Viktor Orbán: “Legal Migration in Reality is a European Population-Replacement Program”

Now we are really facing an historic election. Europe, at the end of May, will choose a future for itself… The stake is the following: will pro-migration or migration-opposing leaders be elected in the EU? We will be deciding whether Europe will continue to be for the Europeans, or to give our place over to a mass from another civilization and culture.

— Viktor Orbán, April 5, 2019

The following address by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán was given at a meeting in Budapest last Friday, looking ahead to next month’s European parliamentary elections.

Mr. Orbán has most definitively bearded the Beast of Brussels in its lair. No wonder the EU establishment is so intent on crushing him. In the ranks of political leaders — heads of state and government, that is — he is a giant among pygmies. There is no one else like him.

Many thanks to CrossWare for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling. To provide context, the translator sends the full Soviet joke from 23:36:

Ivan complains to his buddy in the pub. He is stealing parts from the bicycle factory, and bitterly tells his friend: “No matter how I try to put the parts together, I always end up with a machine gun.”

Video transcript:

00:00   Good day, distinguished ladies and gentlemen,
00:04   If I am seeing it correctly, I would be the odd one out here.
00:08   Before me, all who spoke were experts in their respective areas,
00:12   even the seemingly out-of-line
00:16   Minister of Justice, who was an ambassador for years in Brussels, so
00:20   he can qualify as foreign policy expert. József Szájer,
00:24   leading our parliamentary faction in the EU, and Peter [Szijjártó] is our Foreign Minister.
00:28   I am the odd one out. But then why do I have the opportunity to speak?
00:32   My dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, I can speak now because
00:36   this is how we usually do it, before a campaign.
00:40   We have this muster, an assembly,
00:44   put up our banner and clarify our goals.
00:48   If we look around, not only in this room, but
00:52   around the country, too, we can calmly say
00:56   that our political community is confident,
01:00   strong and in high spirits.
01:04   But there can be no immodesty,
01:08   because we are facing a competition,
01:12   perhaps this weekend, we had the national swimming championship,
01:16   which in some of its competitions looks more like a European championship than a national event,
01:20   and there Katinka Hosszú said after one of the races,
01:24   it’s nice if one has a couple of Olympic gold medals —
01:28   we also have some nice election victories — it’s nice to be self-confident; I think
01:32   we are not lacking in that area either — but when one stands up
01:36   to jump from the starting block for his next competition,
01:40   it does not matter at all what happened before. It only matters what lies ahead of us,
01:44   just the actual competition number we are undertaking. That is why
01:48   I have the opportunity to speak, to remind the respected
01:52   audience about that. I am happy that we are together again. We have a lot to talk
01:56   about today, if we bring up Europe as a topic. But
02:00   perhaps we will have time for that, because the
02:04   campaign is ahead of us. So today we cannot talk about everything,
02:08   we can only undertake at the beginning of the campaign to discuss
02:12   what is at stake in the voting on May 26th.
02:16   Because there would be some exciting daily actualities to talk about too.
02:20   For example, there is the relationship between the European People’s Party (EPP) and the Fidesz.
02:24   …Right now I would not like to spend too much time on this.
02:28   Not talk too much about it, perhaps it would be enough here
02:32   if we clearly state that concerning our future,
02:36   we will make the decision and NOT the European Peoples’ Party (EPP).
02:44   …After the elections…
02:48   After the elections we will see
02:52   which way the EPP turns. Right now it seems it will turn left,
02:56   In a liberal direction, a liberal
03:00   empire-building, and a liberal pro-migration
03:04   direction. If that is the direction, you can be certain that
03:16   And here are the [EPP leader Manfred] Weber interviews,
03:20   which are feather-ruffling and detrimental to our national pride.
03:24   No wonder that more and more people say and write: GET OUT NOW!
03:28   I would like to ask for some patience. When
03:32   the time comes, and when I our national interests dictate it,
03:36   we will make a decision. Ladies and gentlemen let’s face it
03:40   like a man: up until now the EU parliamentary elections
03:44   did not have very high stakes; they were not historic.
03:48   It was more or less to determine
03:52   whether the President of the European Commission would be from the Left
