of Lee Statue in Richmond; Northam: ‘Divisive’ Monument ‘Needs to Come Down’

RICHMOND — As two legal challenges seek to block the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue on Richmond’s Monument Avenue, Gov. Ralph Northam said Tuesday that the “divisive” symbol has to go.

The suits challenge Northam’s plans to take down the most well-known Confederate symbol in the former capital of the Confederacy. One suit, which hinges on language in the deed signed in 1890 giving Virginia control of the statue, led a Richmond judge Monday night to pause the state’s removal plans.

A second lawsuit, also filed Monday in U.S. District Court in Richmond, with no decision yet, says the removal would violate federal landmark law.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Greta Thunberg Gets in Trudeau’s Way During Last Stretch of UN Security Council Race

A new obstacle has appeared in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s desperate attempt to get Canada a seat at the UN Security Council — Greta Thunberg.

The teenage climate alarmist banded together with several UN ambassadors of small island states to draft a letter chastising Canada for failing to meet its climate commitments, according to The Canadian Press.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

New Species Provide Missing Links in Evolutionary History of Horned Dinosaurs

DICKINSON — Badlands Dinosaur Museum’s Denver Fowler, Ph.D., and Dickinson State University’s Elizabeth Freedman Fowler, Ph.D., recently completed research that describes two new transitional species of dinosaur that fill gaps in the lineage of the horned dinosaur Pentaceratops.

Horned dinosaurs, called Ceratopsidae, include species such as Triceratops from the Late Cretaceous Period of North America. These dinosaurs are famous for their large skulls which feature huge horns and a decorated bony frill that extends from the back of their head. Scientists like the Fowlers use differences in the shapes of these features to tell one species from another.

The missing link

“They (the new dinosaurs) show a link between two different dinosaurs that we didn’t previously realize were linked. They show that basically Pentaceratops that lived in New Mexico is actually the ancestor of Anchiceratops that is known from southern Canada,” Fowler said.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Amazon to Face EU Antitrust Charges, Says Report

Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) is about to get hit with antitrust charges by the European Union, reports The Wall Street Journal.

The paper, citing people familiar with the matter, reported that the charges stem from the tech stock’s behavior toward third-party sellers in Europe.

The EU is expected to allege Amazon used data from merchants on its platform to launch similar products under its private label brand. The European Commission’s charges against one of the world’s largest e-commerce companies could happen in the next two weeks, capping a two-year investigation into Amazon’s business practices.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

‘British History Matters’: Statue of Falsely-Maligned Scouting Founder Baden-Powell Gets 24-Hour Security

A statue of the world-famous and broadly admired founder of the Scouting movement was due to be removed on Thursday, but the plans were postponed, and now the figure will receive 24-hour security.

While work crews had been booked to remove the statue, the contractors refused to perform the work, Poole’s local newspaper the Bournemouth Echo reported. They are said to have told the council they would not proceed while people surrounded the statue.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Claim: French Police Refuse Arrest Over Fears of Being Sacked for Racism

French police have allegedly refused to arrest an individual in the city of La Rochelle, fearing that accusations of racism could get them sacked or the arrest could spark fresh riots.

The incident took place on Tuesday evening when a young cyclist shouted “ACAB”, an acronym for “all cops are bastards”, at a police patrol several times. When the police turned around to confront the young man he unleashed a torrent of insults on them, but the youth was eventually, politely, let go.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Coronavirus: Over One Million People Arrived in UK by Sea Without Quarantine This Year

Since January, 1.1 million people have arrived in the UK by sea, with 346,000 arrivals taking place in March and April alone, despite the coronavirus lockdown which saw millions of Britons effectively quarantined in their homes.

On March 23rd, Prime Minister Boris Johnson ordered a police-enforced lockdown, with Britons told to only go out for essential items or exercise once a day in an attempt to slow the spread of the Chinese coronavirus.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Facebook Says Meme Featuring British Band the Cure Causes “Physical Harm”, Censors it

A meme that mentioned the English band The Cure, and that was posted more than two months ago, was deleted by Facebook because the platform considered it dangerous and misinformative about COVID-19.

It is not known if it was an automated action by the Facebook algorithm, or if some human employee decided that a meme represented a great danger to society; the truth is that an image of the English band The Cure with text that said: “I’m not an expert on COVID-19, but this is The Cure” was removed from the platform, almost two months after it was originally shared.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

France: Marion Maréchal: “I Don’t Have to Apologize…i Didn’t Colonize Anyone”

Marion Maréchal, the niece of Marine Le Pen, has slammed BLM activists, asserting, “I don’t have to apologize as a white person…I didn’t colonize anyone.”

