The National Hockey League has suspended its season due to the Wuhan Coronavirus, and Major League Baseball has suspended spring training and the opening of the season. Also, NCAA basketball tournaments have been cancelled. Meanwhile, Italy has ordered all shops, restaurants, and bars to close. And Sophie Gregoire, the wife of Justin “Baby Doc” Trudeau, has tested positive for the coronavirus.
In other news, a mob of hundreds of migrants threw Molotov cocktails in an attempt to cross the border from Turkey into Greece.
To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.
Thanks to JD, LN, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.
Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.
Dow Has Worst Day Since ‘87, S&P, Nasdaq Hit Bear Market
U.S. equity markets cratered Thursday despite another flood of liquidity from the Federal Reserve after President Trump suspended travel from Europe for 30 days in an effort to contain the spread of the coronavirus.
Allianz chief economic adviser Mohamed El-Erian telling FOX Business he sees the environment getting “even choppier.”
The S&P 500 entered a bear market down about 8 percent while the Nasdaq did as well dropping nearly 8 percent. Trading in U.S. equity markets was halted briefly just minutes after the opening bell when the S&P fell by 7 percent.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Poland: Economic Slowdown Possible But No Recession — Central Bank Head
The governor of the National Bank of Poland (NBP), Adam Glapinski, said on Thursday that there will be no recession in Poland, but admitted that there will be an economic slowdown.
“The coronavirus epidemic will cause an economic slowdown, but there can be no talk of a recession,” Glapinski told a press conference after talks between financial and banking representatives and the president. He added that the Polish banking system was “stable, safe, and among the best.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Lou Dobbs went off on his show on Wednesday night after Republicans joined House Democrats to reauthorize the corrupt FISA Court in a 278 to 136 vote.
Dobbs invited former Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Andrew McCarthy, on to discuss the ongoing travesty of justice.
Dobbs blasted the corrupt US Department of Justice and FBI for their mass corruption and illicit spying on President Trump, his campaign and his administration all based on a hoax that was known to everyone involved.
Roger Stone, General Michael Flynn are just two of the individuals destroyed by this corrupt department and their many criminal operatives who have yet to face justice.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Amid Pious Protesters, Satanists Conduct a Ritual on the Capitol Steps
Congregants from the Seattle-based Satanic Temple of Washington drew a crowd of prayerful onlookers Friday as they hoisted their pentagram and conducted a satanic ritual at the state Capitol Friday, March 6.
[Comment: Resmebles an antifa procession.]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Amidst Coronavirus Pandemic, Subway Posters Tell New Yorkers Not to be Racist
An LGBT activist group called Pride Train has plastered New York subways with posters reminding commuters not to be racist during the coronavirus pandemic.
Asserting that “Facts, not fear, will stop COVID-19,” the posters tell travelers “No ignorance, racism, or xenophobia allowed at this station at any time.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
AOC Says People Aren’t Going to Chinese Restaurants Due to ‘Racism Around the Coronavirus’
Several other accusations of racism have surfaced amid coronavirus scare.
[Comment: Yeah, that the reason. Moron.]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Coronavirus Travel Ban: Eurocrat Complains Europe is Trump’s ‘Scapegoat’, Slams ‘Nationalism’
“Viruses know no border or nationalities. Nationalism and blame games are no antidote.”
[Comment: Every time such people open their mouths, all that comes out are plays from the globalist playbook.]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Democrats Want to Reverse Trump’s Travel Bans Despite Coronavirus Spread
House Democrats have introduced legislation that would undo President Trump’s travel bans from coronavirus stricken areas, despite the fact that the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has said that the impact of the crisis would be much worse had the travel bans on China and Iran not been in place.
Democrats want to strip the President of the authority to implement the bans, introducing a bill titled the “No Ban Act,” which would allow travellers from Wuhan and other infected areas to keep arriving in the US unimpeded.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
The more Trump, a “rogue unguided missile against globalism,” accomplishes, the more hell-bent the leftist establishment is on carrying out a total mobilization and there is no greater danger than underestimating your opponent, warns David “Nino” Rodriguez former heavyweight boxing champion and author of “When The Lights Go Out.”
“Trump is in a knockout, drag-out war right now with the globalist and they want this country. This is the prize possession — America is the trophy. And the only thing that is stopping them is Donald Trump,” Rodriguez argued in an exclusive interview with the Gateway Pundit. “This is a civil war. This is a fight for freedom.
“The fact that the media is eating Trump up alive, shows us that we’ve picked the right guy. The media is all owned by the globalist movement.”
There are two issues on the ballot ahead of the 2020 election, socialism and freedom — and the Democrat Party has wholeheartedly and brazenly embraced socialism, Rodriguez continued.
