Another, larger caravan is forming up in Honduras and reportedly plans to travel to the southern border of the USA. Meanwhile, more than 300 migrants landed in Spain after taking more than a week to cross the Mediterranean from North Africa.
In other news, during three separate raids on Egyptian terrorists’ hideouts, forty suspects were killed in shootouts with security forces.
To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.
Thanks to Dean, JD, MB, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.
Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.
Department store chain Sears won a reprieve from liquidating Friday after its chairman, Eddie Lampert, submitted a $4.4 billion bid in an effort to buy the retailer and keep it alive.
Lampert’s hedge fund, ESL Investments, put forward the tentative proposal for the parent of Kmart and Sears earlier this month, with his formal submission due today. The offer came just in time to meet the 4:00 p.m. deadline, CNBC first reported.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Brett Kavanaugh’s Chickens Come Home to Roost
Citizen journalist David Risselada has written a book, Psychopolitics in America: A Nation Under Conquest, in which he explains how so many are being led astray by what passes for the “conservative media.” Consider the case of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was sold by Fox News and other beltway groups as a conservative pro-lifer. After Kavanaugh’s Monday ruling in favor of Planned Parenthood, many grassroots conservatives are beginning to realize they were misled about his real record. One conservative website called it a “betrayal.”
It wasn’t a surprise to us. My group, America’s Survival, Inc., was virtually alone in exposing Kavanaugh’s real record on abortion and other social issues. We published the 44-page report, “The Deep State Wears Black Robes,” and called his nomination a “Trojan Horse.” Yet, Fox News and other conservative media, as well as various Washington, D.C.-based conservative groups, had advertised Kavanaugh as a strong conservative. Many of them were invited to the White House to listen to Kavanaugh hail the legacy of “liberty” of the man he would replace, pro-abortion and pro-gay Justice Anthony Kennedy. That turned out to be an indication of Kavanaugh’s liberal direction on the court.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Don’t Believe Everything Trump Says
by Servando Gonzalez
Since Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, almost every single headline in the CFR-controlled mainstreams press, the so-called Public Radio, TV news and “progressive” web sites is fully devoted to subtly insinuate — and sometimes not so subtly — that Donald Trump is either unqualified or illegitimate to be the President, or both. What most people have not yet realized is that what we are seeing is actually a carefully planned and executed psychological warfare operation, a PsyWar, whose goal is to unseat President Trump.
Since the days of JFK, no American President has been under such a concerted attack than Donald Trump. Actually —further indication that both attack strategies were conceived at the same place— there is a strong similarity to the attacks on both Trump and Kennedy…
I don’t know if Donald Trump has ever read Sun Tzu’s classic book The Art of War,[4] but what he is doing closely follows Tzu’s advice to his generals on how to deal effectively with their opponents. According to Sun Tzu,…
Perhaps I am wrong, but I have the impression that, most of the times, President Trump uses his apparently nonsensical tweets as carefully fed disinformation to keep his enemies confused and in disarray. Proof of this is that his tactics are working.
So, if sometimes you feel confused about President Trump’s apparently nonsensical sudden changes of opinion, I have some advice for you: Don’t pay attention to what Trump says and focus on what he is doing. If you do that, you will see that very soon a new picture of Trump emerges. This image shows a very pragmatic and qualified President relentlessly fighting the globalist anti-American forces and making a sincere effort to make America great again.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Fear of a Rand Paul-Influenced Trump Foreign Policy
Josh Rogin, writing at the Washington Post, contemplates the supposedly frightening shadow of Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) hovering over some of President Donald Trump’s recent foreign policy decisions. Rogin’s piece adds to some unsourced musings from Beltway types that the most influential adviser to Trump on foreign policy right now is not anyone on his staff or a member of the Pentagon brass, but the Kentucky senator known for his skepticism about endless foreign adventuring.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Justice and the Rule of Law No Longer Exists in America
Judge Sullivan was confused, abusive, careless and unfamiliar with the case. The hearing was a disgrace and an assault on an American hero. But some place the blame where it is due — the Mueller gang of Democrat thugs. — Gateway Pundit
When good government is accused and exposed, it repents. When evil government is accused, it uses its full power to destroy its justified accuser.” — Grant Seim
Be not intimidated…nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice.” — John Adams.
General Michael Flynn’s recent sentencing hearing in front of Judge Emmet Sullivan was a total fiasco. Judge Sullivan damaged his own reputation with an extraordinary public attack on the former national security adviser for a crime he’s never been charged with. What a disgrace this psychotic 1994 Clinton appointed Judge made of himself.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Manufactured Crisis — HPV, Hype and Horror
While the cervical cancer rate in the U.S. is 12 per 100,000, by Merck’s own admission, Gardasil may cause 2,300 serious adverse events per 100,000
Many of the more serious side effects of Gardasil vaccination are immune-based inflammatory neurodegenerative disorders, suggesting something is causing the immune system to overreact in a detrimental way, sometimes fatally
The HPV vaccine Gardasil was granted European license in February 2006,1 followed by U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval that same year in June.2 Gardasil was controversial in the U.S. from the beginning, with vaccine safety activists questioning the quality of the clinical trials used to fast track the vaccine to licensure.3 Merck, which manufactures and distributes the HPV vaccine Gardasil, has worked with a global health group called PATH4 to get the vaccine approved worldwide.
Lauded as a silver bullet against cervical cancer, the vaccine has since wrought havoc on the lives of young girls across the world.
“Manufactured Crisis — HPV, Hype and Horror,” a film by The Alliance for Natural Health, delves into the all too often ignored dark side of this unnecessary vaccine, interviewing families whose lives have been forever altered after their young daughters suffered life-threatening or lethal side effects following Gardasil vaccination. Says Barbara Loe Fisher, president and cofounder of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC):
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
More Science Than You Think is Retracted. Even More Should Be.