The former National Rally politician posted a video in which she savaged the Black Lives Matter movement, which has manifested itself across Europe in violent riots and looting.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Germany: Police Raid Left-Wing Extremist Scene in Leipzig

Police in the German federal state of Saxony on Wednesday raided the apartments of several left-wing extremists in the Connewitz district of Leipzig.

Tom Bernhardt, the spokesman for the State Criminal Police Office (LKA), said that the sweeps were carried out by “SoKo LinX” of the Police Terrorism and Extremist Defense Center, and were connected to left-wing extremism, Die Welt reports.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Ireland: Youth Arrested in Stabbing Charged, Another Released (Video)

A youth who was arrested following the brutal stabbing of a 17-year-old boy in Ireland on Saturday has been charged for the attack and then released on bail. A second youth was also arrested in connection with the assault, but later released without charge.

The assault took place in the Waterpark area of Carrigaline, County Cork between 10 and 10:30 PM on Saturday night. The boy was apparently out with friends when another group of people tried to steal his mobile phone. A fight ensued, and the boy was severely injured with a broken bottle. He was hospitalised with multiple stab wounds, as previously reportedby Voice of Europe.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Italy: Salvini Calls for October Elections

League leader says country is ‘deadlocked’

(ANSA) — Rome, June 8 — Opposition League party leader Matteo Salvini on Monday called for a general election in October saying that the government and the country were “deadlocked and blocked”.

Salvini said the general election could be held on the same date as local and regional elections and a Constitutional referendum on cutting MPs.

The rightwing leader called on the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) and its partner, the centre-left Democratic Party (PD) to do as he had done in mid-August and pull the plug on the M5S-PD government “like me who ended a (M5S-League) government experience when I realised that everything was blocked”.

Salvini also said the government had not responded to the opposition’s proposals on the COVID-19 emergency and complained that EU Recovery Fund money would “only arrive next year, and they won’t agree on how to spend it”.

           — Hat tip: Insubria [Return to headlines]

Jimmie Åkesson: Left’s Mismanagement of Coronavirus Resulted in a “Massacre”

Jimmie Åkessonm, the leader of the populist Sweden Democrats, has slammed the ruling government’s gross mismanagement of the Chinese coronavirus crisis, saying that it has resulted in a “massacre” of Swedes.

Åkesson, during an interview with the Swedish news outlet Aftonbladet, said the Social Democrats mismanagement of the crisis had “forced” thousands of Swedes to perish prematurely, many of which did so alone.

“It is not just a failure, Åkesson said. “It is a massacre we see.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Swedish Black Lives Matter Protesters Demand Abolition of Police

Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters in the multicultural Swedish city of Malmö handed out flyers calling for the abolition of police, according to local reports.

The flyers were handed out on Tuesday evening during the latest BLM protest in the city at the Möllevångstorget square. The pamphlets demanded that “the police must be abolished” in Sweden, while also mentioning support for migrants set for deportation.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Tommy Robinson and British Patriots to Defend Monuments From Far-Left Thugs This Weekend

The dishonest, liberal press is up in arms after Tommy Robinson and the Democratic Football Lads Alliance (DFLA) announced plans to defend war memorials in London on Saturday.

The planned action comes after Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other far-left thugs defaced and tore down monuments across Britain last weekend. These despicable actions didn’t satisfy the mob’s ambitions, however. Following last weekend’s events, BLM and other Marxist activists — as a part of their ongoing ‘cultural revolution’ — published a list of 60 so-called “racist statues” that they would like to see brought down.

Tommy Robinson and the DFLA are expected to be joined by British patriots, servicemen from the British Armed Forces, and ex-forces. Together, they will defend British landmarks from leftist goons that would like nothing more than to see British history completely erased.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK Govt Publishes Contracts Granting Amazon, Microsoft, Google and AI Firms Access to COVID-19 Health Data

UK government has published the contracts it holds with private tech firms and the NHS for the creation of a COVID-19 data store, just days after campaigners fired legal shots over a lack of transparency.…

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

UK Govt: We Will Not Seek Extension to Brexit Transition

The government has reiterated that it will not extend the transition period after London and Brussels failed to make progress on an EU trade deal last week.