“The line has been drawn in the sand: you are either on the socialist side or the side to preserve America’s freedoms, prosperity and sovereignty. You’ve got to pick a side at this point. That’s just the way it is.”
“Every election from here on is going to be the most important because the children are being indoctrinated in schools to accept and learn socialism. This is insanity. This is exactly what they did in Nazi Germany. The youth is being taught to be accepting of it and love it.”
“They’re backing it because they don’t know any better, they are not studying history. Globalism is socialism. It actually strips you of your personal freedoms and rights — all people are the same, you’re born into a job, you make a certain amount of money, there is no personal independence or gain. You can’t follow your dreams. It’s an insult to God.
“Nobody is here on this earth to be the same. Everyone is here to uniquely shine and is uniquely different. Socialism takes that away from the human spirit and human endeavor. We’ve already seen socialism and communism fail throughout history. What makes Americans think it’s going to work this time? You can’t just sprinkle some socialism here and some socialism there and expect the government to not eventually take full control. With Venezuela, it took a flat 10 — years. It went into socialism and that was it, t was a wrap in 10 years’time. That’s how fast it snowballs.”
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
James Bond: No Time to Die Will Address Donald Trump, Brexit, Says Daniel Craig
As if on cue to help tank their own potential success, Hollywood actors just can’t seem to keep their feet from causing them to trip and fall flat on their face due to having a foot lodged firmly in their mouth as they attempt to virtue signal and talk down to fans who have become increasingly disengaged with their anti-nationalist stances. James Bond: No Time To Die star, Daniel Craig, is one such celebrity who decided to drag his final Bond film up to death’s door with a pompous smirk and complete disregard for the fans who made him what he is.
Bounding Into Comics took note of choice comments from an interview had with Craig, who eventually couldn’t hold back from dragging the untouchable topics into the discussion about No Time To Die: Trump and Brexit.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Jim Acosta Complains of Trump’s “Xenophobia” For Calling COVID-19 a “Foreign Virus”
CNN’s Jim Acosta bitterly complained last night that President Trump referring to Covid-19 as a “foreign virus” was an act of “xenophobia.”
Because according to some, people’s feelings being hurt is still an infinitely bigger threat than a deadly pandemic.
“The president referred to the coronavirus as a “foreign virus,’“ Acosta said following Trump’s Oval Office address to the nation Wednesday night. “It’s going to come across to a lot of Americans as smacking of xenophobia to use that kind of term in this speech.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
The FBI’s Russia collusion case fell apart within the first couple weeks of Trump’s presidency, yet Mueller accepted his appointment as special counsel and continued his $35 million witch hunt anyway.
According to award-winning investigative journalist John Solomon, Mueller was aware that in early 2017 there was no Russian collusion yet he pressed on and forced Trump’s associates to plead guilty to unrelated process crimes.
According to declassified memos, the Steele dossier was debunked in January of 2017 and the idea that General Mike Flynn was a Russian asset was also ruled out at the same time.
Yet the Deep State continued with damaging leaks to the media claiming Flynn was working on behalf of Russia.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
MLB Suspends Spring Training, Delays Opening Day at Least Two Weeks
Major League Baseball is delaying the start of the 2020 regular season by at least two weeks in response to the coronavirus pandemic, the league announced Thursday.
MLB also said in a statement that spring training games have been suspended, starting at 4 p.m. ET Thursday.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
NCAA Basketball Tournaments Canceled Over Coronavirus
NCAA CONFERENCES canceled their college basketball tournaments in rapid succession Thursday as the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic is felt across sports and popular culture.
In separate statements, multiple major athletic conferences — including the ACC, Big Ten, Big 12 and SEC — canceled their scheduled tournaments, according to CBS Sports.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
New York AG Letitia James Targets Alex Jones With Cease and Desist Over Coronavirus Claims
New York Attorney General Letitia James is targeting Infowars founder and host Alex Jones over claims he made about nanosilver killing the sars-corona family.
James has ordered Jones “to immediately stop selling & marketing products as a treatment or cure for coronavirus on his website” and threatened legal action “if he doesn’t cease & desist these activities immediately.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
NHL Suspends Season Due to COVID-19 Fears
The NHL has suspended its 2019-2020 season due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In a statement published on Thursday afternoon, NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman made the announcement.
“In light of ongoing developments resulting from the coronavirus, and after consulting with medical experts and convening a conference call of the Board of Governors, the National Hockey League is announcing today that it will pause the 2019-20 season beginning with tonight’s games,” wrote Bettman.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Oregon’s Dem Gov. Signs Exec Order on Climate, Bypasses Legislature
Oregon Gov. Kate Brown took a page out of Sen. Bernie Sanders’s playbook Tuesday as she signed a climate executive order [pictured] after GOP lawmakers fled the state to avoid taking action on a climate bill.
