Flipping Pancakes

Today is Shrove Tuesday, the day when we Episcopalians traditionally hold a pancake supper. It’s our final big blast before the austerity of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday.

It’s my first stint as lead cook in today’s supper at my church, so I will be away most of the afternoon and part of the evening. Posting will be light as a result.

10 thoughts on “Flipping Pancakes

  1. Enjoy your pancake party. It’s a lovely tradition. Seventy years on and I can still remember tossing my first pancake. Naturally my mother held the handle with me. How heavy the pan felt when I was small.

  2. Amazing ! Our multi-talented, multi-tasking Baron. Award-winning blogger, husband and papa, artist … and he cooks pancakes too – for others, and at the church, no less !

    Good for you, Baron ! (Is it part of the tradition in Virginia to put coins, buttons, straws, etc. in the pancakes ? )

    • Nope. Although I sometimes make them in the shape of a mouse or a bear (just the face) for little kids. I leave eyes and mouth as open holes when I pour the batter. It takes quiet concentration to pull that off, so I don’t attempt it during the busiest times.

      • It was a mean tradition here in Rhenania to fill few of the beignets( oil fried sort of donuts) with Dijon mustard instead of marmelade. There was tearshed on either side of the event, only one of laughter.

  3. so your first attempt at a solo landing will go down as you having ‘pancaked’ on the runway. Best wishes and just don’t ‘flip’ out.
    PS. I have my own recipe that makes them pretty fluffy, but then I serve them for breakfast. I have never heard of being served them for dinner, but I was raised a Catholic.

    • In our catholic area they were for the occasion made of buckwheat flour, not to make them to much of a treat on ash wednsday.And glutten-free, still in the middle ages!

  4. First day of Lent today (Weds) I am giving up alcohol. No beer for six weeks. We’ll see how I get on.

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