Hate Speech and Other Unspeakable Things

JLH sends some pop-culture commentary for a Sunday afternoon.

Hate Speech and Other Unspeakable Things

by JLH

Hollywood loves teaching the unwashed. Any man-caused (sorry — I am a little old-fashioned for the other 76 genders) disaster — such as totalitarian-ism or a nuclear holocaust — can be traced to corporations driven by greed and a lust for power (see Resident Evil), or too-powerful government agencies. The series of films starring Matt Damon as Jason Bourne has selected (US) intelligence agencies. Time and again, the story plays out the same way. Jason survives another level of ubiquitous evil. And the agency never cures itself.

I just watched the re-re-re-make of the original Jason Bourne — a man tortured by the deeds he was brainwashed into committing. But wait, the man who recruited him says he did it all voluntarily. Whom to believe? Well his old recruiter and han-dler seems sincere, but, let’s face it, Matt Damon is much better looking, and much better at looking tortured. Besides, they keep killing all the people who try to help him. His only weapon against a monstrous government machine is his continuing winsome appeal to rather nice young women, who volunteer to help him and (don’t) live to regret it.

Once more, Matt Damon shows that he is unparalleled at power-walking to ominous music with a compelling rhythm. Highly classified government villains — in this case Tommy Lee Jones — issue unpalatable orders to unattractive underlings. Jason keeps on walking, stopping occasionally to destroy one of the underlings. Undisturbed by the apparently causeless and unexplainable traffic disasters taking place all around him. And undeterred in pursuing his goal (whatever that is).

But this time, there are some surprises. After his first female supporter becomes a sacrifice to the hunt for Bourne, a second young woman on the inside of the hunt appears to become sympathetic, and suggests that he could change (by not killing every-one who tries to kill him). Unfortunately — and inexplicably — he comes into possession of a recording of her speaking with her CIA superior, in which she admits that if she cannot “bring him in” Bourne will have to be “put down.”

But it’s all right! A young man who was corrupted by the money offered by Tommy Lee Jones for the start-up of his ambitious social media project has entered into a dubious agreement to allow the government access to the secrets of its users. In the film’s redemptive scene, the idealistic young man publicly renounces his arrangement with the CIA. Even the slow-on-the-uptake, senior members of the viewing audience get the point. People who create social media are essentially good people. They have only pure souls and good intentions.

Mark Zuckerberg anyone? Eric Schmidt?

6 thoughts on “Hate Speech and Other Unspeakable Things

  1. This appears to be a movie review, but its title is not given. Or is that the point? That all these spy movies are interchangeable?

    • It’s “Jason Bourne,” the sequel to “The Bourne Ultimatum.” It’s the 4th installment starring Matt Damon.

  2. Tell me about it. I use gmail because it works well, but detest Google, not only for the censorship, but because they took over Picasa (much better than Google Photos) in order to cripple it.

    Meanwhile, when I close the lid on my laptop and restart, like just now, Windows hijack the screen to tell me their password is more secure, and I can only get rid of the sons of bachelors by switching off! End of rant.

  3. Baron,

    Bourne doesn’t come into possession of that recording inexplicably. He made it. He snatched a superdooper recording device at the tech expo near the end of the film. He then followed Heather Lee and DNI Russell (who were in a car) and recorded their conversation from the bus he was in that was behind them. Then he planted the recording in Lee’s car for her to find to show her that he knew she was still part of the establishment that was out to get him. You don’t fool Bourne with sweet words!

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