Brown’s order intends to reduce carbon emissions by 45% below 1990 levels within 15 years and an 80% cut by 2050.
The order also directs regulators to issue rules placing caps on emissions for the state’s fossil fuel industry, a move conservatives say would decimate rural parts of the state.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Police Called to School Over Stolen Juice Box
On Friday, police were called to the Union School District in Rimersburg, Pennsylvania after a “known” juvenile allegedly robbed the school cafeteria of a juice box valued at 80 cents.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Ticket Company Tells Customers to Wear Hazmat Suits for Discounted Broadway Show
A ticket company is telling customers who buy massively discounted seats for Broadway shows that they may have to turn up wearing Hazmat suits in order to avoid being infected with the coronavirus.
Yes, really.
A disclaimer sent out to patrons by New York Show Tickets Inc. informs them that a ticket deal to see Producer Scott Rudin’s currently sold out shows is “unprecedented” in its discounted price but “does come with the inherent risk of being exposed to the currently incurable, and possibly deadly, Coronavirus.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
In late February The New York Times reported that intel officials warned House lawmakers that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get Trump reelected.
The New York Times article offered no proof of its claims and sounded like an old story from 2016 cleverly rewritten (by Adam Schiff?) to sound shiny and new.
The Times reported that Trump was outraged that the classified report was shared with Adam Schiff and the House Intelligence Committee because Adam Schiff is a leaker and liar.
Like clockwork, all the usual suspects and fake news outlets came out and attacked President Trump after the Times dropped the latest Russia hoax.
Former CIA Director John Brennan accused President Trump of “abetting a Russian covert operation” to win the 2020 election to advance “Moscow’s interests, not America’s.”
But it was all cr*p.
It was just another liberal media hoax.
On Tuesday the head of counterintelligence William Evanina told lawmakers there is NO EVIDENCE Russia is interfering in the 2020 election.
The Washington Post reported:
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
What is our country going to look like if COVID-19 keeps spreading this rapidly? The map that Johns Hopkins University is using to track the spread of this virus has become extremely popular, and I refer to it several times a day. On Monday, I watched as the number of confirmed cases in the United States crossed the 500 mark, and then on Tuesday I was really shocked to see it jump up to 1,025. In less than 48 hours, the number of confirmed cases more than doubled. Needless to say, we are going to be in a whole lot of trouble if this keeps happening. Of course the U.S. is far from alone. This outbreak has gotten completely out of control all over the western world, and right now Europe is being hit harder than anyone else.
After analyzing the growth rates that we are currently seeing all over Europe, computer scientist Mark Handley declared that “everyone else will be Italy in 9-14 days time”…
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Sophie Gregoire Trudeau Tests Positive for COVID-19; PM Begins 14-Day Isolation
TORONTO — Sophie Gregoire Trudeau has tested positive for COVID-19, the Prime Minister’s Office confirmed.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has been self-isolating at home with his wife, will not be tested “at this stage” because he currently has no symptoms, the Prime Minister’s Office said late Thursday.
The prime minister and his wife will be in isolation for a planned period of 14 days.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Coronavirus Deaths in Italy Pass 1,000
ROME — The number of deaths in Italy by the COVID-19 coronavirus passed the 1,000-mark Thursday, jumping by 189 to a total of 1,016 despite drastic measures to contain the virus.
The number of new cases of coronavirus infection also went up significantly over a 24-hour period, adding 2,249 cases for a total of 12,839 currently infected as of 6:00 p.m. Thursday.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Coronavirus: Boris Govt Throws Travel Ban Exception Back in Trump’s Face
President Trump offered a lifeline to the United Kingdom by exempting it from an anti-coronavirus ban on travel from Europe, but Boris Johnson’s government has thrown it back in his face, claiming the restrictions won’t work and complaining about their economic impact.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Czechs Follow Trump’s Lead and Ban Entry of Foreigners From 13 Countries
The Czech Republic has followed U.S. President Donald Trump’s lead and banned the entry of foreigners from 13 countries that are considered high-risk coronavirus territories, including the United Kingdom, and has restricted borders with Austria and Germany.
Foreigners will not be able to enter the central European country who originate from China, South Korea, of Iran, but also those from the EU’s Italy, Sweden, Spain, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, and France. Travellers from the UK and Switzerland are also banned.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
EU Crisis: Italy Tipped to Leave Eurozone Amid Coronavirus Panic
THE EUROZONE will start reducing the number of its members in order to survive and Italy will be one of the first countries to drop out, Lord David Owen has claimed in an exclusive interview with
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Fifty-One Coronavirus Cases Confirmed in Poland
The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Poland has grown to 51, the Health Ministry announced on Thursday afternoon.