Paymaster General Penny Mordaunt reported to MPs in the House of Commons on Tuesday that while no progress had been made, “we will not be extending the transition period”. She added that London “will push the EU on implementing their obligations under the terms of the [withdrawal] agreement”.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK Police Investigate Museum Curator for Suggesting Rioters Destroy ‘Racist’ Statues With Chemicals

Police in the UK have questioned a white Oxford-educated museum curator after she tweeted details of how to destroy bronze statues with household chemicals, and suggested that the next target for black lives matter protesters should be the statue of ‘racist’ Winston Churchill.

US born Madeline Odent sent out a series of tweets with instructions on how to dissolve bronze statues, asserting that the damage done would be “irreversible” and “practically impossible to stop.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Contractors Refuse to Remove Statue of Scout Founder After Locals Rally to Protect It

After a campaign by a left-wing mob, contractors refused to remove a statue of the founder of the Scouting movement in the UK after locals rallied to protect it.

After the statue of Lord Baden-Powell, which is situated in Poole Quay in Dorset, was put on a list of “racist” statues to be toppled by leftist extremists, the local council announced it would be temporarily removed and put into storage in order to “protect” it.

“We know that local people feel proud of Lord Baden-Powell’s and the Scout movement’s links with Poole, and that some people feel that we would be giving in to the protesters by temporarily removing the statue. However, we feel it is responsible to protect it for future generations to enjoy and respect,” a town councillor said.

However, when a group of local residents showed up to defend the statue and contractors refused to remove it while people were present, local authorities were forced to back down.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Cultural Revolution: All 130 Labour Party Councils Plan to Review ‘Racist’ Statues

Britain’s left-wing Labour Party has announced that all local councils where the party is in power will undertake a review of the “appropriateness” of statues to determine whether they should be removed over their connections to the UK’s colonial past or the slave trade.

The Labour Party has followed the lead of the Mayor of London, who announced on Monday that he would be creating the “Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm” with the purpose of removing historical monuments, statues, art, and street names throughout the city to reflect the British capital’s ‘diversity’.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Conservative Minister: Statues to Slave Traders Should be Removed ‘Democratically’

“Any slave trader should not have a statue,” junior business minister Nadhim Zahawi has said, adding they should be removed “through a democratic process”.

While the left-wing has backed the destruction of monuments of British historical figures, Mr Zahawi appears to be one of the first from the notionally conservative Tory Party to support the progressive iconoclasm that is sweeping across the Western world.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: London: White Police Officer Attacked Stone’s Throw Away From George Floyd ‘Take a Knee’ Event

A white police officer was attacked by thugs just a stone’s throw away from where a George Floyd ‘take a knee’ event was simultaneously taking place in Hackney, London.

The video clip shows the two police officers, one male, one female, struggling with a group of black men as they try to make an arrest.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Nigel Farage Taken Off Air After Calling BLM a ‘Far-Left Marxist Organization’

Farage hosted the show since Jan. 2017.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

UK: Toppled Colston Statue Lifted From Harbour, Will be Sent to Museum

The statue of an English Restoration era merchant linked to the slave trade which was pulled from its plinth and rolled into the harbour has been lifted out of the water as it posed a hazard to shipping, the city council said.

A Victorian-era bronze of Edward Colston, who made part of his 17th— and 18th-century fortune from slavery, was pulled down on Sunday, prompting protesters attending the demonstration to jump up and down on the fallen statue of the long-dead man in a frenzy of wild excitement.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Video: BLM Protesters Demand Removal of Statue They Know Nothing About

A video clip out of Oxford, UK shows two protesters demanding the removal of the Cecil Rhodes statue before admitting they don’t even know who he is.

Thousands of demonstrators gathered outside Oxford’s Oriel College yesterday to demand the removal of “imperialist” Rhodes statue because it is “incompatible” with the city’s “commitment to anti-racism.”

However, it appeared as though some of them didn’t even know why they were there.

“Do you support tearing down the statue?” two men, who both appear to be Muslims, are asked by a woman.

“Yeah,” they respond.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Watch: Violence Against Cops Caught on Tape in London

Passersby and suspects filmed a London policeman being violently assaulted, with one dancing a jig and taking a selfie as the officer struggled on the ground with his attacker.

The act of violence against a British officer comes amidst a climate of anti-police hate, which has so far seen more than 60 of Scotland Yard’s peacekeepers assaulted in the past week during Black Lives Matter protests.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

New Poll Reveals 73% of Turks Want Hagia Sophia to Become a Mosque

73.3% of Turkish citizens are in favour of turning the Hagia Sophia into a mosque, according to a poll by pro-government newspaper Yeni Safak. Only 22.4% answered “No”, while 4.3% did not express an opinion.

