Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/8/2019

According to leaked reports, Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has warned members of his party not to go on holiday, because there may be a snap election. Tensions within the coalition government between the Lega and the 5-Star Movement have increased to the point where the government may fall.

In other news, a powerful blast shook the Danish tax office in Copenhagen. The explosion is thought to have been caused deliberately.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Financial Crisis
» Globalists Have Set Operation ‘Blame the Populists’ In Motion
» Stock Market Crash Imminent?: “We May Well be at the Most Dangerous Financial Moment Since the 2009 Financial Crisis”
» The Middle Class is Getting Destroyed!
» 1991 Book Warned ‘Secret Government’ Would Use Patsies to Shoot Up America to Eliminate 2nd Amendment
» Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Gets Her First Political Biography With ‘Easy to Read Text’ From the Publishing House Behind the Boss Babes Adult Coloring Book
» Baltimore Sun Attacks Trump Supporters for Cleaning Up Trash
» Bernie Sanders Pledges to Release Any Info About Aliens if He’s Elected in 2020
» Billionaire: Epstein Misappropriated ‘Vast Sums’ From Wealth
» Breaking: Armed Man With Rifle, Handgun, 100 Rounds of Ammo and Body Armor Stopped and Arrested by Firefighter Outside Springfield, Missouri Walmart
» Castro Doxxed Trump Donors Because He Wants People to “Think Twice” About Supporting President
» Christian Legal Org ADF Fires Back at Vassar College for ‘Hate Group’ Label
» CNN’s Chris Cuomo: 2nd Amendment Didn’t Mean ‘Individual Right’ To Bear Arms ‘Until Scalia Read it in’
» ‘Death Camps for Trump Supporters’ Fliers Just the Latest Reason Why Personal Defense is More Important Now Than Ever Before
» Dem Activist ‘Jokes’ About Setting Fire to Tucker Carlson
» Democratic Socialists of America Voted to Establish an Anti-Fascist Working Group. It Was Controversial.
» Elizabeth Warren Blames Trump for El Paso Shooting Despite Dayton Shooter Being Her Supporter
» Exclusive: Trump Set to Devastate Big Tech Tyrants With Powerful Executive Order
» Man Shouting “Allahu Akbar” Pushes Commuter Onto Railway Tracks in New York
» Media Freaks Out After Eric Trump Follows Gab on Twitter
» Michael Moore Cancels Gym Membership Over SoulCycle Trump Fundraiser
» MSM Causes Nationwide Panic Over Guns and White Supremacy
» NASA Circling DC-8 Jet Around San Andreas Fault Sparks Conspiracy Theories
» Neuroscientist Used Brainhack. It’s Super Effective! Oh, And Disturbingly Easy
» NY Mayor Bill De Blasio’s Latest Soap Box: Fox News
» Ocasio-Cortez Hits Former Chief of Staff for ‘Divisive’ Tweet About Moderate Democrats
» Recent Mass Shootings Point to Them Being Orchestrated Events
» Tarantula Migration Expected to Crawl Through Colorado
» There is No Evil Like ReCAPTCHA (v3)
» Trump Takes High Ground: ‘I Don’t Blame Democrats for Ohio Shooting’
» U.S. Bishops Condemn Hate Speech Behind Mass Shootings
» Visa CEO Promises Not to Block Purchases of Firearms
» What Are the Odds? El Paso Shooter Was Only 3 Degrees Removed From the Mastermind of the CIA’s MKULTRA Assassination Program
Europe and the EU
» Danish Tax Office Bombed in Suspected Deliberate Attack
» French Farmers Dump a Mountain of Manure Outside Pro-Emmanuel Macron MP’s Office
» German Islamic Community Recommends Men Hit ‘Unruly’ Women
» Germany: Hesse: Police Are Searching for “Arabic Looking” Rapist of 14-Year-Old in a Park
» Italy: The Last Working Olivetti Mainframe Sits in a Tuscan High School
» Italy’s Salvini Tells Colleagues to Cancel Holiday Plans, Prepare for Coalition Govt Crisis, Possible Election
» Italy: ‘DJ Salvini’ Loosens Up at a Beach Party Along the Adriatic Coast
» Killing Free Speech in France, Germany and on the Internet
» Polish Village Offers Reward for First Baby Boy Born After More Than a Decade
» Pompeo: U.S. Will ‘Be Ready on the Doorstep Pen in Hand’ To Sign UK Trade Deal
» Sweden: Youths in “Special Areas” Kick and Torture Hedgehogs to Death for Fun
» Sweden: Young Jews Slam Antisemitism in Multicultural Malmö
» UK: High Court Upholds Decision to Strip Islamic State Jihadist’s Citizenship
» UK: Khan’s London: ‘Brutal’ Machete Attack Leaves Unarmed Policeman in Critical Condition
» UK: Snoopers Charter — Public Loses Privacy Battle Just as MI5 Admits Loss of Mass Data
» UK: Sikhs Ask Media to Stop Calling Pakistani Muslim Rape Gangs ‘Asian’
» UK: Two Women in Islamic Garments Caught Shoplifting Goods in London
» UK: Unarmed Police Officer in Critical Condition After Brutal Machete Attack in East London
» Victim Blaming: Swedish Police Tell Women to ‘Stay Sober, Go Home Early’
» Wurst Idea Ever? Germany to Tax Sausages to Fight Climate Change
Middle East
» Canadian Resident Detained in Iranian Prison for 11 Years Escapes — and Returns Home
» Iraqi Archbishop: ‘Extinction is Coming’ For Christians in Middle East
» Pentagon Warns it Will Prevent “Unacceptable” Turkish Invasion of Northern Syria
» Why is Saudi Arabia Giving Up a Tract of Land the Size of Massachusetts for “The World’s First Independent International Zone”?
Far East
» Report: Religious Freedom in China at 40-Year Low
Australia — Pacific
» More Proof the Left is Taking the White Supremacy Narrative Too Far
» Unregistered Uber Driver, 28, Who Picked Up a Vomiting Nurse From the Side of a Road, Took Her to His Home and Raped Her Will be Deported to India
» Victorian Police Back Down After Issuing $67K Invoice to Law-Abiding Conservatives for Protection From Violent Leftist Thugs
» Germany: Migrant Pushes Eight-Year-Old Boy and His Mother in Front of High-Speed Train
» Guatemalan Leftists, With Ties to Pelosi and Soros, Fight Trump’s Migration Deal
» Since America’s Communists Need the Votes and Illegal Aliens Need ‘Free Stuff’, This ‘Match Made in Hell’ Could be the Final Stake in America’s Heart
» Swiss Example: “Failing to Integrate? Cameroonian Migrant Will be Deported”
Culture Wars
» Actress Rosanna Arquette Apologizes for Being “Born White”
» AOC: “Perfectly Normal, Good People” Are Capable of Aiding White Supremacy
» Canada: Premiere: “Who is Jessica Yaniv?” an Exclusive Rebel Documentary
» Children as Young as Six Taught About LGBTQ Relationships in an Effort to Prevent Them From Accepting a Christian View of Sexuality Later in Life.
» Disney Features 13-Year-Old Homosexual Couple
» Educate and Celebrate, Smashing Heteronormativity in Schools Nationwide (Video)
» Mom Shuts Down ‘Drag 101’ Event Targeting Children
» New Zealand Removes Any Reference to Jesus From Parliamentary Prayer
» Polish Bishops Denounce ‘Ideological Totalitarianism’ Of LGBT Lobby
» Tarantino Dismisses as “Nonsense” Criticism ‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’ Isn’t “Woke” Enough

Globalists Have Set Operation ‘Blame the Populists’ In Motion

This past week’s events have sent the economic world into a tailspin. Mainstream analysts were so sure of themselves heading into the July Federal Reserve meeting — The Fed was going to cut rates by a respectable margin, or they were going to cut incrementally and promise the markets through thinly veiled language that QE4 was well on the way. This was supposed to be a certainty.