Earlier in the day, the Health Ministry reported that a 57-year-old woman in the western city of Poznan had become the first person in Poland to die from the coronavirus.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
German Domestic Intelligence Places AfD’s Rightist Wing Under Surveillance
Germany’s Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution has placed the Alternative for Germany’s right-most nationalist wing of the party under official observation.
Germany’s BfV intelligence agency has placed the Der Flügel wing — the right-most nationalistic wing of the AfD — under observation because it says the faction’s leaders, Björn Höcke and Andreas Kalbitz, are ‘enemies of democracy’, German weekly news magazine Der Spiegel reports.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Greta Thunberg Calls for a #DigitalStrike after Public Gatherings Are Closed
The Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg who rose to fame with her angry speech at the United Nations General Assembly has now addressed fellow activists, urging them to protest from the safety of their homes, considering the on-going Coronavirus outbreak.
Taken-in by her outcry for climate change, many youngsters have started protesting climate change and expressing their disdain for the on-going practices that hamper the environment.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Health Experts Slam “Wooden” UK Coronavirus Response: ‘Playing Roulette With People’s Lives’
Several health experts have eviscerated the UK government’s sluggish response to the coronavirus outbreak, charging that measures only now being taken should have been implemented a month ago.
Richard Horton, the editor of the Lancet Medical Journal accused the British government of “playing roulette” with people’s lives by not implementing “social distancing and closure policies” sooner.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Hungary: Coronavirus: Border Controls and Regulations
The government plans to maintain a state of emergency announced on Wednesday for the upcoming weeks or possibly months if necessary, Zoltan Kovacs, the state secretary for international communications and relations, said.
The extraordinary legal order introduced on Wednesday enables the government to issue resolutions with immediate effect if necessary, Kovacs told public news channel M1 on Thursday.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Hungary: Karacsony: Budapest’s Cinemas, Theatres, Museums, Libraries to be Closed
Budapest’s cinemas, theatres, museums and libraries are being closed down for the time being in connection with the new coronavirus, Gergely Karacsony, the city’s mayor, announced on Thursday.
Performances will be suspended in all cinemas and theatres maintained by the municipality, while museums and all branches of the Szabó Ervin Library will be closed, the mayor told a news conference.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced the latest wave of restrictions in a dramatic appeal to the nation that came as the country of 60 million battles its biggest crisis in generations.
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
Italy Gave Up on Older Patients. Prioritize Young People Only.
In Italy, where more than 9,000 people have already been diagnosed with COVID-19, doctors are scrambling to secure resources and treat patients. They have been forced to prioritize the young and otherwise healthy over the elderly and frail.
“It’s very hard to just prioritize the young over the old. That would not fly in the US,” Arthur Caplan, head of the Division of Medical Ethics at NYU School of Medicine in New York City, told Business Insider. “People would protest the idea that young lives are worth more inherently than older lives.”
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Italy Closes All Shops, Restaurants, And Bars
Italy’s government has ordered all shops, bars and restaurants across the entire country to close. Italy’s death toll due from coronavirus rose by 31 percent in the space of 24 hours to a total of 827. Only those selling “basic necessities”, such as pharmacies and supermarkets, can remain open. Prime mInister Giuseppe Conte asked people not to “rush to the supermarkets” as shelves would be restocked as normal.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Mayor of Florence Encouraged Italians to “Hug a Chinese” Before Coronavirus Pandemic Hit
The Mayor of Florence is facing fresh criticism after he encouraged Italians to “Hug a Chinese” as a stand against racism before Italy was later forced to quarantine its entire country because of the coronavirus.
The story is yet another illustration of how political correctness can actually sometimes be dangerous if not fatal.
Italy is now under a complete lockdown after the country was ravaged by coronavirus. Current figures show over 12,000 recorded infections with 827 deaths.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Despite warning that up to 70 percent of Germany could become infected with coronavirus, Chancellor Angela Markel said she refused to close the border to visitors from Italy during a joint press conference held with Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn in Berlin.
Serving as Merkel’s first public address on the outbreak, she warned that border closures would not be enough to prevent the spread of the virus, according to a report from Hungarian newspaper Mandiner.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Poland: Incumbent President to Win Re-Election in Second Round, Poll Shows
Poland’s incumbent president, Andrzej Duda, is likely to win the May 10 presidential election in the second round of voting against all potential candidates, a CBOS survey shows.