By Adam Marcus and Ivan Oransky
Adam Marcus, the managing editor of Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News, and Ivan Oransky, distinguished writer in residence at New York University’s Arthur Carter Journalism Institute and vice president for editorial at Medscape, are co-founders of Retraction Watch.
The fall from grace wasn’t exactly swift, but it was stunning. Among stem cell researchers, Piero Anversa’s work trying to regrow the human heart in the 1990s and 2000s was legendary. That was then. In October, his former institutions, Harvard Medical School and its affiliate Brigham and Women’s Hospital, asked journals to retract 31 of his lab’s papers. That followed an agreement last year by the Brigham and other hospitals to pay the government $10 million to settle claims that Anversa and a colleague used bogus data to obtain their grant funding.
As dramatic as the Anversa case is, he is far from alone.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Open Letter to President Donald J. Trump, Part 2
Dear Mr. President:
At the close of my personal letter to you, dated 11-25-18, I stated that I would be dealing with sustainable development along with other issues in my future article, “Open Letter to President Donald J. Trump, Part 2.”
The Dangerous USMCA
I stated that the revised NAFTA trade deal, the USMCA is a globalist trap; for it brings in the UN’s Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) through the back door. Now that you’ve signed this new trade deal, we have to hope that Congress will reject it.
There may be some parts of the agreement which are favorable as far as trade is concerned, but that is just a small part of the multiple-page document. It establishes supranational governing bodies that have ultimate authority over many aspects besides trade. It becomes a regional government and is open ended in order to include other countries, forming an even larger regional government just as was done in Europe.
Mr. President, if you only concentrated on the trade aspects and trusted your team with the rest of it, you may not be aware of the pitfalls.
According to a recent article in Canada Free Press, USMCA contains a new chapter (24) on environment which was not in the NAFTA agreement. The three parties recognize sustainable development (SD), the lynchpin of United Nations Agenda 21, now morphed into UN 2030, as an essential ingredient without which trade cannot exist.
According to what is stated here, the three parties recognize and no doubt agree that any party that does not promote and advance sustainable development will not have the privilege to trade.
Mr. President I believe that our Trade Representative, Mr. Lighthizer, and those involved with him, must have either been asleep or failed to pay attention to what was going on. Could it be that he and others were completely in favor of advancing sustainable development? I believe this is what has occurred. As we saw in the last stages of the renegotiation of NAFTA, it was apparent Lighthizer was not on America’s side…
The United Nations is using trade as the bait to suck all nations into one global entity of complete economic, cultural and political control, i.e., the New World Order, or Global Governance. And to implement this on-going plan, the UN is using local change strategies such as Agenda 21 to introduce and incrementally facilitate change through state and local governments which will bring a mind-set more favorable to global governance.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Suspended MSU Student Sues College for Gender Bias in Rape Trial
A former Michigan State University student is suing the university, accusing its investigation into his alleged rape of a freshman as flawed and “gender biased.”
The former sophomore and fraternity member claims MSU denied him due process and unjustly punished him, reported His lawsuit, obtained by Campus Reform, was filed Dec. 20 in a Michigan district court.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Trump Navigates the New World Order
President Trump accuses his enemies of McCarthyism. But anti-communist Senator Joe McCarthy had many of the same enemies Trump has. And McCarthy’s fate may teach Trump a lesson.
Not one to embrace the “New World Order” of the late former President George H.W. Bush, Donald J. Trump has disavowed many of the elements of world government put in place by Republican and Democratic presidents. That has made him an enemy of the globalists. Trump withdrew the U.S. from Barack Hussein Obama’s Paris climate agreement, a wise decision considering that the COP24 climate change conference, which is now underway, is set to consider “a global tax on CO2,” as if a life-giving gas is somehow a pollutant. This is to be expected from a global United Nations bureaucracy that treats life-killing abortion as a basic human right.
“We are committed and active in bringing about a revolution in thinking, policies and lifestyles, to address these new challenges,”says the Socialist International in its “global call for a sustainable world society — before it’s too late.”
But facing enemies within, the Trump Administration recently released an alarmist climate change report that President Trump said he rejects. The report was written in part by an Obama holdover in the federal bureaucracy and used material funded by one of Trump’s political enemies, billionaire Tom Steyer. Trump’s enemies will use the report against the Administration’s America-first economic policies at the COP24 conference now underway.
Analyst Natalie Grant wrote about this years ago, noting that “…protection of the environment has become the principal tool for attack against the West.” In her 1998 article, “Green Cross: Gorbachev and Enviro-Communism,” Grant explained in detail how a communist campaign, using the climate as an organizing tool, was launched after the so-called collapse of the Soviet state, when Mikhail Gorbachev, the last Soviet president, embarked on an environmental crusade, using the United Nations and other international organizations. Eventually, this effort, part of the so-called New World Order, continued through various United Nations conferences, giving rise to the concept of “sustainable development,” another way to describe socialism. We see this campaign reflected in the current COP24 conference and the socialist blueprint called the Green New Deal, introduced by the new socialist member of Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Where Do Students Learn to Hate America?
No baby comes out of the womb a racist or hater. Hate is an emotion. Emotions must be learned someplace. Either parents teach their children to hate or it is coming from school reinforced by media and Hollywood. How do you get children to hate, just feed them plenty of hate filled adjectives. Children will remember the “Orange Haired” President, the “racist president, dictator president.” They remember the worst president, who hates minorities and stops them from entering America…illegally.” Although illegally is never used. Re-defining words to suit a hate filled agenda is the goal of school.
This week I took a step back and reviewed what the Obama legacy left for President Trump and America. Obama called for the TRANSFORMATION of AMERICA. What exactly did that mean? To transform something means you must destroy its current status. Obama’s battle cry left me with a question…why are Americans so ready to give up the American way of life which has brought so much greatness to America and humanity? Why do so many Americans demonize anyone who disagrees?