They did not get what they were hoping for, but I don’t think many people understand why the Fed did what they did.

I have long held that the Fed has no intention of kicking the can on the economic crash that is currently underway and that the Fed’s tightening cycle was a way to restrict liquidity into economic weakness in order to trigger the collapse of the “Everything Bubble”. I predicted over the past two years that the Fed would keep liquidity conditions tight until right before or right after an accelerated crash in fundamentals and markets. The crash in fundamentals has already begun in 2018 and 2019. A return to incremental crash conditions in stock markets has also now likely started…

Bringing down the US economy will do nothing to stop the globalist plan for “new world order” centralization and a single cashless global currency system. The truth is, the collapse of the US economy is a necessary part of the economic reset that the globalists desire.

As I predicted in March of this year, a No Deal Brexit event is the most likely outcome as it most serves the interests of globalists in pinning a crash in the US and parts of Europe on populists and sovereignty activists. With the exit of Theresa May and the rise of Boris Johnson, a ‘no deal’ panic is all but assured.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Stock Market Crash Imminent?: “We May Well be at the Most Dangerous Financial Moment Since the 2009 Financial Crisis”

Every financial crisis needs a “trigger”, and it appears that the rapidly escalating trade war between the U.S. and China could be about to trigger one during the second half of 2019. In fact, former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers just admitted on Twitter that we could “be at the most dangerous financial moment since the 2009 Financial Crisis”…

We may well be at the most dangerous financial moment since the 2009 Financial Crisis with current developments between the US and China.

Those are very strong words, but many others are issuing similar warnings.

[Comment: The “trade war” is the distraction. The real effort to collapse the US is being done by the Fed, quietly under the cover of the hoopla about Trump’s trade war. That’s why MSM is filling airwaves about the Trade War. Once the collapse happens then Trump and the populist policies around the western world will be blamed for the economic collapse. ]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

The Middle Class is Getting Destroyed!

Youtuber Jeremiah Babe tells it like it is, and doesn’t mince his words. The middle class is getting eviscerated and it’ll be so much worse once the economy comes crashing down again.

In his recent video, Babe says far too many Americans are staring the boogeyman in the face and yet they still ignore the “dangers that are coming with this [economic] collapse.” He added: “I’m absolutely dumbfounded by the lack of common sense here in America in regards to what is happening to this economy.”…

Babe describes this phenomenon as a destruction of the middle class, and so far, it has been. Bankrupcies should be down during a “booming” economy. People should not be going into debt to stay in the middle class and people wouldn’t be using their credit cards to buy food if everything was fine and the economy is expanding as we’re being told. Babe also points out that while wages likely aren’t completely stagnant, they certainly are not keeping up with the cost of food, housing, healthcare, and other expenses.

[Comment: A string middle class is a bulwark against communism. This is why, just as in the days of the Soviet, the middle class is intentionally being slated for destruction by globalist elite seeking to implement a communist tyranny.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

1991 Book Warned ‘Secret Government’ Would Use Patsies to Shoot Up America to Eliminate 2nd Amendment

Over the past two years following several different mass shooting events, we have published numerous stories on ANP that have reported upon both ‘MKUltra’, the top-secret CIA mind control program which was confirmed by documents released back in 2018 and that it could be used upon large crowds and may still be ongoing now, as well as the warnings given by a former US Navy Intelligence officer who warned in a 1991 book of a plan to do away the 2nd Amendment in America by inflaming the masses with a series of mass shooting events that would push the middle class into doing away with the rights of Americans to own guns.

As we had reported on ANP back on December 9th, according to former US Navy Intelligence officer Milton William Cooper in his book “Behold! A Pale Horse”, America’s ‘secret government’ would be using ‘mind controlled shooters’ across America to carry out their dirty work.

With Cooper’s warning coming back in 1991, long before ‘the deep state’ or ‘secret government’ had even been confirmed to exist, Cooper warned in his book of a sinister plot that had been going on for decades to undermine American sovereignty and the US Constitution, to bring in a totalitarian, dictatorial ‘new world order’ to America, adding even more credibility to his argument that the ‘deep state’ would be using mind-controlled ‘patsies’ to carry out horrific crimes upon America.

In fact, if you somehow believe that the US government would NEVER terrorize Americans, using patsies to carry out horrific events upon Americans, you’ve obviously never heard about Operation Northwoods. So let’s start there before we delve much more deeply into MKUltra, government sponsored false flag terrorism using drugged out ‘patsies’ and Cooper’s 1991 warning in light of these horrific, recent events. From Wikipedia.:

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Gets Her First Political Biography With ‘Easy to Read Text’ From the Publishing House Behind the Boss Babes Adult Coloring Book

A biography of firebrand freshman Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is coming in November of this year.

Workman Publishing announced this week it would be publishing ‘AOC: Fighter, Phenom, Changemaker,’ authored by freelance journalist Prachi Gupta.

A representative for the publishing company, which has previously released adult coloring books, said the biography of the 29-year-old New York representative would be easy to read and include a lot of pictures.

[Comment:…and small words, with a chapter of recipes for mixing drinks. Would be best if in pdf only — that would save paper waste.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Baltimore Sun Attacks Trump Supporters for Cleaning Up Trash

“Why all the videos of Baltimore residents thanking Mr. Trump?”

The Baltimore Sun, which just a few weeks ago was penning articles complaining of the city’s terrible trash problem, has slammed several members of the public for cleaning up areas of the city, simply because they are conservatives and supporters of President Trump.

The Sun took aim at Scott Presler, a Trump supporter who led the call to action for “Americans to help Americans”.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Bernie Sanders Pledges to Release Any Info About Aliens if He’s Elected in 2020

Will space aliens become an election issue in 2020?

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (I-VT) says he’s prepared to disclose any government information about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) — but only if he wins, and mainly because his wife, Jane, asked him to.