In a face-off with his main rival, Malgorzata Kidawa-Blonska, Duda could count on 54 percent of the vote against Kidawa-Blonska’s 29 percent.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Ri-disc-ulous! Italian Man Wears a Giant Cardboard Circle to Enforce Social Distancing in Rome
An Italian man has taken extreme measures to ward off coronavirus, after it was classed as a pandemic by the World Health Organization this week.
In a clip shared to Twitter on Wednesday, he strolls along the streets of Rome wearing a giant disc in an attempt to enforce social distancing amid the global outbreak.
There have been 827 deaths from 12,462 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Italy — the most anywhere outside of mainland China.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Russian Pranksters Posing as Greta and Father Hoax Prince Harry
Two Russian pranksters posing as Greta Thunberg and her father reportedly fooled Britain’s Prince Harry into having a candid conversation that included scathing criticism of President Donald Trump.
Harry also went into detail about being on the outs with the Royal Family since he and wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, have decided to go their own way, according to The Sun, which identified the hoaxers as Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexey Stolyarov — known as Vovan and Lexus.
A lot of the conversation pertains to the alleged climate change crisis and Harry singles out Trump for pushing coal “so big in America” and as a result, “he has blood on his hands.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
State of Emergency: Universities in Hungary Shut Down
After the government ordered a state of emergency on Wednesday as part of the protective measures against the coronavirus, universities in Hungary will be closing down starting from Thursday.
Many higher education institutions in Hungary have already informed students that their buildings will be inaccessible from Thursday.
The Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) has ordered a university-mandated break between March 12 and 13, also advancing spring break to March 16, they write in their announcement.
[Comment: Well, that also means that leftist nonsense will be shut down.]
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
If you go look at the map that Johns Hopkins has put up, the numbers coming out of Europe right now are like something out of a science fiction movie.
And as I discussed yesterday, the U.S. is on the exact same trajectory.
This is definitely a virus that you want to avoid if at all possible. In many instances it causes devastating damage to the lungs, and even if you survive your lungs may not ever fully recover.
One of the very first confirmed British cases said that the virus hit him “like a train” and had him “in blinding pain for weeks”.
Has the flu ever left you “in blinding pain for weeks”?
Of course not.
And he was one of the fortunate ones that survived. For those that die, the suffering can be far worse.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
UK PM Boris Johnsons Summons Tech Giants to Downing Street to Tackle Coronavirus “Fake News”
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has summoned tech giants from Google, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft to Downing Street to attend a coronavirus meeting and discuss fight against “fake news” about the pandemic.
The call on the afternoon of March 11 was addressed to companies such as Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon, and Microsoft, who plan to meet in Downing Street to evaluate strategies that allow them to bring official information to users regarding the coronavirus pandemic.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
UK: Bedfordshire Police Protecting Pedophile — How They Failed Tommy’s Daughter
UK officials are more concerned with protecting pedos than arresting them.
[Comment: Perhaps perp was an agent of the state, and it was a psyop designed to paint Tommy as a yob.]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
UK: Coronavirus Could Delay Brexit Talks, But Transition Won’t be Extended, Says Minister
Michael Gove has said that he has had “indications” from Brussels that concerns over the coronavirus may mean London negotiations scheduled for next week may be delayed.
Some 150 Brussels delegates were expected to descend on London next Wednesday for three days of negotiations. The chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster told the House of Commons’ Future Relationship with the European Union Committee on Wednesday that the first UK-EU joint committee planned for the end of this month has also been put into question.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Von Der Leyen and Michel Criticise Trump’s Travel Ban
Leading EU officials have said the US was wrong to have “unilaterally and without consultation” imposed a travel ban on 26 EU states over the pandemic. “Coronavirus is a global crisis, not limited to any continent, and requires cooperation rather than unilateral action,” European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen and European Council president Charles Michel said on Thursday. The EU was “taking strong action” on the virus, they added.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Why Are So Many People Dying From the Coronavirus in Italy?
Experts warn country’s population is older than average and say thousands of mild cases could have been missed
Italy has the highest coronavirus death rate in the world with one in every 16 people who catch the disease there dying from it.
Experts say having one of the oldest populations in the world, a large number of cases concentrated in a small area and inaccurate statistics are contributing to the deadly impact the virus is having there.
At least 10,149 people have now been diagnosed with the virus, making it the worst hit country outside of China, and 631 are confirmed to have died.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Imam Who Said Coronavirus Was ‘Allah’s Punishment’ On China for Treatment of Muslims
There’s a reason it’s never smart to claim bad things happen to someone else because ‘they deserve it’…
It’s a risky game to claim that God is smiting the heathen when a contagion sweeps through a foreign country. Because in today’s hyper-connected world, contagions can travel faster than you might think.