Would you be surprised to learn that students learn to hate America in school and it is reinforced by the media and Hollywood? Students learn that humans especially Americans are responsible for all of the bad in the world especially the environment. They are taught that the people supporting American values are evil. “The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” — Club of Rome, premier environmental think-tank, consultants to the United Nations
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Who Advises and Vets Trump Administration Candidates?
Our President has sustained the most vicious and vile attacks on his person, his wife, and his entire family. Truly, a man of weaker spirit could not have prevailed as he has. However, I question who advises and vets the people President Trump chooses. With all of President Trump’s brilliance and blue-collar panache, he seems to be lacking in discernment regarding those who surround him or is he trusting the wrong people to advise him?
Over 30 officials have left the Trump Administration, not including AG Jeff Sessions, Secretary Nikki Haley, and now Chief of Staff General John Kelly. There were a handful who should have stayed. Everyone now knows that General Mike Flynn was set-up and forced out, mainly because the intel community is scared spitless of him.
Putting this in perspective — the Obama administration had a turnover of 46 officials in his second term, the average is 76. President Truman took the prize and replaced all of Franklin Roosevelt’s officials when he took office. So, let’s not let the MSM get everyone’s panties in a wad regarding turnovers. The only thing that concerns me is who Trump chooses, who advised him and who vets the nominees.
There are many Never Trumpers out there even on Fox News, and in the administration. Both First Lady Melania and our President have said there were people in the West Wing neither of them trusted. There is not one person in the intelligence community (DOJ especially) who I would trust, and I wonder why FBI Director Wray hasn’t cleaned house. I think we know.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Allegory of France’s Destruction and the West’s
“As seen from the outside, massive upheaval of Western society is approaching the limit beyond which it will become “meta-stable” and must collapse.” — Solzhenitsyn
In the past four weeks, you witnessed thousands of French people rioting and stoning the police in the streets of Paris. While you heard from the main stream media that the entire ruckus revolves around gas taxes, the riptide undercurrent stems from mass immigration from Africa and the Middle East.
The French elite never experience the consequences of third world immigration, but the average French citizen must deal with rapes, schools collapsing, theft, trash on their streets, killings, Islamic jihad such as Paris and Nice, degraded neighborhoods, cultural displacement, and everyday fear of walking down the streets with the very real possibility of being raped or run over by an immigrant.
The French face being eaten alive and their culture degraded much like the 1974 novel Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail. Some call it a brilliant novel on Europe’s descendance into cultural hell. Others call it ‘racist’ because the author attempted to warn the French people that endless immigration guaranteed the demise and displacement of the French out of their own country.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Daily Mail Retracts Climate Scare Article for Data ‘Errors’
Britain’s second-largest daily newspaper has retracted a December article asserting that global warming is worse than commonly thought.
The Daily Mail published its retraction on Saturday, saying it had removed a December 10th article with the headline ‘Is global warming WORSE than we thought?’ because the climate change study on which it was based was found to have “errors in the data”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
EU Bombshell: Faith in Brussels Shattered as Only 40% Trust Bloc — Shock New Report
Only 40 per cent gave it a vote of confidence, against 48 per cent who did not, the European Commission study showed. Yet the 40 per cent figure was still heralded by the EU Barometer, a poll of all 28 member states, as its highest approval rating since 2010. The two-yearly surveys also found that most EU citizens want to stop any further expansion, flying in the face of the bloc leader’s dream.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
European Civilisation is at Great Risk and the Process Sped Up in Recent Years — Douglas Murray
Interviewed by Echo TV, British author and journalist Douglas Murray warned again about the future of European civilisation.
“I think that our future is at risk. It is obvious, and this process has been going on for a very long time, and it just sped up in recent years.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
France: Associate of Charlie Hebdo Attackers Jailed After Seven Years on the Run
French jihadist Peter Cherif, a close associate of the Charlie Hebdo attackers, was transferred overnight to the Paris prosecutor’s office to face new charges and finally begin a five-year prison term handed down in 2011.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
France: Champs-Élysées New Year’s Eve Bash to Go Ahead Despite ‘Yellow Vest’ Protests
New Year’s Eve celebrations on the Champs-Élysées in Paris will go ahead despite plans for another “yellow vest” anti-government protest on the famed avenue, city officials said on Thursday.
Tens of thousands of tourists and locals traditionally ring in the new year on the wide shopping boulevard, which ends with the Arc de Triomphe monument.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
France: Yellow Vest Protestors Attempt to Storm Macron Holiday Residence
Several members of the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vest) movement attempted to storm the southern French presidential retreat of Fort de Brégançon after rumours spread of the presence of President Emmanuel Macron at the fort.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
France Faces Lawsuit for Rescinding Harsh Carbon Tax
Four NGOs, including Oxfam and Greenpeace, have initiated legal proceedings against the French government, claiming that France has defaulted on its environmental obligations by eliminating, under intense pressure from “Yellow Vests,” the stiff carbon tax it had imposed. The initial filing gives the government two months to formulate a response, after which the organizations can choose to move forward with their lawsuit in administrative court.
To an American lawyer, the lawsuit might seem absurd. To my knowledge, France has no legal obligation to impose the carbon tax. Nor, in our system of jurisprudence, is there a general cause of action against the government for “not doing enough” to combat a particular problem. Otherwise, I might sue our government for not doing enough to keep criminals off the streets.
According to this source, however, governments have been sued successfully for “not doing enough” to protect the environment.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
German Police Union Report Warns of Increasing Terrorism and Violence to Come in 2019
The German Police Union warns of an expected increase in Islamic terrorism, violent crimes, and more security problems because of violent clashes between opposing political groups.
It will be a massive undertaking to get the societal rift and deterioration under control again, the police chairman Rainer Wendt warns.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Govt Whistleblower: UK Prepared for ‘No Deal’ Brexit, Scare Stories ‘Absolutely Untrue’
A senior civil servant has blown the whistle on “Project Fear Mark III”, revealing that the country is actually well-prepared for a “No Deal” Brexit and scare stories about Britain “crashing out” into “chaos and doom” are “absolutely untrue”.