“Well I tell you, my wife would demand I let you know,” Sanders told podcast host Joe Rogan on Tuesday (Aug. 8), according to Fox News, even promising he would announce the findings on the podcast.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Billionaire: Epstein Misappropriated ‘Vast Sums’ From Wealth

NEW YORK (AP) — The retail titan behind Victoria’s Secret has accused the financier Jeffrey Epstein of misappropriating “vast sums” of his fortune while managing his personal finances more than a decade ago.

Ohio billionaire Leslie Wexner said in a letter Wednesday that he recovered “some of the funds” but severed ties with Epstein in 2007 as sexual abuse allegations first surfaced against him in Florida.

The letter was first reported by The Wall Street Journal, which put the amount of misappropriated money at more than $46 million.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Breaking: Armed Man With Rifle, Handgun, 100 Rounds of Ammo and Body Armor Stopped and Arrested by Firefighter Outside Springfield, Missouri Walmart

A 20-year-old armed man with a rifle, handgun and body armor was stopped and arrested outside a Missouri Walmart on Thursday.

Police stopped the man and arrested him.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Castro Doxxed Trump Donors Because He Wants People to “Think Twice” About Supporting President

“What I would like for them to do is think twice…,” he stated

[Comment: Instead, people will think twice about supporting Castro. Likely, even once will do the trick. ]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Christian Legal Org ADF Fires Back at Vassar College for ‘Hate Group’ Label

The Alliance Defending Freedom, a Christian non-profit legal group, hit Vassar College back this week after academics labeled it a “hate group.”

According to a report by Campus Reform, the Alliance Defending Freedom is not responding politely to claims that it is a hate group. The organization, which is perhaps most famous for its role in defending the Colorado bakery that refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding, questioned the credibility of the sources cited by Vassar College.

The ADF was criticized by a small group of Vassar classics professors that run a blog dedicated to commentary on the relationship between Greco-Roman culture and the modern day. In making their case that the Christian nonprofit is a “hate group”, the academics cite the controversial left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

CNN’s Chris Cuomo: 2nd Amendment Didn’t Mean ‘Individual Right’ To Bear Arms ‘Until Scalia Read it in’

CNN’s Chris Cuomo used a tweet Thursday to suggest the Second Amendment only protected a collective right until Supreme Justice Antonin Scalia read an “individual right” into it.

Notice the last sentence of Cuomo’s tweet, “If you are an originalist about the constitution you have no basis for thinking you and not the state control access.” He is saying because the Second Amendment only protects a collective right, in his opinion, then the true originalist position is to believe you only have guns if the state says so.

[Comment: Repetition of a lie in hopes of making people belive it.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

‘Death Camps for Trump Supporters’ Fliers Just the Latest Reason Why Personal Defense is More Important Now Than Ever Before

Over the course of the past three years we at ANP have noticed and documented the increasing frequency of physical attacks and harassment over political ideology, many times incited by the media, and encouraged by certain politicians like Maxine ‘Mad Max’ Waters, urging supporters to gather in mobs to attack conservatives.

We have seen teenagers attacked for wearing a hat, a journalist brutally beaten and hospitalized by Antifa mobs for simply reporting on their violent actions, a man harassed for nothing more than peacefully drinking his coffee while wearing a MAGA hat, a journalist’s home surrounded by goons terrorizing his wife who was home alone, and hundreds of other examples since 2015.

The latest example of the threats faced by many conservatives is the image above, which according to Summit News, are fliers that have been posted on streets posts and parking meters in New York, which say “DEATH CAMPS FOR TRUMP SUPPORTERS NOW!!!”

The fact is political violence is on the rise and with the media’s irresponsibility with their constant “outrage reporting,” where everything President Trump does is the “end of the world,” or “racist,” or whatever they are claiming at that moment, deliberately keeping their audience infuriated and enraged, it is only going to get worse.

Now, more than ever, it is vitally important for Americans be prepared to defend themselves…and there are a variety of ways they can do so, from obtaining proper training in firearms to learn how to safely and responsibly prepare to defend themselves with lethal force, to non-lethal measures for personal security.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Dem Activist ‘Jokes’ About Setting Fire to Tucker Carlson

A leftist activist called for setting Tucker Carlson on fire before subsequently claiming it was a”joke” after he received a backlash.

Tim Hannan, who describes himself as an anti-Trump resistance member and an “average citizen turned activist,” tweeted to his 26,000 followers, “#FireTuckerCarlson — literally light him on fire.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Democratic Socialists of America Voted to Establish an Anti-Fascist Working Group. It Was Controversial.

It wasn’t all jazz hands and pronoun-policing: Last week’s Democratic Socialists of America convention also featured healthy and often heated debate over serious policy proposals—including a motion to convene an “anti-fascist working group,” which passed by a narrow margin of 521—493.

The proposal “institutionalizes the fight against fascism as an official DSA initiative” and would “help drive collaboration and resource sharing to support our antifascist organizing, because we must fight exploitation, white supremacy, and patriarchy,” according to its supporters.

Current Affairs‘ Nathan Robinson, a leftist writer who attended the convention, described the proposal as “deeply divisive.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Elizabeth Warren Blames Trump for El Paso Shooting Despite Dayton Shooter Being Her Supporter

Sen. Elizabeth Warren said that President Trump was responsible for creating the environment of “racial conflict and hatred” that led to the El Paso shooting despite the mass shooter in Dayton, Ohio being a big supporter of hers.

Warren answered “yes” when asked by the New York Times if she thought Trump was a white supremacist and went on to blame his rhetoric for the mass shooting in Texas.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Exclusive: Trump Set to Devastate Big Tech Tyrants With Powerful Executive Order

Alex Jones has been working closely with key Trump advisors and can exclusively reveal what is being discussed in final drafts

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Man Shouting “Allahu Akbar” Pushes Commuter Onto Railway Tracks in New York

A man shouting “Allahu Akbar” has reportedly pushed a New York Times illustrator onto the tracks of a Manhattan subway.

The 30-year-old victim, whose identity was not revealed, was taken to hospital after suffering cuts and a fractured hip during the attack.

The incident, which occurred last Thursday during the morning rush hour, ended with the arrest of the 41-year-old attacker after he was subdued by a group of commuters.

Video obtained exclusively by the New York Post, shows a group of men surrounding the attacker. At one point the man is seen trying to escape before being knocked to the ground.

According to The Post, the attacker was shouting “Allahu akbar” and spitting on people attempting to help his first victim. Police are reportedly investigating for possible terror ties.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Media Freaks Out After Eric Trump Follows Gab on Twitter

Establishment fears it could lose control of narrative.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Michael Moore Cancels Gym Membership Over SoulCycle Trump Fundraiser

Michael Moore says he has cancelled his gym membership with SoulCycle because its billionaire owner plans to host a fundraiser for President Trump.

Yes, really.

SoulCycle is a fitness company based in NYC that offers indoor cycling workout classes.

Responding to a story from the Daily Beast which confirms that owner Stephen Ross is set to host a Hamptons fundraiser for Trump for which tickets will cost $100,000, Moore made his feelings known to his 6 million followers.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

MSM Causes Nationwide Panic Over Guns and White Supremacy

Get this link out to everyone you know to defeat the globalists!