03:56   or the Right side. It is not always as simple
04:00   as it sounds. Here, for example, is a certain
04:04   Jean-Claude Juncker. We thought he was from the right,
04:08   but at the end we got a genuine European socialist.
04:12   Who has a decisive responsibility for Brexit and for the
04:16   migration invasion and for the conflict between Central Europe
04:20   and Western Europe becoming ever more serious.
04:24   But now there is more at stake than electing a single person.
04:28   Now we are really facing an historic election.
04:32   Europe, at the end of May, will choose a future for itself.
04:36   The stake is not whether the conservatives or the socialists
04:40   will send more representatives to Brussels over some
04:44   party political questions. Now a more important issue will be decided by many
04:48   hundreds of millions of European citizens. The stake is the following:
04:52   will pro-migration or migration-opposing leaders be elected
04:56   in the EU? We will be deciding
05:00   whether Europe will continue to be for the Europeans, or
05:04   to give our place over to a mass from another
05:08   civilization and culture. POPULATION REPLACEMENT — say the French.
05:12   We will make a decision that we will defend our European
05:16   culture, or we will turn the stage over to
05:20   Multiculturalism. Taking all these things into consideration,
05:24   it is not surprising at all that the dividing line
05:28   between the opposing sides does not follow the classical
05:32   Right-Left paradigms and values. For example, here we are,
05:36   the V4 countries and the PMs
05:40   of the countries. We all sit in different
05:44   factions in the EU parliament;
05:48   I can’t even say that we are standing on the same side ideologically.
05:52   We have among us: a Liberal, a Socialist, an EPP member, and a conservative as well.
05:56   We can’t have more, because there are only four of us. But despite that,
06:00   we all agree on the fundamental issues.
06:04   We want to preserve our nations, and Europe
06:08   as it was when we got to know it in the first place. As the old saying goes:
06:12   In the important matters: unity; in other issues: liberty;
06:16   but in everything: love.
06:20   What we vote about on May 26th is important.
06:24   the existence of our Christian civilization is at stake.
06:28   Let’s remember when the EU
06:32   was established. What I mean is, let’s recall our reading material,
06:36   when the European Union still
06:40   had a huge soul and a small body.
06:44   Now it’s just the opposite: it has a shrinking soul and a humongous body.
06:48   How did we end up here?
06:52   How did we end up that this question could even arise?
06:56   How could the question arise that for our living,
07:00   for our way of life, for our natural existence
07:04   we would have to fight? On our own continent?
07:08   Ladies and gentlemen, my dear friends: we got here
07:12   because there is a bug in the gizmo of the Brussels elite.
07:16   Today, there is a bubble in Brussels.
07:20   The present privileged European elite have a
07:24   virtual world, which has broken away from reality.
07:28   It broke away from reality, which is not found
07:32   in Brussels, but in the member states. This European elite do not want to
07:36   understand the warning from General [Charles] de Gaulle, who I will quote here:
07:40   “Politics must be based on reality;
07:44   in politics it is exactly the art
07:48   that for an ideal we can only act
07:52   through realities.” — end quote.
07:56   And the realities, my dear friends, are historic,
08:00   cultural, demographic and geographical.
08:04   Well, the elite in Brussels, who live in that bubble, ignore
08:08   exactly those realities, the reality of the life of the member states.
08:12   They do not want to take it into account; maybe they not even know it anymore.
08:16   That is how it happened that the otherwise
08:20   Catholic Bavarian [Manfred] Weber could insult the Hungarians.
08:24   A Bavarian from Brussels could do such a thing, but a Bavarian
08:28   from Munich would never do it. In the meantime…
08:40   In the meantime, while the elite from Brussels continuously attack us,
08:44   the reality is that support for European membership,
08:48   out of all the member states, it is exactly in Hungary and Poland
08:52   where it is the highest. This is related to the government —
08:56   we can note it modestly — we did a lot in the last couple of years,
09:00   so the Hungarian people could believe in a strong and successful Europe.
09:04   And they believe in it, as the previous elections results show.
09:08   In 2004, the first European election, 47%;
09:12   in 2009 it was 57; in 2014
09:16   a 51.5% trust was expressed in votes
09:20   for the Fidesz and the Christian Democratic Peoples’ Party,
09:24   which gave us first place in the European elections.