The anonymous official, who has been working on Britain’s preparations for a Brexit on World Trade Organization (WTO) terms — the so-called “No Deal” scenario — revealed in a Telegraph article that there are “hundreds” of plans in place to ensure that outlandish threats of food, water, and medicine shortages will not be realised, and that “it is purely a political decision not to make this clear to the public and nervous backbench MPs”.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Homeless, Anti-Brexit Media Darling Praised by Corbyn Tried to Rape 87-Year-Old
A homeless man who became a media darling over Christmas when he blamed Brexit for his predicament and earned Jeremy Corbyn’s sympathy is a sex offender who tried to rape an 87-year-old widow, according to reports.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Italy: Man Nabbed for Trying to Strangle Pregnant Girlfriend
(ANSA) — Forlì, December 27 — A 29-year-old Moroccan man allegedly took his pregnant girlfriend to an isolated road where he beat her up while accusing her of being unfaithful and injured her with a screwdriver before trying to strangle her, police in Forlì said Thursday after arresting the man.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Paris Riots — Ayn Rand’s Prophecy Coming True
“The further society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” — George Orwell
“The only safeguard to protect the American people from government’s control over the money and the guns is the U. S. Constitution. The only protection the Constitution has from government corruption or perversion, is the people demanding that the government adhere to the principles of the constitution or face the consequences of armed revolution.” —Ron Ewart
The Paris riots are and were as predictable as sex producing babies and Paris today is only a precursor to what can happen in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, or Seattle tomorrow if we allow Zealots and Lunatics to run America into the ground for political agendas that fly in the face of individual freedom and liberty. Trillions for climate change is one of those lunatic fringe agendas that has nothing to do with climate and everything to do with the elite’s control of the world’s masses and wealth redistribution from developed countries to un-developed countries where the world’s elite controls the flow of the money.
Somehow we avoid the “truth” that if you squeeze a tomato hard enough, eventually it will ooze out between your fingers. Paris is oozing right now because of the strangling power of the moneylenders and the zealots and lunatics in government and radical fringe organizations! And let’s not forget that Parisians don’t have the right to bear arms. Americans do!…
Everything we see happening today in our own country and around the world, mirror’s the prophecies of Ayn Rand, in her novels and other writings. Her whole premise was based on the sanctity of the individual, wherein she wrote, “the smallest minority is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.” The whole concept of the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution was built on the principle of unalienable individual rights, a gift from nature or God. Today, the Progressive ideology is, political power must be held by the collective (in other words the mob), not the individual.
Well over 30 years ago, Ms. Rand wrote: “We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.” If you will look in the mirror and be true to yourself, you will have no choice but to acknowledge that we exist in this dark period today. Everything else you hear about America from the normal sources, is propaganda and an illusion. The stark reality is, you are a government debt slave. You just don’t know it yet.
People wondered, how could Ayn Rand have foreseen all this? Was she a prophet? No, she answered. She had simply identified the basic cause of why the country was bouncing from one crisis to another. The collusion between government and special interest groups started taking America down a path that will eventually spell her demise, all based on the lust for power and money. The cliff she approaches draws ever closer.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Pictures: France Yellow Vests March on ‘Collaborator’ Mainstream Media Headquarters
Anti-government protesters turned out in Paris and other French cities for the seventh Saturday running, as activists called for direct democracy — to take power out of the hands of political elite — and protested against the mainstream media.
As in previous weeks, many protestors carried placards with the abbreviation ‘R.I.C.’ — “Citizens’ Initiative Referendum”, a demand for popular referendums that would be automatically triggered by any referendum calling for a change in government policy getting 700,000 signatures.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Sweden ‘Silently’ Prepares for Ebola Outbreak and Builds Isolation Unit for Ebola Patients
The deadly and highly contagious Ebola disease was previously a concern for a few countries in Central Africa. Today, as a result of globalisation and extensive migration, countries such as Sweden are also at risk of being hit by the dreaded epidemic.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Sweden: Police in Malmö to Clamp Down on New Year’s Eve Fireworks
Police in Malmö are scaling up their operation at the city’s Möllevången Square this New Year’s Eve, hoping to prevent a repeat of the fireworks mayhem captured in a viral video last year.
There will be extra officers patrolling the square, all equipped with body cameras and spotlights, and footage the square’s many security cameras will be observed in real time.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Swedish Police Expert Says Country Akin to ‘State at War’ Due to Gun Deaths
Stockholm police expert Gunnar Appelgren has described Sweden as being like a “state at war” following a record number of 44 fatal shootings across the country this year.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Tear Gas Fired as Yellow Vests and Police Clash in French City of Rouen (Videos)
French police have deployed tear gas in a bid to quell Yellow Vest protesters in a tense stand-off in the city of Rouen in Normandy.
Demonstrations quickly spiralled out of control in the northern French city on Saturday as protesters and riot police clashed in the streets of the picturesque town.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Egypt Police ‘Kill 40 Militants’ In Raids After Tourist Bus Blast
Police in Egypt have killed dozens of militants during security raids on their hideouts, the interior ministry has said.
The raids killed “40 terrorists” in Giza and North Sinai on Saturday morning, according to a statement from the ministry.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Egypt Security Forces Kill 40 Terrorists After Tourist Bus Explosion in Giza
Egypt’s Interior Ministry announced on Saturday that “40 terrorists were killed in an exchange of fire with security forces during a raid on three places sheltering terrorists in the governorates of Giza and North Sinai,” the official government news channel Nile News reported.
The ministry said it found large quantities of weapons and explosives, adding that the terrorist groups were planning terrorist attacks targeting security centers and Christian churches.
This comes following the death of three Vietnamese tourists and ten others were injured following an explosion that hit a tourist bus in the Egyptian city of Giza on Friday, according to the Egyptian ministry of interior.