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

NASA Circling DC-8 Jet Around San Andreas Fault Sparks Conspiracy Theories

The plane was spotted flying extremely low to the ground over Altadena and Southern California on July 22.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Neuroscientist Used Brainhack. It’s Super Effective! Oh, And Disturbingly Easy

In one of the most disturbing talks in all 10 years of Bsides Las Vegas, neuroscientists have warned that not only is hacking the brain possible right now, but it’s also a lot easier than you may think.

Two boffins from Laboratory for Autonomy-Brain Exchange (LabX) have been working on brain/machine interfaces. The technology is a lot further developed than most people think and the pace of change is accelerating. It turns out the brain is surprisingly easy to hack — as two million Americans have already demonstrated.

“Over two million people have cochlear implants in the US at the moment,” said Dr Ben Sawyer of LabX, based in the University of Central Florida. “They are now permanent connectors. Playing loud repetitive noises to prisoners is already used in interrogation, and that’s available through these devices now.”…

Its potential was demonstrated in horrific fashion when boffins linked an electrical stimulus to the pleasure centre of a rat’s brain, which the rodent could activate by pressing a pedal. In each case, the rats died because they would rather press the pedal than eat or drink, as you can see below.

But what we’ve seen in the last decade is a dramatic acceleration in the ways that the brain can be monitored and manipulated. This could vastly improve human lives, but the potential for abuse is high.

[Comment: Globalist elite seek mandatory BORG implants on deplorables.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

NY Mayor Bill De Blasio’s Latest Soap Box: Fox News

If you happened to nod off and woke up to see de Blasio on Sean Hannity’s show last night, you may have imagined you were having a nightmare.

But that really was de Blasio pontificating at length about his radical plans for America and it really was Sean Hannity—not just providing him leeway but even joking with him.

Hard to believe but true, Fox News gave Hiz Honor de Blasio better coverage than CNN or MSNBC.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Ocasio-Cortez Hits Former Chief of Staff for ‘Divisive’ Tweet About Moderate Democrats

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) said during a recent interview that her former chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti’s tweet attacking the moderate Blue Dogs Caucus was “divisive,” adding she didn’t approve of it.

The New York Daily News published an interview on Thursday with Ocasio-Cortez, where she addressed a few issues involving Chakrabarti, who served as her chief of staff until last Friday. During the interview, she clarified his resignation was not in response to the controversial June 27 tweet and that he had been planning to leave before the tweet. Ocasio-Cortez, however, did distance herself from the tweet.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Recent Mass Shootings Point to Them Being Orchestrated Events

Very similar to the protesters that began to show up in large numbers at Donald Trump rallies in 2016 which were all well organized and carried out by various political groups such as BLM and ANTIFA. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that mass shooting such as we have experienced recently are also staged events.

In each of the most recent incidents and in many previous mass shootings, the gun used was an AK-47, the odds that the same type of semiautomatic rifle being used in most mass shootings is very low. However, if you consider such massacres are orchestrated events, planned by Leftist factions within our government you soon realize that the AK-47 would be the gun of choice. This, since the US acquired massive numbers of AK-47s during the Iraq war. The AK-47 was the main type of gun used by Iraq since they bought most of their weapons from the old Soviet Union where it is the predominate gun used by their military. Thus, if a clandestine military operation was carried out domestically, the weapon used would be an AK-47 or a variant.

Aside from weapons used in domestic mass shootings, the government also seems to leave quite a few questions unanswered in each incident they carry out.

Using the El Paso Walmart shooting as an example, we find many discrepancies. Motive, supposedly the shooter wanted to kill illegal aliens. If this were true, why travel all the way from Dallas to El Paso when the goal could have been achieved in Dallas? Here, the actions do not match the goal.

There is also Walmart video footage showing the suspect entering the store wearing fatigues, however, when he was apprehended from his car, just moments later, he was wearing khakis. He would not have had the time or even thought of changing his pants.

As usual, there are conflicting reports of how many people were involved in the massacre. An eye witness on the scene reported seeing 4 men, all dressed in black run into the store shooting.

The woman’s report of what she saw is much more reliable than the official grainy picture of the suspect the government wants us to believe since she is not likely to ever forget such a traumatic event, much less than forget what she saw minutes later.

Her account of the shooters wearing black brings to mind ANTIFA, which is the domestic terrorist organization of choice used by the Socialist Left that was actually formed and financed by Obama and Soros.

Politically, the Democrats know they have no chance of defeating President Trump, however, a few mass shootings and tying the race card into it, they think they may have a chance. It did not take long for many Dem candidates to try to make President Trump look like he was responsible for the massacres.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Tarantula Migration Expected to Crawl Through Colorado

LA JUNTA, Colo. (The Gazette) — Each year, thousands of hairy tarantulas march through Colorado in search of a mate. Whether you’re looking to view this spectacle or avoid it entirely, it’s important to know when it’s happening and where.

Generally, tarantulas start to show up in big numbers in the La Junta and southeast Colorado area starting in late-August, crawling around the area through early October. The migrating tarantulas are almost all males looking for a female mate. According to Whitney Cranshaw, an Entomology professor at Colorado State University, these males are “Oklahoma brown” tarantulas, seeking the typically less transient females that burrow in Colorado’s prairies.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

There is No Evil Like ReCAPTCHA (v3)

But don’t for one second think that it has anything to do with some increasing level of complexity in the war against bots. No no no. How long it takes to now solve these things has increased due to completely deliberate and specific choices that Google has made in reCAPTCHA v3.

I’m talking about why, despite you being a completely normal human being of sound deductive capability. You… just… keep… FAILING these things!

So why… whyyyy does this happen? It isn’t because you are in fact a dunce who cannot count up to 3 or cannot tell how many buses or traffic lights there are in a few blurry photos and it also isn’t because you don’t know what a fire hydrant looks like. The reason that people fail reCAPTCHA v3 prompts so consistently now is because Google realised there was no punishment to forcing people to solve more of these ‘human verification puzzles’ and only more to gain by forcing (yes it IS forcing) people to train their AI for free.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Trump Takes High Ground: ‘I Don’t Blame Democrats for Ohio Shooting’

“I don’t blame anybody. …These are sick people, these are people that are really mentally ill, mentally disturbed.”

While Democrats and their talking heads continue to directly blame the President for the El Paso shooting, and literally label him a neo-nazi, Trump told reporters Wednesday that he does not blame Elizabeth Warren, or any Democrats for the Dayton shooting, which was carried out by a left wing extremist.

While Warren and other Democrats went low, Trump took the high ground and noted that the only person responsible in any mass shooting is the mentally disturbed shooter.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

U.S. Bishops Condemn Hate Speech Behind Mass Shootings

The U.S. Catholic bishops issued a statement Thursday calling all Americans to a “change in language and rhetoric,” insisting that hateful language “can become the motivation for some to commit acts of violence.”