The “Arenda” survey was conducted between June 2-5, 2020, immediately after the 567th anniversary of the Fall of the City and the reading of the Qur’an in Hagia Sophia, and was answered by 2,414 people.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Moscow Warns Russia-NATO Ties Will Become More Complicated if US Moves Troops From Germany to Poland

Troops reportedly equipped with nuclear weapons.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

US Will Send Ukraine Another $250m in Weapons, Gear and Other Aid

The Pentagon will send weapons and other military aid worth $250 million to Ukraine as part of the four-year-old Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, or USAI, defense officials announced Thursday.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Apple Censors for China Again. This Time Removing Two Popular Podcasting Apps

Apple has taken down more apps at the behest of the Chinese government and removed the popular podcast players Pocket Casts and Castro from the Chinese App Store.

Pocket Casts was removed in response to a request from the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) — the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) central internet censor.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

China’s Communists Aim to Rewrite the Bible to ‘Create a New Version of Christianity’

As the Chinese coronavirus distracts the world, the Chinese Communist Party has ratcheted up its crackdown on religious freedom, and sources say President Xi Jinping is working on rewriting the Bible itself to “create a new version of Christianity shorn of its transcendent visions and values.”

Xi Lian, a professor at Duke University Divinity School, told The Wall Street Journal‘s Matthew Taylor King that Beijing doesn’t just want to repress religion — the Chinese Communist Party wants to transform it.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Twitter Takes Down at Least Some of China’s Propaganda Artists and Bots

As the coronavirus saga is plaguing a better part of the world, leaders such as President Trump and others (but mostly Trump) have been lashing out at China on platforms such as Twitter. The Chinese government too, seems to be taking to Twitter and spreading its propaganda at a never-seen-before rate while trying to shape the narrative around the pandemic.

And while we all know Twitter loves to crack down on anything it seems as “misinformation” from everyday users like you and me, when it comes to China’s propaganda, Twitter largely gives it a free pass.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Australia Has Had Just 307 Flu Cases Compared to 20,000 Last Year — Despite Reports Influenza Could Combine With COVID-19 and Overload Our Hospitals

Australia has seen a dramatic drop in influenza cases this year. Medical experts believe the reduction in cases is due to the social distancing restrictions.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Black Lives Matter Protester Tests Positive for Coronavirus After Going to Rally Attended by 10,000 People — Raising Fears of a Second Wave of COVID-19

The man in his 30s marched with thousands through the city on Saturday and developed symptoms 24 hours later.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Mum, 28, of One of Four Teenagers Killed in Horror Crash That Was Survived by Their Mate ‘Who Was Driving’ Is Freed From Prison to Arrange Her 13-Year-Old Son’s Funeral

Lesley-Lee Hill is the mother of Lucius Baira-Hill, 13, who died instantly when the Kia Sorrento he was travelling in clipped a roundabout, flipped and hit a light pole in Townsville early Sunday morning.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Pauline Hanson Sparks Controversy by Calling George Floyd ‘A Criminal and Dangerous Thug’ As She Rails Against Black Lives Matter Protests in Parliament

Pauline Hanson has been met with swift backlash for calling George Floyd a ‘criminal and a dangerous thug’ while condemning Black Lives Matter protests held over the weekend.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Police Say They Will Fine and Arrest Black Lives Matter Protesters After Demonstrator Tested Positive for Coronavirus — as Two More Rallies Are Scheduled for This Weekend

Almost 1,000 people have expressed their interest in attending another Black Lives Matter protest on Friday evening, according to the event’s Facebook page.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Tony Abbott Slams the Looting of Statues Across the World and Claims Protesters Are ‘Ignorant of the Real History’

The former prime minister was questioned about ‘revisionist history’ as he arrived at his sister Christine Forster’s book launch in Sydney on Thursday afternoon.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

‘What is Wrong With You People?’ Jacqui Lambie Chokes Back Tears as She Slams ‘UN-Australian’ Black Lives Matter Protesters — as Scott Morrison Warns There Could be Coronavirus Outbreaks in Seven Days

The outspoken Tasmanian senator hit out at the logic of those who took to the streets of Australian cities in their tens of thousands when the threat of a COVID-19 second wave still hung over the nation.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Ghana Invites African Americans to Resettle in Africa if They Feel ‘Unwanted’ In USA

“We continue to open our arms and invite all our brothers and sisters home,” says official

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Another 44 Migrants Are Caught Crossing the English Channel One Day After Four Tried to Get to UK Using Windsurf Boards With Shovels as Oars

Another 44 migrants were today picked up in small boats off the Kent coast — meaning nearly 2,000 migrants have now reached Britain this year.