09:28   Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, the Hungarians…
09:32   the conclusion of that sentence would be as follows: the Hungarians,
09:36   who have defended Europe for a thousand years, want to have the European Union,
09:40   but they are fed up with the way things are done in Brussels,
09:44   and they want change. Distinguished ladies and gentlemen,
09:48   for almost nine years we Hungarians have had
09:52   disagreements with Brussels. These are seemingly different
09:56   debates. But if we look behind these things, you can see
10:00   that the debates are always about the same thing.
10:04   That we are not willing to do what Brussels dictates for us,
10:08   if it is not good for Hungarians.
10:12   They wanted economic austerity just after we established
10:16   our government in 2010. But instead we sent the IMF packing
10:20   and decreased taxes. They wanted
10:24   the banks to levy the foreign currency debt to be collected from the people
10:28   100 times over [with interest], but we introduced a bank tax,
10:32   converted the foreign currency debt into the local currency [Hungarian Forint — HUF] and
10:36   we increased the accountability of the banks. They wanted the Hungarian people to pay
10:40   the highest utility fees in Europe — not incidentally to their companies —
10:44   but instead we enacted a decrease in utility fees.
10:48   They wanted us to let the migrants across our borders, but instead
10:52   we built a fence. From Western Europe they wanted us
10:56   bring over migrants, but again and again we refused to accept that.
11:00   We refused the mandatory migrant distribution quotas.
11:04   This is how things are. For nine years we have continuously
11:08   fought some hard battles, but if we look at it from the point of view of
11:12   present state of Hungary, whether it was worth it to have all those fights
11:16   by the Hungarian governments, we can say yes, it was worth it.
11:20   If we take a quick look at the Hungarian economy, we can see
11:24   that Hungarians have more and more jobs, and the
11:28   Hungarian economy performs better and better. It is worth it to have a job,
11:32   and every year everybody can take a step forward, even if
11:36   not necessarily as big a step as one would want, but nevertheless
11:40   a step forward. Concerning the present state and picture of the country,
11:44   we cannot even mention the same day and compare it
11:48   with the status of what happened in 2009 in Hungary
11:52   under the governments of the socialists. Where are the snows of yesteryear?
11:56   When they [Socialist-Liberals] left, but left us the debt and the IMF,
12:00   left the poor Hungarians to wrestle with all of that,
12:04   if they had not had enough strength to kick them out in time.
12:08   Distinguished ladies and gentlemen: The leadership of the European Union
12:12   did not give us much help in the last five years.
12:16   They made weaker, not stronger,
12:20   The Europe which is our common home and where Hungary
12:24   lives as well. In the past five years since 2014,
12:28   the balance sheet of the EU is such
12:32   that one of the strongest member of the EU — militarily the strongest —
12:36   the United Kingdom, is presently preparing to leave Europe.
12:40   In the meantime millions of illegal migrants entered the territory of the EU —
12:44   which we were able to hear or see with our own eyes, too —
12:48   endangering the safety of the European people
12:52   and the Christian identity of Europe. The Brits are
12:56   leaving and the migrants are coming in. That is the balance sheet of the Juncker Commission.
13:00   Distinguished ladies and gentlemen:
13:04   The majority of the European people would like to see a change — hopefully
13:08   we will see this from the election results as well — it is also
13:12   visible in the fact that dissatisfaction,
13:16   Interestingly, considering our history, has increased in the Western countries,
13:20   mostly. Exactly where they usually like to educate
13:24   Central Europe: Hungarians, Slovaks, Poles
13:28   and lately the Romanians as well. I would have never thought
13:32   that I would be fighting alongside the Romanians in the arena of the European Parliament.
13:36   But that is the situation, respected ladies and gentlemen,
13:40   and we will undertake that fight.
13:48   Századvég Foundation [End of Century Foundation] has been preparing polls for years now.
13:52   In all 28 member states of the EU they ask all kind of diverse questions.
13:56   The summary of the latest poll —
14:00   I was able to flip through their latest results — I am sure it will soon be widely published also —
14:04   and everyone else can review it. From this it is clearly seen
14:08   that for now the majority of the European population have lost their faith
14:12   that the life of the next generation will be better than the present one.
14:16   The European dream is broken;