— Hat tip: Dean | [Return to headlines] |
Morocco Beheadings: Swiss National Arrested in Connection With Brutal Killings
Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, 24, from Denmark, and Maren Ueland, 28, from Norway were found dead early on December 17 near the village of Imlil in the Atlas Mountains. The man arrested, whose name has not yet been released, is also suspected of “involvement in recruiting Moroccan and sub-Saharan nationals to carry out terrorist plots in Morocco against foreign targets and security forces in order to take hold of their service weapons”, the Central Bureau for Judicial Investigations (BCIJ) said. It said the man also held Spanish nationality with residence in Morocco.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Pope Francis Condemns ‘Senseless and Brutal’ Egypt Bombing
In a telegram Saturday, Pope Francis denounced Friday’s terror attack in Egypt that took the lives of four people.
“His Holiness Pope Francis was deeply saddened to learn of the recent bomb attack near Giza,” the telegram reads. “In deploring this senseless and brutal act, he prays for the victims and their families, for the injured and for the emergency personnel who generously came to their aid.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Bay’at: A Very Effective Simple Arabic Subservient Practice
Bay’at (A pledge, swearing unconditional subservience to a powerful person), a longstanding practice among the pre-Islamic Arabs was fully incorporated into Islam by Muhammad and accounts for much of his success in gathering more and more power.
Bay’at is a very effective yet simple practice. A locally powerful tyrant summons less powerful individuals, usually one at a time, and gives them a choice: Become my subservient loyal follower and recognize me as your superior. If you do so, your life is spared and I may reward you in other ways. If you fail to do so, I will take your life and assume lordship over your followers and take possession of everything you have.
In the overwhelming majority of cases, the lesser chiefs and leaders fall into line very quickly, realizing the alternative is complete devastation and death for them, their families and their followers. So, with one stroke, the more powerful brute subsumes a significant human and material resource under his reign.
Muhammad practiced this art with consummate skill. The highly scattered, chronically at war with one another tribes of Arabia didn’t have much choice when Muhammad and his superior force offered them the bargain. The great majority of these tribal chiefs did take the bargain, saved their own necks and that of their people. Those who resisted lost everything anyway.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
German Female ISIS Recruit Charged With Murder of 5-Year-Old Slave
A German female Islamic State member is facing war crimes charges after she allowed a five-year-old slave she kept with her husband in Syria to die of thirst while chained outside under the blazing sun.
Jennifer W., 27, bought the child with her husband, also a jihadist, in 2015 while they were living in Islamic State occupied Mosul, Iraq, reports Der Spiegel.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Syria: Mr. President, You Made the Right Move
The never-ending screeching out in foggy-bottom aka Washington, DC, over how Trump is everything wrong under the sun, got even louder with his announcement last week to withdraw troops from the self-created civil war in Syria.
Let me take you back to two of my columns. First: Democrat Congresswoman Introduces Bill That Must Anger Obama, November 23, 2015 — I know everyone is busy but I ask you to please take time to read that column. The factual information I provided must get out to the American people so they understand the big picture and stop being distracted by BS headlines; anything to fill space on “news” web sites.
“As I have written several times, you and I are being raped in taxes to fund so-called rebels in Syria who want their legally elected president, Assad, thrown out of office. Assad is another bad guy who oddly enough has protected Christians in his country even though he is a Shia muslim.
“Reps. Tulsi Gabbard, a Democrat, and Austin Scott, a Republican, introduced legislation on Friday to end what they called an “illegal war” to overthrow Assad, the leader of Syria accused of killing tens of thousands of Syrian citizens in a more than four-year-old civil war entangled in a battle against IS extremists, also known as ISIS.
“The U.S. is waging two wars in Syria,” Gabbard said. “The first is the war against ISIS and other Islamic extremists, which Congress authorized after the terrorist attack on 9/11. The second war is the illegal war to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad.”
“Scott said, “Working to remove Assad at this stage is counter-productive to what I believe our primary mission should be.”
“Publicly, the United States has focused its efforts on fighting IS and urging Assad to step down. But beyond thousands of U.S. airstrikes targeting IS in the region, the CIA began a covert operation in 2013 to arm, fund and train a moderate opposition to Assad. The secret CIA program is the only step the U.S. is taking on Assad militarily.” End of quotes.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
German Left-Wing MP Blames Climate Change for Volcanic Eruptions in Indonesia
The death toll has now risen to at least 430 and is likely to continue to climb. It comes probably as no surprise some politicians, such as Karl Lauterbach of the left-wing Social Democrat Party, would try to use this tragedy caused by a volcanic eruption to push their extreme climate change narrative.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Indian Court Remands 10 Suspected Suicide Attack Plotters in Custody
NEW DELHI (Reuters) — An Indian court on Thursday remanded in police custody 10 people suspected of plotting suicide attacks in the New Delhi, while more investigations are carried out, a defence lawyer said.
Members of the cell, which police said had links to an Islamic State-inspired group, were arrested in raids in Delhi and nearby cities on Wednesday, the National Investigation Agency said.
M.S. Khan, a lawyer representing the accused, told the court they were innocent. The court remanded them in custody for 12 days.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Strategic Threat Exists From Chinese Agents’ Economic and Military Espionage: Law Enforcement
In a case out of the Western District of Pennsylvania, Chinese intelligence agents were indicted on charges of computer hacking, stealing economic information, and other related offenses. The five suspects breached the security at six American entities within the U.S. nuclear power plants, as well as metals and solar products industries.
This marked the first time criminal charges had been filed against known state actors for hacking.
According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) archives: from 2006 through 2014, the Chinese spies identified as Wang Dong, Sun Kailiang, Wen Xinyu, Huang Zhenyu, and Gu Chunhui were officers in what’s been identified as Unit 61398 of the Third Department of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army.
They were said to have been involved a hacking conspiracy that targeted Westinghouse Electric Co.; U.S. subsidiaries of SolarWorld AG; United States Steel Corp.; Allegheny Technologies Inc.; the United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union; and Alcoa, Inc.
