For months there has been a concerted attempt to revive the Balkan Route for migration into Europe. The efforts of the people-smugglers and the migrants themselves have concentrated on crashing the border between Bosnia and Croatia.
The following video concerns an ad-hoc attempt by two Germans to stop the migrant train traffic for a single day. The translator includes these notes about the video:
In Bosnia, migrants are driven every day by a special train to the Croatian border, which is also the EU border. Matthias Helferich and Roger Beckamp don’t hesitate when they hear of a possibility to stop this train.
Roger Beckamp is an AfD State Parliament Member in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:
Video transcript:
00:00 | Balkan Route: Stop the Train! | |
00:05 | We’re here in the Srpska Republic, a part of Bosnia-Herzegovina, on the way to Bihac. | |
00:10 | While traveling, we got word that there is a possibility to disrupt the train connection from | |
00:15 | Sarajevo to Bihac for one day. Most migrants use this connection every day. | |
00:20 | Yes, it was announced in the local newspapers that the train company was asking for a payment | |
00:26 | of 3,500 marks ($1981) to cover operation costs. We’re going to call the train company and ask if | |
00:32 | we could pay the costs for one day. | |
00:35 | The train from Sarajevo to Bihac brings numerous migrants daily, especially Afghans, and | |
00:40 | Pakistanis to the Croatian-Bosnian border. From there they travel to the EU, to Italy, Germany etc. | |
00:45 | The migrants we talked to are not primarily looking for security or fleeing from war or | |
00:50 | persecution. It is about labor, social migration, and also about the “European lifestyle.” | |
00:54 | We wanted to interrupt this wave of migrants for one day by paying the railway company the | |
00:58 | operational costs of 3,500 KM (about €1,750). This possibility was widespread in the Bosnian | |
01:02 | press and confirmed by the railway company. —Hello this is Matthias Helferich and | |
01:06 | Roger Beckamp. Can you speak English? —I can speak German. —Very good! | |
01:12 | We are two politicians from Germany. We read that the train from Sarajevo to Bihac | |
01:22 | could be stopped if 3,500 marks were paid, is that correct? —I’m afraid I can’t give you any | |
01:33 | information about that. If you want you could ask your question per email and I could forward it. | |
01:43 | Do you maybe have a telephone number? —It’s very urgent. We have guides from Bosnia that | |
01:49 | can speak the language, so that’s not a problem, but we need to clarify this per telephone. | |
01:53 | This needs to happen quickly. —I could give you the telephone number of my colleague. | |
01:59 | He is responsible for… how do you say… bilateral… —Yes, we’ll take it gladly. —So the number is 033. | |
02:14 | 033 — That is the number from Hickhack Nussa —Oh goodness, you’ll have to say that again, | |
02:20 | what is his name? —Nussa Noda —Madell —Madell Su-ta-zeh —Madell Sutazeh, OK. | |
02:29 | We got it! —OK. Thank you so much. —Thank you. So, now we have a contact for | |
02:35 | the branch office or rather the communications manager for the Bosnian railway company. | |
02:47 | We will call him now and ask him if we could pay for the operating costs for one day | |
02:53 | in order to interrupt the travel of migrants from Sarajevo to Bihac and to stop the migrant flow | |
02:59 | for a short period at least. —Hello. —Hello. —Hello. This is Matthias Helferich from Germany. | |
03:07 | Do you speak English? —Not really, I prefer German. —German! Perfect in German. | |
03:14 | We are German and we are politicians from Germany. We read in the newspaper that the | |
03:20 | train from Sarajevo to Bihac could be stopped if 3,500 marks were paid. Is that correct? | |
03:35 | That’s right. Yes. —We will arrive in Bihac in about an hour and a half to pay right away. | |
03:46 | The train is stopped at the train station in Bihac. —Yes. So the train is staying in Bihac anyway? | |
03:58 | Yes. —Could we pay this sum of 3,500 Mark so that it stays there? —It’s a German problem… | |
04:09 | After we spoke to the Bosnian Railway, we understood that it was possible to pay in the local | |
04:16 | currency, the 3,500 convertible marks, and stop the train. We were told we need send a written | |
04:22 | explanation of our intentions. So now we will write an e-mail. Our Bosnian companions speak | |
04:28 | Croatian. Then we will call again in 30 minutes. —And maybe we’re not far away from stopping | |
04:34 | the train at the Croatian border. The migrant traffic per train will be stopped there, which will | |
04:40 | prove the saying “action is better than words”. Making it all worthwhile! | |
04:45 | The money was ready and we were on our way to Bihac. Then we got a message: “No longer | |
04:49 | necessary! All migrants leaving the train from Sarajevo in Bihac will be returned by bus.” | |
04:54 | We actually saw the busses full of migrants ourselves a short time later. | |
05:00 | Of course it would have just been a symbolic act of ours anyway, trying to stop the flow of | |
05:04 | migration for one day. At least by railway. One day with less pressure on the EU borders. | |
05:08 | It will take many more days like this. It will take determined action on the border and beyond. | |
05:12 | So far, only the Croatian border police are willing to do this. We should be grateful for them. | |
05:16 | They are currently the defenders of Europe! |
More people like this please , those real patriots, Germans wake up !!, Europe wake up!!, this savages have to be stop , …
Five or six kilos of C4 against the outside rail of the tracks on a curve will also stop a train.
For longer than a day, too.
It would be more like five days to a week.
It would certainly cost a LOT less that that $4500 or so BRIBE.
It might also send a pointed message…… BOTH the invaders themselves; and the railroad as well.
(Like, …..STOP!)
It’s very interesting to have two office-holding German politicians openly working to prevent immigration. The symbolic gesture illustrates that the determination of governments to defend their own countries is what makes a crucial difference.
I like the fact that Israel receives only marginal retribution for actually putting barbed wire, landmines, and soldiers with live ammunition at its borders. It’s criticized by the usual globalists, of course, but everyone understands it’s a critical, existential danger to Israel, so the only ones seriously criticizing Israel for the actions are the people who wish to destroy Israel anyway. Israel itself has a leftist voting bloc, so it took awhile for Israel to announce its own refusal to sign the UN convent on migration.
The lesson is, ultimately, it will come down to guns and mines at the border. We know the organizers push women and children to the front of the line. We know the caravans and people-smuggling involve vicious, cynical gangs out to make money. It’s more than easy for them to threaten people into rushing the border. For someone indebted to the drug or smuggling cartels, it’s a choice of rushing into possible death versus refusing and facing certain death as well as the death of their family.
It’s obviously expensive to place non-lethal walls around your country, and intercept wall-climbers with benign arrests and court procedures. The purpose of the UN migration convent is obviously to make the interception of illegal migrants as expensive and cumbersome as possible for a country. A poor country, like Greece, may not have any choice but to allow full access to their country, or else to use lethal force on people forcing their way in. By the purest of coincidences, the rulings of leftist, interventionist judges also somehow serve to make immigration control as expensive and cumbersome as possible.
It’s still a Darwinian world. Invasive species can wipe out the native flora and fauna.