14:20   Or, if we want to be more careful, it has at least become dented.
14:24   The camp of the pessimists in the Western countries is much larger
14:28   than in the Central European member states.
14:32   The proportion of those who believe the next generation will be worse off
14:36   than the present one: in France,
14:40   68%: in Austria — Austria! — it is 57%;
14:44   in Italy 59%; in Germany 52%.
14:48   In Germany! More than the half of the people.
14:52   In contrast, in Hungary — I will not quote
14:56   the rest of the Central European countries —
15:00   that percentage is only 26%, and close to half of the Hungarian people,
15:04   — and I could say only half of them — today think their children
15:08   and grandchildren will live better than
15:12   they live now. And I think they are not mistaken: as things are
15:16   looking now, Hungarian children will live better than
15:20   their parents live now. The main source of
15:24   dissatisfaction against the European elite is not
15:28   the increasingly difficult economic situation of the middle class
15:32   in the Western countries — however, this does play a role — but rather
15:36   the handling of migration. Based on
15:40   the above-quoted poll, for 70% of the European citizens,
15:44   the EU’s performance in this area is simply
15:48   weak. 61% of Europeans
15:52   say that the migration tends to hold the economy
15:56   of the EU back, and only a fifth of the population,
16:00   20%, say that immigration makes
16:04   the EU economy stronger. We used to,
16:08   with good reason, bitterly complain about
16:12   the soft power that lies around the hard core of politics:
16:16   universities, research institutes,
16:20   NGOs, or what you would call “civilian” organizations,
16:24   the media (MSM), have such a huge amount of power; I believe
16:28   they represent position of dominance of at least 80% in Western Europe.
16:32   But when I look at the numbers about migration, their
16:36   biceps could be three times bigger than at present, but they would still
16:40   have a slim chance of changing the commonsense thinking in those places (in the West).
16:44   Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, the majority of the population of the EU
16:48   continues to be afraid of the fact that
16:52   from Africa masses of migrants will arrive in Europe.
16:56   The people feel that it is a real threat that Europe
17:00   will not be European anymore — that is why they say things
17:04   that the reader is surprised to hear for the first time —
17:08   that we should preserve our Christian culture and traditions.
17:12   It is true that in Western Europe only 55% hold such an opinion,
17:16   but in the Western populations, the migrants are already present!
17:20   In Central and Eastern Europe, the people who think the defense
17:24   of the Christian culture is important are 70%.
17:28   In our country this number is 80%, respected ladies and gentlemen!
17:36   …in such a country
17:40   as Hungary, in which we know well that the state of
17:44   secularization is very well advanced,
17:48   we know exactly the ratio of churchgoing population, but despite
17:52   the question of their personal beliefs, close to 80% of
17:56   the Hungarian people say
18:00   that Christian culture must be protected. That is a clear statement,
18:04   a clear direction and briefing for the government.
18:08   Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, from this only one sentence is derived:
18:12   The European people simply do not want immigration.
18:16   But a certain [Frans] Timmermans really wants it.
18:20   Let me quote here one of his thoughts,
18:24   — word for word — “The societies of the world
18:28   will become multicolored everywhere in the future.
18:32   That is the future of the world. So the Central European
18:36   countries must get used to it”. That was the end of
18:40   the quote. This is a real, pruned Marxist and socialist statement.
18:44   It is understandable that Juncker and
18:48   Timmermans hang out together all the time.
18:52   The question is: how could we team up with people such as Manfred Weber
18:56   of the European People’s Party? Distinguished ladies and gentlemen:
19:00   Europe today is threatened by a great migration, because
19:04   when masses of people leave their homeland to find a
19:08   another continent to settle down, that is not simply
19:12   a migration crisis, but a great migration.
19:16   We can hazard a guess that never before in history have as many people
19:20   as we talk about here begun to move.
19:24   Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, whether we like it or not,
19:28   we must face the fact that migrations are never by nature
19:32   peaceful occurrences. When large masses of people are looking for a new homeland,
19:36   that unfortunately will unavoidably lead to conflicts,
19:40   because they usually want to invade places