“The anti-immigrant, anti-refugee, anti-Muslim, and anti-Semitic sentiments that have been publicly proclaimed in our society in recent years have incited hatred in our communities,” reads the text of the statement signed by the leaders of three committees at the U.S. Bishops’ Conference (USCCB).

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Visa CEO Promises Not to Block Purchases of Firearms

Unlike other payment processors who have allowed themselves to become politicized, Visa CEO Alfred Kelly has promised not to block purchases of firearms made through the company.

Asked if Visa would continue to facilitate firearms purchases, Kelly told CNBC, “We are guided by the federal laws in a country, and our job is to create and to facilitate fair and secure commerce.”

Adding that Visa would continue to “follow the laws of the land,” Kelly emphasized that private companies should not be dictating what people can or cannot buy, so long as it’s legal.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

What Are the Odds? El Paso Shooter Was Only 3 Degrees Removed From the Mastermind of the CIA’s MKULTRA Assassination Program

With leftists now putting out ‘death camps for Trump supporter’ fliers at a time when a sick new film out of ‘helly-wood’ depicts Trump supporters being hunted down and murdered by the liberal elite yet at the same time, the mainstream media insanely screams that there’s a ‘white supremacist’ problem in America, we’ll begin this story with this very important March of 1999 obituary for someone most have never heard of, one Sidney Gottlieb. Published over at The Independent, the obituary began with a bang that should shred to little bits and pieces the recent concerns about ‘conspiracy theories’ sparking terror while pointing at ‘real evil’ in America.:

SIDNEY GOTTLIEB was living vindication for conspiracy theorists that there is nothing, however evil, pointless or even lunatic, that unaccountable intelligence agencies will not get up to in the pursuit of their secret wars.

While you might ask “Why should we care about a 20-year-old obituary?” today, and we’d completely understand the validity of your question, ANP reader ‘Oky’ had linked on Tuesday in an ANP comment to this August 5th story over at the website Aangirfan which points out why we should care about ‘Sidney Gottlieb’ in 2019.

As this Wikipedia entry for Gottlieb points out, Sidney Gottlieb (born Joseph Scheider; August 3, 1918 — March 7, 1999) was an American chemist and spymaster best known for his involvement with the Central Intelligence Agency’s 1950s and ‘60s assassination attempts and mind control program, known as Project MKULTRA.

And as this Aangirfan story points out, Gottlieb, the father of trauma based mind control programs for the CIA and the ‘deep state’, had a long working relationship before he died with one Colin A. Ross, a so-called ‘mental health expert’, who later worked at the Timberlawn Mental Health System with none other than John Bryan Crusius, the father of alleged El Paso shooter Patrick Crusius. Anyone else seeing the pattern here?…

The government’s proposed response to the latest round of mass shootings—red flag gun laws, precrime surveillance, fusion centers, threat assessments, mental health assessments, involuntary confinement—is just more of the same.

These tactics have been employed before, here in the U.S. and elsewhere, by other totalitarian regimes, with devastating results.

It’s a simple enough formula: first, you create fear, then you capitalize on it by seizing power.

This is how the Emergency State works, after all.

After all, this is the same government that uses the words “anti-government,” “extremist” and “terrorist” interchangeably.

This is the same government that, in 2009, issued a series of Department of Homeland Security reports on Rightwing and Leftwing “Extremism,” which broadly define extremists as individuals, military veterans and groups “that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely.”

This is the same government that, as first reported by the Wall Street Journal, tracks military veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan and characterizes them as extremists and potential domestic terrorist threats because they may be “disgruntled, disillusioned or suffering from the psychological effects of war.”

This is the same government that keeps re-upping the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which allows the military to detain and imprison American citizens with no access to friends, family or the courts if the government believes them to be a threat.

This is the same government that has a growing list—shared with fusion centers and law enforcement agencies—of ideologies, behaviors, affiliations and other characteristics that could flag someone as suspicious and result in their being labeled potential enemies of the state.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Danish Tax Office Bombed in Suspected Deliberate Attack

The Tax Authority at Østerbro in Copenhagen was the site of a large explosion Tuesday night with authorities investigating the possibility of a deliberate attack.

The explosion was described by local residents living near the Tax Authority building as very loud with one witness saying the blast sounded as if “two trains had slammed together”, Danish newspaper Berlingske reports.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

French Farmers Dump a Mountain of Manure Outside Pro-Emmanuel Macron MP’s Office

Overburdened French farmers protesting against a ‘free trade’ agreement with Canada dumped heaps of manure outside the office of Monique Iborra, a lawmaker from President Macron’s globalist party La Republique En Marche (LREM).

The act of protest comes in response to the approval of a controversial free trade agreement with Canada that would see the removal of tariffs on nearly all goods and services traveling between Canada and the EU.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

German Islamic Community Recommends Men Hit ‘Unruly’ Women

The Islamic community in Munich issued guidelines on its website that encourage men to assault their wives or female partners if they are “unruly.”

The Bavarian Broadcasting 24 outlet published the shocking report on Saturday, writing, “In the case of a marriage in great difficulty or when the partner is ‘unruly,’ the Islamic Center Munich [IZM] invokes the Koran. Accordingly, the husband should comply with three steps: First, reprimand. Second, separation in the marriage bed. And third, beating.”

Visitors of IZM’s website have been informed about the permissible beating of women for 15 years, according to the Bavarian Broadcasting 24 journalists Sabina Wolf and Joseph Röhmel, who first reported the story.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Germany: Hesse: Police Are Searching for “Arabic Looking” Rapist of 14-Year-Old in a Park

Police in the Bad Vilbel, a spa town in Hesse, are on the lookout for a suspect who is alleged to have raped a 14-year-old girl on a park bench last week on Tuesday night.

The alleged rapist apparently had met up with the two teenage girls, 14 and 15, from Oberursel, at a local park after planning a date with them on social media.

According to local police, the trio began drinking alcohol and hung out in the park until late in the night.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Italy: The Last Working Olivetti Mainframe Sits in a Tuscan High School

This 9003 had originally belonged to a bank in Siena, where it was used for payroll, managing accounts, calculating interest rates, and the like. In 1972, the bank donated the computer to a high school in the Tuscan hill town of Bibbiena. And there it’s been ever since. Today, former Olivetti employees periodically travel to the ISIS High School Enrico Fermi to tend to the machine.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Italy’s Salvini Tells Colleagues to Cancel Holiday Plans, Prepare for Coalition Govt Crisis, Possible Election

Leaked reports claim that League leader Matteo Salvini has told fellow party members not to go on holiday as a crisis between the government coalition partners looms on the horizon.

The message was allegedly sent through the messaging app WhatsApp this week with Salvini advising League members, “don’t go away for the holidays” following a conflicting vote between the League and the Five Star Movement (M5S) on the TAV train tunnel project, Il Giornale reports.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Italy: ‘DJ Salvini’ Loosens Up at a Beach Party Along the Adriatic Coast

Italy’s glorious national populist leader Matteo Salvini took a quick break from politics last week to kick back and party with his countrymen at a music festival at Papeete Beach along the Adriatic coast.