They were rescued in three boats this morning and were seen being taken into the Port of Dover by the Border Force vessel Seeker around 11am.

One vessel is thought to have been carrying 13 refugees, another 15 and the third was holding 16. The migrants were mostly men.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

EU to Pursue Migrant Quotas Again, But Czech Republic Still Considers Them Unacceptable

The countries of the European Union are about to face a new conflict over the possible compulsory redistribution of migrants as the European Commission prepares to present its proposal on a new EU migration model and asylum strategy in the upcoming weeks.

“Compulsory quotas are included in the draft and should be used in case of a real crisis,” a source familiar with the proposal’s preparation told the Czech News Agency.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Greece: Illegal Migrants Destroy Olive Grove, More Going to Germany

Another olive grove on the Greek island of Lesvos was destroyed by illegal migrants recently. Germany also announced yesterday that they will be taking more migrants from the Greek islands.

The olive grove that was burned down was near the Moira migrant camp, the largest one on the island. It had only been planted a few years ago. “What can agriculture and livestock offer you now?” said Makis Pavlellis, a local resident who has been photographing the many incidents of wanton destruction perpetrated by migrants, according to a report by Greek City Times. “See your interest, rent your fields to NGOs.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Italy Deploys State of the Art Technology to Track Illegal Migration in the Mediterranean

Italian authorities have begun to deploy a new specialised camera aboard helicopters to track illegal migration and people smuggling operations in the Mediterranean sea.

The new camera is placed aboard helicopters belonging to the Guardia di Finanza, an Italian law enforcement agency under the command of the Minister of Economy and Finance.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, Who Opposes Trump’s ‘Racist’ Border Wall, Erected Wall Around City Hall

On Tuesday, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler had a plywood wall erected around Portland City Hall to protect the building from rioters and vandals. A sensible move, considering the building has been repeatedly vandalized with graffiti on a near-daily basis since the Black Lives Matter protests started.

According to the Portland Tribune, Wheeler’s office says “cleaning the buildings each day is taking public resources, particularly due to the limestone surface at City Hall. We are looking into the possibility of partnering with the arts community to create murals on the plywood in support of the racial justice movement.”

Obviously, the costs of cleaning the graffiti had to be dealt with, and putting the wall up made sense… so much sense that Wheeler’s hypocrisy did not go unnoticed.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

CrossFit founder Forced to Retire After Mob Judges Him Insufficiently Woke. Could You be Next?

Cancel culture is exhausting. Every day we wake up to news of someone caught violating the sacred precepts of wokeism and losing their job—or worse. This week it’s Greg Glassman, founder and CEO of CrossFit, who was forced into “retirement” after posting a two-word tweet that enraged the mob.

Glassman’s crime was tweeting “It’s Floyd-19” in response to an article calling racism a public health issue. For all anyone knows, Glassman was agreeing with the premise of the article, and asserting that police brutality is every bit the public health crisis COVID-19 is. Did anyone ask him what he meant by it? Not as far as I can tell. The mob declared the tweet racist and insensitive and they were off to the races.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Facebook Shuts Down ‘500 Mom Strong’ Group That Advocated Against Drag Queen Story Hour

A Facebook group for mothers opposed to Drag Queen Story Hour was banned.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Facebook Says Page Celebrating “Dead Cops” Doesn’t Violate Its Community Standards

Facebook has refused to remove a page celebrating “dead cops,” saying that it does not violate their community standards.

The page is titled The Only Good Cops Are Dead Cops and openly incites violence against police officers.

However, when it was reported to Facebook moderators, they reviewed the page and said that although it may be “offensive,” it doesn’t violate any specific community standards.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Google Proposes Internal Changes, Remove Any Gendered Language and Terms Such as “Blacklist” From Code

Whatever happened to “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?” Why is this super-powerful expression of human resilience and self-respect today being increasingly “canceled” — especially in the tech world?

There are perfect equivalents to this very same English idiom in many languages. That’s because we as humans all feel, and understand, what that message means.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

JK Rowling Refuses to Bow Down & Apologize to ‘Woke Mafia’ On Transgender Position

“I refuse to bow down to a movement that I believe is doing demonstrable harm in seeking to erode ‘woman’ as a political and biological class.”