19:44   where people already live, are settled in,
19:48   and those people are willing to defend their homes, their cultures and
19:52   their way of life. In our contemporary case,
19:56   the target of the mass migration is the Western world, and within that
20:00   the most endangered place is our continent: Europe.
20:04   Nevertheless, my dear friends and ladies and gentlemen,
20:08   the place that will become an endangered target is not
20:12   a simple coincidence. Every mass migration has its own
20:16   reasons. In the present situation many refer
20:20   — lovingly — to external reasons.
20:24   Such as poverty, hunger, lack of water,
20:28   climate change, war and persecution.
20:32   These are not debatable, but we also have to admit
20:36   that those same reasons already existed before all this.
20:40   But the main reason is quite different. The main
20:44   reason is the simple and painful fact that
20:48   many more children are born outside of Europe than inside.
20:52   And from this can be understood that mass migration,
20:56   and the main reason for the European migration crisis,
21:00   cannot be found outside, but should be sought inside.
21:04   The reason why children are not born in Europe in larger numbers
21:08   is because our continent struggles with cultural discord and
21:12   an identity disorder. My dear friends,
21:16   The migration is like a drop in the ocean.
21:20   It reveals all forms of Europe’s problems.
21:24   In it there can be seen the identity crisis, the crisis of political leadership,
21:28   the demographic problems, decreasing European competitiveness,
21:32   and the antagonism between the Western and Central European regions.
21:36   But what is really shown in there:
21:40   The true nature of the bubble of Brussels, or as Péter Szijjártó put it:
21:44   the true intentions of Brussels.
21:48   Ladies and gentlemen, Europe is a half-billion, 500-million-member
21:52   community. Our population is larger than the USA and Russian populations together.
21:56   If Europe had wanted to, it could have stopped
22:00   the mass migration targeting its territory.
22:04   But the truth is, it never even attempted to do so. Just the opposite:
22:08   the present leaders of the EU support and help
22:12   migration, and those who try to stop it, like us,
22:16   like myself or Mr. Salvini, the Italian Interior Minister,
22:20   simply get excommunicated. It is not possible to evaluate and interpret
22:24   differently, but only to support migration, those measures
22:28   which were enacted by Brussels in the recent past and
22:32   are ongoing. They are weakening the border control rights of member states.
22:36   The European Parliament votes for the introduction of migrant visas.
22:40   The European Parliament voted to significantly increase
22:44   the support of migration-aid organizations,
22:48   of these political activist groups [Soros NGOs].
22:52   In addition to this they offer [anonymous] bank cards loaded with money.
22:56   They start experimental immigration programs with African countries,
23:00   and, to finally break down resistance, they
23:04   blackmail, or at least attempt to,
23:08   the countries that resist. They want to set a financial penalty
23:12   for those who do not obey them. That is
23:16   what Brussels is preparing. Please observe that
23:20   when they talk about migration, they always end up at the same place.
23:24   No matter how they twist it, at the end
23:28   somehow aiding migration is always the final result.
23:32   This is like the Soviet joke from the old system, about the bicycle factory parts:
23:37   no matter how I try to put them together, I always end up with a machine gun.
23:40   …My dear friends,
23:44   In Brussels they want more power.
23:48   They want more power over the European nations.
23:52   This will is served by a supra-national
23:56   superstate, the plan for the United States of Europe.
24:00   This the power plan of the Brussels elite
24:04   against the European member states.
24:08   What stands in the way of this plan: the nations and their
24:12   European Christian culture. The situation is that
24:16   in the bubble of Brussels those political forces
24:20   and interest groups already have a leadership
24:24   that wants to liquidate the precedence of European Christian culture.
24:28   And they are doing this through that unconcealed consideration,
24:32   the imported migrant masses — which bring other cultures here,
24:36   which will drive back Christianity, and with Christianity,
24:40   the nations will be eliminated, too.
24:44   The demographers in Brussels — not only in Budapest — calculated
24:48   that if the present trend continues to dominate,
24:52   then inside Europe the number of Muslims,
24:56   from 43 million in 2010, by 2050 will grow to 70 million.
25:00   At the same time the Christian population will decrease