The interior minister was seen in excellent form as he danced with bikini-clad women, sipped mojitos, and even manned the mixers as shall we say ‘DJ Salvini’.

At one point during the party, DJ Salvini leads the large crowd of people in the singing of the Italian national anthem from the music booth.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Killing Free Speech in France, Germany and on the Internet

In May, France called for increasing government oversight over Facebook. Now Facebook has agreed to hand over to French judges the identification data of French users suspected of hate speech on its platform, according to France’s Secretary of State for the Digital Sector, Cédric O.

Previously, according to a Reuters report, “Facebook had refrained from handing over identification data of people suspected of hate speech because it was not compelled to do so under U.S.-French legal conventions and because it was worried countries without an independent judiciary could abuse it”. Until now, Reuters noted, Facebook had only cooperated with the French judiciary on matters related to terrorist attacks and violent acts by transferring the IP addresses and other identification data of suspected individuals to French judges who formally demanded it.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Polish Village Offers Reward for First Baby Boy Born After More Than a Decade

A Polish village is reportedly offering a reward for the birth of a baby boy after more than a decade of only girls being born there.

Rajmund Frischko, the mayor of Miejsce Odrzanskie, which has a population of approximately 300, told a local news outlet that no baby boys have been born there since 2009. In that time, there have been 12 births, and all of them have been girls.

“I think the situation is unusual and it is worth trying to find out why,” Frischko told TVP1.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Pompeo: U.S. Will ‘Be Ready on the Doorstep Pen in Hand’ To Sign UK Trade Deal

The U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said that America will “be ready on the doorstep, pen in hand”, to sign a trade deal with the UK post-Brexit.

Mr Pompeo made the comments at a press conference in Washington DC on Wednesday beside the UK’s foreign secretary Dominic Raab, who is on a three-day tour of North America to “fire-up” trade.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Sweden: Youths in “Special Areas” Kick and Torture Hedgehogs to Death for Fun

After Swedish media brought attention to several cases where hedgehogs were tormented to death, an animal welfare organization confirms that the number of reports has increased this year.

Young people and children in “special areas” in Nässjö torment and kick hedgehogs around like a football, states P4 Jönköping.

The local organization Animal Friends has received more alerts than usual regarding animal cruelty this summer.

As a precaution they have tried to move the hedgehogs.

“These are special areas where youths and children as a game poke them with sticks, try to spike them and kick them like a football”, says Annica Sjöberg, chairman of Animal Friends in Nässjö, and adds that it has gotten worse this year.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Sweden: Young Jews Slam Antisemitism in Multicultural Malmö

Young members of the Jewish community in the Swedish city of Malmö say the local government does not do enough to combat growing antisemitism.

Two young Jews spoke out about their experiences living in the heavily migrant-populated southern Swedish city, with one claiming that many high schools across the city are simply not safe enough for Jews to attend, broadcaster Sveriges Radio reports.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: High Court Upholds Decision to Strip Islamic State Jihadist’s Citizenship

The High Court of England and Wales has rejected an Islamic State volunteer’s bid to overturn a Government decision to deprive him of UK citizenship.

In the United Kingdom, the Secretary of State for the Home Department, or Home Office, has the power to strip a person’s citizenship provided it would not render them stateless — i.e. they would still have citizenship in another country — or if he or she “has reasonable grounds to believe that the person is able to become a national of another country or territory under its laws”.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Khan’s London: ‘Brutal’ Machete Attack Leaves Unarmed Policeman in Critical Condition

A police officer is in critical condition after a “sudden and brutal” machete attack in Leyton, east London.

According to an official statement from the Metropolitan Police Force, the attacker was the driver of a van which two uniformed officers had attempted to flag down near the Coopers Lane junction at Leyton High Road.

The driver, described only as a “male in his fifties”, was chased down after trying to flee the scene, and stabbed an officer in his thirties “a number of times” after he and his colleague got out of their police car to speak to him.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

UK: Snoopers Charter — Public Loses Privacy Battle Just as MI5 Admits Loss of Mass Data

The failure of the latest legal challenge to the UK government’s snooping powers will be bitterly disappointing for privacy campaigners who, buoyed by shock revelations of long-standing unlawful behaviour by MI5, were hopeful the ruling would be in their favour.

More importantly, the Snoopers Charter court case sends a clear message to both the government and those whose data it harvests.

It reassures the Home Office that it can act with impunity when handling the vast volumes of bulk surveillance data it “hoovers up” every day while bringing into sharp focus for the public that there can be no guarantee of safety for our data once in government hands.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

UK: Sikhs Ask Media to Stop Calling Pakistani Muslim Rape Gangs ‘Asian’

The Network of Sikh Organisations (NSO) has called on the media to stop referring to grooming gangs that are predominantly comprised of perpetrators from a Pakistani Muslim Pakistani as “Asian”, which inaccurately incorporates much of the British Hindu and Sikh communities.

In the United Kingdom, the term “Asian” typically refers to people from or with roots in south Asia — principally India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh — inclusive of people from the diverse range of faiths in that region, including Muslims, Sikhs, and Hindus. It is also usedin government reporting services to describe all those mentioned, as well as ethnic Chinese people and people from other groups from the wider Asian continent.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Two Women in Islamic Garments Caught Shoplifting Goods in London

Two women have reportedly been arrested for trying to shoplift close to 20 items from an Asda grocery store in London while using traditional Muslim garments to conceal the goods.

The incident is reported to have occurred in east London at the Dagenham supermarket, the Sun reports.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Unarmed Police Officer in Critical Condition After Brutal Machete Attack in East London

A police officer was left seriously injured after a ‘sudden and brutal’ machete attack in east London during the early hours of Thursday morning.

According to an official statement from the Metropolitan Police at Scotland Yard, the officer was attacked after he and another uniformed officer attempted to stop a van near the Coopers Lane junction at Leyton High Road in east London.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Victim Blaming: Swedish Police Tell Women to ‘Stay Sober, Go Home Early’

String of sex assaults, robberies in multiple cities.

[Comment: This increase of assaults is a mystery. Perhaps Swedish politiicnas should ask the elephant in the room for the answer.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Wurst Idea Ever? Germany to Tax Sausages to Fight Climate Change

German legislators have proposed raising the sales tax on meat from seven percent to 19 percent to fight climate change and improve animal welfare.

Research has shown that greenhouse gas emissions from livestock account for a higher percentage of total global emissions than the world’s 1.2 billion automobiles, a fact underscored by some German Greens who are pushing for higher meat taxes,

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Canadian Resident Detained in Iranian Prison for 11 Years Escapes — and Returns Home

An Iranian-born Canadian resident has returned to British Columbia after being imprisoned and allegedly tortured in his home country for 11 years.

Saeed Malekpour arrived at Vancouver International Airport on Friday evening, having escaped an ongoing prison term in Tehran, said a professor who has been involved in his case for years.