On Wednesday, an FBI press statement claims that Chinese espionage as well as efforts to steal U.S. research and development (R & D) information amounts to “the most severe counterintelligence threat” facing our country today.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Brazil’s ‘Tropical Trump’ Leader to Allow Guns for All Brazilians Without Criminal Records
Mr Bolsonaro won the Brazilian elections in 2018 with an anti-corruption, anti-immigration stance that has drawn comparisons to US President Donald Trump. The Brazilian president-elect — who takes office on January 1 2019 — turned heads when he branded parts of France to be unliveable as he took aim at French migrants heading into the South American country. But on Saturday, the far-right politician announced plans to issue a decree allowing all Brazilians without criminal records the right to bear arms.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Venezuela: The Country That Has Lost Three Million People
In Venezuela, the discussion about how long to stay, or where to flee and how to begin a new life, is never far from many people’s minds. Every time I visit the country, there are fewer friends and contacts to catch up with.
An estimated 5,000 people pack up their lives and leave every day, eager to flee the economic collapse and humanitarian crisis which has beset the oil-rich nation.
More than 3m people have fled Venezuela in recent years. According to the UN, that number is expected to rise to more than 5m by the end of 2019.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
“Stop Your Policy of Open Borders in Europe, We Need Our Youth Here” Urge African Leaders
Many African heads of state are surprised by Europe’s open border policy and urge the continent to change it, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said to German tabloid Bild.
Kurz, who was on a trip in Africa, said some heads of state urged him to “stop your policy of open borders in Europe” as it leads to African youth leaving the continent.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
American Taxpayers Getting Reamed by Illegal Alien Households
A mind-numbing 63 percent of illegal alien migrants tap into American taxpayer dollars as to K —12 schooling, breakfasts and lunches, food, utilities, housing and medical care.
Not only do they violate our borders and break our laws every single day of their existence in our country-our U.S. Congress, your senator and House member-make you pay for them.
At this point, the Yale Illegal Immigration Study showed that 22 to 25 million illegal aliens now call America their home. The report, by Dr. Steven Camarota of , showed that 4.6 million illegal alien households utilize U.S. tax dollars to house, feed, educate and clothe their families.
If you take the simplest number of two children, wife and husband into account for 4.6 million illegal households, that’s a whopping 18,400,000 (million) illegal aliens living off your tax dollars. Worse, your U.S. Congress allows, promotes it and funds it. Your two U.S. Senators and House member do absolutely nothing to stop it.
In cold black terms, you, the American taxpayer are getting reamed by your own government and elected representatives.
Not only does Congress refuse to build a wall, but it refuses to stop anchor babies, visa overstays and an average of 1,500 illegal from jumping over our borders 24/7.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Another, Bigger Migrant Caravan is Set to Leave From Honduras Next Month
Another migrant caravan — this one estimated at 15,000 people — is preparing to leave Honduras on Jan. 15, according to migrant rights advocates and Spanish-language media.
“They say they are even bigger and stronger than the last caravan,” said Irma Garrido, a member of the migrant advocacy group Reactiva Tijuana Foundation.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Build the Wall: The Best Argument You Will Ever Hear!
Charlie Kirk gives three GREAT reasons why America needs a wall on our Southern Border! MUST WATCH!
— Hat tip: MB | [Return to headlines] |
Channel Migrant Crisis: Tory MP Demands Answers From Macron as British Rescues Surge
Conservative MP Damian Collins has questioned why France has failed to detect the recent surge of migrants crossing the Channel. There has been a shock rise in the number of migrants crossing the Channel in recent weeks — with 90 rescued since Christmas. Mr Collins, who represents Folkestone & Hythe, appeared to accuse the French officials of letting migrants through their waters without detection.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Today, on an infinitely more massive scale, we are also being asked to drink the Kool Aid when we are asked to imbibe the imaginary benefits of having the American nation-state being numerically, politically, and culturally displaced through a massive Third World invasion. This latter invasion, however, is far from imaginary, as any examination of its incredible demograhic impact will reveal. America’s founding European stock, which was ninety percent of the population in 1965, will now be a minority here within twenty years. Our history, historical icons, traditions, cultural institutions and way of life will be invariably altered and eventually irrelevant in the face of this onslaught. As things grow grimmer, our wealth will be taxed away from us to subsidize imported poverty, and our political voice will be stilled. Ironically, as the oxygen grows thinner, we will find our founding documents and freedoms increasingly used as weapons to neutralize and deconstruct and colonize us. And, all of our delusions aside, if political persecution is in our future, no one will look back in hindsight to see who should receive clemency for having been liberal or Jewish or gay. There will only be the discomfiting glare of guilty white skin and the reflections of the new America’s archaeologists and historians, studying articles like this, wondering why some members of the new melanin-impaired pariah class were not as gracious as most of their group in ceding ownership of their country. As if all of this won’t be nightmarish enough, we can be certain that things will be destabilized even further as devastating environmental destruction and resource depletion unfold hand in hand with the importation of hundreds of millions of people.
If our political dispossession seems improbable, we need only examine California, once a bastion of strength for the Republicans, and now a stronghold for the Democratic Party, undeniably a result of massive Third World immigration and the move toward socialism that has been required to subsidize the poverty imported along with many of the immigrants. Texas, Florida, and other states are on the edge of making the same political and demographic metamorphosis seen in California. Once this occurs, the Democrats / Socialists will have a permanent stranglehold on our national political system. This is not destined to occur decades into the future. It will occur tomorrow.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Increased Number of Channel Crossings “Deeply Concerning” — UK Immigration Minister
Yet more migrants brought to the UK having attempted channel crossings from Northern France. This time, two boats with 12 migrants were brought from off the Kent coast.