25:04   by 99 million. In the plans of the Brussels bubble,
25:08   no reason exists that should make us slow this trend,
25:12   but just the opposite: how to speed it up!
25:16   That is why we never hear anything about family politics from Brussels, but day by day
25:20   we can hear about the importance of legalized migration.
25:24   From the words of the Migration Commissioner — from three days ago — we were able to
25:28   find out that they do not want to take the help there for the unfortunate people,
25:32   but they want to bring the migration into Europe, as he phrased it:
25:36   “legally”, for “long years” [for the foreseeable future] and
25:40   by the hundreds of thousands. The program of legal migration
25:44   in reality is a European population-replacement program.
25:48   That is the undercover name for it; this is what we have to face in the elections.
25:52   Ladies and gentlemen, without any theatricality,
25:56   even the mood of an election campaign meeting
26:00   that is very underwhelming, let me note calmly
26:04   that we Hungarians have been living here in the Carpathian valley
26:08   for a thousand years. With different levels of ambition,
26:12   of course, but we would like to stay for another thousand years,
26:16   while preserving our borders, and hand over everything to the next generation.
26:28   I know the bureaucrats of Brussels are having cold sweats. They are outraged,
26:32   and they are preparing the rack of torment for the upcoming meetings,
26:36   but I will say it nevertheless: we already outlived an empire,
26:40   one that began like this: “All power to the Soviets!”
26:44   That is why the “More power for Brussels!” slogan does not ring well here.
26:48   What we would like is that our children and grandchildren
26:52   may freely make decisions about their lives, as
26:56   we freely make decisions about our own lives.
27:00   But if Europe becomes the continent of migration, the next generations
27:04   will not have the ability
27:08   to choose for themselves and adapt their own lifestyle for themselves.
27:12   For they will lack the right to free choice,
27:16   and the opportunity as well. When we fight today,
27:20   we fight for their rights and opportunities.
27:24   We want to preserve these rights and opportunities for them, too.
27:28   Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, the crisis of Europe must be treated
27:32   at the root of the problems. The power aspirations of the Brussels elite must be halted,
27:36   and the immigration very simply must be stopped.
27:40   I have summed up in seven points what those measures are that we must undertake
27:44   immediately after the election, in Europe,
27:48   in the interest of stopping the migration as soon as possible.
27:52   First, we must take away the handling of migration from
27:56   the bureaucrats of Brussels and give it back to the national governments.
28:04   …Secondly, we very clearly have to state
28:08   that not a single nation state can be forced
28:12   to accept migrants against its will.
28:16   Thirdly, we must say, that nobody, NOBODY
28:20   may come into Europe without valid documentation and travel papers.
28:24   Fourthly, a simple move:
28:28   let’s terminate the migrant visas and [anonymous] bank cards as well.
28:32   Fifthly…
28:36   Fifthly — this is the most important, and this feels the best — Brussels
28:40   must not pay more money to George Soros’ migrant-helping organizations;
28:44   instead they should pay for the costs of the border protection.
28:48   …Sixth: In Europe nobody
28:52   should suffer any discrimination because he or she
28:56   is a Christian. And finally for the seventh…
29:00   …and finally the seventh, the ones who
29:04   have the right to decide — the European Parliament and European Council —
29:08   in the leading of the European institutions, they shall be anti-migrant leaders.
29:12   Distinguished ladies and gentlemen,
29:16   …these are the most important points.
29:20   These are most necessary measures
29:24   to stop migration and preserve our Christian culture.
29:28   Ladies and gentlemen, today we came together here — I think everybody —
29:32   because we believe that in a democracy,
29:36   the decisions are in the hands of the people.
29:40   From this also follows that it is not right that we have to see
29:44   the European People’s Party (EPP) already ganging up with the Left and the Liberals,
29:48   and that they cannot even wait for the people’s decision.
29:52   I ask all Hungarian people — every one of us — to sign the
29:56   program presented here and go to vote on May 26th.
30:00   Go to vote, and let’s show it to Brussels in May 26th.
30:04   Let’s show them that the final word is not spoken by
30:08   the Soros-type NGOs or the bureaucrats of Brussels
30:12   in their obscure offices, but the people always
30:16   have the last word in the polling booths. Hajrá Hungary, Hajrá Magyars!