For all this Iranian Imam’s finger-pointing at China as the object of divine wrath, it is beyond ironic that one of the early hotspots for Wuhan CoronaVirus is — Iran. Even Iran’s Parliament was hit with casualties.
And now?
Now the Imam himself has contracted it…
— Hat tip: LN | [Return to headlines] |
Aerial photos appear to show a cemetery in the holy city of Qom being expanded after the coronavirus outbreak began there in mid-February.
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
Russia Has Recorded Zero Coronavirus Deaths
Even as coronavirus ravages the rest of Europe, Russia, which closed its entire border back in January, still has zero recorded deaths from COVID-19.
What a stunning coincidence.
The latest numbers out of Russia show that just 28 people are recorded to be infected with coronavirus. There have been zero fatalities.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
The Oil Price Crash: Bad News for Putin’s Ambitions in the Middle East
Russia’s refusal to reach an agreement with Saudi Arabia on global oil quotas could ultimately have a disastrous impact on the Kremlin’s long-term ambitions of extending its influence in the Middle East.
Last week’s dramatic fall in the value of global stock markets was prompted, in part, by Moscow’s decision at the end of last week to end its cooperation with the Saudis to agree to new oil production targets, a measure designed to maintain global oil prices at a sustainable level.
The Saudi response, to launch an oil price-war against Moscow, was clearly not the outcome the Russians had been anticipating.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Islamists in Pakistan Pelt Women’s Day Marchers With Rocks and Shoes
Sunday was international Women’s Day. Several hundred women in Pakistan turned out for the annual march.
Unortunately several Islamists attacked the women on their peaceful march. Many women were injured when they were stoned by Muslim men.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
New Species of Tiny ‘Bird-Dinosaur’ Discovered Trapped in 99-Million-Year-Old Amber
A new species of a bird-like dinosaur that lived 99 million years ago has been identified from a fossilized skull trapped in a block of amber, a study said.
Even tinier than a hummingbird, it’s among the smallest dinosaurs from the Mesozoic Era yet found. It’s also one of the most ancient birds ever reported.
“When I first saw it, I was blown away,” Jingmai O’Connor, a paleontologist from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and lead author of the study, told AFP.
“Amber preservation of vertebrates is rare, and this provides us a window into the world of dinosaurs at the lowest end of the body-size spectrum,” said study co-author Lars Schmitz, a biologist at the W.M. Keck Science Department in California, in a statement.
The skull specimen, which was discovered in a mine in northern Myanmar, is only about 1/2 inch in length. The entire bird weighed less than a tenth of an ounce, scientists estimate.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
New Species of Musk Shrew Discovered in Indonesia
A team of researchers from Louisiana State University, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Museums Victoria and the University of Melbourne has discovered a new species of musk shrew living on Indonesia’s Sulawesi Island.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Singapore Defends Controversial “Fake News” Law in Face of Coronavirus
After the removal of a Facebook page in Singapore for allegedly hosting fake news, the social network expressed concern that these actions may affect free speech in the country.
The Singapore government responded by criticizing Facebook’s attitude.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
All But Four of Apple’s Stores in Mainland China Have Reopened After Coronavirus Shutdown
All of Apple’s retail stores in mainland China apart from four are now open after the coronavirus outbreak forced the iPhone maker to close its shops for an extended period of time.
The U.S. technology giant has 42 stores in China and 38 of those are open again. Several of those however are still running limited operating hours.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Claims “US Army” May Have Started Coronavirus Outbreak in Wuhan
China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman has sensationally blamed the U.S. Army for starting the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan.
The day after President Donald Trump shut down travel from European countries for 30 days, Zhao Lijian made the outlandish assertion that the U.S. itself was responsible for starting the pandemic.
“It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan,” tweeted Lijian, adding “Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation!”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Coronavirus Cases:
view by country
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
With more and more companies across the world telling employees to work from home in an effort to limit, or slow, the spread of COVID-19 — which was last night declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization — outages on common remote-working tools have started to increase.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
YouTube Slammed for Choosing Which Channels Are Allowed to Monetize Coronavirus Content
Independent creators that cover the news on YouTube are already heavily disadvantaged by the site’s algorithms which boost “authoritative sources” (legacy media outlets that YouTube has deemed to be trustworthy) by as much as 10x in search and recommendations.
With the outbreak of the coronavirus, YouTube doubled down and committed to raising up authoritative sources that cover the coronavirus while automatically demonetizing independent creators for merely mentioning the virus.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
The retired boxer, who is a vocal anti-vaxxer, took to Facebook on Thursday to urge others to not believe how the media is portraying the illness or its origin.
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
Australian Brothel Sues Google for Not Removing Negative Reviews
It’s not the first and it won’t be the last time that a business is angry at Google after receiving damaging online reviews.
