I tried to think of a polite title for this post, and couldn’t manage it. I apologize to anyone who is offended; it was the best I could do under the circumstances. I tend to handle horrific stories like this one by being flip — it’s a way to displace my natural reaction, which is a mixture of anger, revulsion, and despair.
I posted on the incident described below when the video first came out back in December. Since then the “Swedish” pissants have had their day in court, so the crime is back in the news again.
Our Swedish correspondent LN has followed the case and has made a summary from alternative media about this latest, horrible domination crime. Afterwards he gives his view of the current political situation in Sweden.
Since the embedded video is quite disturbing, I’ve placed it below the jump.
Robbers urinate into the mouth of victim and film it
They laugh and say “f***ing disgusting svenne”.
Report by LN
[Note: Svenne is a pejorative nickname for Sven (i.e. a Swede) adopted by foreigners (Arabic).]
Over the last few days in Sweden one violent crime has been diligently featured in social media.
It was in early December that the 18-year-old man was on his way home from work. He had almost arrived when he was suddenly attacked by two foreign robbers.
What he did not know was that two 16-year-old foreigners had caught sight of him on the subway. One of them thought he needed a phone, so they had already decided on the train to rob him.
When the man gets off at Björkhagen’s subway station, they also leave the train. They follow him discreetly. The man quickly goes the familiar way home, and when he’s almost there, the two 16-year-olds catch up with him and give him a few punches in the face, before one of them puts his arms around him while the other takes his phone. The two perpetrators explain to him that they have both a gun and a knife.
They tell him they caught sight of him on the subway and thought he was just “a f***ing disgusting svenne” and that they wanted to rob him.
The plan had been to let him go after they had robbed him on the phone, but when they discover that he is 18 years old and thus can access his bank account, they change their plan.
They now want the 18-year-old to withdraw money for them and under threat, now also against his family, accompanying him on a walk to a cash machine in nearby Kärrtorp. When the robbery victim cannot withdraw money on his card, the robbers become dissatisfied and punish him by overwhelming him with kicks.
Under continuing threats, they force him to go with them to a McDonald’s restaurant where he is constrained to buy food for his robbers. Then the journey continues by bus to the suburb of Farsta.
In Farsta they fail to withdraw money and instead the two robbers detour with the robbery victim behind the Center church, where the truly degrading and Sweden-hostile assault is commenced. They kicked and beat the 18-year-old while laughing and calling him “you mongrel” and “f***ing disgusting svenne”.
One of the robbers opens his fly and begins to urinate on the robbery victim lying on the ground. They tell him to open his mouth, and when he refuses he is kicked in the back of the head. He is terrified and does as he is told, and gets the robber’s urine in his mouth.
At the conclusion, the victim is forced to take off his clothes before the robbers leave him; they take his jacket and pants.
The entire assault is filmed and the robbers post the movie on Snapchat where it goes viral. The robbery victim was able to give the police a good description, and the two robbers are arrested after a week. One of the suspects is charged with three more robberies.
According to police, second-generation immigrants are over-represented among perpetrators of robbery and extortion. The trial has just ended and verdict will be handed down on February 18.
Below is the video the robbers took [thanks to Kronans Martell (Ullis News) for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling]:
This is not just robbery and beatings. This is a crime of domination.
In Denmark, and also in Sweden, this type of crime is called a “domination crime”. The purpose is not primarily to take valuables from the victim but to humiliate and intimidate him and to show one’s own dominance.
It is almost exclusively criminals of non-European origin that attack white victims in this manner. The violence is described as raw, ruthless and unprovoked.
Unfortunately, this type of Sweden-hostile deed is nothing new and not particularly unusual. Hostility against indigenous Swedes is an everyday experience for many Swedes, not least for Swedish children and young people who are forced to confront the multicultural terror in schools and also in other environments where many foreigners reside.
Everything indicates that this type of “Sweden-hostile domination crime” will become much more common in the future until the day when the robbers understand that the victims no longer intend to be victims, but begin to defend themselves with the necessary resources.
Expecting any help or action from government or authority agencies does not seem realistic. These bodies simply do not care. On the contrary, they are constantly working to further reinforce anarcho-fascist tyranny. State-funded denunciation of thought crimes is growing all the time.
The indigenous Swedes have the entire ruling class against them. These ‘power people’ have betrayed the nation’s native population for decades — since 1975, when the Constitution was stupefied and destroyed — and they obviously intend to remain at the feeding trough.
By not overthrowing the power elite, the Swedes have betrayed themselves and their descendants. The Swedes have an election coming up in 2022, when they can either kick out the old, traditional parties, which they can do by voting differently, or we Swedes will end up in Armageddon.
This is about as bad as it gets. I cannot even fathom how a country like Sweden can descend into a hell like this. Oh wait! Of course I can. This is what happens when you allow mentally ill children like Greta T. take over the Media and Government.
The Swedes have allowed this degeneracy to happen. They have been like the proverbial frogs in a pot of gradually boiling water.