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Lady Antebellum Changes Band Name in Support of Racial Equality

The Grammy-winning country music band Lady Antebellum announced Thursday that it is changing its name to Lady A. in support of racial equality.

The country-pop trio said the decision to change its name came “after much personal reflection” and “honest conversations with some of our closest black friends.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Liberal Mob Cancel Culture Spirals Out of Control

Disney rides are racist and all television shows featuring police must be canceled.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Lockdowns Were a Scam! Asymptomatic Carriers Don’t Spread COVID-19

The whole purpose (supposedly) of the lockdowns was to keep those healthy people who had COVID-19 from spreading it when they didn’t have symptoms. The entire planet was terrified of healthy human beings, so governments locked down entire swaths of the population without much evidence whatsoever.

Now, the WHO (World Health Organization) has said that those scary healthy people who are infected but have no symptoms are not likely to spread the virus. Mad yet? If not, you should be. This was all done to usher in the New World Order and they aren’t done playing with us yet.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

YouTube Simultaneously Bans Videos About Flouting Social Distancing Rules, Yet Boosts Protest Videos

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki has revealed in her mid-year update to the YouTube community that over 200,000 videos have been removed from the platform for violating its strict coronavirus misinformation rules.

YouTube’s coronavirus misinformation policies have proved controversial and been used to censor many popular videos about the virus including videos from independent creators that are covering the same stories as mainstream media outlets.

Under these rules, anything that goes against the World Health Organization (WHO) and content that “might” encourage people to ignore stay at home advice is banned.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

YouTube Says Indie Creators Are 20x Less Likely to Top Corona Search Results Than “High Authority Channels”

Today YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki shared another stat that highlights how YouTube’s changes are making it almost impossible for independent creators to get their content recommended in search.

“When people come to YouTube searching for coronavirus topics, on average 94 percent of the videos they see in the top 10 results come from high authority channels,” Wojcicki wrote in her mid-year update to the YouTube community. “We think this is important progress, even as we keep working to bring that number higher.”

To put this number in perspective, independent creators have just over a 1 in 20 chance of their videos about the coronavirus being shown in the top 10 search results but “high authority” mainstream media channels are almost 20x more likely to have their content recommended in these search results and YouTube is working to increase this disparity further.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

11 thoughts on “Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/11/2020

  1. “Britain’s left-wing Labour Party has announced that all local councils where the party is in power will undertake a review of the “appropriateness” of statues to determine whether they should be removed over their connections to the UK’s colonial past or the slave trade.”

    Who voted for this and when were they asked to do it?

  2. If it’s a numbers game I doubts the country or the culture will be staying local. Burn baby burn woke works so well for the alligators I imagine it could catch on with the wider population too. There would be no misunderstanding.

  3. Travel to ireland? Are ya daft! I don’t want to be sliced like a peach for a couple pounds. do you?


    Slaves were obtained through conquest, tribute from vassal states, offspring (children of slaves were also slaves, but since many slaves were castrated this was not as common as it had been in the Roman empire), and purchase. The latter method provided the majority of slaves, and at the borders of the Islamic Empire vast number of new slaves were castrated ready for sale. The majority of these slaves came from Europe and Africa — there were always enterprising locals ready to kidnap or capture their fellow countrymen.

    Black Africans were transported to the Islamic empire across the Sahara to Morocco and Tunisia from West Africa, from Chad to Libya, along the Nile from East Africa, and up the coast of East Africa to the Persian Gulf. This trade had been well entrenched for over 600 years before Europeans arrived, and had driven the rapid expansion of Islam across North Africa.

    By the time of the Ottoman Empire, the majority of slaves were obtained by raiding in Africa.

    • It would be great if UK stops being part of the spineless Commonwealth.
      It would be great if US just let those Asiatics kill each other without providing them any military or financial aid in Asia.
      It would be great if those Europeans just let those Africans enslaved each other without coming to their aid.
      It would be great if the world eventually reduced trade with China and eventually prevent China from infecting the world with another oppressive virus.

  5. The English are spineless, Americans too, Both are hopeless and kneeling to invaders and blacks . The United Kingdom is the only country in Western Europe without an actual Nationalist movement in parliament. Try that in Bulgaria and you will be beaten to a pulp. Soon the rioters will demand St. George’s Cross be updated to the reflect modern sensibilities in the form of a crescent moon, and Big Ben will be replaced with a giant minaret.

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