Never Let a Crisis go to Waste — Especially One That You Create Yourself

Many thanks to LN for translating this article from Fria Tider:

Greta back at Parliament: “It’s a crisis”

December 20, 2019

The climate alarmist Greta Thunberg is back outside Parliament, and now she has even more young people with her, says TT [News Agency]. Her plan is to make people feel that there is a “crisis” concerning the world’s climate.

It was in August of 2018 that Greta Thunberg began to sit outside Sweden’s parliament with a poster announcing “School strike for the climate”.

Now she is back outside Parliament, and this time even more young people are initiating a school strike with her.

“We humans are social animals and mimic each other. And if you start to act as if there were a crisis, others will follow suit,” she tells TT.

Greta also comments that she was recently named “Person of the Year” by Time Magazine.

She calls this surprising, but hopes it will get more people to “wake up” about the climate and attract even more so-called climate activists.

According to Greta, “climate activist” is currently a belligerent word, and she wants to change that. Climate activists should be hailed, believes the 16-year-old.

15 thoughts on “Never Let a Crisis go to Waste — Especially One That You Create Yourself

  1. If there was any common sense left in the world, the ephithet “climate activist” would bar anyone with it on a resume from any kind of employment. I wouldn’t even hire her to clean my toilet, and she is likely too dumb to mix a decent cocktail. At least AOC is easy on the eyes as a bartender even if she is as ignorant as a Thunberg or a Hogg.

    • Bhahaha , that’s is brilliant comment, and You are right again, she is sick in the head , she is autistic, very spooky looking, and dumb, good for the leftist that’s all , what a sick world We are living this days , oh my …

      • The real questions are:-
        Who is funding her?
        Why do her parents expose her to the eventual
        And inevitable heartache that awaits her fall
        From grace?
        Why are world leaders in total entranced by
        A callow, shallow teenager?

        People will Not go back to sitting in the dark, eat
        Insects because cows fart, take to non existent
        Public transport, just because Greta says so.

        I genuinely worry for this poor child, her face
        Contorted with rage and hatred when she reads
        Out obviously prepared (by others) tired
        Weather tropes and dismissing counter
        Scientific view points as heresy.

        This situation can only end in tears.

        • GJDavies

          So answer if you are a real person with a real identity when you write above

          “and dismissing counter
          Scientific view points as heresy.”

          What viewpoints are those GJDavies now that you bring them up in a general way.

          Or what are you talking about?

  2. I saw child soldiers in Africa. Eight year olds with AK47s and puffing cigarettes. She reminds me of that.

    It turns my stomach.

    Demonic in fact….

    • Bishop Guy

      Hard for me to follow you here

      “I saw child soldiers in Africa. Eight year olds with AK47s and puffing cigarettes. She reminds me of that.”

      greta and her friends are completely and explicitely opposed to the use of violence in any form. And she does not smoke.

      So i think YOU have some explaining to do.

      • She might personally not wish to be involved in violence but I doubt she would worry too much over violence being applied by the administrative state on her behalf to compel others to comply with her climate alarmism diktat were her wishes put into law in any meaningful way. I highly doubt her “friends” have any illusions over using violence to achieve their ends but they would never personally get their hands dirty; violence can be outsourced to others for plausible deniability.

        And she has been photographed multiple times wearing shirts with questionable origins from groups advocating or supporting violence.

      • If the good Bishop will forgive my answering for him, I believe his comparison is between the “zombie-like” appearance of Greta, who is autistic, and the heavily indoctrinated and drugged-up child soldiers in Africa.

        In both cases, IMHO, the minors in question are being exploited by adults who should be ashamed of themselves.

      • I think he means easy to get children to do things that an adult would know were wrong or stupid. I’m afraid I think that’s why we only send young people to war as they are easier to direct and order around. They lack the experience to make decisions. Greta’s parents wear Antifa T shirts and fund raise for Antifa. There are photos on the internet. Her mother was a Eurovision singer. They are used to performing in front of cameras, that’s how they earn their living. It’s a show but apart from Antifa who is the showman?


    All comments followed the same pattern:
    “Never Let a Crisis go to Waste — Especially One That You Create Yourself
    I wouldn’t even hire her to clean my toilet, and she is likely too dumb to mix a decent cocktail.
    She is sick in the head , she is autistic, very spooky looking, and dumb, good for the leftist that’s all
    Who is funding her?
    It turns my stomach.
    Demonic in fact…
    I highly doubt her “friends” have any illusions over using violence to achieve their ends
    The “zombie-like” appearance of Greta, who is autistic, and the heavily indoctrinated and drugged-up child soldiers in Africa.
    Minors in question are being exploited by adults”

    Your words stand for themselves. You hate the person. And i say you are free to love and hate whom you wish, but there is more to this hatred of Greta as I will try to explain in a few words.
    Because here is the thing “You hate the person in your campaign to try to cover up what is happening to earth, and to the science of the climate”.

    That is all this campaign to put down in every way this person but for one purpose only, to obscure what the scientists are saying about global warming.

    You have made and are making Greta the excuse to wage a campaign against science. I suspect that she will weather this through because from the beginning she said it was never about her, and she asked to just listen to the science.

    The science of global warming is a branch of science and is a scientific discipline. As much as is any other scientific discipline, including the science of the history of Islam.

    It concerns the history of our earth, also concerns the relationship between sun and earth, and the effects of capitalism in this relationship, sometimes referred to as “man”, as in the term anthropogenic, but it is not strictly man in the general, but capitalism…capitalist man.

    And capitalist man, that is capitalism, is in no position to do anything. As this article actually shows.
    There is indeed a real sickness but you need a mirror to see it.

    • Start with Dr John Christy, then go to Tony Heller, read the climate gate emails, Patrick Moore, the successful litigant Dr Tim Ball, Dr Willie Soon. Look at Jo Nova’s page, consider the money that is driving this. The 38,000 scientists who disputed the alarmist claims. The collusion , the prior inconsistent statements in the “predictions” of James Hansen and the methodology of Michael Mann that came under scrutiny in the Canadian litigation, the corruption of peer review etc etc.

      As Cromwell would say ” I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken.

      Merry Christmas to you all.

        • I refuse to be drawn into this. This side or that side.

          Meanwhile climate events are happening in our world, such as melting of Himalayan Glaciers, which are causing great concern in many aspects.

          The person who wrote the article you reference in Forbes is not a climate scientist.

          His analysis is not peer reviewed far from it…he is not involved in climate science. He is definitely NOT a climate scientist.

          Part of his article deals with engineers and scientists, mainly engineers, in Alberta, the home of tar fuel, as we know.

          Not the world. Not a world body. Alberta!

          I am reminded of a talk given by Katherine Hayhoe a Texas Christian scientist. At one point she showed a graph with temperature going down. But…It was over ten year period. Place those ten years in an overall graph of 100 years or so, the picture changes.

          So I refuse to be drawn into lists of people.

          The article above referenced by Fitzroy has already been answered in many places, and especially here

          All of these claims have been answered. But that does not get very far.

          The basic problem is that there is money to be made in the extraction of oil and that is going to remain as long as capitalism remains.

          But the attacks on Greta have reached a new low.

          That is what prompted me to respond.

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