They are just beginning to realize that it’s all over for them. Too late now to do anything. They lack the weapons and the will to deal with the scum of the earth like the hell demons who perpetrated this crime. Sad.
And “scums” decide to arm themselves..
It could have gotten all kinds of worse without killing him.
These two punks could do the same thing in the Swedish parliment and most of the legislators would excuse them.
Sweden will become another African ghetto with white hostages. Sweden’s feminized politicians won’t mind at all.
It says so much about how low we are able to go. Got along with the Nazis too. I imagine any Muslim co-operation will eventually be meaningless. It is way past Alah’s bedtime.
Arm yourselves. Would this be attempted in Texas?
Texans likely wouldn’t have allowed the mass importation of feral africans and muslims, but assuming they had, and had concentrated them in “refugee centers” like the Swedes have, I can assure that such a provocation as this crime was meant to be would have likely resulted in the nearest one being burnt to the ground. If they were in a particularly bad mood this would take place as rifles were trained on the exits to ensure that none of the invaders would ever do it again.
The border is open enough they could walk over, the difference distances.
We have thick skins and don’t live in rainbow unicorn land so no offense.
How about that diverse cultural enrichment! Yes we can.
Discus sting :Pigs but that is an insult to pigs.
We need to be honest here. European guys don’t grow up learning to fight like American kids do. It is time they learn
I don’t see anything that would lead to an electional discontinuity in Sweden. I keep waiting for some spark of masculinity to reassert itself in Swedish males, but it seems that that particular horse has been beaten one too many times. Of course, the Swedes residing here in the US are busy turning Minneapolis into Mogadishu, while our own Gov. Burgum in ND wants to turn our state into the same, only as a republican cuckold he doesn’t have the male gonads to actually make the decision and instead spinelessly turns the decision over to local cities and counties to decide.
So, I don’t expect much from the Swedish male, even with such provocations as gang raping of Swedish females, and humiliations of Swedish males. Undoubtedly, when Sweden becomes an islamic republic it will fall to American and Russian men, their lives, blood, and treasure to retake surrendered Swedish lands.
Moon, The interesting thing in the county I live in Northern MN, the county was thinking of bring in some Skinnies to our northern paradise, and found out by the thousands of angry phone calls and e-mails that would not be tolerated. The weak Swedes don’t exist here, they are made of sterner stuff, right along with those of the Balkans, Poles, Germans, Finns, Nords and Micks who love to fight at a drop of a hat when you get some decent whiskey in them.
As for Sweden, we say that the Russian army could walk across Sweden in a couple of days and not worry about being accosted and probably be welcomed as liberators.
The Swedes I imagine would surrender on a phone call from the Russians. Ironically the alien imports might not give up their territories so easily. Demand the Swedish Dhimis get out their and fight like true concerts.
The bloody Russians would just smile and burn them out and shoot the survivors like they do in the southern part of Russia, and nobody says a word when they do it. LOL
Real Estate demands by Swedes in Poland are sky racketing over the roof..
Developers in North Poland along Baltic cost can’t meet those demands..even they working on construction sites 2 shifts daily ( 16 hours)
My friend who live in Stetin. purchase 81 sq meters 5 years old apartment in 2oo1 for 38 000 $ hi sold recently to retired Swedes couple for 120 000 $.. Indeed there is something going on in Sweden..But we Poles are not sure if this is good idea to let Swedes in..We remember their help and complicity to German War machine in 2 World War..They like Hitler..We are confused why they are not going to live in Germany ?
because an apartement the size of 81 sqm would cost three times the prize of Szczecin and that is maybe too much for retired Swedes.
It is still unfathomable that the Swedish people have yet to begin retaliation. What has happened to them? Actually to the Europeans in general? The French public stood by while an African rap “artist” made a music video wherein he strangles a French girl to death. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. A few impotent whimpers. Probably made a lot of money.
It but takes a crystalizing moment to galvanize a population slow to anger, but once unleashed, it is a terrible horrific sight to behold.
If only Hitler had come up with a “crystallising” moment somewhere in the world? The Swedes are not an easy lot to budge. Still who knows. If their fresher more jungle and desert dependent tribal replacements could be ignored by all the laws rules and regs? Who knows. Maybe the Swedes could do a swop.
The abject humiliation of a nation; reflected, once again, in the humiliation of another of its citizens.
There are a great many who are seemingly simply beyond help !!
Baron, your reaction of anger is the right one. What will it take for Swedes also to become angry at this type of “Sweden-hostile domination crime”? How much will they tolerate by way of abuse and attempted humiliation from those they invited into their country?
Righteous anger has its place. It would be controlled and directed at correcting a great injustice. It’s time for the Swedish people to rise above their severe lack of self-respect and work to take back their country. But perhaps it’s too late for that now.
The rest of the west too? Everywhere the Muslim attitude of superiority mocks pisses on the host population. Especially the females.