And very often, these businesses would like to unmask real-world identities of negative reviewers, whom they suspect of deliberately targeting their reputation with not only bad but also false and malicious reviews.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Canterbury Bulldogs star Jayden Okunbor asked a 16-year-old schoolgirl he invited to his hotel room to send naked photos on Snapchat.
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
The video, uploaded to Facebook on Thursday, shows the group of four teenagers outside Mosko’s Market cafe in Darwin screaming abuse at employees.
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
Crates of toilet paper have been delivered to retail tycoon Theo Onisforou’s Sydney mansion. Mr Onisforou denied the delivery was for him.
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
New Black Widow Spider Species With Purple Egg SAC Discovered by Scientist in South Africa
A newly identified species of venomous spider has been making waves in the scientific community for two notable reasons. Not only is the spider bigger and bolder than its cousin, the renowned black widow, but its egg sac is a distinctive bright-purple hue.
First found in the South African sand forests of Phinda, KwaZulu-Natal Province, it is being hailed as the most significant venomous spider discovery in decades.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Another Illegal Alien Charged With Rape Arrested by ICE After Sanctuary NYC Set Him Free
‘Per sanctuary city policies, he was released back into the community and given an opportunity to possibly reoffend.’
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Dam Opened to Flood River on Greek Border to Stop Migrant Invasion
Bulgaria cooperating with Greece to repel migrant invasion.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
EU to Give Migrants in Greece €2,000 to Go Home
The EU says it will pay €2,000 (£1,770; $2,225) each to migrants in overcrowded camps on the Greek islands willing to go back to their home countries.
EU Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson announced the scheme in Athens on Thursday. It was agreed with the Greek government.
She said it was temporary — open for one month only — and only for migrants who arrived before 1 January.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Greece Prepares for Big Push of Migrants, Claims Turkish Soldiers Open Fire at Border
Greek authorities are preparing for a big push of migrants at the Turkish border while tensions between Greece and Turkey continue to escalate following reports of Turkish forces firing weapons at the border.
Police and border officials near the Evros river have expressed concern that a large number of migrants may soon push to cross into their country with reports claiming that large tree trunks have been moved to the border, which could be used as rafts by migrants.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Greece: Migrant Reception Center on Lesbos Torched by Locals
A migrant reception center on the Greek island of Lesbos, where the latest wave of migrant invaders recently arrived, was burned down over the weekend.
The building — operated by the Swiss NGO One Happy Family — which serves as a migrant reception center on the island “has been seriously damaged” according to a source in the NGO, Franceinfo reports.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Greece: Migrants Attack Border Police With Firebombs, Turkish Police Help
The clashes between migrants and the Greek police, which have been occurring frequently since Turkey began allowing migrants to cross its territory at the end of February, reached a new intensity on Wednesday.
Migrants again attacked Greek officers during the night, but this time used incendiary Molotov cocktails, which set fire to the border fence in the Evros region, according to a report by Remix News.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Greek PM Labels Evros River and Aegean Sea the ‘Shield’ Of Europe
Conservative Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has commended support pledged from other European Union member states to help reinforce the Greek border, calling the Aegean sea and the Evros river the “shield” of Europe.
Discussing the Austrian Migration Service personnel arriving at the border Wednesday, the Greek leader stated: “From today on, the Greek flag will be waving in Evros, as well as the Austrian, Cypriot, and shortly, flags of many other EU member states. Evros and the Aegean are Europe’s ‘shield’.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Molotov Cocktails Thrown at Greek Border as Over 700 Attempt Crossing
Video footage has emerged of war-like scenes on the Greek land border with Turkey as over 700 migrants attempted to illegally cross the border.
The footage allegedly shows the results of migrants from the Turkish side of the border using Molotov cocktails and setting fires along the Greek border fence in an effort to break through into Europe between Wednesday and Thursday.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
BC Father Could Face Fail Time for Speaking Out About Trans Child’s Hormone Treatment
A BC father could be thrown in jail for refusing to be silent about his child’s chemically induced gender transition.
The BC Supreme Court has called on the province’s Attorney General David Eby to decide whether the father and former PPC candidate Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson will face contempt of court charges after Thompson published a video interview discussing the details of the case.
The father, referred to only as C.D. in court documents, has been trying to intervene in his child’s female-to-male transition for over a year now. The hormone treatment could have permanent side effects on the child’s physiology, including permanent infertility, voice changes and facial hair growth.
“You must not do that, sir, you are in breach of the court order,” said BC Supreme Court Justice Michael Tammen referring to his breaking of the publican ban.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
With the Alabama Senate recently passing the Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act, the bill is now currently in the House of Representatives.