The two boats were intercepted Friday morning containing a total of 11 Iranian men and one Syrian man, according to Border Force. One inflatable boat contained four migrants, captured at 3am with another eight on board another small boat intercepted at 9am.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Mass Migration is Dangerous and Leads to Surge in Diseases — Hungarian State Secretary
Mass migration is dangerous not only regarding terrorism, public security, culture and social security, but also the whole healthcare system, State Secretary Bence Retvari told Hungarian daily Magyar Hirlap.
According to Retvari, European epidemiological organisations have recorded a significant rise of communicable diseases, including those which had already disappeared from Europe thanks to vaccinations.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Paris’ Anti-Immigration Riots a Cautionary Tale for Americans
The anti-immigration backlash in France is continuing after a string of violent protests last month with another group of locals protesting over the imminent arrival of around 100 ‘Jungle’ refugees.
French conservative mayors have openly complained that the federal Socialist government’s controversial migrant rehousing plan following the destruction of the Calais ‘Jungle’ camp, and they claim state officials — mainly French interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve — have forced them to provide for hundreds of refugees against the mayors will.
“This kind of thing — the national French government shoving immigrants down the throats of citizens — is something Americans should watch closely. The American press are lying that the civil unrest in Paris stems from a new gas-tax rate. That’s only part of it. They are protesting pay enormous amounts of tax money in order to provide services for illegals and to pay for increases in the criminal population, police overtime requirements and putting strains on the local school systems,” said Colin Feasler, a former police training officer.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Ship Carrying More Than 300 Migrants Docks in Spain After Week at Sea
(CNN) A ship carrying more than 300 migrants rescued off the coast of Libya last week arrived in Spain on Friday.
The rescue vessel, operated by the Spanish charity Proactiva Open Arms, had earlier been denied entry by Italy and Malta, the charity said.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Sovereignty Requires Sealed American Borders
President Trump was right to order troops to our border with Mexico to reinforce our overworked law enforcement officials and protect our sovereignty. No amount of leftist protestations should distract us from the fact that the primary purpose of our military is to provide security to America. And that’s exactly what the men and women in our military are doing. —Retired Army Brig. Gen. Anthony J. Tata writes in Fox News.
If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools. —Plato
Let’s face it, the border needs to be permanently closed, the wall needs to be built. It needs to be a wall no one can climb…a wall just like the one that surrounds the Vatican wherein open border Pope Francis resides. The dictatorial judiciary needs to reread the Constitution, sit down, and shut up.
The President-elect of the United States upon inauguration, takes an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution is clear, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion. We need to explain this to the Congress.
The Honduran Hordes
Males aged 18 to 40 are 90% of these Honduran hordes claiming asylum from violence in Honduras that doesn’t exist. The MSM however shows only scripted pictures of women and children which has been proven false by both Judicial Watch and Ami Horowitz. This so-called caravan is a highly organized and created attack on our border and promoters uprooted these people simply to push a particular political agenda.
As I stated in a previous article, George Soros funded the organizations responsible for creating this crisis. The migrants had water, food, mobile hospitals, children’s services, and tour busses as transportation. It actually looked like a “caravan” with all the busses and trucks loaded with people. They walked very seldom. These migrants look healthy, some too chubby, well dressed, good shoes, back packs, tents etc.
The Mexicans did not want these people in their country albeit some migrants have accepted Mexican asylum, but the illegals had a Mexican police escort through the State. The United Nations Commission of Refugees and UNICEF was instrumental in helping these people via American tax dollars.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
For many years, the Democrats who walk among us masqueraded as ordinary people, regular Americans like the rest of us. They gave us famous presidents-Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, and a few others of whom the less said, the better. They threw nice picnics in our county parks, horseshoes and hamburgers. From time to time, some hinky ideas cropped up-socialized medicine, the War on Poverty, wide-open immigration, support for the United Nations-but they rarely pushed these hard enough to alarm anyone.
But during the Clinton and Obama years, they seemed more and more to flub their lines, as if it had become a burdensome chore for them to continue the pretense; and when Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, something snapped. Suddenly we had a Democrat Party that was all about open borders, transgenderism, Global Warming dogma, and Antifa. It got scary very fast.
And lately the mask of sanity has slipped off altogether. Suddenly we’ve been treated to a look at what lay behind the mask. And here be monsters.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
They Call it “Higher Education”
America is educating itself to death. By “educating” I mean jamming millions of young people into publicly-funded colleges and universities to “learn” a lot of Far Left Crazy bilge that alienates them from their country and does absolutely nothing to help them to become productive citizens.
In addition to left-wing indoctrination, our looniversities also provide “education” which appears to serve no constructive purpose whatsoever. One of my blog readers, a retired professor, has received a newsletter from her university announcing the promotion of a certain professor to a chair of Popular Culture Studies, complete with higher salary and more lavish benefits. The new chair’s academic specialty is… comic books. That’s education!
Campus Reform last week published a list of the top five schools in America for left-wing bias, reflected in their course offerings. A comprehensive list would fill several volumes, so this is by no means an exclusive club. But CR thought these five were worthy (if that’s the word for it) of special mention.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
We Are Reaping the Seeds of Destruction for Tolerating Evil for Decades
The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust in London, is one of many hospitals promoting the Mental Health First Aid course. It is also the home of the Gender Identity Clinic who were accused of ‘fast tracking’ children into life altering decisions without fully assessing their personal histories! It is reported that criticisms of their practises saw divided families who did not fully support their recommendations labelled as ‘Negative’.
One can only wonder how people now facing the new normal ideals being practised in some areas of psychiatry, who object in any way, survive the anguish of seeing the truth trampled upon. In many cases they are made to feel guilty for not encouraging or supporting their child down the route of transitioning to another sex.