12 thoughts on “Viktor Orbán: “Legal Migration in Reality is a European Population-Replacement Program”

  1. The stake is the following: will pro-migration or migration-opposing leaders be elected in the EU? ”

    I hope saviours of Europe will prevail.

    But very pessimistic: Evil always prevails in the absence of God. Europe chose evil/allah when its malefic constitution was written. Human head must either be filled with God’s glory or Evil.

    In the whole of Europe only one giant stands for Europe? Where are those who have received Nobel Prizes with unusual brains: Are they not required to say something sensible, logical? Why are they so silent when words and action is required?

    Are they not supposed to have brains more than us and see the looming dangers way before ordinary people and advice the traitors in advance to take measures to avoid disasters?
    Unfortunately dhimmis have no courage to do that.

    • I highly doubt they would risk this kind of election. Brexit took them by surprise, but they already made sure Macron will get in power. Without a doubt the EU elections are going to be rigged as well. If not as a whole, then certainly for the German and French part. I’d love to be wrong on this one, though.

  2. Go Orban, save Europe from this savages, and this traitors in the Brussel , it is truly last chance for Europe to survive, this Timmermans is really, really dangerous individual who wants whoke Africa in Europe, people wake up , You are soon will be replaced by third world countries…

  3. “That is why we never hear anything about family politics from Brussels, but day by day we can hear about the importance of legalized migration.”
    And Brussels will not tell us the real reason for the hellbent race to empty-out Africa into Europe. The falling EU population ruse that no one’s buying. Europe’s reduced numbers are as deliberately orchestrated as they could be increased, if the government will and concern would switch to its own citizens instead of slavering to the globalists.

    The UN/EU migration pact forecasts approximately 4bn people across Africa by 2100. And forecasts shifting & settling 3,833,794,735 into the West.
    What are the plans for an empty African continent …?

  4. Is anyone else afraid they’ll try to kill Orban? He’s so defiant of their agenda and hasn’t backed down in the face of everything they’ve done to Hungary. I hope he’s being super careful. I far prefer a live hero to a dead martyr.

    • Any dissenter faces that risk. No doubt he has some serious security, but we won’t see them. I like it better that way.

    • I don’t think they are all that worried, Hungary is a small and globally insignificant country and Orbán is by all means still democratic. Getting rid of him might cause someone not-so-democratic to rise into power in Hungary and that might rattle their positions much more than keeping someone around that the opposition looks up to, but who can’t really endanger them in any way. And everybody knows no post-communist country will seek out Russia, so they don’t need to worry about Orbán getting closer to Putin either. It’s a pretty comfortable position, if you ask me.
      Might change after the elections, but I highly doubt they will allow them to flow without rigging them first to ensure the proper parties win…

  5. Many thanks to CrossWare and Vlad Tepes for this giant translation and subtitling work.
    This is such an important speech.

  6. Orban’s 7-point plan is good but he omits points 8 – 10 which are respectively:
    8. Deportations
    9. An end to Political Correctness
    10. Free Speech

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