Now 44, Malekpour was a web programmer living with his wife in Victoria, B.C. He was taken into custody after travelling back to Iran in 2008 to visit his ailing father. He was soon arrested by members of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard as part of a crackdown on online activities deemed “immoral” or “un-Islamic,” according to Amnesty International.

Malekpour’s escape from Iran was spearheaded by his sister Maryam Malekpour and made possible with the help of Canadian officials, said Payam Akhavan, a McGill professor and a senior fellow at the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Iraqi Archbishop: ‘Extinction is Coming’ For Christians in Middle East

Chaldean Archbishop Bashar Warda of Erbil offered a grim prediction for the future of Christianity in the Middle East, saying recurring Islamic purges will inevitably lead to the extinction of Christians.

Although the Islamic State invasion of Iraq in 2014 led to the displacement of more than 125,000 Christians from historical homelands and despoiled the Christian community of homes, employment, and churches, this event was far from unique, Archbishop Warda told the Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need this week.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Pentagon Warns it Will Prevent “Unacceptable” Turkish Invasion of Northern Syria

Turkey has for days been poised to unilaterally invade northern Syria over US objections, which Ankara officials say is to establish a 32 kilometer (20 mile) inside the war torn country, giving Turkey complete control of a region where the Syrian Kurdish YPG operates (People’s Protection Units). Turkey has long considered the US-backed group, which forms the core of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), to be a terrorist extension of the outlawed PKK.

The Pentagon has condemned the impending Turkish unilateral move, with US Defense Secretary Mark Esper telling reporters early Tuesday that it would be unacceptable and thwarted by Washington, though it’s unclear how far the Pentagon would be willing to go. “What we’re going to do is prevent unilateral incursions that would upset, again, these mutual interests that the United States, Turkey and the SDF share with regard to northern Syria,” Esper said.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Why is Saudi Arabia Giving Up a Tract of Land the Size of Massachusetts for “The World’s First Independent International Zone”?

Under the leadership of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, a $500 billion “mega-city” is being constructed in the northwestern corner of Saudi Arabia. This city has been named “Neom”, and when it is fully completed it will be approximately “the size of Massachusetts”. The Wall Street Journal was able to recently examine 2,300 pages of classified documents related to this project, and what they discovered is absolutely stunning. This “city of the future” will feature an artificial moon, flying taxis and robot maids, but there will also be gene-editing in order to make humans stronger and smarter, and everyone living there will be subjected to 24 hour surveillance. In addition, we are being told that this will be “the world’s first independent international zone”, and many are concerned about what exactly that is going to mean.

“Neom” certainly has a futuristic ring to it, and according to Digital Trends it was derived by combining a Greek word and an Arabic word…


So this city will not technically be part of Saudi Arabia.

It will actually be a “city-state” with its own laws, rules, regulations and judicial system.

Could it be possible that this giant “independent international zone” will one day be the home base for an “international leader”?

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Report: Religious Freedom in China at 40-Year Low

China’s systematic crackdown on religion under President Xi Jinping is the worst in 40 years, according to a report published Thursday.

In its nationwide move to rein in religious practice, China has persecuted its Uighur Muslim population in Xinjiang, but is also “targeting Tibetan Buddhists, Christians, Jews and those who follow China’s folk religions with greater government scrutiny now than it has in several decades,” writes Beijing-based Ben Halder for the international media company Ozy.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

More Proof the Left is Taking the White Supremacy Narrative Too Far

Apparently celebrated, award winning Australian journalist, Jana Wendt, is a racist

Award-winning Australian journalist, turned writer, Jana Wendt took a pounding on Twitter this week after the world was reminded of an interview Wendt hosted with the late African-American literary giant, Toni Morrison, in 1998.

Desperate to keep the ‘we have a white supremacist crisis’ narrative alive following the Eco-Fascist mass shooting in El Paso, and the slogan’s quick demise after the mass shooting in Dayton by a Leftist Antifa supporter, many on the Left appear to be using the interview to keep their narrative alive.

Their weapon of choice in an attempt to regain control of the discourse: the false accusation that Wendt’s alleged “skeleton in the closet” is proof that “all white people are racist”, ergo there’s a “white supremacist crisis” and it’s an epidemic.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Unregistered Uber Driver, 28, Who Picked Up a Vomiting Nurse From the Side of a Road, Took Her to His Home and Raped Her Will be Deported to India

Manpreet Singh, 28, was driving through Melbourne’s inner-city when he came across the intoxicated woman along Church Street at around 2am late last year.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Victorian Police Back Down After Issuing $67K Invoice to Law-Abiding Conservatives for Protection From Violent Leftist Thugs

Victorian Police have back down on a $67,842.50 invoice issued to Axiomatic Events for the use of police resources after left-wing thugs attempted to disrupt a conservative speaking event.

The event organisers were initially quoted $150,000 by Victorian Police to protect attendees from Antifa-style protesters who threatened to disrupt the 2018 event featuring Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux.

After an invoice was issued to Axiomatic Events with a generous discount, event organisers informed Victorian Police that they refused to pay them to do the job they are already paid to do.

Section 8 of the Victoria Police Act (2013) strictly prescribes its purpose. It says: “The role of Victoria Police is to serve the Victorian community and uphold the law so as to promote a safe, secure and orderly society.”

“It’s entirely reasonable for Victorian residents to expect to be protected from organised violence, harassment and intimidation when they want to attend a private event in a private property,” Dave Pellowe of Axiomatic Events said.

Pellowe continued: “Victoria Police legal advice has concurred that the Victorian Government has no legal or moral right to invoice law-abiding residents for the lawlessness of thugs and bullies.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Germany: Migrant Pushes Eight-Year-Old Boy and His Mother in Front of High-Speed Train

An eight-year-old boy is dead after a German migrant pushed the child and his mother in the path of an oncoming high-speed train.

Just before 10am on Monday, the pair were waiting to board a train from one of the platforms of the central railway terminal in Frankfurt when they were attacked by a 40-year-old Asylum Seeker from Eritrea, Africa.

According to RT News: “The assailant grabbed the woman and the child and threw them on the rail tracks right as the high-speed intercity express (ICE) was pulling into the station.”

A witness told German media that the 40-year-old woman made it to the pathway between two tracks, but as she reached out to grab her son the train ran over him.

[Comment: Happened a while ago, but more details in this article.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Guatemalan Leftists, With Ties to Pelosi and Soros, Fight Trump’s Migration Deal

A number of leftist activists in Guatemala are fighting President Trump’s recent Third Safe Country Agreement with the Guatemalan government, many of whom have ties to billionaire George Soros and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

Trump and Guatemalan officials signed an agreement late July to allow United States border officials to block requests for asylum by migrants who pass through Guatemala without asking for asylum in the Central American country, as Breitbart News noted.

The deal would dramatically reduce the chance that migrants from Honduras, El Salvador, Africa, and Asia would be released into the U.S. pending an asylum hearing. The federal government has a similar agreement with Canada, which is designed to stop migrants from passing through many safe counties to reach the U.S.