It is also reported that one school in England, believed to be in the Midlands has 17 pupils transitioning after one of the pupils transitioned and has now planned a double mastectomy, aiming to now be a non-binary person. A whistleblower from the school exposed the story after regretting going along with guidelines set out on how to treat children who want to identify as non-binary or transfer their sex. She stated that the majority of the children are ‘autistic’ and have been groomed by older children to believe they want to change sex…
Earlier this year it is alleged that children as young as five were forced to take part in a gay pride event and that no opt-out would be allowed. It is reported some concerned parents labelled ‘Christian’, as though it were an illness, who confronted the head teacher were reportedly met by a staff member with a tee-shirt which read: Why be Racist, Sexist, Homophobic or Transphobic, when you could just be quiet! The statement shows a complete lack of consideration and respect to any parent who is concerned about their children but is the arrogant response that people who are conveying common-sense are often met with, regardless of the words being displayed on a tee-shirt. It is now reported that it is the parents at this particular school who are feeling victimized in relation to the incident.
Already, the labelling of people who hold traditional or common sense values has seen them ridiculed, outcast and stigmatized for holding on to their particular belief system…
Yet, whilst fashionable new British values are encouraging children to question whether they are really a boy or a girl, adults are also being routinely questioned on their mental health status at every available opportunity. If you happen to visit a doctor with a bout of the flu or any minor ailment you can also find yourself being questioned on your mental health.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
What Kind of America Are We Sowing Seeds for?, Part3
What is disgusting to me is the hatred our schools have for our freedoms of speech, freedom of religion and most of our other freedoms. When they are supposed to teach them, they oppose them and act like they don’t even exist. Students who are patriotic and want to where a shirt with an American flag have been required to turn the shirt inside out or be sent home. The reason will make you want to pull your hair out. They can’t where the shirt because if might offend a student that is here illegally! A federal court ruled Thursday that a northern California high school did not violate the constitutional rights of its students when school officials made them turn their American flag T-shirts inside out on Cinco de Mayo or be sent home due to fears of racial violence…
We must do all we can to put morality back in out classrooms. There are schools that use drag queens to teach gender ideology. The problem with that is there are two genders, male, female. That’s it. Any other ‘gender’ is nothing more than figment of someone’s imagination. K-12 schools are bringing drag queens into the classroom to teach gender ideology, a Thursday video revealed…
We have teachers that demand that their political views override and be embraced by the students.[6] Religious views of teachers and professors are also demanded to be embraced by students no matter the religious views of the student. But now a moral teacher that refuses to be politically correct, could lose his job because he refuses to call a girl by a male pronoun. When French teacher Peter Vlaming refused to use a male pronoun for a female student, administrators gave him a choice: lie or lose your job.
Playing pretend used to be for kids. Now, it’s a condition of employment! For Vlaming, whose story shows just how far off the rails society is, started getting national attention this week ahead of his hearing. Like a lot of professionals, Vlaming knew the debate over these transgender issues was fierce. What he didn’t know is that one day it could decide his career.
Unfortunately, that’s exactly what’s happening to the popular teacher, who was put on administrative leave in Virginia after a biological girl asked him to use male pronouns when he addressed her.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Muslim Women Stand on Hijabs to Protest Islamic Face Veils on World Niqab Day
In Sharia law, many women are forced to dress wearing full body coverings and head coverings such as the niqab or veil. Today is World Niqab Day and you will find many Muslim women sharing how ‘free’ they feel wearing one.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Western IQ Scores Are Falling. Is it Computers or Something Else?
The West is losing IQ points. Daniel Hannan points to a disturbing reality in the modern world — we’re getting more stupid. Western IQ scores are dropping (and keep in mind as you read Hannan’s words and mine that IQ tests measure a very specific type of academically-based, analytical intelligence).
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
re HPV vaccine
When my daughter was 13 she brought home a few letters from the school and the local health unit almost threatening her with expulsion if she did not consent to the HPV vaccine.
I studied the issue and concluded there was no genuine health emergency with HPV in Canada contrary to what the letters claimed.
We decided against it.
It is a difficult situation for parents these days with all the vaccines available and some credible evidence against some of them. Where do you draw the line?
My doctor vaccinates my kids.After 2 a dpt can cause a severe reaction and the course of SPT vaccinations should be completed by then .A bosster DT can be given thereafter as necessaty.but the tetanus shot (which covers you for 7 years , can be given when necesary therefater when necessary.
I do not give any new vaccine (ie wait for a year to see if the general population suffers side effects and whether the vaccine is so dicey it ends up being withdrawn.)
HPV vaccine protects against some of the viruses causing cervical cancer in girls , head and neck cancers in boys .
It is a course of three injections and needs to be completed ideally before the kids are sexually active.
I shared the facts with my kids .
They both agreed to the HPV vaccine .I refused to let the schools vaccinate them .
I insisted on my own doctor.
We all get our flu shots every year and my kids have received every available vaccine of which I am aware ,but only when they are well and healthy.
Give a child who is already battling a cold or other virus a vaccine and it is just too much for their underdeveloped immune systems..
This makes me nervous as a Canadian. My region depends heavily on the automotive sector.
Like most Canadians, I understand little of this entire trade deal and how it will affect us. I admit I am nervous that Canada will get a bad deal and with this possible back door open to Agenda2030 and other UN tactics to destroy sovereignty: I am nervous.
I still contend however, that even if it becomes a bad deal for Canada, the fact is that President Trump has the right to fight for his own country as that is what he is there to do. It is unfortunate that Canada only seems able to send incompetent negotiators against some of the best and most aggressive in the US. Our manufacturing industry, esp. in Ontario, is already hard pressed with the sky-rocketing costs of utilities.
Baby Doc Socks and Barbie don’t stand a chance at the negotiating table and will put Canada at risk.
Canada lost from the moment Trudopewas prime minister.
This is just a cherry on the cake.
The 1 million Muslims from Somalia that will be allow in Canada ne t year is the big problem.But you have what you voted.
Very true. Sad but true.
Corbyn praises rapist:
UK officials can’t get enough of these Jimmy Savile types can they?
But the gutter scum like Jimmy can sure bring in plenty of money to the charities and a few votes for the MPs.