Easy Guide to Sharia Law

Here’s a useful summary of sharia in verse form.

Easy Guide to Sharia Law

by Michael Copeland

Stoning, flogging, amputation,
Schoolgirl genital mutilation,
Shootings in public, and hangings too,
The slitting of captives’ throats to view.

No freedom of conscience or freedom of speech,
Beheading for blasphemy happens for each.
Those who defect may be openly killed
By anyone else, and the law is fulfilled.

No tolerance ever for other faiths’ mission:
Killing enforces this strict prohibition.
Same-sex partners the law says slay,
Anyone freely can make it this way.

A father should kill his erring daughter,
Control is supreme: the sanction — slaughter.
Child brides of six, consummation at nine,
Sex-play with infants or beasts — all fine.

Short term marriage in exchange for rent,
Usable boys — no age of consent.
A man may marry four wives at a time,
And divorce them simply by quoting a rhyme.

A wife is a chattel to buy, beat, and use,
Obliged to submit, not allowed to refuse.
She may not go out of the house alone,
Or talk to a man who is not of her own.

Though a woman may testify all that she can
Her witness is rated half that of a man.
She’s only entitled to half the share
That a man will inherit if he is co-heir.

In a marriage that founders it’s always the same,
The man keeps the children, regardless of blame.
For a guilty verdict where rape is averred
There have to be four male witnesses heard.

Second class status by law is decreed
For all those affirming a different creed.
Denied equal rights, they’re classed as unclean,
Their symbols of faith are a crime when seen.

As proof of submission a tax must be paid,
No church can be built, no repair can be made.
It’s perfectly legal to own a slave,
But forbidden to set up a cross on a grave.

Sculpture’s unlawful, and art is controlled,
Sport is men only: they do as they’re told.
Restrictions govern what clothes to wear,
The type of beard, and length of hair,

What foods to eat, or music to hear,
No bacon, no pork, no wine, no beer.
There’s a duty to strive and promote this core
By steadfast struggle and acts of war.

Of charity money collected or sent
A share on Jihad is obliged to be spent.
Expressly enjoined in the spread of these laws
Is the use of deception to further the cause.

Intolerant ever of even a critic,
They’re all along violently anti-Semitic.
Denouncing democracy, even laws passed
Some senior cleric may quash at the last.

Never reformed, yet admitting no flaw,
They’re claimed to prevail over all other law.
By Congress or Parliament never arranged,
Neither by either may any be changed.

Allegiance to country is pushed aside,
Allegiance to law must override.
Supporters chant it loud and well:
“Queen and Country — Go to Hell!”

The Stars and Stripes they light and say:
“Burn, burn, USA!”
Superior, unchangeable, bearing inside
A political aim — imposition worldwide.


For previous essays by Michael Copeland, see the Michael Copeland Archives.

13 thoughts on “Easy Guide to Sharia Law

  1. Sex-play……. or beasts — all fine.

    Yesterday in Twitter somebody had sent a photo(outside in a yard of a poor house) of a Pakistani on his knees having behind him a big dog.
    You understand what i am trying to picture and i thought for a while to send it to you but i was ashamed.
    The photo upset my stomach.
    I am sure he was a Pakistani because of his clothing.
    Do i have your permission to send it if i find it again?

  2. Excellent verse. Reading it to the tune of “Wouldn’t It Be Lovely” from My Fair Lady in my head made it extra entertaining.

    • Thank you, too.
      Feel free to share and spread.
      Try “I had a little girl in Kingston Town” (though calypso is unsuitable for the subject matter).

  3. Yes, and in your rhyme that describes Islam if found an apt description of Satan’s character No wonder the trees will clap their hands, the creatures of land and sea will shout their praise, and the hills will sing when Satan is marched off to solitary in a literal ‘hole’ for a thousand years. I am looking forward to seeing porpoise-filled worship as described in Revelation.

  4. This is brilliant: I will learn off by heart. It tells you everything one needs to know about Islam…..saves reading the Koran, Haddith etc

    • Thank you. Feel free to share it.
      Maybe send it to your political representative.

  5. Great Poem.

    World domination is its ultimate goal
    Jihad is its weapon to stay in control
    And the one that sees the fascist-like scope
    In feeble defense is called an islamophobe

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