The deal, though, has come with significant pushback from institutional leftists in Guatemala, including those who have ties to Pelosi and Soros, as well as international NGOs with connections to the United Nations.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Since America’s Communists Need the Votes and Illegal Aliens Need ‘Free Stuff’, This ‘Match Made in Hell’ Could be the Final Stake in America’s Heart

In this election cycle, the Democrats, or as I call them, progressive socialists (COMMUNISTS!!) are going with the kamikaze plan of full socialism. It doesn’t matter who wins on the progressive socialist side; they are trying to outdo one another with pandering to illegal aliens. They are going full bore on taking from the citizens and giving to the illegal aliens what Americans have worked so hard for. San Fran Nan of feces and needles fame wants to turn the rest of the country in a third world hellhole like her own city. And she sees nothing wrong with forcing the American people to work harder for the benefit of people who expect freebies from the taxpayers. Her quote is:

“These newcomers make America more American. Therefore, we want them when they come here to be fully part of our system. And that means not suppressing the vote of our newcomers to America.”

Newcomers? They are here illegally; hence, they are illegal aliens. Call them what you wish, but that will not change. And no amount of dressing up H.R. 1, the garbage For the People Act will change that.

The ‘progressive socialists’ need the votes, and the illegal aliens need the benefits. It is a match made in Hell, and I can safely say the America people will not allow it to pass. The progressive socialists have learned to give themselves credit for the advancement of race relations in this country. Because we don’t teach history in this country anymore, and academia is all progressive socialist, this is what our younger generations have been taught.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Swiss Example: “Failing to Integrate? Cameroonian Migrant Will be Deported”

A migrant from Cameroon has received deportation orders from the Swiss government for failing to integrate over ten years.

According to the daily French-language newspaper Le Nouvelliste, the African migrant, who has been convicted of several crimes throughout the time he has lived in Switzerland, has been judged by a court in Bern to have failed to properly integrate into Swiss society, and as a result, has been ordered to leave the country.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Actress Rosanna Arquette Apologizes for Being “Born White”

Hollywood Actress Rosanna Arquette apologized for being “born white,” saying she felt “shame” before locking down her Twitter account after a backlash.

“I’m sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me. And I feel so much shame,” the Pulp Fiction actress tweeted on Wednesday.

Two days prior, Arquette tweeted an image of herself kneeling in front of American flags along with the words, “I’ll never stand for the flag again.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

AOC: “Perfectly Normal, Good People” Are Capable of Aiding White Supremacy

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says that “perfectly normal, good people are capable of aiding racism & white supremacy.”

In a series of tweets, the New York Congresswoman asserted that white supremacy was “subconscious,” suggesting that people do not even know they are engaging in it.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Canada: Premiere: “Who is Jessica Yaniv?” an Exclusive Rebel Documentary

WATCH the premiere at 9pm ET tonight — and join the LIVE CHAT now:

You may have seen the name “Jessica Yaniv” making headlines over the past few months.

Jessica Yaniv (born Jonathan Yaniv, also known as TrustedNerd) has made international news due to his abuse of the Canadian legal system and alleged predatory behaviours.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Children as Young as Six Taught About LGBTQ Relationships in an Effort to Prevent Them From Accepting a Christian View of Sexuality Later in Life.

Make them accept it when they’re young, and they’ll accept it when they’re old, the teacher explains.

A school in the U.K. is teaching children as young as six about LGBTQ relationships in an effort to make them more “accepting” of sexual diversity as adults.

A video featured on the BBC shows six year old children participating in an exercise where they’re told to write a love letter from a prince to his male servant.

“They’re going to go out into that world and find this diversity around them and they’ll find that at a young age as well,” the teacher explained. Advertisement

“And the more they can be accepting at this age you’re not going to face it further on because the children will be accepting now and will be accepting this diversity around them.”

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Disney Features 13-Year-Old Homosexual Couple

The Disney Channel has “made history” after featuring their first homosexual teenage couple in the final instalment of Andi Mack.

The episode saw 13-year-old Cyrus Goodman confess his feelings for his classmate TJ Kippen, before the pair held hands as the camera panned away.

Also included in the episode was a scene which featured a singalong to Lady Gaga’s LGBTQ anthem “Born This Way.”

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Educate and Celebrate, Smashing Heteronormativity in Schools Nationwide (Video)

Please share this video with parents and anyone else concerned with education.

Elly Barnes has been awarded an honorary Doctorate and an MBE for services to “LGBT equality”. But are her methods sound? Have we as a society agreed that we want heteronormativity (that it is normal to be heterosexual and identify with our biological sex) to be smashed? Radically alter our society and culture to stop some bullying? Or is it a sledge hammer to crack a nut?

Educate and Celebrate are the LGBT providers of Anderton Park primary school in Birmingham where the parents have been banned from protesting. Hopefully this short video will give an insight into why they are not going to give up until the LGBT propaganda is removed from their children’s school.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Mom Shuts Down ‘Drag 101’ Event Targeting Children

Venue cancels event after Mom takes action.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

New Zealand Removes Any Reference to Jesus From Parliamentary Prayer

In the wake of the Christchurch mosque attack, we come to find out that New Zealand has removed references to Jesus from the parliamentary prayer, sparking outrage among the country’s Christian population.

Speaker of the House, Trevor Mallard, made the decision to drop references to Jesus in order to make the prayer “more inclusive” for all parliamentarians.

The Guardian reported: A reference to “almighty god” remains, but it is not a specific reference to a Christian god.

The protesters want Jesus’s name reinstated, and held signs reading “Dishonourable Judas Mallard”.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Polish Bishops Denounce ‘Ideological Totalitarianism’ Of LGBT Lobby

The head of the Polish Catholic Bishops’ Conference released a statement Thursday urging legislators to resist LGBT ideology, while embracing a politics of non-discrimination.

A recent LGBT “offensive” in Poland, including a wave of “pride marches,” has given rise to polemics in Poland over the LGBT ideology and what should be done about it, said Poznan Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki, president of the Polish Bishops’ Conference.

Moves by the LGBT lobby also entailed “the introduction to school curricula of a new approach to sexual education, in accordance with this ideology, planned by some local governments after holidays,” the archbishop said.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Tarantino Dismisses as “Nonsense” Criticism ‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’ Isn’t “Woke” Enough

Film director Quentin Tarantino hit back at claims that his new movie ‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’ was “racist” and “sexist” by dismissing the criticism as “nonsense.”

The movie, which stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt, is a “tribute to the final moments of Hollywood’s golden age,” and centers around the the Manson Family murders.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

3 thoughts on “Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/8/2019

  1. ** “The anti-immigrant, anti-refugee, anti-Muslim, and anti-Semitic sentiments that have been publicly proclaimed in our society in recent years have incited hatred **

    Something is missing from the bishops’ declaration. Whatever could it be?

  2. Anti-Christian (Dayton for sure) and anti-natalist and thus anti-human (El Paso for sure but overlooked by almost everyone.)

    Bishops In Name Only?

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