Driving Miss Aisha

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for translating this article from Fria Tider:

Migration Board drives “refugees” around in the middle of the coronavirus crisis

April 10, 2020

Public health authorities have said that due to the coronavirus we should avoid “unnecessary trips”. The Migration Board, however, continues to drive so-called refugees between their residences, according to several media sources. Immigrants are not tested for Covid-19 before being driven around the country.

Even though trips throughout the country can spread the deadly coronavirus, the Migration Board continues to move asylum-seekers between their residences.

In the middle of the coronavirus, authorities have moved immigrants to both Junsele and Mellansel in Västernorrland, according to Swedish Public Television (SVT).

“A busload of asylum-seekers rolls on mindlessly, run by both the Migration Board and the municipality of Sollefteå,” writes Allehanda.se.

The bus trips are arranged without the immigrants being tested for Covid-19.

It is said such tests can only be done by health services. Nobody who shows signs of symptoms of the virus is moved. However, it has been established that not all who have no symptoms, or get them later, may still be infected.

According to the Migration Board, the aim, among others, is that the immigrants get apartments and avoid collective residences. But it is also a fact that asylum-seekers often simply have to change residences since they are unable to obtain something for themselves.

It still happens that people also need to move between residences during this period and under prevailing conditions. “What we are doing is both minimizing the number of movements, and only moving symptom-free people,” says Jennie Sörman, who is responsible for reception and living at the Migration Board, to SVT.

4 thoughts on “Driving Miss Aisha

  1. For her to be “Miss” implies that she is younger than 8.

  2. Climate change. Running out of time. The end is nigh. The current multicultural multi gendered equal outcome bent Western European predicament is lockjaw.

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