If this bill does pass, doctors caught prescribing puberty-blockers or hormones to minors will be charged with a felony.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Wikipedia: A Disinformation Operation?
Wikipedia is generally thought of as an open, transparent, and mostly reliable online encyclopedia. Yet upon closer inspection, this turns out not to be the case.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
EU president Ursula von der Leyen, whose American ancestors made their wealth on the back of slaves, ought to just shut up. She did her best to destroy the German military with silliness and now aims to spread contagion?
I would love to see some prove of that ancestry, please.
She has American ancestry; can’t comment on their history.
there needs to be more south england coverage, 5th story i’ve seen like this over the last few weeks.
Multiple teenagers stabbed by “youth”
Well, they are muslims because the Daily Fail said they were not accepting comments.
“EU to Give Migrants in Greece €2,000 to Go Home” that’s literally Mafia tactics… They’ll just come back when they need more.
I’m afraid it’s a tactic to attract more to the border.
I’m thinking about giving it a try.
Jesus Christ Almighty what is going on with Western European males. So many unqualified pathetic little rich girls on their knees. This is like Constantinople. Meeting the huns outside the walls for payouts. A serious freeze on women and Muslims anywhere and everywhere is needed. As European men they are both complete frauds. A lot less needed than is readily available for the viral VD. Churchill was completely right about good for nothing Muslim frauds and enough of these femme frauds. The new normal needs to be cancelled regardless l.
This is arrogance!
Turkey is preparing a lawsuit in the ECHR against Greece against refugees
Turkey has irrefutable evidence of Greek crimes against refugees.
Greek authorities are trying to stop the flow of refugees by using hot water and smoke bombs against people, he recalled.
“We are also talking about torture, ill-treatment, and assault on people’s lives. Suppose these refugees have accumulated near the Greek border in violation of international law. Athens should act in accordance with international law, and not force half-naked people to cross the border river Merich, ”he emphasized on refugees.
This is arrogance! Maybe it’s somewhere in English, but I don’t know how to look. From the Turkish media
Turkey is preparing a lawsuit in the ECHR against Greece against refugees
Turkey has irrefutable evidence of Greek crimes against refugees.
Greek authorities are trying to stop the flow of refugees by using hot water and smoke bombs against people, he recalled.
“We are also talking about torture, ill-treatment, and assault on people’s lives. Suppose these refugees have accumulated near the Greek border in violation of international law. Athens should act in accordance with international law, and not force half-naked people to cross the border river Merich, ”he emphasized on refugees.
… In recent days, several refugees have been killed on the Turkish-Greek border.
There are frequent cases when the Greek military strips naked refugees, beat them, take money and phones, and then force them to return to Turkish territory.
I like the Greeks. Anything they do to stop the Muslim terrorists is fine with me. Those Muslims should be taught a lesson they won’t forget.
No one can think they are better or more special, with this leveler.
Some politicians are getting a bit more than a tour of the streets & hospitals.
A New Zealand politician.
I take note of the time when polio used to sweep around the world, schools closing, etc., up until vaccines stopped the problem in the early 1960’s
It seems to be totally forgotten about, and even seems to be excluded from mention.
Only time will tell, to allow research, understanding the immunity response, as there is good & or bad in that.
Isolation or that is a distance, no contact, and good hygiene seems to be the key.
So all take care, no crowds, keep your distance, re-prioritize where necessary, remembering life is still to be lived, in abundance.
Further New Zealand news
Mosque Shooting Commemoration Cancelled.
What a mess of bobble head indecisiveness to last minute this.
“and from overseas”
Many will have already arrived recently in this past week.
Some may be in the midst of catching planes to come to NZ. and some planes from the middle east unloading passengers.
Have they jumped through other “safe” countries, before flying onto NZ?
Would they cancel their supposed return flights, with no refund?
So are they going to “self isolate” in NZ, ?
Soon, will they even be able to use that return ticket?
Prime Minister Ardern’s adhan of dawa will all be done digitally, tv, radio, etc… across the land, but not with such an attendant audience.
Never mind; the Dubai’s highest tower will safely put up some major light show of her.
Plus a 6th patient confirmed in Auckland.
The 60 year old man went to church last Sunday, after his arrival from the USA.
Felt ill afterward.
wuhanvirus (I refuse to call it coronavirus anymore because that’s what the chinese want, draw attention away from themselves) used as excuse to bring migrants to mainland greece
“It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan,” tweeted Lijian, adding “Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation!”
The Jews have a charmingly apt word for such statements: chucpe.
This is basically confirming again and again that China is no friend of ours; it is an insidious enemy foreign (and – alas – domestic as well).